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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

@ThatBrazilianGuy he's singing internationale.
(warning. Commie music)
Huh, MSDN documentation pages have a new design
@ThatBrazilianGuy this inded is a communist party.
and the next day "Arise ye peo..." "Oh sod off. I have the people's hangover. Damned these bougious decadant scum"
"I feel like the red army cossack danced on my head"
room topic changed to Root Access: Root Access: For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right? Current topics: Славный коммунизм! And hopefully not uncontrolled spontaneous disassembly.... [computers]
room topic changed to Root Access: For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right? Current topics: Славный коммунизм! And hopefully not uncontrolled spontaneous disassembly... [computers]
room topic changed to Root Access: For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right? Current topics: Славный коммунизм! GOOD SOVIET HARDWARE! RUN ON HOPE AND WILL OF GLORIOUS PEOPLES![computers]
Славный коммунизм! HAIL THE GREAT LEADER COMRADE @JourneymanGeek!
All power knowledge to the people!!!
Share all reputation points equally amongst all users!
Ban Jon Skeet as he's the bourgeoisie
Glorious new avatar!
I kinda like the marx with the lampshade.
1 message moved to Trash
What? No messages moved, nothing was edited, it was always like that!
I keep misreading a HNQ as "elvish fedora"
I'm imagining a fedora with ear holes in the brim
Apparently there's good money in chewing on shoes.
@JourneymanGeek .
@JourneymanGeek Sindarin Language Pack for Fedora Core 26
I just couldn't resist the challenge. Had to add the name too. :)
lol. and yay no pointy ears
(peeve. Tolkien never mentioned pointy ears.)
@JourneymanGeek He didn't have too, everyone he was writing for just knew what elves were.
I kinda disagree
In a practical sense, he refered them to tall and fair.
And early, pre fall humans were probably very similar to them
this is probably a SFF question or 3
Meadow Elves. Nils Blommer (1850)
In this case I was thinking the classic D&D elves
(also, I think of the arda bound elves as the avari, or maybe the sindarin ....)
elves in tolkien's sense is a "as close as possible" translation. And the proper names sound cooler ;)
I think the D&D elves are more kin to Scandinavian lore. They had Light Elves Seelie Court and Dark Elves Un Seelie Court.
well, in theory, tolkien borrowed a lot from scandinavian myth too
I would imagine that as a linguist he had exposure, and knowledge, across the European landscape of the time.
Lots of fodder for a good tale :D
... sigh
tho I don't care for some of the posthumoutous works.
The Children of Húrin was excellent, and bloody depressing
I liked the 4 main works, never could get into the Simarilion (however it's spelt) and never got around to trying others.
Silmarillion is almost more like a source book
gives you peeks into bits of the backstory
I sometimes wonder if it wasn't created out of his notes to show that the main works were not an anti-war statement.
It's bad enough when a contracted project gets stuck with too much scope creep. It's terrible when a private project gets stuck in scope creep. :(
Were they?
@JourneymanGeek Not sure. I know that it's been an issue raised from time to time. No doubt that his experience living through the first and watching the world march toward the second world war had some influence on his work. That don't mean they were anti-war statements, however.
I've always felt they were somewhat 'anti facist'
I mean in that environment, especially
Societies can get paranoid about that kind of thing when war's on the horizon or when in recovery.
What's that phrase...
"Beware when slaying monsters, that you do not become one yourself?"
What I loved about LOTR is... the real hero was Sam
Yup, even Frodo finally fell under the spell.
I mean, he never lost hope. He didn't want glory or honor.
He just wanted a nice garden.
Frodo would probably have ended up like gollum or worse.
And some taters.
Gotta luv taters :D Yum.
1 hour later…
1 hour later, I arrived to find an empty room.
@Nick Just looks empty. Actually full of quite people (contemplative maybe).
Aaah! A talking racoon! Never seen you here before. Do you know me?

What were you contemplating about?
Using POE in Perl to control traffic signals
That, and scope creep on my own project :(
@GypsySpellweaver I would like to always have green lights. Can you arrange for that?
@Nick Only in my emulator.
@GypsySpellweaver That's fine. How do I enter your emulator?
Ever seen the movie Tron?
@Nick I was chewing on your shoes having lunch
Once I finish it, much later than intended, it'll be posted in Code Review as the commmunity challenge response for April. codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/q/7262/126950
Clippy made it naughty.
@JourneymanGeek You don't have to tell me your every activity. But now, I'm curious. what was for lunch?
I like it when Clippy shows up unintended. No fun to do it intentionally.
@GypsySpellweaver No, only Legacy
@Nick @JourneymanGeek Slippers?
@Nick small potatos (baked - its a variation of the classic throw it in a pan with salt and chilli curry), ladies finger sambar, and banana stem thair patchidi.
@GypsySpellweaver i don't have footwear. I'm indian, I go bear foot.
rasam, rice... the other usual boring stuff
@Nick poor bear.
@JourneymanGeek \o/
first the feet, then people think they have the right to bear arms...
@JourneymanGeek You made it? My mom had to tell me what a patchidi was right now. Curd and coconut. Sounds weird.
then you have armless, leggless bears rolling furiously across the landscape...
@Nick my mom did
@Nick I coulda called it a raita but that's hindi
@Nick Somehow, in Tron there was a beam that converted the fellow into data in the computer and he had to find his way out to the physical world again.
As someone from Kerala, I understand your food and I agree, rice and rasam are boring as hell.

Try a chicken chopsuey now and again xD
lol I'm veggie
@JourneymanGeek Raita...yum, I use a lot of it with my Butter chicken Biriyani
and rasam is fairly standard, except when it isn't
@JourneymanGeek You're missing out.
(there's oh, a half dozen variations)
@JourneymanGeek well said.
@JourneymanGeek Nirapara rasam is the most common where I'm from.
@Nick shrug Even if not for cultural things, I like animals waaaay too much to eat em
@Nick my mom's rasam base is famous.
@JourneymanGeek Have you met chickens? i raised 3...and ate 2...one escaped.
But there's also the mainly pepper sort, the garlic sort...
@Nick my neighbourhood has a small pack of feral chickens.
I hope they don't get culled.
@JourneymanGeek I can make that too.
@Nick After what you did to the bear, not surprised one left.
@JourneymanGeek Only if I come there... :D
Not actually sure where they came from
@Nick ah. local context
@JourneymanGeek Eggs
there was a small flock of jungle fowl (not chickens) in a neighbourhood
@GypsySpellweaver which came from other chickens
government claimed they were chickens and had them culled
people were unhappy....
@GypsySpellweaver oh, singapore is urban
no one really has chickens
The answer to your next question.... The Pterodactyl came first!
I've seen chickens twice in singapore other than my local flock...
Hey guys, can anybody help me with a usb dilemma? I've got a really expensive (And poorly designed) USB device that overheats if i leave it plugged in
both were bantams. One was this rediculous tiny thing.
@JourneymanGeek I can see why. I eat chicken and turkey but avoid other meat.
@Nick people actually were fond of them
I can't take it out and put it back 50 times a day since that'd damage the USB wire (And it also acts up weird with driver problems if i re-plug it)
@AayushAgrawal extension cord?
Solution: Don't leave it plugged in.

Check the voltage on the port.
USB cooler?
USB hub with switches?
Tried it
@JourneymanGeek then, why did the government...
Even tried a very expensive USB 3.0 hub but it acts up with driver problems if i use any hub
@Nick "cause someone complained"
Extension cords don't seem to work either. It's so power hungry that other devices plugged to the laptop have trouble when this device is plugged in
@JourneymanGeek that one bastard.
The moment i take it out, other deices start working just fine
@AayushAgrawal Upgrade the expensive poorly designed unit to a cheap well designed unit
@AayushAgrawal powered USB hub then?
@JourneymanGeek I second this. Good idea.
I would if i could. Also the hub was powered (amazon.in/Transcend-TS-HUB3K-USB-3-0-4-port/dp/…)
@AayushAgrawal Any chance it's a laptop HDD converter?
there's only so many options
No, an iris machine
The software i work with only accepts this particular model
Is there any way to turn off it's power from the software end?
er. depends on the software I suppose.
No, L1 device. I mean, can i use windows device manager or something to disable power to it?
I'm hoping it won't have problems if i simply restart the machine's power when i need it
I donno. Could try, but I'm somewhat doubtful
The best thing i've got so far is to use the really expensive hub and leave the iris device plugged into that. I replug the hub each time, 'sacrificing' it's USB wire to avoid damaging the device. But due to driver problems i have to restart the laptop 1-2 times before the iris device works with the hub
Oh well, guess that'll have to do. I'll upgrade to an SSD to make reboots faster
Maybe the device is defective. Contact a human at the source.
I've got several other people in the same line of work, all of whom burn through their device every 6 months :/
@AayushAgrawal At that price, maybe it's cheaper to get new software with a better device.
Again not really an option, no alternatives available
The software is made in-house by a government agency so there are no alternatives
Random thoughts: 1) Could you run the software in a virtual machine, with USB pass-through, and only need to reboot the VM instead? 2) Could you use a cheap laptop strictly for that device and software, and have it hand-off the authentication token to the main unit? - The limited use laptop would have much lighter requirements, and boot faster.
> The software is made in-house by a government agency so there are no alternatives
There's your problem
@JourneymanGeek Triple Trouble: Govm't can't write code decently; Govm't won't admit that, and get someone capable to do it; Govm't requires you to use thier solution since they don't trust anyone else to do it <strike>right</strike> wrong.
I overtook shog as the top user on MSE for the quarter
I have no clue what's the practical advantage of this, other than "man, I turned boredom into imaginary internet points"
Best help to others in the community, for now, maybe?
also I need more gold badges there so I can close shit.
@GypsySpellweaver there's that
and I actually like posting answers
My activity has fallen off since I started with this safe-intersection project.
I mean, I've been on the network close to 8 years. I vaguely get how things work
But, I like the challenge
(+ mod for a few)
But we have a pretty good, solid, clued in team here so being a mod here isn't really that much of a challenge
As a mod, I suppose you've seen some of how things don't work too :/
That's what meta's for
in fact, most or all of my questions are stuff that breaks or works irrationally
If boredom strike too hard, you could try for the "fanatic" badge in a few sites. :)
Well, I'm no longer going to be unemployed
That will use up some of your time.
@GypsySpellweaver Sorry for the late reply! I don't know about VMs but i did try that approach with a lite version of the client which uses a fingerprint reader and the fingerprint reader never worked properly when plugged in. To get it installed on a new computer i need to apply for permission which can take 4-5 months
@AayushAgrawal Yikes
Also i already use a cheap laptop for only this software. Though i don't understand what you mean by handing off the auth token
@AayushAgrawal The powers that be don't trust their own shadow :(
@GypsySpellweaver Worth the trouble! It's a super sensitive unit for enrolling biometric data from residents
@AayushAgrawal AAadar cards?
I prolly mangled the spelling
@GypsySpellweaver its for a national biometric ID project
one leak and you've got 10,000 people whos bank accounts can now be emptied with a fake finger
you'd be suprised how easy it is to fake a fingerprint
Actually i won't. Some of the enrolment operators in another state did just that (Though not for nerarious purposes, just to avoid having to re-authenticate themselves at their center)
There was even a service offering to make fake fingers for about $200
@AayushAgrawal That sounds cheaper than getting fake papers
Well to be honest, that'd be even cheaper :D This is India after all
To get yourselves a fake identity all you need is to pay some village head $5-10 for an identity certificate. You can easily build a paper trail off that
Though nowadays with the aadhar card thing people who did that are getting screwed
The govt. is trying to link the aadhar card to pretty much everything, from bank accounts to pension cards to life insurance and everything else. The infrastructure is miserably failing though
@AayushAgrawal indian politics is too darned... messy
Add to that the fact that fingerprint readers have trouble reading fingerprints from senior citizens and people with dry hands and you've got a problem. People can't collect pensions, rations, open bank accounts e.t.c due to their fingerprints not matching up
@JourneymanGeek Any politics.
@GypsySpellweaver so... indian politics currently has two big parties
Congress is nominally secular, but somewhat rotten to the core
The other party is "hindu" Nationalist...
Sounds a lot like USA's mess too.
The moderate part of the party isn't bad. The rest of the party is boredline facist.
there's small regional parties that dominate specific states
Gypsy, the USA doesn't have over 10,00 smaller parties that control most of the votes though
So, neither congress nor the BJP can win, say Tamil Nadu
They call them "unions"
Where two smaller parties dominate. One of them had their leader either die or murdered...
and that party is currently splintered...
its like a ruddy soap opera
Heh, Indian politicians have a really short life. That's for sure
Come election time, you pretty much know many of those faces on those gigantic billboards all over the place are going to be culled soon
@AayushAgrawal Maybe that's good. Cut down on their gene pool. xD
Eh, they breed like crazy. Only thing you do is let evolution select for the most ruthless/dangerous politicians
I completely cannot disagree with this
Politics and religion are subjects I like to steer clear of. Nothing but trouble, in every sense imaginable.
I don't even discuss either with my wife.
Indian laws are a mess too. For example, there was this famous cricketer who had his aadhar enrolment details leaked by a government agency. When a big fuss of it was made, they blacklisted (And are now trying to imprison) the operator who made the enrolment, since he's the one who 'shared' those details with the government agency (Which is literally his job description)
lol. this is non partisian complaining
Yeah. We hate all poltical parties equally
You can tell when a politician is lying - his lips are moving.
What about politicians who tweet?
little lies?
Virtual lips
There's a reason it's called tweet, just like a canary
I don't follow any politicians
I don't even have an account. Not on Facebook either.
@GypsySpellweaver amusingly I hardly use mine except for some feeds + people going "That was funny, you should tweet it so I can retweet it"
I am contemplating on buying Macrium Backup.
$69.99 for 1-PC license or $139.90 for 4-PC license.
Back in '04 I had a profile on Yahoo! 360, I let that die before the end of '07. It really served no purpose.
Currently at 20% off both... Too bad they don't have 2-PC licenses.
Buy 2, get 2 free, and save 8¢
Too bad the 20% sale cuts the savings by 2¢
Macrium has Rapid Delta Cloning or something for both clone and restore. Nice feature if you want to keep your emergency backup HDD current.
If main fails, all I do is fallback on emergency HDD and right away start working, avoiding downtime,
@Boris_yo veeam is free
ah. you want a cold spare
I guess that works
@JourneymanGeek Cold spare?
@Boris_yo hot spare - its running at the same time, you shrug, and cut over.
cold spare. You shrug, reboot, and cut over to the spare
I just backup to a NAS
What about hot swap?
Different thing
One does not simply hotswap a system drive
@JourneymanGeek Boromir surprises me with his tech know-how...
1 hour later…
huh. Aldi's going to have some 3D printers (cocoon create) next week
also, LED strips -_-
Yeah, I heard about that
@JourneymanGeek maybe I should've waited? I have excellent timing...
naw, the ones you got are likely cheaper
then again, the strips are $40 with a power supply and connectors
3d printers getting mass market seems lovely
@JourneymanGeek wait. heard about? so worldwide?
I just picked up a catalogue in-store :P
youtube seems to think I like 3d printers and its a recommended video
with $35 filament
@JourneymanGeek about aldi or about the printer?
eh. I think monoprice's one is about 200 USD from amazon
@Bob both
that aldi was selling printers
on YouTube?
about aldi au specifically?
donno if it was AU
it's not even on their website yet!
I didn't watch the video ;p
not looking at things I shouldn't buy until I get a paycheck ;p
@JourneymanGeek oh, so it is just au
yup and apparently one day only
amazon.com/Monoprice-Select-Printer-Heated-Filament/dp/… feels like it makes a lot of sense for a starter printer
@JourneymanGeek nah, every sat aldi brings in new stuff.
and every wed smaller new stuff
they last as long as it takes to sell out
the middle section of aldi ("special buys") is like adv pricier/bigger-ticket faster-rotating daiso :P
> wrong is spelled wrong in the dictionary
Which is right.
1 hour later…
Why did Donald Trump marry an Immigrant?
Because once again, immigrants are doing the jobs no American wants to do
@Rahul2001 Interestingly enough all of his grandparents and his mother were not US citizens.
@DavidPostill Am I expected to approve edits which are slight improvements but the question that they are to are off-topic and likely to get closed?
Do I really need to test last backup by restoring it? Sounds like a lot of work. I have incrementals, differentials and fulls.
Oh. hell yes
This would take eternity @JourneymanGeek
@Boris_yo I'd at least test your backups once
I test them every few months
You don't want to get caught with broken backups when you need it
@JourneymanGeek How many you test?
just the most recent
the minimum you need to do is one restore test with the boot disk
and periodically check if the backups let you access files
@JourneymanGeek You backup in month 1, you backup month 2 and test, you backup month 3, you backup month 3 and test?
@Boris_yo I shove in a spare disk, unplug my main disk, then restore
@JourneymanGeek You have dedicated external drive for testing backups?
@Rahul2001 I would be inclined to reject
Oh, okay
@Boris_yo I have a pile of spare had disks from old systems
@JourneymanGeek "no improvement whatsoever"?
@Rahul2001 yup
@JourneymanGeek I think I have 3.5" old EIDE...
@Boris_yo the big test for my setup was to a new SSD, simulating a complete systems failure,
@JourneymanGeek Won't verification of backup be sufficient to test?
here, I'd do it
@Boris_yo sometimes your boot disk may not boot
its good enough after the first time
@Rahul2001 I wouldn't bother. Polishing turds and all that...
@JourneymanGeek I have some bad sectors in 250GB HDD. Does this make it unfit for testing backups?
Bad sectors are normally marked with CHKDSK...
@Rahul2001 That's valid. Fixing a http link
good enough
@Rahul2001 tag fixes and that sort of maintainance gets a pass
3 hours later…
How do I know why was my flag declined?
There's a message in your flagging history, though it's usually canned and broad
Which post did you flag?
You can also inquire about a post on Meta Super User or in Ask a Super User Moderator
Q: How to hide Whatsapp group chat, without leaving it? (Mute and archive don't work.)

Kenny LJI've tried both the mute and archive functions. But still, every time there's a new message in the Whatsapp group chat, the green circle thing with a number still shows up to notify me, and the group chat appears near the top. I can also read the first few words of the latest message in that grou...

@RogUE You flagged as off-topic. Why do you think it is off-topic?
Ah, for closure flags, you don't get a message since they're not seen by mods - rather, the decision comes from the Close Votes reviewers
@DavidPostill I thought questions about Android Apps are off-topic here
@RogUE Do you see an android tag on the question? Whatsapp is also available for Windows and Mac.
I can confirm there's a vaguely native windows client
@BenN Well somehow I saw it and declined it :)
@DavidPostill So questions regarding mobile platform are on-topic here?
Ah, indeed; mods can review too :p
But in general, normal users are responsible for "handling" close flags
@Rahul2001 That's an audit, designed to see if you're paying attention
@BenN No. But in this case the question was not clear about the platform.
All the Suggested Edits audits are like that
hm, my rep is at 2,223
@DavidPostill Yeah, when a mod clears a review task, it's a little different
than when normal users do so
I once saw an edit review audit full of junk where the system said the edit was proposed by me :)
edit queue review audits are amusing
@DavidPostill Heh, I think they're all now attributed to user###### because someone (almost?) got mod messaged for a terribad edit they didn't make
I've also seen my answers come up in review audits ... and questions I've answered.
I would be amused if one of my old, crappy answers came up
@DavidPostill So, the question is on-topic regardless of it is not about computer software or hardware?
the site's ideas of what's ok have changed a looooot
@RogUE Its about PC software, potentially
@RogUE I think he's saying that it is about computer hardware/software, since WhatsApp has a desktop client
@RogUE It is about software. Whatsapp is software.
@BenN wait, theres a desktop client?
@RogUE yes. it's a wrapper around whatsapp web
9 mins ago, by DavidPostill
@RogUE Do you see an android tag on the question? Whatsapp is also available for Windows and Mac.
8 mins ago, by Journeyman Geek
I can confirm there's a vaguely native windows client
It won't work unless your phone's connected to a network of some sort tho
so its essentially useless outside being an easy way to send my mom links
Download WhatsApp for
Mac or Windows PC
WhatsApp must be installed on your phone.
By clicking the Download button, you agree to our Terms & Privacy Policy.

Supported versions:
Mac OS X 10.9 and higher
Windows 8 and higher (64-bit version)
Windows 8 and higher (32-bit version)
Also note that questions on the interaction between a desktop and a phone are OK
@JourneymanGeek You have to state it clearly whether it's a desktop client or a Windows Phone app. I thought it was Windows phone
@RogUE ... windows... phooooone?
@RogUE Stop worrying. You have a 98.02% successful flag count
@RogUE It also runs on Android and iPhone.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

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