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01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

@JourneymanGeek ?
@NotDog dude.TMI
@JourneymanGeek Tell that to THEM
Not like I asked to be subjected to this shit
Well, it's inappropriate there, complain there.what happens in Scotland needs to stay in Scotland.
It's inappropriate everywhere
Man i should have taken up ethereum mining sooner
Laptop produces like, $5 a day. Which isn't much, but it's more than $0
for some strange reason one of my domains won't resolve here
hm, odd wasn't resolving iy
I should buy a boat set up my own DNS resolver. Which is probably a terrible idea
@JourneymanGeek I have mine.
I have 2 actually.
one at home and one for general use
@Avery on the other hand, if you do it wrong, they can be used for DNS amplification attacks, no?
technically yes, practically "why aren't you using https"
@Avery ...DNS amplification has nothing to do with HTTPS?
@Bob what I'm saying is, even if someone redirects me to a fake site, if it uses HTTPS (and HSTS or is in https everywhere list) it won't load.
What Bob said, and all my internal sites are in le.
@Avery That has nothing to do with DNS amplification.
I confused words.
DNS amplification is where you spoof the source address (because UDP) and use it to perform a DDoS attack.
yeah, that can be used for DDoSing stuff
@JourneymanGeek Nah, that's easy to prevent. Most DNS resolvers can restrict responses to certain IP addresses.
Even the Microsoft one can do that (as of 2016) via PowerShell :P
(Alternatively. I hear firewalls are a thing.)
assuming you know where you're connecting from
@JourneymanGeek The assumption is that your recursive resolver sits on your LAN :P
(and probably defaults to forwarding, e.g. off to google)
I fwd to opendns
Lol SSD overheat
I keep forgetting that when I turn down the fans on my laptop, it's not the CPU or GPU that overheats and causes it to crash...
@NotDog What SSD is in the system? I suspect it's M.2, but it shouldn't get that hot. You'd normally wind up with thermal throttling.
SSDs are typically designed to operate at a maximum of about 70 °C, beyond which throttling should occur.
2 hours later…
Good morning
On my way to court...
@NotDog :O
srsly so funny crying about windows updates
time to write some more batch files it seems :O
@Rahul2001 Good luck
@NotDog IIRC, this is when your CPU gets throttled, probably because of temperature.
how's you doin'?
not bad
@djsmiley2k it got rescheduled, now rushing to another court on the other side of the city
@Rahul2001 oh ffs
@satibel dreading the next few hours
@Rahul2001 this stinks
@Rahul2001 you know the saying: worrying is suffering twice.
@satibel I didn't, actually, but it's nice :)
well, good luck anyways.
at least it's not a grandfather clock
i'm meant to be monitoring various mailboxes
outlook blows up \o/
restarting it for a 3rd or 4th time now :/
@satibel Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Nick ^
@djsmiley2k I have a bug sometimes where outlook is stuck in offline mode, but doesn't show it, try cycling that.
it won't start
my OST is now 24Gb because they don't archive anything off of the damn shared mailboxes :(
/me wipes it, and sets up a filter
\o/ nuked it
> And computers are big, too. You can buy a 1000MHz machine with 2 gigabytes of RAM and an 1000Mbit/sec Ethernet card for $1200 or so.
in outlook, setting the filter to be 'Sent, on or after, '1 week ago''
sounds right, to only show the last weeks sent messages right?
because right now it looks like it's showing me everything sent upto 1 week aog (takes ages to sync so still waiting)
Not sure if spam or what's going on -> superuser.com/questions/1221993/…
Annnnnnd deleted.
"how can we make our HTTPS config as useless as possible?"
Bloody hell
The judge refused to let me speak
And started talking about karma and God and ancient scriptures
"We are no one to enforce justice, that is what God does"
And she said that if we refuses to meet our father, our mother will have to face the consequences
This is fucking blackmail
What the fuck is this. She told me to convince my mother to try and make the marriage work
Does she not understand what we've been through?
Are you fucking kidding me?
...what kind of judge is that?
How the hell can she blackmail us? She's alone with my sister right now and I'm scared to death
india pls
She completely disregarded everything I said that we have been through. She didn't even let me explain.
"The law believes that children do not know what's for their own welfare"
Under Section 118 of the Indian Evidence Act, every person is competent as a witness unless the court has reason to believe that s/he may not be in a position to understand questions put to him/her or be capable of giving reasonable answers. In the case of children, the courts are also aware that they can easily be tutored and thus made puppets in the hands of elders.

503. Criminal intimidation.--Whoever threatens another with
injury to his person, reputation or property, or to the perso
reputation of any one in whom that person is interested, with in
> the courts are also aware that they can easily be tutored and thus made puppets in the hands of elders.
My father keeps saying that we've been brainwashed
BTW, IIRC @Rahul2001 you are over 16? you could be emancipated, thus be considered an adult.
I'm old enough to see what has happened all these years
@satibel doesn't happen here
Also, cases started when I was 14
Hi all
Around 40 students are looking at this chat right now through the projector
hi students o/
hm, can you guys see if colemancollege.edu.sg is up?
@JourneymanGeek internal server error
Maybe we should see how @Burgi compares ;p
@JourneymanGeek takes 3 days to load approximately, but WFM
HTTPS worked
wait, didn't work again
it's ... spotty
.... https worked?
We have https?
500 now.
@JourneymanGeek once, then internal server error the next try
@JourneymanGeek LOL
your server is served over a 54k modem, I think.
shared host
soooooooooooooooooo sloooooooooo...error 500
local shared host
@Nick That is really not nice, especially when there is a sensitive discussion going on about someones personal life/issues
hm, its up but insanely slow
@Nick reminds me when I was doing an english presentation and someone on skype called, his pseudonym was something like "pope fukyü inzeass II"
@Nick while chat is public, it would be really nice if you warned us/let us know before you pulled a stunt like that
what did i miss?
33 mins ago, by Nick
Around 40 students are looking at this chat right now through the projector
32 mins ago, by Journeyman Geek
Maybe we should see how @Burgi compares ;p
it was that one that confused me
so... the handyman has turned up to fix my floor tiles
he took one look at them and went "ah i'm not qualified to fix floor tiles"
why did he turn up then?
apparently his job sheet says "wall tiles"
@Burgi my work website is down
ah yeah
right when I need to make some changes to it that are required by the regulatory authority for my industry
tfw you catch a cold in June
have you restarted apache?
shared hosting
I can totally understand why, but damnit.
can you access the apache log?
can't really do more than email the host and hope they respond
calling tech support time!
this. pisses. me. off
boss emailed them
@Nick that really is not cool
@Avery Unfortunately he doesn't care.
May 28 at 11:19, by Nick
@DavidPostill If this was an IRC channel or a private chat, then yes. But SE chats are open. Anyone can read the transcripts. I feel no remorse.
my reddit account is public, but I wouldn't show it on a lecture or w/e
Hey students if you are still watching, NICK IS A N00B
that would be offensive to irish people but they are all too pissed to care
@Burgi worst case there's second explanation
@JourneymanGeek i've checked another site on your server thats down as well
France -> photos of white flags.
france is a myth concocted by europeans to keep the british on their mad little island
@Burgi heh, yeaaaah, this is why I complain about such things here
my shared host runs isolatedinstancesof apache
i have no idea how they manage that
my host runs one single instance of apache
then again I'm my own host
i run lighttpd ;p
Does that support php?
I run it with php-fpm
teach me your secrets, master
I need to set up php-fpm for nginx but wasn't able to
step 1: become a small terrier...
i don't know what step 2 is
i've never progressed beyond step1
i stretched and hurt myself
step 2 is get a server, probably.
got my new start date :O
plus contract \o/
for the new job?
is it more money?
why can't i type yus again :(
@Avery php-fpm with nginx is pretty easy...
I run most of my servers on nginx
beers are on @djsmiley2k
@satibel Nah, battery power throttles it. This thing doesn't overheat on CPU alone.
It's capable of cooling up to 200w so 45w of CPU heat isn't going to overheat under any circumstances
omg! i totally forgot about the steam sale!
I totally didn't notice the steam sale till steam emailed me to say things were on sale
@NotDog that was just a possible case, economy mode is another.
I was about to buy stuff but paypal blocked my account
Got it unblocked but sent money to a friend to buy stuff for me the moment I did
And he's sleeping atm so meh, no shovel knight for me
@Avery put a bucket on your head, take a shovel, go in your lawn, and dig youtube.com/watch?v=ytWz0qVvBZ0
@Burgi or to step one
@Avery oddly my next server will be ngnix. If it's lighttpd there's my take on the instructions from howtoforge on my blog
Work website is back up. The guy who asked me to make the changes told me to do it Tuesday.
@satibel Economy mode? What am I some kind of peasant? :-P
@NotDog yes
As opposed to some kind of pheasant.
phew, back at a computer
@Avery lemme know if you need nginx help :P
The only hard thing is porting .htaccess rules across, if your software needs it
Funnily enough. I'm actually messing with nginx right now... trying to get a moderately complex regex location/proxy_pass directive up
@Nick what up with you?
What is*
Bloody Swype
Anyway, got the court order
@Rahul2001 he won't answer, he fled in the nick of time.
I'll see myself out.
The judge has written on the record that we have been influenced by our mother and are spokespersons for her
@satibel ... I'll yell at you when. I decide which is worse... The pun or the joke.
@Rahul2001 ......
My sister and I have to meet him for two hours next week
That's dumb
Also, need to go to another court tomorrow
Apparently dad wants to take us on holiday for a week
And after today, I'm afraid that the other judge will take reference from today's order and ask us to go
@JourneymanGeek thats what i meant
isn't there a child counselling thingy in india?
you could ask them what to do.
@satibel heh. No.
Today my father threatened me again. Told me that he would make me suffer as soon as I turn 18
as soon as you turn 18, you can punch him in the balls
um no
that'd be fairly illegal
but if you do it right, its self defence
Also, pretty sure child abuse is also illegal
@Avery he could have an accident where he takes a stick to the 'nads.
@djsmiley2k no one even cares
at least in turkey
goes crying
but they care about being punched?
eh, a friend's dad called the cops on him.
He's arrogant. And mad. He (hopefully) won't hurt me physically yet, because that will mean that mum will get evidence and win the cases
@djsmiley2k narcissist 101: they are always correct and great
and you're always wrong ALA your views aren't EXACTLY same
I think the best to do would be to go far away from him once you're 18.
(still IMO)
But according to what he said today, he will disown me as soon as I turn 18 so that he doesn't have to pay for my higher education
And then he will proceed to ruin my life
what the fuck
document all these
@Rahul2001 how can he ruin your life if he doesn't know where you are?
I have a lovely basement
It uh
totally isn't a dungeon
@Rahul2001 quora.com/…
of a [redacted] variety
@Avery sounds not suspicious at all.
fact; basements are the natural habitats of nerds
I'm not nerd enough so I live on second floor
@Avery after doing the whole keyboard, you'll get that char right eventually.
I actually exiled myself to the cellar while my 2 sisters and their kids were home.
is stellaris any good?
definately looks like a secret door
-67db, 12down 2up.
you should be fairly OK down there
it's where she stores her *toys*.

(xbox, ps2 etc...)
@Burgi I do believe @allquixotic and @Bob play it
@JourneymanGeek @allquixotic likes it more. Too complex for me.
@Bob that's my opinion of 4x games in general
I do like Endless Space 2 so far, though :P
@satibel I actually prefer keeping them in my room
I can reach them easier when I need to
@Burgi ah, steam sales.
Like when a friend says "yo looking for a mercy, you up for a game"
@Avery Mercy, Wilson and Bastion are the only chars I managed to play somewhat correctly.
@Rahul2001 Psychological harm (which is what he appear to be doing to you and your family) is can be worse than physical harm in terms of long term damage.
@DavidPostill yet it's mostly ignored by courts. ugh.
Also I have no consoles.
Or overwatch.
@Avery I don't have Overwatch either, though I did play the beta.
I was decent at mercy.
heroes never die.
I have a 3ds, ps2 and xbox360 as far as consoles go though.
the council have emailed me saying they have a new bill for me to pay but they haven't provided me with the login details for the stupid payment portal
grrrrrrrrrr!!!! bureaucracy!!!
@Burgi that sounds phishy x)
I may or may not have toys though.
Nerdy ones.
I <3 ESP8266
@Avery nodeMCU.
actually I'm not sure.
I've a ESP32 that'll hopefully arrive soon
might love that more.
that's the one I have.
I also have a couple of orange pi zero.
10 arduino pro mini, 2 pro micro, 3 atmega32U4 "usb key"
@DavidPostill wish the courts understood that
He called my grandmother up
Threatened to get mum "cut into pieces"
It's so extreme it's unbelievable
No. We have plenty of recordings, courts do not accept them
Even video ffs
Of him hitting
But no. The courts don't care
corrupted or what?
He bribes the court readers so we don't get told when the next court date is and have to find out ourselves
@satibel definitely
01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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