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also a little sad :(
welp it sounds like the documentation was poor and they have terrible disaster recovery processes
@Rahul2001 I regret everything.
@Avery I warned you.
You did.
hmmm... think i might have missed the opportunity to do some pastoral care with my minion
I guess I should say this is disturbing, but TBH I don't really care.
@Rahul2001 I feel like your warning could have been more explicit.
Trigger Warning is usually a good way to put it.
@Bob I warned her outside of SE chat too
But yeah, is there a mod here?
@Rahul2001 Does that revision look OK?
@doppelgreener Yep, thanks
Helping Mom buy fans.
@Rahul2001 No problem 👍
@doppelgreener hey, nice profile picture!
I should bribe my artist to make me a heart shaped pride flag.
@Avery thank you! :D
a friend of mine made mine for me. :)
well said artist is a friend too
@Avery I have my tablet with me, If you want I can try to do that once I'm off work.
bribe is mostly this:
> but meh
@Avery that is a good method of bribery but it is also traditional to offer them something in exchange
it is a very avant-garde form of bribery to skip that step
4.20 I get that reference.
don't dig into the edit history, that's edited out for a reason
also inb4 I do reverse thingy and cause you to view it while you weren't going to
the bribery turned into a rant
@Avery that's tempting me to dig into the history.
it's inside jokes. All I'll say about it is "that's just a joke we aren't doing that"
after digging in the history well, you do what you want, but a picture for a picture seems fair :p (and you didn't specify from whom it was.)
my minion nearly broke down in tears in our morning scrum
@Avery badly made rainbow heart (thanks mspaint)
@satibel i don't like it, doesn't have the trademarked aveface
@satibel he's feeling depressed and unsure of what he wants to do with his life
@Burgi aw :( well, that's hard to answer.
i think its home sickness
@satibel files dmca strike
thats brilliant
@Avery naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
ps: damn jpeg made me take 10 min for a 1 min thing.
I have my profile picture available in lossless formats
In 5000x5000 or smth
@Avery too lazy to search for that
you could ask
keybase.pub/ardao/avatars for future reference
please provide this silly face in silly levels of losslessness, gracious avery
you could make your own
i think it was very kind of @satibel to take time out of his busy schedule of being aloof to make you a pride avatar
the full size is actually something like 1700x1700, because it's mostly background.
Uh, is port mapping the same as port forwarding?
Tave.png is cropped
In computer networking, port forwarding or port mapping is an application of network address translation (NAT) that redirects a communication request from one address and port number combination to another while the packets are traversing a network gateway, such as a router or firewall. This technique is most commonly used to make services on a host residing on a protected or masqueraded (internal) network available to hosts on the opposite side of the gateway (external network), by remapping the destination IP address and port number of the communication to an internal host. == Purpose == Port...
seems so @Rahul2001
@satibel This router is killing me
@Rahul2001 did you ever sort out that calculator thing
@Burgi nah
what happened? did you get paid?
@Burgi no
you should have contested it with the site
@Burgi I'll sort it out later
@Burgi I am very busy not working :p
@Burgi you have a new minion?
@Burgi maybe you should stop kidnapping them
@doppelgreener that was enjoyable.
you're welcome :D
yay, it has CC, so I can watch.
@Bob heh! no new minion yet
we have a freelancer coming in to cover
what do you think this means?
12mm Overlay end return (10PK)	40
@Avery seriously? https://github.com/ardaozkal/Wireless-Rickroll/blob/master/Rickroll-Wifi.ino
10 packets of something being reutrned that is 12mm overlay
@Rahul2001 eh, I have one, so I'll use that.
@djsmiley2k but is that 40 packs of 10 or just 4 packs?
Would be my understanding
you ordering stuff online?
We got 2 cans of flea stuff some how, after ordering only one shrug
So I'm talking to Microsoft support today about my O365 woes. We're at the point where we're trying to troubleshoot using PowerShell. I'm supposed to log into O365 through PS and I can already smell that we're not taking MFA into account. But the tech refuses to hear me on that subject
So I pull up this article‌​, which says:
> If you want to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, you can't use the instructions at Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell to use remote PowerShell to connect to Exchange Online. MFA requires you to install the Exchange Online Remote PowerShell Module, and use the Connect-EXOPSSession cmdlet to connect.
Guess what "the instructions at Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell" are?!
The exact same lines the tech sent me, of course
I'm assuming that nothing works because I use MFA
Which has already caused trouble in the past. Then I was told to use the "application password" for those purposes
The "application password" is a single password you get when you set up MFA. There is only one
Which bears the question, why would I set up MFA when the result is that I have to use the same fixed password everywhere?
@OliverSalzburg Because job security? :P
hey guys
long time no see
I hear djsmiley2k is still just as much of a nerd
and Burgi too <3
what is this guy doing...
he is breaking physics
@satibel shush
he's twisted an axle using a Makita against a Wilmaukee impact drive
Someone feel free to correct me
@Avery I'm totally not stalking your github... Oh, you made a timer for GRs in D3.
Oh that's terrible
@MichaelFrank nice
@satibel D3? Context?
@varfirstName Diablo 3. Greater Rifts
@varfirstName diablo 3
I knew it
thought so
I have to do work soon guys
well, same... oh, nom nom time.
F*ing pos server not accessible 80% of the time.
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=0.981 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=5 ttl=128 time=0.511 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=6 ttl=128 time=0.582 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=29 ttl=128 time=0.885 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=30 ttl=128 time=0.527 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=31 ttl=128 time=0.493 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=45 ttl=128 time=0.847 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=46 ttl=128 time=0.524 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.x.y: icmp_seq=48 ttl=128 time=0.523 ms
@satibel what server?
@Bob the payroll server.
@Bob No idea; analog to digital is expensive
@satibel o.O
@Ramhound but doesn't he want digital to analog?
card does digital only; tablet takes analog input (and should take digital input but apparently that's not working)
Meh, these guys make such a mess out of something as simple as giving me a static IP
  5 	6 	7 	8	 9 10
2 5*2	6*2   ...

1 5*1   6*4  ...

4 5*4


@AlexKChen Uh...
For doing something like this ^ in excel, and I just enter [5,6,7,8,9,10] and [2,1,4,5,6] and it calculates the pairwise product, how to do that ?
Why Excel?
also, this isn't really the right place to ask questions
Because it's the only software that can do something like that which I have.
Q: If I had a question with Excel, which site would I use?

JoshI wanted to understand how to use Excel better, and I had some question regarding it. Which exchange site is good for this?

site not chat
Well this is a minor issue isn't it ?
Well, not really, and we do want to encourage people to use the site rather than popping into chat and asking. We end up doing this remarkably often
I asked two questoins on SO and got downvoted to hell :( That's why I use the chat before asking a question on main
Why the LaTeX doesn't works there ?
cause we don't have it enabled
and its enabled per site on request, and we rarely need it I suppose
Would it cause any harm if enabled :P ?
@Avery yay! I also like the spacing correction around the commas.
Also, why your name is blue ?
erm. Cause I am a moderator somewhere on stackexchange? ;p
'cause he's an important guy.
In this case, on a little site called Super User
And my first quesetion ?
1 min ago, by Alex K Chen
Would it cause any harm if enabled :P ?
er, tbh, no idea
Probably just that we might predate that, and there's never really been a proper request/need for it I suppose
@satibel I did it because I know that in 324828893457394 years someone will open it with JetBrains™ Arduinioni™ and it'll yell about those.
MS support tech continues to refuse to accept that the issue is related to MFA. Wants me to remove roles and re-assign them. Also, I should try the same commands (which will not work with MFA) with a different admin account
Warning: Static names should start with a capital!
Warning: consts should be RanDoM CapS
Warning: Leave 999999999 lines between- yeah I'm kind of butthurt about jetbrains' tools.
Hell you can't even add image when you have <10 rep.
In other SE sites, you can do (max two images, though)
Warning: const char* pass can be replaced with #define pass.
@JourneymanGeek I have posted the question.
Q: Using excel to visualize rearrangement inequality

Alex K Chen(You may skip this para) The rearrangement inequality which states that given two ordered sets with the same number of elements (for example) [10,9,7,5,4] and [100,50,25,12,6] and you're asked take one element from each and multiply them and add their sum, the sum is maximized when you take the M...

@AlexKChen we're an older/bigger site
Inlined your image, small fixes too
@JourneymanGeek I don't get your comment.
@AlexKChen basically privilege limits can vary with sites
@AlexKChen SU is older than most of the SE network, has different rules and allowances
we probably have a higher reputation requirement than say, a beta site
anyway, I've fixed the image for you, did some small spelling checks etc
Danke !
Woof ! Woof !
@AlexKChen @AlexKChen the borders on the picture are weird (some thin, some fat)is it intentional?
You know, I'm sick of the fact that you can never escape Google on the web. It's everywhere.
Stopped using Google search? Well, their ads on every damn page are still tracking you.
Blocked their ads? Well half the sites use fonts or other resources from gstatic.
Blocked that domain? Well most modern sites use JavaScript libraries hosted by them.
Oh, so you somehow managed to block that without breaking every website on the web? What about YouTube?
Stopped using that too? Well don't forget about embedded content such as maps which come from their services!
@Rahul2001 well, what's the problem with google?
@satibel Tracking. I need my privacy
well, if you want to stop tracking, you need to stop a lot of websites.
not only google.
But they're easy to block
Google is frigging everywhere
not to mention cross-device tracking via TV signals: arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2015/11/…
have you stopped using a phone too?
personally i use chrome + android + gmail + google login for multiple services. all hail our tracking overlords.
i do however use adblock plus and privacy badger, which is a pretty good anti-tracker tool from EFF
i used to use ghosterly and privacy badger does a better job & doesn't occasionally reset everything to the default "off" state between updates & doesn't sell my browsing data
@doppelgreener I use both extensions
switched oo ublock origin from adblock plus a few days ago
some dedicated guy can track a whole city with a minor investment, so stopping being tracked is really hard.
I figure anyone who is tracking me will die of bordom first
@doppelgreener use ublock origin
@JourneymanGeek I have a VERY interesting life.
If I was being tracked I'd know it.
You wouldn't. I wouldn't be here.
I commited serious crimes towards our jetbrains overlords. I didn't make that one class private.
eh, most of my private stuff is actually private (e.g. offline; not on a pc).
Does uBlock handle something like ABP's Acceptable Ads?
(I like that thing, so I'd consider it a point for uBlock.)
@doppelgreener naw
They kinda feel that's selling out
ok, gotcha
hm. My dad is being dumb
So, the plug on the dryer we've had for the last 20 years has a rather obviously burnt fuse. YET IT RAN.
He insists it is safe
i don't get the arguement against 'nothing to hide'
related to this ad/tracking talk: arstechnica.co.uk/business/2015/10/…
If someone is going to outlaw something that was previously legal, thjat's a problem with THAT system, not with the system that lets people know you did it in the first place
@djsmiley2k whoever insists someone else has nothing to hide should have no secrets
@Avery he, he I'm tracking you :p
I have secrets. Just that they are boring secrets
@JourneymanGeek but that's generally not the arguement made
the arguement made is 'but you might do something which is 'normal' now, and in the future not be
well.... that's just dumb
They are the sort of secrets that will usually result in at most a raised eyebrow and a shrug.
@JourneymanGeek wow.. you watch [NSFW stuff]... really interesting. YAWN
@satibel alas, that would be halfway interesting
@djsmiley2k did you see dr who?
@djsmiley2k the problem is with stuff that's skirting the law.
@Burgi I should have put it off. That ending...
Now I need to wait a week to see how it ends ._.
I have put off Doctor Who as well
it was a bit dull tbh
until Moffat isn't director 🚒
@doppelgreener I hate cliffhangers
it wasn't that much of a cliffhanger
It was a bit of a cliffhanger
Its obvious they will undo it (right?) even then...
i liked the idea of the episode but it was too slow to get anywhere
@Burgi yteah
feelings the same
Does work for you?
@satibel @satibel no, the problem is people think that laws just happen and so anything can just become illegal
I just set up my first server!
imagine owning a car became illegal tomororw, OMG
m,ust hide the fact we all own cars!!!!!111111oneoneomg
@Burgi decent loading times?
its a single text file so yes
> Hello, World!

Rahul is the best!
if that was slow I'd be worried
I'm so happy right now
Port forwarding on this router is such a mess
the ending reveal was a little wasted
@djsmiley2k now imagine being gay or mexican or whatever (see: trump) becomes illegal, now those people can be easily prosecuted for stuff that used to be legal.
@satibel yes, now is the problem the privacy, or the fact someone like trump can get elected and make up these bullcrap laws?
@djsmiley2k both?
hi guys
hi gals
hi people
hi random citizen.
@jokerdino HELLO!
@djsmiley2k though, imo the problem is with the privacy of the government. We should have access to all the data about it.
And... my IP address changed
I need to get a static one
@Rahul2001 or dynamic dns?
and something to set it?
@JourneymanGeek more expensive
static IP is USD 1.5/month
@Rahul2001 Heh. My offer to host for you is still open :P
@Rahul2001 eh, there's usually free dynamic dns providers? Least before I could afford hosting
so is mine
@Rahul2001 dynnamic dns is free...
@Bob @Avery I'm just playing around and having fun right now ;p
@Rahul2001 that's like 90% of what I do with these servers :P
Physical access is cool ;p
How do I go about adding a domain to this though?
@Rahul2001 you'd point a dns at it, presumably either to a DNS or some odd fancy stuff with a proxy.
@Rahul2001 you can get a second level for 1€/year.
@JourneymanGeek Hm. Got any links I can make use of?
your local ip?
@Rahul2001 errrr I used to use no-ip
I donno if its still a thing
@JourneymanGeek noip.com
cause it looks like I've owned my own domains for ... 7 years? WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?
most home routers support dyndns and a few others (no ip, dt dns etc...)
that seems to be a newer thing
@JourneymanGeek all routers I've tinkered with had this option.
problem is that MOST ISPs have firewalls that prevent outside access.
that dosen't mean all routers are
@Avery or could use CGN
or random port blocks
carrier grade nat
cgn is hell.
or rather, IP bans are hell
both are hell.
Why aren't we all on ipv6 again?
@Avery because it's comming soon™ (since 1995)
I am on the one ISP that supports ipv6 here.....
and they suck otheriwise
tho if I switched to MR, I'd go static IP and Hurricane electric
(MR - another local ISP, does gigabit and static IPs cheap)
I have a /48 block of ipv6s myself
That's 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 addresses.
@Avery how many ESPs do you have?
@satibel hm?
are you addressing every cell in your body?
@Avery esp2866/esp32
that was a joke, and you answer seriously x)
I'm bad with jokes.
dammit, I forgot the password for my old tablet ><
wiped, bye random software I had on it.
Totally drooling
@NotAdminDave what?
on telegram messenger.. I posted there.
It's POE too.
Power over ethernet
Have to UART it though.
and erf. I bought a third screen again (little 7 in incher). Dad's like "WHY DO YOU NEED MORE SCREENS?"
@satibel WHY DO I NOT?
tbh, I'd like somethign I can also move around, and/or shove my music player on, or just throw on my linux box for minor things or...
There's so much I can do with a low res third screen
just go to nearly goodwills and check if they have any screens
nearest place of that sort is a salvation army
also what I got is 640x480 (eww) 7" (yay!) and HDMI/VGA capable
for about 50 quid
@Avery here we have emmaüs, 17-19" screens are like 5€.
I don't have space for anything bigger
and well, its general screens
I mean, sure I have a pair of 27ish inch 4k screens
you will regret it
I have a crappy 4.3" rca screen for my truck, I've put an orange pi zero and a back camera on it.
but I'll also likely find uses for it
RN, the opi is just used as a tacho.
so I have my old truck with a fancy digital tacho.
Finally got my phone set up on the right VLAN in our network
-VLAN "test" - nope
-VLAN "prod" - fuck, nuked the db
-VLAN "accounting" - not that either.
-VLAN "BYOD" - finally o/
@Burgi How do I get the last PHP error code into a variable?
@Rahul2001 are you using try/catch?
@Burgi nope. I just want to see at the end of the file if there were any errors
The equivalent to if errorlevel 0 ( echo no errors) in batch
error_get_last looks promising
if there is a fatal error the php just stops and chucks a line in the error log
@Burgi s/stops/continues/
If it's non-fatal, use a try catch and use the exception
@BenN array :/
var_dump the array
ah, got it to work, I think

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