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@allquixotic Bathya S?
@allquixotic SliverOalsburg isn't a mod any more
Or Fvo Ilipse.
that means I have a lower chance of becoming a mod? @allquitoxic
@jokerdino He is still a mod.
@Burgi I know but he was
@DavidPostill yeah?
@satibel ok DokerJino
I know they are mods.
I am purely lowercase.
dwBraco? ;p
@allquixotic Random and Sathya are not camel case either ...
He had a B at some point.
@jokerdino is that because your tiny dino arms can't press the SHIFT key?
Okay, I just discovered something. WSUS has a known graphical glitch that just got patched. It wasn't 4,026,930.930 MB. It was only 4,026.930 MB. Do you think I should tell those Server Fault guys?
@FleetCommand You could self answer :)
@jokerdino Not very active but he is still a mod.
@DavidPostill Yes, and someone could flag me "not an answer". And he'd be right.
@DavidPostill yeah I am not saying otherwise.
@jokerdino I know nothing about his history.
@allquixotic It's because I'm awesome and you know it.
@DavidPostill he used to hang out in this chat room.
I vaguely remember chatting with him.
@allquixotic technically I'm two words
@JourneymanGeek not when we ping you
Tho in the early days it was the journeyman geek
for me, you are still the one
haven't met any geeks who are such
@JourneymanGeek is this before you sharded yourself in order to answer more SU questions?
people started pinging him @the and he didn't like it.
What happens if there are two users with "the" at the beginning of their usernames?
Which one gets pinged?
Just finished coding the backend of my new blog!
Hack away, people
@Rahul2001 Y U NO lorem ipsum?
Warning: include(posts/4.meta.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rahulcom/public_html/rahul.tech/weblog.php on line 29

Warning: include(posts/4.meta.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rahulcom/public_html/rahul.tech/weblog.php on line 29

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'posts/4.meta.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/rahulcom/public_html/rahul.tech/weblog.php on line 29
@satibel where do you get that?
> <b>Warning</b>: include(posts/9999999.meta.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home/rahulcom/public_html/rahul.tech/weblog.php</b> on line <b>29</b><br />
you expose the post ID but don't check its valid
@Burgi Fixed!
@Burgi I'd commented something off, forgot
@jokerdino naw, mod offered to and did it.
I like how in 3 minute something was broken and fixed.
now this is rapid prototyping
@Rahul2001 hide the next in the last post and the previous in the first post.
also, I suggest a first and last button.
@Rahul2001 this bit needs looking at:
> You have viewed this page 18 time(s)
you are count the load of weblog.php not the individual posts
@Burgi Ahh. Yeah, shit.
also, I dislike your CSS: I find the vulf mono italic to be just slightly better than comic sans, and the red text is quite jarring.
depends what you want, but you might like to change that if you link it to future employers.
hmm... DO aren't sending me the little 6 digit code
Am I the only one who's employeers simply don't take any notice of his non work activities?
I mean, if I did something major that got on the news or whatever they'd notice
but otherwise meh, they don't care.
Urgent help required from your resident vampire:
@djsmiley2k Your non-work-activities at work or at non-work?
at non-work
How do I list all the .xls and .xlsx files on my Windows 10?
I don't see why they'd care
but everyones like 'omg your employeers might see'
@Nick that isn't the sort of question my resident vampire would ask
so?!? :D
If I were an employer I'd not care too, BUT I've had previous employers whine about it
@Nick ....
I need all of them, right now. Otherwise, hell will rain upon me swiftly
Admittedly my non-work-activities were done during work time while not at work
@Burgi I'm the help vampire, genius.
yes but i have an ACTUAL vampire, genius
@NotDog surely due to the fact you're not employeed?
@djsmiley2k please not, 90% of the time whenever I ask something here I do use dogpile
@djsmiley2k Previous employers
@Burgi They're so rare that in regular conversation no one expects someone to be an actual nosferatu-type vampire. To vampire something means to leech out something. For example, me constantly and annoyingly asking for help.
@Nick not in the UK they aren't
they come here to work because romania sucks
Maybe I'll get better tech support if I were really a vampire
or maybe the Windows hidden features for vampires might be enabled and I would no longer need any support.
Urgh power's gone out again
@NotDog I know the feeling.
woah, dude, wtf...
make it stap!
turns out sarcasm doesn't translate into indian
@Nick not sure how this matters...
was into computers at like 7
got 2 kids.
@djsmiley2k From the computer?
one's called 2.0
the other's called 2.1
he downloaded them into his wife
@Burgi Hey, that's offensive. It goes against everything our state's communist government has told us:
And I am sitting in Pookatupady without any electricity, right now. This Kerala sounds like a nice place. I wonder… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/871252263188086784
@Burgi can you do that without root access?
@Nick know the feeling.
I got sudo priv'
he has a token ring
Morning, everyone
ring 3 access granted.
uhoh everyone hide
mods r 'ere
@Nick yes but it isn't advisable
@BenN we don't want no trouble 'ere, sheriff. Me and the boys are just joshin' around in this here salon you have here. Might I add, ye run a fine establishment.
@BenN @Nick is underaged and should be escorted off the premises
OK what is going on
@Nick New analogies please
A: Can wannacry or the wannacry 2.0 be halted or slowdown with only read rights for users set through active directory

allquixoticIt seems your question boils down to, "Do access controls prevent worms from spreading?" The general case answer is "Maybe." Having access controls is a form of defense-in-depth, which means, it's one more barrier the malicious software has to break through in order to do whatever it's trying to...

Do access controls prevent worms from spreading? XD
@Burgi flashbacks
@Burgi hahahaaa. Oh, how the transcript link for this comment shall be treasured forever.
@Nick ehhh. sex/rape references are inappropriate IMO
I would like to remind y'all that Mos Eisley (the SFF chatroom) was blown away because of stuff like this
And if my future employers doing a background check ever read this, please know, I am way funnier in real life.
@Nick that wouldn't be hard
thanks @allquixotic for your answer
@allquixotic howly cow, biggest answer ever?
@JourneymanGeek I know what you mean, I set a low bar for myself really. Then, I challenge myself to set the bar lower each day.
8 messages moved to Trashcan
@djsmiley2k not nearly; I've written much larger ones before
@Nick nonetheless, less/no sexual references please. You're quite literally straddling the line where its worth flagging and people are uncomfortable with this ._.
@BenN Hey, I frequent there too. Nice to know.
No, you did
And you've had a few warnings about that sorta thing before, as I recall.

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