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(1) credit where credit is due: they seem to be genuinely interested in making SourceForge *not* a horrific site
(2) it's still SourceForge, and moving from Codeplex to SourceForge is completely nonsensical
Hi all
@allquixotic I haven't use SourceForge as a project platform, in any way. I have, however, downloaded a lot of things from there. Sometime directly from their pages, and sometimes from links on other pages that used it as their repository. The one thing I've not liked is the deceptive ad "Download" button that they say they want to fix. Beside that, what are the "issues" with SourceForge that seem to generate so much negative hype?
@GypsySpellweaver they hijacked a few projects that moved out.
Also bundled adware in downloads
Test hello
@Robert olleh tseT
@JourneymanGeek Blog states they are killing the adware, think they will address/prevent the project hijacking too?
@GypsySpellweaver I hope so
I really can't say why, luck I guess, but I've not become a victim of adware, viruses, etc. in all my years at the keyboard. My step dau. had boatloads of it, and my current wife has triggered a few things on her iPad, but I've stayed clear somehow.
I'm against it, totally, but lack the emotional investment others have after being its victims.
@PowershellforLinux ?
@GypsySpellweaver it was a dumb business move. Annoyed the folks hosting projects with them, annoyed users, and I doubt it was worth the revenue
@JourneymanGeek Underhanded moves are usually bad for business, even when it is for your own good.
@Bob You asked me a few days back about how to get to IMS settings and CSC changer right?
@PowershellforLinux think so?
@PowershellforLinux VoLTE
@GypsySpellweaver it was shortsighted.
No open source developer wants adware bundled in
@JourneymanGeek I wouldn't think so. I know I wouldn't want anything bundled in my code/project, except what I put there. If someone wants to change it, fork it. ;)
@GypsySpellweaver "prevent" is a fun word when they were the ones doing it...
@Bob Does seem to be a bit of a self-serving statement. If, however, it was a bad decision of DICE, and the new owners are going to change course, then it could be good.
It's been 14 months since they switched. Has there been noticeable improvement?
@GypsySpellweaver for project maintainers, it's really an awful site; sure, the downloads are alright, but the actual functionality is antiquarian compared to GitHub or BitBucket
@GypsySpellweaver the instinctive "eww, sourceforge, better watch where I click" hasn't worn off yet
also, navigation is still shit
they said they have a "new UI" coming, but I'll believe it when I see it
@allquixotic the downloads are nearly impossible for a user to navigate
their "forums" are pathetic, their "bug tracking" is laughable, their VCS support is minimal
there's a prominant "latest" button that often gives you the wrong thing...
it's a site from the 90s or very early 2000s and it looks like it
looks like it hasn't been updated since 2001
that said, I don't want to see it die
if only because there's so many old projects on it
@allquixotic I haven't been updated either :/
@Bob a significant percentage of them being genuinely useful and not adware-ridden
there are some rather useful utilities on there last updated in like 2011 that are still occasionally useful
@Bob IF it died, suddenly, would the mirrors still hold the projects, or would they automatically be wiped on the next refresh.
@GypsySpellweaver depends on the mirrors' internal rules; if the master server went down, the mirrors wouldn't immediately wipe themselves, but how long they kept it up would be a question for each mirror
@GypsySpellweaver depends on the mirror in question, but they only host downloads... the code would still be lost, as would the rest of the project (description, issues)
and without the linking, the files themselves would be difficult to sort out
how would you know which file belongs where, does what?
god, it was so long ago but I think at some point SourceForge even hosted Eclipse O_O
maybe in the days of Eclipse Helios
or Galileo
@Bob is it supposed to work?
@PowershellforLinux not sure... Vodafone supports it, but I'm on TPG (Vodafone network, not technically Vodafone...)
@allquixotic SourceForge used to be the F/OSS site. Then GitHub came in, SF saw it was losing users, and decided it would be better to go out with a malware-laden bang rather than try to compete or die slowly.
@Bob tbh I would be unsurprised if someone honestly thought it was a good idea
@allquixotic Hey! That's a when I was created too!
Recent updates to me include: 2 inches of height, weird facial hair​, braces.
@Rahul2001 ahh puberty.
Or werewolfism.
@Rahul2001 I'm old; I was a teenager when it was created
@allquixotic @Rahul2001 I'm ancient, I was divorced when it was created.
For around a decade already, by then.
@GypsySpellweaver you win (unless DavidPostill is older) :P
@allquixotic Some of his experience comments makes me think he might be. He's mentioned working with some things that I've used as well, but I had early access compared to most, so my middle-school years may equate to his early career years.
@Bob games in a bit?
@allquixotic sorry, not this week :(
@allquixotic unless you can your morning (in about 11 hours)
wait no. 9 hours
@Bob Check this answer. Poster only has one post, ever, and it looks suspiciously like a person posted the answer just to get a link to a paid product. I'm fixing it, in case it's not spam, but also flagging it cause it feels like spam.
A: How do I view my clipboard history on OS X?

Jason RobbI've tried them all and the best experience and best ongoing support has been from LaunchBar. Best feature: 40-item clipboard history. It makes writing code so much easier.

@GypsySpellweaver ow, that's one of the more iffy parts of software-rec answers. I don't think it passes the "how do I recommend software" test (meta.superuser.com/questions/5329/…) but it's also old enough that leaving it might be acceptable at this point
The company does still have that product. Didn't look at price though.
@GypsySpellweaver 'link to a paid product' in and of itself isn't spam, btw. it can be a poor answer for other reasons, but as long as it's a relevant answer it doesn't fit the spam flag reason
of course, affiliation without disclosure is the other part of spam, but it's ahrd to prove affiliation - especially when they don't have several answers of the sort
but yea @JourneymanGeek would give a more definitive answer
I wasn't sure. Just "felt" fishy.
yea, flagging it is a reasonable response
jsut be glady ou aren't a mod so you don't have to deal with it :P
@Bob Passing the buck is always nice :)
Not my job ;P
@GypsySpellweaver does not ring any of the usual alarm bells.
Looks legit, and he seems to have no affiliation with the product
cool. Strange that fella showed up, made one answer, then disappeared.
@JourneymanGeek You're the resident expert on spam. Gotta go with your opinion :)
Annoyingly the mod queue is full so I can't find it on my phone
There sorted
2 hours later…
@Bob nvm on gaming in a couple hours - gonna probably be too tired from working on Joomla all night
I just downloaded all the classic Tom and Jerry episodes :P
@jokerdino Thanks for the help on the image fixing.
I didn't do anything.
You did one for sure, it got there to fix it and you'd just edited it a few minutes before.
A: How do I securely store and manage 180 passwords?

PlTaylorI have used Lastpass for a while now and recommend it highly. It has some wonderful browser plugins and a bunch of features that make it easier to have more secure passwords. The browser plugin will automatically fill-in login information (when logged into the plugin). It also has an export fun...

ah, I randomly ran into it the other day.
I've been very random in my viewing lately. :) Entertaining and enlightening.
Q: How do get many results automatically from this page?

ghosts_in_the_codehttp://results.sofworld.org/results I was hoping if I could get all possible results of say type: 16th NCO Roll no: DL0071-**-*-*** The first two ** represent a number from 1-12, the next * is a letter A-Z, the last three digits *** are 000-999 My roll number is DL0071-11-B-005 I was sug...

Uh, looks like it's a teacher/student trying to get the results of all his/her classmates/students
NCO is conducted in all schools here in India
Last I knew one of the others was started on that and then quit because of PII issues. I know I pulled out real quick. It started in chat and went to a question later.
It was either JourneymanGeek of FleetCommand iirc
T&J is 77 years old
@GypsySpellweaver yup. dude asked it here.
@JourneymanGeek Thought it was you, but not 100% sure. Looks like others are still trying to solve it.
But I typically tell people to ask questions on the main site ;p
That's understood. I just don't know why he's still trying to get it done. Or, why there's so much hassle doing it. As soon as I realized the PII involved I quit. But it's simple enough to do, and it'd be done by now if I'd stayed on it. The PII issue makes it not worth the bounty to me.
I'm pretty sure he threw the bounty on cause of the closevotes, but whateves.
Does a bounty prevent closing a question, or just discourage people from VTC?
You can't close a bountied question
Smart way to game the system.
At the dog wash ;p
Oh, yes, I am in the right room. Every time I log in, there is a picture of either a dog or a cat.
At least it's not a picture of both ;)
What's wrong with both?
Could end up with the fur flying.
Show off ;P
Dr. Dolittle. Push-you-pull-me.
The end of Utopia
There was a TV show called catdog, right?
<-- clueless
CatDog is an American animated television series created by Peter Hannan for Nickelodeon. The series depicts the life of conjoined brothers, with one half being a cat and the other a dog. Nickelodeon produced the series from Burbank, California. The first episode aired on April 4, 1998 (following the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards), before the show officially premiered in October that year. The Season 2 episode "Fetch" was also shown in theaters with The Rugrats Movie before airing on TV. The series aired on Nickelodeon from October 5, 1998 to June 15, 2005 for four seasons and 68 episodes. Reruns...
The accepted answer for this question is wrong: superuser.com/questions/1194625/…
@FleetCommand It does have a source (see my comment above) — DavidPostill ♦ 21 secs ago
"I believe this is done bypassing the file system". Correct. From Windows Internals, C14 "Crashdmp.sys, with support from the disk miniport driver and any required filter drivers, writes the dump information directly to the sectors on disk occupied by the paging file, bypassing the file system driver and storage driver stack (which might be corrupted or even have caused the crash)." — DavidPostill ♦ 14 hours ago
@allquixotic ...oh.
@DavidPostill Have you even heard of "synthesis of published sources to advance a position not supported by either of them"?
@DavidPostill Here, see this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:SYNTH
Ok slow down @FleetCommand and @DavidPostill
both right!
The source for internals explains why the swap file is needed for the error to be recoded, and how it's done.
@GypsySpellweaver Exactly.
@GypsySpellweaver And that's not the question or the problem of the OP.
AND it isn't going to matter where the file is, as long as it exists somewhere
@GypsySpellweaver Exactly. And that's what David and OP are getting wrong.
The OP was wrong. David was only explaining the message - literally, rather than the actual question.
@GypsySpellweaver You are right. Although, I wonder if he should have done that.
The answer is still wrong. And Davids comment begins by quoting the part of the answer he's addressing "bypassing the file system"
And that's why it has to be 800MB or more, to hold the crash file. Size of memory means nothing in that context, even though the OP mentioned that it was 3.5x memory.
@FleetCommand Hm. Now I'm confused. Are you (and @GypsySpellweaver) saying minidumps will still be recorded as long as a page file exists, even if on a non-system drive?
@Bob Yes. It happens on my PC.
@GypsySpellweaver It's a minidump. Not a full memory dump. iirc.
@FleetCommand Well, there's a bunch of answers (on SU, SF, and other forums) you might wanna fix :P
The BSOD only needs the file to exist and have been registered. I've done it that way just short of forever. Usually the final partition, on a secondary drive if possible. In the IDE age also on the secondary controller.
And with the torture I give my boxes, BSOD was a daily event. Pre *nix anyway. :)
@Bob This is nothing new. I've seen a thread in which people were scaring off an OP who had a question about one his devices. They convinced him that it was Intel Management Engine (IME) and that it was a liability that exposed his computer to remote malicious control. In reality, the device was Intel Management Engine Interface (IMEI) which only enabled some advanced CPU features.
@FleetCommand Oh, I've challenged cargo cult beliefs often enough. It happens.
Not everyone can test every little thing themselves :P
Speaking of which. "disable the page file" is one of those... there's very very few circumstances where doing so is a good idea
Usually comes from people thinking "oh I have enough RAM anyway" with no knowledge of how Windows handles overcommit
Thomas Jefferson, writing to a nephew, Peter Carr, who was entering The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, Jefferson's alma mater:
(i.e. it doesn't allow overcommit the way Linux does, and will simply lock away a chunk of your physical RAM if you don't have a page file and a program commits-but-never-accesses the memory... fairly common)
Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there is one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.
BTW: how do you get the quote-type thing in here, where the line is indented and has the vertical dots on it?
@GypsySpellweaver >
that's a greater-than followed by a space
must be in the first two characters of the message, and will always quote the entire message (even multiline)
... and @PowershellforLinux has just said the whole thing much more succinctly :P
Huh wow
I thought < was greater than
Man no wonder I failed at maths at school... twice
P.S. @Bob, if you ever have issues with your phone back being too slippery... electrical tape
@PowershellforLinux LOL
actually not a bad idea... maybe in a nicer-looking shape though :P
@Bob It#
It's magical
@GypsySpellweaver @FleetCommand The Windows Internals book has a complete exaplanation of exactly how and where the dump files are written. Unfortunately it is 8 pages and too long for an answer - which is why I didn't write one :)
Like, not just for fingers. But it stops the phone slipping off my laptop palm rest, I can safely leave it on polished surfaces, it'll even stay on an armrest on a bus/train/plane
Everywhere I go there's now 3x as many surfaces I can put my phone safely, it'll stay put even at like 15 degrees incline on the window sill on a train
Normal people would probably just use a silicone case/cover but y'know I'm weird like that
Also my mobile provider definitely hates me. Bypassed their metered tethering cap and have been completely maxing the network capacity in the city centre right across peak hours for 2 days
If you think your microwave spying on you is bad... Your vacuum cleaner has been gathering dirt on you for years.
Pulled like 300GB in 2 days, with 100% 24/7 network load...
@Rahul2001 facepalm
@DavidPostill I already have Windows Internals. You can just give me an edition name and page number. But I don't think it is relevant anyway. That's my original objection.
@FleetCommand Edition 6, Part 2, p 553
huh, I just realised I completely forgot to set up my page files after the reinstall
Set up my page files?
Sounds like an oxymoron
So as it turns out Android implemented a secret, hidden, tethering APN like IOS a few versions back
On Samsung phones you have to have root to override it, on Sony phones you don't
@Bob Found it!
It's shit and useless though
@PowershellforLinux -_-
@PowershellforLinux does it actually let you do anything? lol
sounds useful though
@Bob Shrug
Not really.
It doesn't even have signal readouts
Unfortunately every other post I've found on codes for the Xperia are retards regurgitating the same misinformation that confuses "Samsung" with "Android"
Anyone know a reliable way to get BSOD in Win 98SE
@GypsySpellweaver Unplug the hard drive
@DavidPostill Alright. I read it. Your quotation is actually on page 559.
@PowershellforLinux Which one?
How about w/o popping the hood?
@FleetCommand And in any case the dump file location is independent of any page file settings. I'm writing an answer.
@GypsySpellweaver O0
To see what it does with the errors. Ain't had a BSOD in a while - Ain't "used" Windows in a while.
I wonder if the old reghack works
If it's old enough, it should. Win 98 is old.
O.o I just received word that Trump has banned using laptops on planes! o.O
Ever since the TSA came online I HATE to fly. Avoid it at any and all costs!
Well, you Americans have voted to a really funny president. I wonder why.
I'm not sure its old enough
Politicians can do business as usual, time to see if a businessman can do politics as usual. :D
A sentence worthy of Revenge of the Sith.
After all, aren't we supposed to be the Great Experiment?
Not me.
@GypsySpellweaver if you tilt your head just right and blink
@FleetCommand That was a Star Wars movie, correct?
@GypsySpellweaver Block all the vents
win2k and better
wait, no, that was how you get WinME to bsod
@GypsySpellweaver Yes.
@FleetCommand Err no, and old news
tilting and winking are optional
@FleetCommand they didn't vote for him, the system did
I can't feel my left leg
@PowershellforLinux You mean what I have heard is a lie?
@Bob Duuuude. Go see a vet
@Bob Which one?
@JourneymanGeek ...that seems like an overreaction
@GypsySpellweaver what.thedailywtf.com/topic/377/… might get you started
@Bob actually, we probably should start with "is your leg in a snare?"
@JourneymanGeek depends on your definition of snare, I guess
@Bob often a piece of wire...
@Bob I can test the primary vs. secondary antenna so I can whine at my insurance company that they botched the repair and one of them aint working
in a loop
terrible things.
Maybe use a practical reverse definition of a snare?
Can you still move it?
@PowershellforLinux huh. That's actually useful.
If so, not in a snare.
@PowershellforLinux kinda hard to move something you can't feel
@Bob Not for me
Do you hear the baying of hounds?
Can't feel my laptop, can still move it. Can also move my leg quite easily using both leg itself and my arms even if it's numb
Have you tried chewing on your leg in preperation for chewing it off to escape?
'course, now it's not numb anymore. pins and needles aren't nice either :(
@JourneymanGeek can I count the baby crying next door?
Yup. Not in a snare. He's fine.
funnily enough I could've answered yes this afternoon
Do you see men and women in red coats?
with guns?
Oh shit
Fox hunters
every weekend what sounds like a dozen dogs start howling (?) a couple streets over
> Your package has been posted through your letterbox.
Uhhh in a public office block?
Lazy bastards
Could they not have waited to deliver it on a day it was open?
It's a business address ffs.
@FleetCommand @GypsySpellweaver superuser.com/a/1194749/337631
@JourneymanGeek Even though it said not 98SE the img src=C:\con\con worked :D
@FleetCommand I just wanted to write a correct answer :)
Clearly should have used Firefox
Burgi isn't here. Too bad.
Now, when I restart, where's the crash file supposed to be?
@GypsySpellweaver Read my answer :) %SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP
What crash file? You don't get a crash file when you restart.
@GypsySpellweaver yay
@JourneymanGeek Meh, he basically crashed internet exploder.
It's not even a real BSOD
There's no D.
@PowershellforLinux actually, he crashed the file system driver IIPC
And he wanted a crash. It crashed.
Yay. HNA :)
I'm back to the annoying problem of there being no good way to backup a running linux server
A: Best way to backup a running linux server

Journeyman GeekMondo seems to do exactly what i want - fairly simple, bootable bare metal backups. I'm completely fine with periodically doing a full system backup, since its not a very heavily used system, and i got a 1 tb box elsewhere... so... i guess that takes my vote.

@DavidPostill mondo dosen't quite work most of the time since ._.
@JourneymanGeek :-o
Opening an image on a web page crashes the filesystem? :-O
@JourneymanGeek dd?
Q: How to backup a running system?

ludieguI have a running Linux system, and I'd like to have a full backup of it using dd, which, in my limited knowledge is the only tool every system has. The distro doesn't matter mainly because I should apply this approach to several different servers with different flavours installed, and I cannot ...

@PowershellforLinux pretty terrible
Rsync? Bash? Veeam?
dd works fine for disaster recovery
@PowershellforLinux hm. I wonder if veeam would backup locally
I can ship the backups periodically
> FSArchiver can be used to backup linux operating systems when they are running. In other words, if you have linux installed on your hard disk, and it’s currently running, you can make a backup of that disk using fsarchiver. It’s called a live backup or hot backup. All you need is an fsarchiver binary, an another filesystem where to save the archive. It can be on another partition on the hard-disk, or a network file-system such as Samba of NFS.
@DavidPostill I use veeam on my home stuff so...
Totally unplanned coincidence but there's a motorcycle shop and a 4G transmitter right next to the hostel I booked
@Bob lol
@PowershellforLinux Now the 4LAs know where to aim tonight :)
hm. I need a different device to back it up to for veeam
@JourneymanGeek ^^^ "It can be on another partition on the hard-disk" :)
@DavidPostill which I don't have
and Its a bit more work than I currently have the energy for
@JourneymanGeek "you can use the official fsarchiver package that comes with your Linux distribution"
@DavidPostill to add another partition, I'd need to fix up the KVM client on my linux box ;p
If I did that, I could shut down the VM, and back up the whole image...
... Oh
Yeah, I think I'll have that as a project for the week
@PowershellforLinux incidently the google car went past us at the round about coming home
(shrug) all these people dogs wanting instant gratification solutions :)
@DavidPostill naw, actually, this would work
I just need to leave for a complete waste of my time in 2 minutes
@JourneymanGeek See ya later
Our copy-cat-hunter #Guttenberg (http://bit.ly/2otmwmg) is already using DDA. Thanks for letting us test the new… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/848159291127324672
apparently not
@djsmiley2k :-o
Did it take your photo?
@JourneymanGeek \\localhost?
i guess so
@PowershellforLinux or shutdown the guest, and grab it over SFTP
Server might be down a while but shrug
God dammit this constant brain electrocution sensation is getting really bad
I suspect driving while being electrocuted in the head might be a bad idea
I could just zip it in place first
Then again that glaswegian that kept passing out while driving busses and trucks and then went and ran over and killed 5 people didn't go to jail, so maybe they just don't care where I'm going anyway
all the cores¬!
Its a 8 core avaton
its still going to take a while but at least it makes the rest of the process less painful
@PowershellforLinux Mayhaps the advice of a medical professional could be of use?
Right, backups done
now I just need to gank the backups and do a risky release update over ssh
and damn, I'm rusty
and I don't remember how I set up networking on the host, which is going to be "fun" when I get around to updating it
ah right. Fedora stores it in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ ._.
right, now do-release update is stuffing up
Oh joy
How you guys doing? First time in here
Hi. I'm complaining loudly about something I will shortly feel stupid about ;)
But at least I backed up
I was wondering if anyone could land me a hand with a problem that doesn't need a new question in ubuntustack
We typically tell people, we talk about stuff tather than use it for live support. So if you need talking through it, maybe
but at some point we may go "hey, this is really a better question for AU or SU"
if you're cool with that, carry on
The problem with asking on AU or SU is that you cant get too deep into it
I'm guessing here you can go a little deeper than the original question
lol. Or you have no idea what you're doing and need inspiriration
or at least a rubber duck
A rubber duck works for sys admins?
I thought it only worked for programmers ahahah
The theory is the same
you talk about a problem to something
I learnt about the duck from a sysadmin
What if you are new to the subject and doesnt have much knowledge about it?
I used the duck for my classes in C and Java :D
we're meta metaing. What do you want to ask about? ;p
I'm cursing at babying a grumpy linux VM so... I haz time.
I have the prolem happening here... It sasy that the /dev/mapper/vg01--vg-root is full but I'm pretty sure it isnt
I only have a VPN and two scripts running on this machine
I read about checking "dead files" with "lsof +L01" and it doesn't show any output
what sort of volume group is that?
what does pvdisplay say?
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