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12:02 AM
@ThatRussianGuy sounds like forums, and their passive agressive need for you to sign up
> Powered 'til this morning
I appear to have forgotten to charge my watch :P
proper first world problem, that
If you run handbrake on OS X and updated recently...
Yes... That's scary.
12:26 AM
@JourneymanGeek could you unfreeze botoverflow?
oh wait, that's right. good luck with your first day at work, @JourneymanGeek :D
@JourneymanGeek thanks
12:41 AM
@ThatRussianGuy Cheap way to save bandwidth. Not that it helps SEO.
WOOHOO Check this shiny new blog out! rahul.tech
@Bob With enforced https! :P
12:59 AM
@ThatRussianGuy did you join the People's Republic of Linux?
@Rahul2001 lol
I am not pleased by the increasing difficulty with which Chrome allows me to view a site's certificate
@Rahul2001 not using let's encrypt? :P
cpanel? :(
@BenN yea, it's via devtools now
@JourneymanGeek I was just about to say that LOL
did we all try to check the cert/ssllabs it at the same time? :D
1:02 AM
(I use letsencrypt. For everything)
As do I, even though I have to do it manually in an Ubuntu VM
I've migrated most of mine to LE
some are still startssl/expired because I cbf :P
(notably, the mumble one, cause I don't host the server and domain challenge is a pain)
@Rahul2001 boooooooooooo ssllabs.com/ssltest/…
The file challenge isn't too bad; it's what I do for mine
1:03 AM
> This server is vulnerable to the POODLE attack. If possible, disable SSL 3 to mitigate. Grade capped to C.
> This server accepts RC4 cipher, but only with older protocols. Grade capped to B.
@BenN Yea, unfortunately that subdomain points to a host I don't control. I can't do any verification that requires running a webserver.
My only option is to manually do the domain challenge every 90 days and upload the cert.
Well, maybe I can script the namecheap API to auto-run certbot, but I'd still need to upload the cert manually.
Hm. Unless I do something crazy like automate the upload with Selenium :D
bah, too much work
Might even be able to rig up something with curl or cough a certain other console-based web interaction method
@BenN unfortunately I think the admin interface I need to upload the cert with is a single-page app
curl, etc., make auth a pain
-WebSession FTW
1:09 AM
but does it run JS? :P
No :p
Buuuuuuut if you felt like creating an abomination you could host an Internet Explorer COM object
I have used that approach as well
@BenN Oooooooor I could just use Selenium with Firefox/Chrome.
Hehe, fair enough
I've played with (the sadly outdated/non-headless) Awesomium.NET
But automating IE is where I draw the line.
In other news, one of my cats had a litter of kittens today :D
Four of them: one black, one calico, one orange, and one Dalmatian-like
1:17 AM
@BenN :D
Red Star OS (Chosŏn'gŭl: 붉은별; MR: Pulgŭnbyŏl) is a North Korean Linux operating system. Development started in 1998 at the Korea Computer Center (KCC). Prior to its release, computers in North Korea typically used Ubuntu. Version 3.0 was released in the summer of 2013, but as of 2014 version 1.0 continues to be more widely used. It is only offered in a Korean language edition, localized with North Korean terminology and spelling. == Specifications == Red Star OS features a modified Mozilla Firefox browser titled Naenara used for browsing the Naenara web portal on the North Korean internet network...
Well, you have to admit, North Korea has a really strong background in develpment:
@BenN The next article after that is amusing: The Suicide Door
1:39 AM
Hexadecimal to Binary
Binary to hex
Octal to Bin
Bin to Octal
Oct to Hex
Hex to Oct
Bin to Hex
Hex to Bin
Octal to Dec
Dec to Octal
...and so on...
This is painful
5 conversions of each combination
How do you even do Octal to Decimal?
> Start the decimal result at 0.
Remove the most significant octal digit (leftmost) and add it to the result.
If all octal digits have been removed, you're done. Stop.
Otherwise, multiply the result by 8.
Go to step 2.
According to Prof. Google, at least.
That's just step one :(
Why do I even have to learn this?
No, that's all the steps. Each line is a step.
@Rahul2001 cause sometimes you use a calculator. Sometimes you are the calculator. Other times, you write the calculator
1:54 AM
@Rahul2001 decimal 123 is 3 * 10^0 + 2 * 10^1 + 1 * 10^2 yea?
for octal 123 it's 3 * 8^0 + 2 * 8^1 + 1 * 8^2
@Bob yep
you go right to left, adding each digit multiplied by the base to the power of the distance from the right
wait. lemme just double-check
yea, that works out :P
(I've never actually done it for octal. or maybe once a long time ago. but same principal applies to hex)
2:18 AM
Hm. This place seems to have an odd number of small humans.
2:36 AM
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. (not supposed to reach this) { [Error: URL after login incorrect]
  message: 'URL after login incorrect',
  type: 'WaitUntilTimeoutError' }
@JourneymanGeek ... oh. I thought you meant ... something else.
@Rahul2001 You know about groping when converting between Bin, Hex and Oct?
@RogUE I would recommend not groping anything or anyone.
@Rahul2001 It's a lot easier( I really don't know the correct name of that methode, if it has one)
@Bob Why is that?
@Bob Well, my mistake.
2:40 AM
@RogUE Sorry, I was just trying to make a joke out of the typo
Thats allright.
2:57 AM
@allquixotic poke
@allquixotic so, bot. apparently the login flow kinda changed and now SE treats SE login as actual oauth
But I've kinda got that working, and geckodriver too. which implemented a slightly different webdriver spec? but selenium standalone (java) can bridge it
@allquixotic I'm at the point of trying to get ff to persist a profile, but it... hm. tbh I don't know how. did you have that working before?
Blargh, that probably means my bot is broken too. Will investigate tomorrow
@Bob yeah, se-chatbot-driver
@allquixotic ah, damn... don't have FirefoxProfile with geckodriver
3:22 AM
@Bob DesiredCapabilities? :P
@allquixotic Yea, but no way to pass a profile. I'm falling back to args which lets me pass in --profile=/blah but then Marionette opens on the wrong port
@allquixotic do you happen to know how I can pass args to a driver when running selenium standalone?
actual CLI args
java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=/root/dev/geckodriver -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar
I'll need to pass a port in to geckodriver
@Bob prolly cause there's no more se login, and it probably means one less thing to maintain for legacy accounts
@JourneymanGeek SE login still exists. my new sock was created with it.
it's just a backend change with no user-visible effects. unless you're running a bot login with tight timings.
3:37 AM
Oo. Preeeeeeeeety sure they killed that off o0
I feel so dirty
# cat geckodriver-launcher
./geckodriver --marionette-port 12345
when you can't pass args in... make a wrapper! :P
for a moment I thought you used cat to launch it
I'm in the odd place between working and not yet working. Since they're still processing my paperwork 0_0
1494214943696   geckodriver     ERROR   Address in use (os error 98)
lies and slander
oh wait, this is just lies
3:49 AM
and statistics?
in Bot Overflow, 9 secs ago, by Floofy Fox
@Bob help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, 65wat, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, ahhfire, apumpkin, areyoukidding, baaaaat, bababababat, bankey, baroo, bearhello
beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific, biird, boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
@allquixotic I got the script working! Next up: make it work headlessly
so, no formal ticketing system, the other IT guy is also facilities. And for some reason I had to fill up the teaching staff degree confirmation....
@JourneymanGeek interesting :P
*** You are running in headless mode.
so far so good
@Bob in the old chinese proverb sense?
Unable to init server: Broadway display type not supported
in other words, not quite ready yet
4:05 AM
4:30 AM
@Bob awesome!
try headless Chrome? :P
@allquixotic ...Maybe later :P
5:07 AM
@XKCD How about the time when they actually sent a lunch order and ended up starting a nuclear war?
5:28 AM
hm. Good news is this place is terribly ad hoc.
Bad news is this place is terribly ad hoc
@JourneymanGeek I could've told you that when you said it was a school :P
apparently the other IT guy is also facilities...
and the student management system is an access 2003 thing... and everyone's on 2016
@JourneymanGeek Just pray you don't have to set up Office 2016 for the foreign affairs company that works with Saudi Arabia.
I also still have no contract nor know my hours...
or my job title
Been through worse
5:38 AM
beats unemployment ;p
apparently the current IT guy handles... everything tho
apparently including facilities
5:58 AM
@bertieb Well, looks like B2's becoming a more attractive option :P backblaze.com/blog/b2-drops-download-pricing
@JourneymanGeek sounds like a school
@JourneymanGeek ...yea, uh, the contract is kinda meant to be the thing you sign before you start
errrrm yeah
also I have no work PC, account setup....
and the senior all the things guy isn't here
Its a bit messy 0_0
also my seat is terrible
@JourneymanGeek school :P
spoiled by my time in VFX
I'm supposed to be issued a laptop. But I'm half of IT soooooo
Oh, there's also no real inventory of hardware it seemms
yeah. schoooool
@JourneymanGeek I think I just found something more annoying than your plight: A piece of song is stuck into my head and I don't know where I have heard it or what is the rest of it.
Bad employers, I can negotiate with. Ear worms ... er...
6:14 AM
not sure there's much plight here
just a period of adjustment
6:34 AM
sounds like if you want anything done, you'll be doing it yourself
@Psycogeek The story of my life.
The story of everyone's life?
The story of every successful person's life?
(Surely, there are some pampered kids who get excluded here.)
6:39 AM
la la la. I'll survive...
What IS this song!
"Cause I have cursed myself"? No, that doesn't sound right.
@FleetCommand can you hum a recording? or remember any lyrics?
you have me curious now :P
@Bob That's all I remember: "la la la. I'll survive... Cause I have cursed [?] myself."
And I don't have a mic here. I'm in my workplace, you know.
6:45 AM
phone mic? :P
I wouldn't be able to listen to it right now anyway, I'm at work too
I have an iPhone, yes. Maybe Shazam can identify it.
Progress! I had an epiphany: People don't curse themselves. If anything, they "bless" themselves. That's nonsense, sure, but I am having a positive Google hit on "I'll survive 'cause I have blessed myself".
7:06 AM
@FleetCommand I think SoundHound is a bit better for humming, but it's still quite poor
Shazam is good for actual music recordings
@allquixotic I started looking, but then:
> Note: you may encounter bugs using ChromeDriver. At the time of writing, the latest release (2.29) only supports Chrome 58. Headless Chrome requires Chrome 59 or later.
@allquixotic Also, PJS is basically dead: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/phantomjs/9aI5d-LDuNE
7:53 AM
@JourneymanGeek Facilities as in cleaning the toilets?
@JourneymanGeek @DavidPostill @FleetCommand I have no real advice except to just keep ploughing on. The problem comes in when you get a load of flags declined on a single day, you go from being able to to flag to not being able to flag without seeing a warning
Anyone good with removing really nasty viruses that have got deep into a Windows installation? It's called Cortana...
8:03 AM
Compulsory lol
@Rahul2001 looks interesting
@allquixotic I think Chrome is a bust. bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=604324#c30
@Kez Why does it bother you?
@Kez I'm trying to install Windows 7 on a touch tablet not just because of Cortina but because Windows 10 basically requires an internet connection and a fairly good one because of all the stuff connecting to the web. that doesn't work out too well with me being mobile and the new unlimited cough cough data from my phone company being only 128 bytes per second Windows 10 continuous connections basically kills itself programs locked up waiting for response from the web
Sadly, I have got more done on the phone, which has a simple setting of Restricting background net data,
@Psycogeek ...win10 has a similar option, iirc
8:18 AM
@Psycogeek Well, similar options. Plural. But I've turned them off.
I don't know how well that works in Windows in Android though programs don't lock up waiting for the web to respond
@Bob Windows 10 has an Airplane mode.
@MichaelFrank it also has a metered network toggle
I have lots of reasons to dislike Windows 10 but Cortana and background app activity isn't one of them.
I don't have Cortana
8:26 AM
@MichaelFrank Enterprise LTSB?
@FleetCommand Pro
@MichaelFrank O.o?
Windows 10 Pro. No Cortana
Or it's disabled or something...
@Rahul2001 its not got active development
@MichaelFrank Do you have search?
8:27 AM
yea, I've got a search, just not the "How can I help you today?" box
Oh, well, I disabled that too. Windows 10 Enterprise (workplace)
Oh, huh... Cortana is there.
It doesn't do anything though :S
@allquixotic @JourneymanGeek I've got an amnesiac Cavil here :(
He doesn't even remember his own name!
oh I just love this
@allquixotic So. Firefox doesn't work with geckodriver in headless mode. Chrome doesn't work with profile directories (and mixed-content) in headless mode. We can't use either yet.
On the plus side, the webdriver works perfectly with an X server :P
2 hours later…
10:26 AM
Hi there. Would you guys be interested in this question about setting up OpenGL?
Q: My Nvidia GeForce 940MX doesn't have OpenGL?

bi0phaz3I'm having a problem with my graphics card's driver. It doesn't seem to have OpenGL support... If I download OpenGL Extensions Viewer, my card doesn't show up, it's just my Onboard Intel that has the OpenGL acceleration and there is one that shows "GDI Generic". Nvidia page says that my card su...

10:52 AM
@DavidPostill not quite but close
11:50 AM
@JourneymanGeek @DavidPostill this user has posted a load of really bad answers very close together, they might need a quiet word about how the site works
12:17 PM
So I watched Deadpool. I don't like it because movie is kind of vulgar with weird people.
I never heard of comic book before so this anti-superhero was new to me.
i didn't like it either
i didn't mind the vulgarity, i just thought it was over-hyped and felt a little rushed
It tries to be sarcastic and funny but it kind of lacked the point ...
Deadpool and his girlfriend are 2 wacky weirdos...
she is hot though
The X-Men Colossus disappointed. I don't know much about this guy but is he typically supposed to be intelligent, manly and gentle?
It seemed like his presence was unnecessary...
I played X-Men video game on arcade and he seemed like a charismatic team leader there.
Here he's the opposite.
i disagree with you there
12:26 PM
Where I said he was unnecessary?
Or what was my assumption on him?
your assumption of him
Good thing I didn't bet money on it...
why would you bet on a film thats been out for 2 years?
No. I meant betting on my assumption. Like $10 that my assumption is correct. If it's correct, you PayPal me $10. If it's not, I PayPal you $10.
When I get emotional, I can do dumb things.
lol! its only a film, dude
12:38 PM
I can find any reason for betting...
But at least I am not addicted...
@DanHulme Send it over, but please ask the user to include his OS.
@Boris_yo i bet you are!
Don't you hate these life insurance agents sometimes? You want basic, they offer premium just because your teeth are covered. What if you refuse? Get punched in your face by that agent in a dark street corner and lose teeth just because you refused!
"How much you teeth are worth to you pal? Remember my offer? You should have taken it!" *Punch
That's for me getting laid off because I fail to sell you premium insurance!
"Oh yea... How much your kidney is worth to you ;)"

"Have a cell? You should cover it too with our premium plan! Or else you will lose it tomorrow!"
@Burgi Revenge of sales agent. I am making stuff up.
Sometimes the sell you as if their life depends on it and it annoys me.
12:45 PM
The writer of this article must be hanged: Stop HTML5 autoplay videos in Chrome, Firefox, Opera
@FleetCommand I find it useful because I hate auto-plays not because they are NSFW but because they are loud!
I took its advice ... and lost the notification sounds of this chatroom!
@FleetCommand why?
@JourneymanGeek Why what? Why I took its advice or why I lost the notification sound?
12:48 PM
@FleetCommand is it working again now?
Yes. It was a simple matter of undoing it.
@FleetCommand Chrome?
Told me to set the media.autoplay setting to false.
@Burgi @JourneymanGeek Dealt with.
12:49 PM
I did and guess what? All media, not just videos, stopped auto-playing.
@DavidPostill thanks!
Including this chatroom's "thud" notification sound!
you hear "thud" sounds?
Right now, yes.
are you sure that isn't a murderer breaking in?
12:51 PM
LOL. What do you hear? The sound of a canary's love song?
@Burgi it's more "thuda-imp" .. it happens when you get pinged.
i hear a unicorn farting
trolls with the best
@FleetCommand I would love to hear that. How do I customize the thud sound into a canary singing?
You're supposed to be Super Users ... figure it out!
@Burgi You can hear rainbows? Can you also see sound?
@Nick I know how to. I'm not just in the mood to give you the speech about it.
@Nick i can also taste rainbows
12:53 PM
@FleetCommand Aww, well, please remember to ping me when you are in the mood.
@Burgi What about double rainbows?
they are triple tasty
translate: Славный коммунизм
i see...
12:57 PM
@Burgi what do you see?
dead people?
Don't touch the water...
@Burgi As long as those dead people are not walking towards you, shouting "I eatz brainz", you are OK.

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