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A: Firefox versions going to infinity – should we merge the tags?

studiohackstatus-completed The struck out tags below have been made tag synonyms and merged with firefox. firefox-3.6 x33 firefox-4 x129 firefox-5 x33 firefox-6 x15 firefox-7 x8 firefox-10 x4

@slhck ---^
Apparently i can't install apps on windows 8 without an internet connection
oh, i can
Taking bug to the next level...
Q: Why does dsPIC30F4012 resets?

ZijoI have a small circuit withy dsPIC30F4012, sometimes it works ok but sometimes without any reason randomly resets back to start of the program. Powered by 3V MCLR has 10k resistor _FOSC(CSW_FSCM_OFF & FRC_PLL4 & CSW_ON_FSCM_OFF & CSW_FSCM_OFF); _FWDT(WDT_OFF); _FBORPOR(P...

since i can't seem to install my wireless adaptors on my windows 8 install...
i'm going to try this pastebin.com/xXhVbFDy
I suppose you have tried Windows 7 compatibility mode on the installer?
Oh, using a VM as your router... o_O
@TomWijsman: well, no. I use the automatic update option, and it refuses to boot after that
yes. to connect to another router ;p
Also Safe Mode? (Shift+F8)
Its a bit tricky
Does it give an error?
its running off a USB
Oh well...
it seems portable, unless i install that
But you can try using SysInternals AutoRuns to disable the driver.
assuming i get that far
File menu or something like that has an offline option.
Well, if you are in Windows 7 or whatever now you could just access it I guess.
First thing i'm trying now is to make sure it isn't the very fact that i installed a driver that fucked things up
And if on Linux/OS X I guess it should run on WINE, it's no rocket science executable as far as I know.
What are you trying to do?
mac midterm done - sure was hard :P
@studiohack Great!
@iglvzx lol. how are ya?
@studiohack Pretty good. It's been really cold lately, but today the weather is beautiful. 60 degrees F, and sunny!
55ish, almost 60F here!
it was awesome! wore short sleeves today @iglvzx and fun to drive
@studiohack :D
At the moment, try to work out a way to get internet to the portable windows 8 install on my dell, It seems to work out of the box with my old laptop's wireless, but i'm having major problems with the belkin adaptor i use everywhere else. I'm wondering if i can use a VM as a router as a temp workaround ;p
@studiohack what did you have to do? o.o
Um... Try to 'unsubscribe' from a SE newsletter:
@SimonSheehan just answer questions - but some of it was hard
@studiohack What kind of "hard" questions were on it? :P
like: what Mac application is always running and can you not kill? (not that hard, but one I remember)
you could choose Finder, Spotlight, Apple Menu...
@studiohack Hmm, very interesting
The Apple Tax is very interesting - for example, iPod Touch 4th Gen is still like $100 on ebay - very expensive, even for broken ones
Apple Tax? Never heard of that.
oh? it's the "markup" of prices of apple products versus PC/competitors.
so if a PC laptop costs $600, and a Macbook costs $1000, the $400 is the "Tax" @SimonSheehan
@studiohack Okay, definitely heard of it now :P
dosen't like calling it that
Like the MS tax
MS tax = $300 for a CD?! :P
eh, it's just so expensive! that's all!
(yes, you can get systems without an OS if you dig. Or find your local small system dealer)
I'm a poor student. I can't go around blowing money on iPad 3's
@studiohack Students dont need iPad's ;)
software/OS recs are frowned on SU now, right?
Nor do I really want one @SimonSheehan :P an example lol
software is okay @JourneymanGeek - if you very clear about what you want
@JourneymanGeek Depends really.
at least, that's how I roll.
@SimonSheehan: specific requirement in my case, rather unusual. It will end up with listy answers tho
@JourneymanGeek What is your question?
@iglvzx: I need to find a way to take a wireless connection, and share internet via ethernet
or work out how to get a 'router' in a VM to get internet to a host system ;p
or... try downloading the drivers like an honest working stiff. Which i will try now
@JourneymanGeek easy - with ICS in Windows
@JourneymanGeek I don't see that as being a software rec. More like how to configure something
@studiohack I did not know you could make big tags like that: meta.superuser.com/questions/4532/…
@iglvzx header ;)
@studiohack: the windows box is the one that needs net ;p
and its windows 8
too many variables
I'll try the driver from the belkin site first
@studiohack You can actually make it even bigger if you use the <h1> tag or #
@iglvzx well, it;s probably big enough - I don't want people getting mad that it's 'in-your-face' :P good to know though
The driver install did.. nothing
Sad Face Of Doom
2 hours later…
Why would you pay for CCleaner, when you can get support elsewhere (e.g. here)?
@iglvzx some people are clueless
@Sathya no, not some. a LOT.
I use some as an euphemism ;P
It's a bit misleading that they do not say "Make your PC faster and more secure" for the free CCleaner.
@Sathya eh, I was sorta ranting :)
how you been @Sathya? I've been missing SU a bit lately
doing fine, thanks
good to hear. taken any vacations lately?
nope, not since jan end
next one will be end of march
ah, so coming up soon then.
I'm surprised no mods/devs have answered my Meta.SO question: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/124586/…
They seem to be pretty quick on handling other reputation related bugs/questions
@Sathya @studiohack Should this comment be deleted for being extremely poor advice? superuser.com/questions/398702/…
that question'll get deleted in few hours, I wouldn't bother about the comment
@iglvzx gone.
what @Sathya said also works.
Haha. Thanks, guys.
Well, I'm off work in a few minutes. Have a good night/day!
@iglvzx as for the meta.so - it doesn't matter really - I'm posting an answer as to why the bug doesn't matter
@Sathya Ok. I'll check it out later. :)
A: What happens if I undelete an answer to a migrated question?

SathyaUltimately, being able to undelete the deleted posts doesn't really matter - migration stubs are deleted after 30days and any orphan posts that are left behind are deleted by another daily background process. At the end of the day, you are left with a deleted answer, no matter even if you chose ...

@iglvzx g'night - and you work at nights?
@Sathya it's only 9 PM where he is (21:00)
@studiohack ...
TIL working at 9pm is not night shift
@Sathya I used to live at night - my mom worked nights, so it was my lifestyle was night for a number of years
Q: Firefox asks for proxy details, but only when accessing facebook

SathyaAt work, all requests are forwarded to a central load-balancing, caching Squid proxy server. If I try to access Facebook from within Firefox, I get the standard proxy authentication dialog: The proxy moz-proxy://<IP addresss> is requesting a username and password. The site says: "moz-prox...

any clues would help
1 hour later…
@Sathya: When in doubt, create a new Firefox user profile.
@TomWijsman it is a new profile.
yeah, been there, done that. That's set. That's what NTLM Firefox addon does
> I fixed this by setting network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy to the max and adding the AutoAuth extension.
First line explicitly mentions Facebook (and other social networks).
AutoAuth won't help, I've lastpass do that
is set to 8
I really doubt moving beyond that will help
@Sathya: Is your Facebook https as opposed to http?
Because it could be that you need to log in again for https connections.
not sure I follow.
opens fine.
@Sathya I work in my university's computer lab from 5pm - 9pm on Thursdays.
@iglvzx ah. Updated the question btw,
@Sathya Thanks. I can't think of any more important details. :P
From my research, the issue you are experiencing seems fairly common. Looks like a bug that popped up in Firefox 4/5 and was resolved until it poped up again in Firefox 10.
(lol. mistyped as 'pooped')
@iglvzx oh? Care to share some links reg v10?
@iglvzx :P
Yeah. Let me find them
@iglvzx thanks, subscribed to updates
Mentions disabling Javascript. Hmm
@iglvzx that would render most sites useless...
@Sathya I know. Oh, you should include your operating system in the question.
@Sathya I may be seeing a trend with the moz-proxy issues and Windows XP. bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=409146
@iglvzx damn, WIndows XP.
@Sathya Getting somewhere, I suppose! Do a Google search for moz-proxy windows xp. You're not alone
@Sathya I'm thinking this is a bug with Firefox and NTLM. I'm not sure if there is much you can do
@iglvzx yeah, seems like
but why only facebook?
manually entering proxy details makes it work
@Sathya Oh. That's good
Hi yall
@Iain It needs a lot of work.
@Iain G'day. Dupe of several + insufficient details
@Sathya do you have Facebook listed at about:config > network.proxy.no_proxies_on ?
somewhat better error this time:
While trying to retrieve the URL: www.facebook.com:443

The following error was encountered:

    Cache Access Denied.

Sorry, you are not currently allowed to request:


from this cache until you have authenticate
@Bibhas nope.
@Sathya thanks, I left a comment with your link in it and then deleted it :)
@Iain cheers Iain
A: Remote desktop windows 7 windows 2008

TheCompWizDid you turn on Remote Administration or install the RDS features?

Meh... Feels like not an answer, but it has a long comment thread. :D
@TomWijsman These can all be comment-ified again.
Yeah, perhaps delete the comments that don't add any value. If any...
Are all Ignacio his answers one-liners?
How can someone with 3k+ add this as answer? o_O
Amazing that he has double our reputation but constantly shows up in /review.
I don't really care when a one-liner at least tries to answer the question.
@TomWijsman Basically, yes.
oh.. k...
*is confused to why this was edited. * ;p
@JourneymanGeek: Changed the longer things to itf to hide his company name I guess...
No inline retagging in /review, meh... :(
@JourneymanGeek lol
The Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD) is a method used by clients to locate a URL of a configuration file using DHCP and/or DNS discovery methods. Once detection and download of the configuration file is complete it can be executed to determine the proxy for a specified URL. The WPAD protocol only outlines the mechanism for discovering the location of this file, but the most commonly deployed configuration file format is the Proxy auto-config format originally designed by Netscape in 1996 for Netscape Navigator 2.0. The WPAD protocol was drafted by a consortium of companies inclu...
Q: Can we get inline retagging for questions in /review?

Tom WijsmanWhere's my inline retagging link in /review (low quality posts)?

talk about duplicate answers
Q: Generate array values dynamically

Matt StephensI want to create a dynamic array that will look like this, using years: array(2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005) Basically I have the starting year which is constant, 2005, and I want the array to dynamically change each year, adding the new year. Currently, I grab the current year via: ...

Alright, down to 2,957 low quality posts left to be reviewed for this year...
Q: How to totally remove set password in WD hard drive

Bhelle SantiagoI want to totally remove the password i set in my WD hard drive because since i set password it cant open in other computers or other ports

(the tag)
we likey?
A: Mail Merge in Microsoft Word with images from Sharepoint

John WLink Concepts mail merge web part allows you to merge SharePoint Contact list data into Word templates, the merged document can be printed or sent as an attachment to email. The body text of the email can als be merged with Contact list data to create a personalized email, ideal for email marketi...

Q: Killing the robot in our Twitter account

LaurenJust wanted to let everyone know that we are testing out using @StackGaming manually. Until very recently, @StackGaming was only used to autotweet questions from our site, but we think that Twitter can be a really effective tool for engaging with the Stack Exchange Gaming community as well as oth...

and yet our crappy bot continues.
getting rather sick of Super User getting shafted now and then.
@Sathya Can't we petition to do this ourselves?
I think it was asked for earlier, 1 sec
Q: Would allowing moderators to update their Stack Exchange sites' Twitter accounts improve visibility and offer more value?

RahulStack Exchange sites have their own Twitter accounts, like http://twitter.com/StackUX. These accounts appear to just autotweet the latest interesting questions using the question's tags as hashtags. But there's a problem with this: Twitter is not an RSS feed that happens to have a 140 charac...

I sometimes just feel ashamed for some of the things that get tweeted.
yeah I know what you mean
Great answer! — no offense, @Oliver ;)
Titles such as "Windows, remove context menu (right click) undo?"
gaming gets site redesigns faster than average person spitting on streets here & we're stuck with our plain ol' designs
@Sathya Yeah … I mean, the basic design is okay, it just feels a little rusty.
@slhck None taken. That's some of my best work :D
Q: How can I force every website to be English in Google Chrome?

Tom WijsmanI'm too bored of seeing sites like Google and such show up in my native language, I would rather like them to be in English. Yet, I have to explicitly change the URL to .com and en and that kind of parameters in order for them to show up in English. Can I somehow force this?

someone convince me not to close this as NARQ
@Sathya I set my locale on OS X to English, so basically, all websites that rely on this info show as English too.
But I don't know if Chrome has anything to do with that
And it doesn't work for Google, because they use your location and weird preferences and I never got that to work consistently
I hate those ticket services. Make you pay ridiculous extra fees for shipping (7€ for sending two sheets of paper?!), extra fees for ticket collection, … it's not like I have a choice.
@slhck: I could create a custom search engine where I replace the baseURL part, but that still doesn't solve that my browser thinks that I'm Dutch in some occasions.
@Sathya: Because I usually get Dutch search results I had the fake believe that it were multiple sites. :P
Hmm, it seems to take that URL from a file; moment, brb... (Have to close GC)
There we go, fixed.
Dunno how it fills in that URL, probably it is a bug and it only remembers the first time you visit Google or something like that.
And well, everything was not English at that point in time...
Done with the localized search results... Yeah!
@TomWijsman still a dupe
Q: How do I revert Chrome's Google search to English after experimenting with the new Chrome feature that detects when I change country?

hippietrailSometime over the past year Google Chrome introduced a feature that detects when you use it in a new country and asks something like "Your location has changed. Do you want to set the language to XXX?" When I was in Korea I thought it might be fun to play with so I said yes. Problem is it didn't...

Nope, because I didn't experiment with such feature. @Sathya.
@TomWijsman I don't see how it's not a dupe.
It did never ask me to change my language to something else...
@TomWijsman Good to know where to change this.
@slhck: Well, I think it initializes that value with the language your browser was first in. And it only change it when you switch location, kind of a bad implementation that doesn't adhere to the browser settings or Google's settings. An user shouldn't have to manually create a search engine entry to resolve this...
@TomWijsman Yeah, I only know I always run into hiccups when I'm on vacation in Germany
I think a manual merge would fit both questions.
Bringing over some details from my question and add the details from my answer as an alternative in the answer.
Oh, ZaB is back
A: Personal keylogger for OS X

ZaBAnswer completely reverse but if clicks do not involve quick decisions you can look for keystroke recorder that can replay keystrokes just to avoid human factor: http://alternativeto.net/software/autohotkey/

Or just cross link them, as the problem is slightly different but the solution is the same.
Another gem
A: What is the best drive format to share data between Mac, Linux and OS X?

ZaBSMB shares (Samba or Windows Server shares) should work fine. I have one OpenWRT router (could be a PC, but commercial routers spend less electricity) with external harddrive sharing between Linux, Windows, and multiple OS X version from Tiger to Lion via wireless or wired Ethernet.

question is about how to partition your drive (NTFS, etc.), and he says: use SMB shares O_o
@Sathya Do you think it would be a good idea to merge these three answers into one? superuser.com/questions/380842
Yeah, and Kino became a Google hater.
@TomWijsman Just read it :)
@slhck think we'll let it as it is
@Sathya Okay, fair enough
Hmmm … a few minor edits coming this way superuser.com/review/…
Denied the one on my post and denied the one with the HDMI things, see the rest for yourself. :)
@TomWijsman Yup. Rejected one, improved on two others
And, Diogo learned something!
1 hour later…
Programmers driving car. :P
Q: When would you use apt-get remove over apt-get autoremove?

PeanutsMonkeyI understand that apt-get remove removes packages and apt-get autoremove is to remove any packages that were installed to fulfil a dependency for a given package. So for example if I installed LibreOffice and it had dependencies on say Java and installed it as part of the installation when I run ...

I need to find the dupe for this later, cause the same guy asked the same question and i answered it before ;p
Why is it that with some user profile pages, sometimes the answers are on top and sometimes the questions?
@OliverSalzburg quantity? I never noticed that before.
I assumed quantity as well
Or maybe it's the sites way of showing the user his place!
I wonder if anyone has ever done any performance comparison between a fragmented and a defragmented harddrive.
Q: Defragment - windows - better defragment free space or files?

Mr_and_Mrs_DI had read once here : Defragmenting all the fragmented files before CCleaner means that larger contiguous areas will be released for use instead of more and more, and smaller and smaller free spaces being produced. This holds true for my System volume files as well. I end up with larg...

But I'm pretty confident that running two tools back-to-back is overkill
But I'd really be interested in some actual reasearch of possible performance gains.
lol. especially if they have different algorithms
I used to be an avid defragmenter. But these days, I don't even know if there ever was a point to it
Or if the whole thing is snakeoil
A good way to see the posssibility for good effect from defrag, is to run a Random vs Sequential read write test.
I'm pretty sure there is some positive result, but how big is the difference? Basically, is it worth doing at all? And if so, how often?
I'd do the research, but I hardly have any use for it now that we've moved to SSD
The quantity the files are mixed up and interleaved, would be how much that "head jumping" gets involved. the system will find nice sequential location for the data it puts on, then when it starts filling up the leftovers start to get used.
Then sometimes not, Hard to know what it is going to do. I have seen complete disasters that when the rest of the clusters would be used, the only way will be a messy interleave.
A person can look without touching, and have an idea of what is going on, how messy it is, and how random and all over the place. Without knowing where it was at, trying to make a claim as to the actual improvement , would be selling snake oil.
that is why i refer back to sequential vrses random bench tests.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is some point to it. But some of the stuff these tools advertise...
With X different approaches to relocate certain file types on certain portions of the disk.
It all sounds like it makes a lot of sense. But so does tornado insurance
Right. I apply completly different defrag methods, than the programs smart stuff.
a "smart" defrag tries to shove all the stuff your using up front, just like winders tries to determine what your going to do this week.
But that is not "long term" so i prefer a simple full re-order, leaving big empty spaces , and then doing that only when things are heavily added/removed.
as long as the "next write" has a sequential space, and the "data" is being sequentially read, the jump to get there does not mater much.
This all gets complicated, by the file system jumping from the log, to the mft to the file. which could be fixed by just putting those items somewhat center of the data or early on the disk. I prefer first 1/3rd of data.
@Psycogeek Yeah, that's how I liked to handle it as well. Keeping it simple
when it comes to speed, i do feel that it is a large increase in speed. for ME :-) but i know what i am trying to do for me.
What's the usual procedure when you notice that a user has posted personal and/or private information in a question/answer by accident?
@OliverSalzburg Someone usually edits it out (before i even see it most times)
@OliverSalzburg remove the data and leave a comment?
@Bibhas But isn't it still visible in the revisions?
@OliverSalzburg That can't be helped I guess. Unless moderators have the ability to vanish it from existence.
@Psycogeek Thanks! :)
@OliverSalzburg no thank you :-) i did not even think about the revisions and the stickyness
need a pry-bar to get that stuff out. I have posted some e-mail headers at times, and i do not even know what all to block , if the "code" looking numbers have any meanings.
any ubuntu user?
@Bibhas You could try asking that in Ask Ubuntu chat rooms.
already there. :)
but found my answer with a bit googling. :)
was looking for a way to set a hourly reminder.
I just set this up as hourly cron
@Bibhas these will never work for me :d
This is VIDI number 190.
@HackToHell Let me try a bit. :P
Okay, who's a Windows guy and wants to help me :P
I need a fool proof way to split a 25GB file on a Linux Server so that a person running a Windows machine can patch it together again.
Any Ubuntu or Windows 8 user?
@legospace9876 Ubuntu, sometimes.
@slhck OK.
Why do you ask?
@legospace9876 … and what is this?
@slhck The way.
@legospace9876 "The way." is not a logical answer to "Why do you ask" :P What do you mean?
Full timer ubuntu-er now.
was on 7 till few days back
@slhck HT splitz and joins is one item that was used for a long time to break up a file without much archiving and compressing, it is also free and portable.
@Psycogeek … works on Linux? Got a link?
I know I can easily break it up in Linux, and I can cat it together, but I don't know what works on Windows
@slhck Ohh, so you need a linux and windows guy :-)
@Psycogeek As I said, I need to split it on Linux and send it to a Windows user
@slhck I thought the free question.
RARing is common for large file transports also. I dont know how to make them, but un-raring works good.
@legospace9876 I don't understand, sorry.
@slhck I wrote what.
@Psycogeek Hm, true that. I can try creating a split rar file from Linux.
@slhck OK.
@slhck and it does seem to come in linux version, which is logical the way it was popularised for some time.
@Psycogeek Okay, well I have no GUI … :P
But I can just use rar I guess
Need to contact the server admins though
Why are you splitting it?
@Bibhas Because the client that's downloading it via FTP has frequent disconnects
hmm. would have been better if torrent-ing was possible.
True that, but I don't think the client wants to use that. I have to be quite conservative here.
If that doesn't work I'll mail him a hard drive :P
@slhck No gui? is this 1970 :-) lxsplit.sourceforge.net there does seem to be a version of the same for linux that has no gui.
@Psycogeek Well, when being productive I like to avoid GUIs.
The only reason I mention it, is because it is portable, many of the unRARers for windows have unessisary instals.
@slhck Haha.
@Psycogeek Yeah, that's good to know.
Can anyone tell me why certain manufacturers INSIST on putting the PCIe release tab on the side where the card has all the electronics sitting? At least Asus gives you a clip on either side, or at least the top side...
@Luke It is important to understand that on the other side of the earth the toilet swirls down in the opposite direction :-) I just broke mine eventually.
off topic alert
badp on March 09, 2012

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the last few months, you probably know all of the following:

Windows 8 is the name of Microsoft’s new version of the operating system.

Windows 8 sports Metro, an attempt to introduce touch interactions as a first class citizen in Windows without crippling mouse and keyboard interaction.

Windows 8 is different. If you’re stuck in 2001 with Windows XP, or GNOME 2 and/or KDE 3, obviously you also aren’t going to like Windows 8. Also I have a few dancing bunnies for you to look at. …

@Psycogeek So I've heard... Lol
That's what I usually do myself too, but it's still a piss-off
@Clippy Why does the blog post not mention OS X 10.1 or Mac OS 9.2 as great examples of 2001 operating systems?
Its waiting for a blog post by you about it ;)
"but we also know how many iterations it took Canonical to get Unity just right" -- no we don't. They haven't arrived yet.
@IvoFlipse I used 10.2 for a few days and it was so horrible I waited another two years or so to get my first Mac.
@DanielBeck Thanks for pointing that out. That sentence was a weird mixture of tenses and word repetitions, and upon reviewing, I didn't know whether to go for the past or present tense. This is fixed now, and I guess that's what badp meant.
(Although I don't know if you can say "get something just right" when you actually mean that it's still being tweaked)
But that's splitting hairs
@slhck I'm pretty sure his intended meaning was that it's finished.
I'm very sure I disagree.
Btw would you guys like to be a moderator? I know we normally have elections and all, but with you two guys I honestly don't see the point, I wouldn't know who else would stand a chance
@DanielBeck Haha, me too.
@IvoFlipse Well, let's say, if there were elections, I'd definitely run :)
From the blog post: "(and learn that this very gesture will still work in all versions of Windows since 95!)" This is not true. Windows 95 and I think a few later versions did not react to clicks right in the corner. Totally insane design.
@DanielBeck You still remember that? :P
@slhck I didn't like it at the time, but it became obvious when I learned about Fitts' law. I even read an article how bad the design was compared to e.g. OS X menubar and Dock.
@slhck I'm tempted to ask for an appointment on Meta, if only because you're already doing a lot of our work, so its more like making sure you can do it yourself, rather than needing our intervention
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