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@DavidPostill sambuca is an italian name for a drink that is drunk in other countries under other names.
for example some in the middle east drink it and know it as arak
@thesecretmaster yes
sitting on a roof
@JourneymanGeek Ah, too late. I was helping a user, but they already posted on SO.
if I'm not back in 8 hours I probably took the express way down
it's cold and windy and hot and sunny
3 hours later…
> The last message was posted 3 hours ago.
I want a break...
Is everything OK?
C:\Users\User>ssh <url>
The authenticity of host '<url> (<ip>)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:9moxeV3qVIzxe+D6EBiZBUTBIU0++8sM765zdauh75k.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? y
Please type 'yes' or 'no': yes
Warning: Permanently added '<url>,<ip>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
User@<url>'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
^ Can someone tell me how to change from User@<url> to <username>@<url>
@BenN oh, yeah
Just stressed about studies
Like really stressed
I think I'm going to not be online for about a month now, exams coming up
: ) Don't be. Just take a step back, imagine all the students on all the campuses across the globe.
I'll drop by occasionally, but eh
Tc, dude. Be positive. You'll do well! :D
I'm also going to stop reading up on the US and abstain from Reddit because I'm sick of stuff like this reddit.com/r/politics/comments/6w6x9h/…
They were able to do a steady 30 fps, which at least gives some hope that the game will perform reasonably well at 1440p.
Also, there's probably room for optimization between now and release in 1Q 2018.
That said, there's not much more room to grow past the GTX 1080 Ti, at least not until Volta becomes available, also in early 2018.
I have been on record several times as not aiming for 2160p. The goal is 1440p with G-SYNC 30-144 Hz, aiming for at least 60 fps under typical conditions.
It's getting late here. Hopefully, by the time Astaroth sees the light of day, we'll have more information on the performance demands of the game.
Aug 18 '15 at 14:37, by DragonLord
I'd rather target 1440p and have the settings at or near max rather than to do 2160p with the settings on medium to high.
@rahuldottech that's normal, especially in years with important stuff happening.
Work hard, play hard. Burn out is a com plete and utter pain. Also politics suck
@JourneymanGeek :)
What's the Mayweather McGregor fight? Why is it such a big deal on the interwebs?
washed up boxer vs somewhat washed up MMA fighter...
lots of very carefully crafted internet meanness...
at the end of the day, its two guys beating each other up
@JourneymanGeek True dat. Amen.
@JourneymanGeek do you really have this pup?
@Nick you need to keep up with the conversation - If you ask @allquixotic he will tell you @journeymangeek is the dog ;p
Can't. Too busy. Did you know Dog is a cat now... and he joined the circus. lol.
Dog has always been a cat
also I totally inspired that nickname chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/0?m=39116902#39116902
in English Language & Usage, Aug 21 at 16:39, by Will Hunting
@Nick I think it is best to have a good talk with your friend, if he is still a friend. I wish you good luck. =D
Well, I'm off to right some wrongs, see you guys l8r.
Have a happy Sunday ;)
@JourneymanGeek Washed up? I'm not sure you can call someone who ended their career 49-0, and is worth over $700mil washed up...
@MichaelFrank I don't care much for combat sports XD
(I don't even know which one ended 49-0, but my brother was saying both of em haven't fought in a while)
Yea, neither had fought since about the end of 2016.
Mayweather (the boxer) fought last end of 2015.
@JourneymanGeek - Who is the furry one in the picture?
@Ramhound who else? ;p
SU's favourite canine mod ava ;p
Oh, didn't recognize her
My poor little on went to the groomers and they cut his beard and eyebrows.
At the dog wash. Warm air to the tummy is awesome ;)
and then proceeded to almost razor burn his neck. Ahhh
Ash tends to get the eyebrows all the way down cause they grow fast
on the other hand, the ladies at the groomer love him, so he gets special attention ;p
Same with my little one.
"Mayweather announces retirement from boxing after .... McGregor " lol
Incase anyone cares, I blanked out the outcome of that fight.
@Ramhound He's retired after his last 3 fights though... so meh?
he has?
Well 50-0 is still impressive
'LinkedIn sent me an email, indicated I was my profile was viewed by, 1 person this week. I think I am going to be famous :-)
Mods, can you see deleted answers?
number of times your profile appeared in search results between August 15 - August 22 = 1
if it were deleted by the answerer?
I am not going to ask to look at someone else's, that would be too much. But my own? Could you see one of my deleted answers on a post deleted by myself?
Yes, anyone over 10,000 reputation can see deleted questions and answers. Tools to find them if we don't have a link, are limited, to those of with just the ability to view them. A moderator has more tools at their disposal.
I see. May I ask your opinion if I should undelete an answer?
You should get the opinion from as many people as possible so you can make an educated decision
Then I'll ask away... (Ctrl+V now) superuser.com/questions/1244740/… I am not quite sure if the answer is a reasonable one, is it best that I keep it deleted or is it feasible enough that I should undelete it? It has atleast 3 assumptions or unlikely possibilities (assuming its hardware, FN key is non-consistent, the keyboard is non-standard). Is it worth posting?
@El8tedN8te yes, we can see deleted answers, You ought to be able to see your own posts if deleted, though its not searchable.
The deleted answer is on that post, if that was not implicitly assumed.
Does feel a bit too speculative for my tastes, but I wouldn't gave gone "eh, this needs to go" if I came across it.
When I see statement like "I'm going to guess what is going on ..." I wonder the reason you are guessing. However, I am the type of person when they read an answer, I want it to be written from a positon of authority. If you are answering a question, I expect the author to know the answer is correct, or at least a certain amount of certainty given some problems are caused for multiple reasons.
Yeah, that is a problem of being someone who is not at their keyboard looking at it... But it is somewhat plausible... I think it would be of more value if the fn key, if right, was consistent; like it shouldn't be dependent on the ctrl key.
I'm going to probably wait for the author's response to make up my mind.
"as suggested by this post. Simply toggle its state by pressing that key." - There a reason you didn't quote the relevant information? When I have a problem it really is nice when the content I am reading is complete. I don't like having to find multiple sources, after reading an answer, you are telling "this is the answer to your question" but making me go read something else that's not cool.
I routinely quote other people's answers, but I put what they said in the body of the answer, and cite the source.
I tell the reader (implicit), alright this statement is important and I believe it to be relevant, by including it in the body of the answer.
Thank you for your suggestion, I will try to implement that in the future. The answer is far too speculative for me and also like you said it lack's authority/certainty.
for that reason, I will wait for the author's response to my comment.
The subtitle to the Moderator's room says "For moderation, spam, troublesome users and related issues you need diamond input on. This room is NOT for Tech Support" Just what is "diamond input"? I googled for it site:stackexchange.com but nothing related came up, what does it mean?
Mods have diamonds in SE
Of course how I communicate is entirely different from most people. I like explicit statements, so I will also explicitly tell you, that information I am providing is important and relevant. I can't answer most questions seeking my confirmation, with a simple "yes" or "no", because in most cases it isn't that simple.
(as do staff)
Don't call us smurfs tho, its vaguely offensive ;)
In theory, its a room where you can get a mod most of the time
of course, most of the mods active on chat would also be here ;p
It shocking, the newest Smurf movie, was about 10x better then the life action Smurf movies (it was all animation). I was sleepless one Sat night and decided to order it.
@Ramhound, I agree. Often exact answers don't exist
@JourneymanGeek, it seems toggl-able (inferred by the word "on"), what is it's functionality?
Oh, people give input on things
I think you're misparsing the on there.
Oh! lol. I see. All about interpretation...
I thought it was more like the interpretation that is like "For moderation, spam, troublesome users and related issues , you need your superpowers on" to deal with them.
Oh, we always have it on.
Yeah, I understand now.
it's a dirty little secret they only tell you when they chain you to the desk and force you to write drivers. — quack quixote Oct 9 '09 at 16:01
(well in theory mods can go on vacation or quit)
Do mods gets paid?
Or do all ads go to site upkeep?
Is the incentive just hobby or money?
- no
- probably, but there's other sources of funding.
Mods get a T shirt or two, and that's about it.
The motivation is more or less intristric
Doing it for the t-shirt. nice....
(funny thing... I got 2 other SU T shirts before and one after...)
Oh, you do it cause you find its a community you care about, folks respect you just a little, and people are like "you should be a mod"
Yeah, I understand that's part of it. Do you or other mods moderate during your day jobs?
eh, depends on how busy it is.
Ah, I see. I would probably enjoy helping people; I so far find it satisfying...
I do moderate on my way to work, and folk sometimes ping me during office hours for urgent stuff.
I'm still a High School student, I want to round my knowledge in the CS fields, what should I mess with in Linux in order to be well spoken in Linux? I've always been a Windows person, and haven't done all that much in Linux. Is trying to mess around with servers and apache a good start?
*kisses ground*
@Bob ?
7 hours ago, by Bob
sitting on a roof
"If foxes were meant to fly..."
It's been one less hour then you though.
@El8tedN8te well, I thought <8 hours
if I hadn't made it back within that time, a minor accident might've been involved
@JourneymanGeek foxes don't like heights :(
I'm trying to make an answer, and I'm not sure if HKLM\123 actually exists as claimed by this post.
Woah.... this weird clippy thing showed up....
just now...
I'm scared....
Does anybody know an exorcist?
Concerning my former question, nevermind.
@DavidPostill, do you know what that clippy thing was?
@El8tedN8te It's the "Easter Egg" for this chat room.
I was about ready to call an exorcist. I thought he died....
@El8tedN8te It doesn't exist. It is the name for the key where you are going to store the imported hive.
I see, thank you. I feel kind of dumb...
A: Pick an easter egg for chat.superuser!

Sathyavia @balpha: how about this: When the message matches /^how (?:can|do) I (.+)\?/i, a talking paper clip appears with a speech bubble saying "It looks like you're trying to \1. Do you want some help?" and a link to SU ala from: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/11/dont-forget-to-lock-...

That's very cool...
@El8tedN8te even if the method is valid, the source is dodgy.
Also answers based not on personal experience or knowledge often tend to be not that great
@JourneymanGeek lol. most of the best answers draw a lot from the knowledge of the author
I could probably source most of mine, but this isn't skeptics.se either
The large flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus), also known as the greater flying fox, Malayan flying fox, Malaysian flying fox, large fruit bat, kalang or kalong, is a southeast Asian species of megabat in the family Pteropodidae. Like the other members of the genus Pteropus, or the Old World fruit bats, it feeds exclusively on fruits, nectar and flowers (despite its scientific name). It is noted for being one of the largest bats. As with nearly all other Old World fruit bats, it lacks the ability to echolocate but compensates for it with well-developed eyesight. == Taxonomy == The large flying fox was...
Yup. Oh, even if you source, it is support or better yet synthesis of sources rather than, well, just lifting
@DavidPostill well yes, they would be bats I suppose
@El8tedN8te oooh! Hello fellow high school student!
How old are you?
@DavidPostill wrong genus :P
wrong order, even
@Bob I know. I was winding up @JourneymanGeek
1 hour ago, by Journeyman Geek
"If foxes were meant to fly..."
I apologize I am 17
@JourneymanGeek, I plan on trying it on myself though
And that was totally the play on words I was making
@rahuldottech, Sorry, for not responding so quick. I am 17.
@El8tedN8te cool. I'm 16. Which continent?
usa. Your rep is quite amazing, I wish I started doing this stuff a lot sooner.
@El8tedN8te it's gathered over time. I was lucky enough to come across some popular unanswered questions which I knew the answer to :)
Don't worry about it, @DavidPostill for one gained tons of rep in a year
@rahuldottech, What continent do you live?
If you know your stuff you'll get it sooner or later
@El8tedN8te I'm from India
I still have loads to learn, but learning is fun :)
@rahuldottech, That is cool you are from India. I too want to be more well-rounded in everything. My expertise is just currently Windows mainly.
Though I don't know the deep-ends of Windows, just that I know the most about Windows
@El8tedN8te same. I do tons of Windows Batch scripting. Most people hate it, but I seriously love it
I also do PHP and stuff. Mostly scripting and creating utilities
@rahuldottech Yeah, but I was unemployed with lots of spare time. I don't think I will get rep as fast now I have a job and I am a Mod as well.
That is in fact cool. By utilities you mean .exe applications or ??
@DavidPostill wait... You got a job? How did I miss this? Congratulations!!!
@rahuldottech Thanks.
@El8tedN8te check github.com/rahuldottech
Oh, right. Some of my old utilities aren't there
2 days ago, by DavidPostill
I think I might finally have a job
Basically command line tools for encryption and hashing and loads of weird stuff
@DavidPostill ohh. Sorry, I don't think I was online then
You will probably not see me all during working hours from tomorrow.
I'm surprised it didn't get starred though
Just largely scripts like you said. I'm just recently getting interested in encryption and hashing. I find it quite interested.
@DavidPostill grats :)
@djsmiley2k Thx
Can we ask questions
@El8tedN8te I meant about @DavidPostill's job
oh. lol.
@El8tedN8te btw, you can edit your messages on chat for typos and stuff
Yeah, but I think there is a time limit.
@djsmiley2k Sure, but I probably won't say much more than I said already :)
It's too late now.
Oh!!!!! github.com/rahuldottech/colloquium I used the same source in php a couple years ago too!!!!
@El8tedN8te 2 minutes
@El8tedN8te Cool!
Oh so you'll love this
@El8tedN8te what I ended up with ^
Looks cool! I didn't really do anything with what I did with it, I just modified it a bit, I understood the gist of it and added a couple functions. Yet that was 4 years ago? ( I think) I haven't messed with PHP in a long while....
Param 1: a. Param 2:b
@El8tedN8te I'm online
Damnit, @satibel isn't pingable
I wanted his help for gossipmonger
@rahuldottech I don't know too many other people who have done what you've done at your age.
I know one other person, but irl
@El8tedN8te haha :)
@Avery is about our age and she does a lot of cool stuff too
And has a lot more experience than me with Linux and stuff
@El8tedN8te indeed
I am assuming it is a her.
I am assuming your a boy. I'm a boy
@El8tedN8te yep, I'm a male
I want to learn C++ some time soon. Of the big programs I know well best is probably Java.
Yes I want some help Clippy.
@El8tedN8te C++ is not difficult to learn at all
I've dabbled with Java, but decided that it wasn't really my thing
Kinda knew python years ago, then started learning this summer but stopped Midway. I'll get back to it eventually
I would probably agree. I want to learn C++ because it seems to be more practical. I also know python, I should have said that.
I think learning C++ will expand my depth of knowledge with Windows due to its high association at the lower levels in Windows.
@El8tedN8te Ehh kinda. Depends on what you really want to learn about Windows.
How it works? Administration? Probably don't need to know C++
Programming applications? Then maybe, but there are tons of other languages too
I'd agree with you on those last two sentences. Like, for instance .dll files seems to be associated with a lot of things in registry. I'm guessing that if I learn C++ I'll be better at figure out what is going, even though I have a pretty good guess...
Do you get what I'm trying to say?
He knows a lot about Windows, but hates programming iirc
@El8tedN8te kinda
@JourneymanGeek might want to weigh in here?
Is the user list above a transparency gradient from opaque?
yeah, it has to be, i guess.
@rahuldottech Me? I don't hate it. I'm just... not really interested in it ;p
I'm possibly terrible at it too
@JourneymanGeek :P
Do you think, that learning C++ and .NET, thereby extension learning about dll files would help in understanding the deep processes of Windows?
@El8tedN8te hmm....
Prolly not
(I might be wrong)
but if you're talking about windows internals...
Seriously though. Depends @El8tedN8te. If you want to learn programming, go right ahead. But doing it with the intention of learning how Windows works is probably not the right idea...
you're probably unlikely to be messing with it in many cases.
And... It's all closed source so...
@BenN thoughts?
(Also, there's like books on it people who write things like drivers or clones swear by...)
(@Bob may have something to say on that ;p)
Registry seems to have a lot of dll associations like kernel32.dll@,-1244 . So I thought understanding that would help.
If you wanted to be cheeky, someone's been trying to write a reverse engineered clone of windows which barely works, but might be interesting to look at
yeah exactly. I didn't know Windows had such records. I thought they were the worst record keepers in history....
@JourneymanGeek lol, linky?
Mhmm... that sounds interesting... might want to look at that...
@El8tedN8te not by a large measure
@rahuldottech, I mean because it is interesting not because I think it'll help me. lol
I guess if Microsoft released everything about its inner processes people will be all over the place with security holes. I like how Microsoft had recently started documenting things more, albeit for the apps....
Okay wait
Wait wait wait.
Why is it that...
Google bot can read NY times article but I get a paywall?
I wonder...
*evil laugh*
@rahuldottech reactos.org
@rahuldottech, in response to what you said in the other chat, sound like an interesting idea. But why a two step paramater.
The more sophisticated a single parameter is would do the same thing, right?
@El8tedN8te too many chances of conflict
Right now you can use two simple short words or phrases
If there's only one then people would keep intercepting the wrong chats
A lot of thought went into this process...
I see. I guess it does kind of isolate it more. Are they hashed together or something?
Are you using mysql for this?
Or are you just doing param1\param2\chat.php
May 13 at 7:07, by Rahul2001
In case of parameters, you can just use two phrases unique to yourself
@El8tedN8te I don't use SQL
Does the chat room clean its self? is that going to be a server function?
@El8tedN8te as in? I'm not sure if I understand you
I'm just curious as to how you are storing the chatroom data.
I'll be gone from chat for 5 minuets. BRB!
@El8tedN8te uh, I'm using a custom system of mine
Uses a method somewhat similar to hashing to allocate what I guess you could call the equivalent of databases
they're doing one of those dragon drumming things in the restaurant on the 6th (top) floor of this shopping centre
I can here it from the ground (0th) floor
forget hearing it, it's hurting my ears all the way down here
@Bob o_O
Dragon drumming?
@rahuldottech, oh i see.
@Bob, need ear muffs?
@rahuldottech dragon/lion dance
@rahuldottech @El8tedN8te actually, it's a great idea
as long as you have an inquisitive mind and like to dig in
@Bob, what are you referring to?
@JourneymanGeek these things are easier to read from the perspective of an app programmer
it's a good jump from app to systems dev
not a good jump from user to systems dev
@El8tedN8te click the arrow to see the message it replies to
@Bob Okay, so learning C++ would most definitely help learn about dll files and their relationship with the system. Like I mentioned for instance in registry all over you see things like kernell32.dll@,-343 or whatever. You would agree with this right?
@El8tedN8te you don't learn those things automatically but it does make the explanations easier to understand
@Bob cool!
@Bob, I like that.
@El8tedN8te I think I'll start too then
Around mid-september
@Bob, It seems to me like that -343 is like an argument to specify a function/method. If so is there any way to execute that command. I tried it in CMD but it doesn't seem to pickup the argument, even if I piggyback it with rundll32.exe ???
By the way I made that number up, I wouldn't know what it specified.
@rahuldottech, Nice, so you changed your mind about it?
@El8tedN8te Yes :P
I trust @Bob's judgement and opinions
@El8tedN8te every function in a library has a number (ordinal export). by convention most also have a name
a normal dynamic lookup is by name, which gives you the ordinal, which can be used to invoke the function
that's usually abstracted away by the runtime libraries and compiler
I'm copying and pasting your words into notepad to save it; your words are like flowing gold.
also, dlls can be used to store resources like text strings, images, etc
Did not know that, that sounds interesting.
usually (but not always!) that format in the registry (blah.dll,123) refers to a text string
they're used as resources so you can swap out the dll to get the same text in a different language
Thank you for the nice details and linkses.
@Bob oh I know!
All when you select a file and go to properties to change the icon, it fetches the icons from a dll file.
Always wondered what was the deal with that
@rahuldottech Oh that is a nice connection!!!! I'm glad you said it.
@Bob @DavidPostill , does that mean a dll file is navigatable like a file system?
@El8tedN8te nup, I don't think so
@El8tedN8te it's not hierarchical
@El8tedN8te take a look at angusj.com/resourcehacker
you can pretend it's a single 'folder' if you want
That was an awesome connection though. My life is now complete. I've wondered why a file was holding images with the thumbnail ever since I was 8 maybe 10
@El8tedN8te :D
Resource hacker is pretty neat
@Bob, Thank you for your wisdom.
@rahuldottech, I am going to look at it in a couple seconds.
@rahuldottech, That is awesome, looks 'nifty'. I was using some other tool, when I was messing around with DLL files, I forgot what it was called. But it was waaayyy more simplistic that that tool. Good Find!
@rahuldottech disable javascript
@Avery, we were talking about you...
yeah I saw
Are you also in HS or are you in college?
hs last year
So does that mean you are taking a year break before resuming?
@Avery that works? Cool!
@rahuldottech @Avery Why disable JS?
@El8tedN8te dunno where you got that conclusion but I plan to
@El8tedN8te disabling JS gets through NYT paywalls AFAIK
@Avery, I was basing that off of you saying last year (not this year) and speaking that it is time for college to be starting soon.
@El8tedN8te Uhm. Systems vary from country to country
School starts in April for us
Well usa is similar to europe unlike india
oh and @rahuldottech the friend who had been away for 10 days is back \o/
@Avery yay! :D
@El8tedN8te In the sense that it has defined entry points (exported functions) then yes.
@DavidPostill, gracias senior!
The room search, does that search for rooms, or the content of this room?
@djsmiley2k if you mean the box at the top right it is this room.
@DavidPostill sweet, so if I searched for ytou, i can likely find all the info on your job that you're willing to share right now? :)
I figured easier to search than to ask you to repeat anything ;D
Or Ctrl+F ?
@djsmiley2k Start reading from:
2 days ago, by DavidPostill
I think I might finally have a job
found it, ty
If you have more questions just ask.
the whole 'job advert says fixed hours x-y, you get job and they tell you, well it's between a - z' thing happened to me
I will no doubt update linked in and my CV when I can be bothered :)
and it was a problem for the exact same reason. public transport
Liverpool, so I'm guessing Sky, Barclays, HSBC, Virgin...
I was lucky in thje fact I passed my driving test the 2nd time, while there, a week before I had to go 'on shift' on a sunday, which is when the public transport would of sucked
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