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I am scared for humanity... A customer called asking the status of her computer. I said it will be done by the end of the day. She asked if we will call her when it's done. "Nope, we don't got phones". "OK, bye". She hasn't called back yet...
@Luke Seriously?? What made you try that?
Because as the sole tech and the person who deals with customers, I finally got back to my bench to try to do some work after about 3 hours of constant running around helping the in store customers... I meant it as a joke, but she took it seriously
@Luke Ah. Wow.
Ya... She helps run a pub and a bar on two different sides of town... Probably other businesses too
I wish I had a tape recorder hooked up...
@sidran32 HAHAHA! Made my night! :D
@Bibhas Where you located? It's just past lunch here
@SimonSheehan Kinda putting the guy on the spot there, aren't you? ;)
A: How do I find out which version of Windows 7 I need for my gaming machine?

MalcolmI do not think the version of Windows 7 matters

He's not gonna have a clue what happened to his answer. What's left of it was previously just a side note :D
@simonsheehan Not sure if you already have this, but free track of deadmau5 from AmazonMP3 (US, not sure if you can get it) but third track of this album: amazon.com/gp/product/B0062ITBBI/… - turns out, you probably can't get it free outside of the US - so here is the Skydrive link: skydrive.live.com/…
if you can't get it, let me know, and I'll post it public on Skydrive for ya - it's all legal, as it's free :)
@studiohack Mind posting for me too?
@Luke can you get it via the link?
if not, I'll post for you too @Luke
@studiohack Fraid not :( I'm blocked
@Luke You're Canadian too, right?
Skydrive link coming in a few then.
@studiohack Yup... But for whatever reason, Amazon is still asking for my Visa
It does say Free though
@Luke that is weird!
and lol on the customer above @Luke :P
It is a sad day when people running big places don't use their common sense
@Luke and anyone else who enjoys Deadmau5 - free track (in the US from Amazon): skydrive.live.com/…
@Luke let me know if you have trouble downloading it, not sure if I got the permissions right.
I hate shopping for music.
@OliverSalzburg then his answer would have been a comment really :p
@studiohack what track is it?
A: Force Windows 8 Metro apps to run lower resolutions below 1024x768?

saldoYes, that's true — at least you have to get a 1024x768 screen resolution. There is a way it will let you change the screen resolution in your netbook, install apps and use your Windows 8 normally like any other computer. You can find the solution here.

@SimonSheehan 3rd
any idea if this will work?
or if the site is fishy?
@slhck I can test it
@SimonSheehan I assumed he read the question before the clarification about Windows 7 was added by the OP ;)
I have Windows 8 DEV Preview running on a 1024 monitor that I could try and force down to 800x600
@OliverSalzburg Ahh he might have then...
@studiohack ahh I've got it, but thanks! I own all the albums ;)
BOOM MT @VUPEN Google Chrome is first browser to fall at #pwn2own 2012, we pwned it using an exploit bypassing DEP/ASLR and the sandbox!
@studiohack If you want :) Just not sure about this answer
@SimonSheehan wow. lol
@TomWijsman BOO YEAH! take that chrome.
But well, once you are around the OS protection and past the sandboxing, it's an open playfield.
Ah, once again :)
> Gmail is junk. Sorry i couldn’t resist. – kinokijuf 4 hours ago
I would install Windows 8 as a dual boot.... But..... too much hassle, don't want to mess up my OS again
I'm baffled how people still want Zune 30's years later. it was released 6 years ago! almost.
@slhck link?
want more facepalm?
Remember when the Zune 30's crashed in 2008 when it changed years? well, 2012 is another leap year, so we might have a problem at the end of the year lol
...Same guy?
@slhck link and I'll delete it.
Uh, yeah, because that is totally what we encourage
Of course same guy, got that activity feed bookmarked, just in case
@slhck burniated.
@studiohack Woo, no more teaching people the wrong reasons to upvote :)
@slhck hahahaha :P
@studiohack Got it, thanks! I expected I could just transfer to my own SkyDrive, but Nooooooo.... Gotta download it first :P
@Luke a pity. cheers! :)
@studiohack: Can't we like... take away his commenting permission?
Well at least he's not doing stupid editing on Meta anymore, at any rate.
@slhck - yes, I can run Metro and Win8 Dev on 800x600. BUT, I can't start any Metro apps.
@TomWijsman +1
Now he just edits random stuff thats like 2 years old with minor things
Hmm, a review system for comments would be awesome. :D
no way. that would be horrible.
wish there was a way to see eBay stats, so many people are selling 5-6 year old devices for $100 - but it's hard to see what sells and what doesn/t
@SimonSheehan yikes! :P
@studiohack Haha, all really good albums though
I've listened to one artist like 4306 times lol
out of my total plays of 36,182
I miss Winamp... But I use a mac
@Luke There is Winamp for mac now!
Its called "Winamp sync" because it uses your iTunes library for non-iPod's, but it works as a full player too
@SimonSheehan and that, my friend, is why I stay with Zune (or one of the many reasons, I should say) is because of stats and play counts.
I can even view how many times I've viewed each playlist.
@studiohack the Zune on PC looks quite fancy nowadays.
@SimonSheehan how do you know? :P there is talk of ditching it.
@studiohack Really? :O Well I'd just seen pictures of it is all, looked neat.
in Super User Blog Editor Room, 49 secs ago, by studiohack
Is it worth doing a blog post on tips n tricks of the Zune software?
yeah, with the whole Zune brand disappearing, possibly being merged into Xbox UGH! etc... and simpler software to interface the Windows Phone with Mac AND PC @SimonSheehan
@studiohack Blah Xbox....
Not much of a fan of it :P
@studiohack Ah, … so the answer doesn't work?
never liked the word, I'm not a gamer... I'll pick one up someday and hack it into my DVD player.
Just seemed a bit bloated for my tastes anyway, for a game console
I do REALLY like my ps3 though.
@slhck I didn't use the answer, I just tested a Metro app @ 800 rez.
Mostly because it really easily doubled as its own media center.
likes running the Win8 weather app maybe I should make Win8 run one of my old laptops JUST for the weather app. it is SLICK.
@studiohack ah!
@SimonSheehan WOW! I didn't know that... I just loved all that Winamp had to offer, but they didn't have a Mac version when I got mine
Okay, it's late, gotta go again
@Luke It's very new, hence why its a beta still :)
But I think it should run fine.
@slhck cya later!
laters @slhck :)
see you guys!
This is...
A: Stop UAC/Secure Desktop from dimming the screen

Mahna MahnaMahna mahna If u could then I'd have to click Start or press Winkey and type 'user account control settings'. Uac logo. If uac appears, click yes or, if I'm a standard user, I'd type Tepig's pass and yes. Then I'll select uac. I'd click (UAC logo)Ok. If uac appears, click yes or, if I'm a standa...

@SimonSheehan Ya, I"ll download it tonight... I miss it, and all the free stuff on Shoutcast

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