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@Burgi Heh, same here
Wtf we have a fake programmers chat room?
@OliverSalzburg o.O
@PowershellforLinux It was for the programmers of SU
@Bob you looking for jobs?
@OliverSalzburg all 2 of them it seems
Blah water inside my phone. Dislike.
@PowershellforLinux I remember chatting in there years ago
@OliverSalzburg ah
With @IvoFlipse and @Sathya I think
making some scripts and stuff.
I assume it's kinda just died then? It came up second or third in our rooms list with like, 2 members in it
Bob never leaves any room.
@OliverSalzburg ?
Oh hah, @Bob is one of the only two people in it
@PowershellforLinux not really. not actively anyway
Didn't notice
Wait @Bob, you left our room?!
@jokerdino all room logins got reset at some point :(
Water in my phone = can't look for somewhere cheap to have brunch = hungry
@Bob When I git commit on bash, it opens a Notepad-like editor on the desktop. Very unexpected for a vim commit message author
@Bob :(
@PowershellforLinux wait what
@OliverSalzburg wait... you are coming on holiday with me and my girlfriend?
wait no
@Burgi It was supposed to be a surprise
@OliverSalzburg git config ---global core.editor, or the Git Config tab in gitex settings
@Bob water. In my phone. 💦 📱 hahaha this key 🐗 suggests emojis in the corrections bar
Keyboard 🎹
@PowershellforLinux swype always did :P
how'd water get in
> 💦 📱
@Bob the seals have been dodgy since I got it repaired last year
lol, that explains.
@PowershellforLinux :(
@Bob What I don't understand is why it would fuck with my existing settings in the first place though :P
@OliverSalzburg as long as you don't snore...
Why do I still see flags from other rooms?
once a mod, always a mod
its like scientology
@OliverSalzburg Because you are 10k+
@OliverSalzburg >10k network-wide
you can lend me some of your rep if you want to drop below 10K
I like how the o2 offers app asks to enable notifications during first setup instead of just assuming you want their spam and turning them all on without your consent
@DavidPostill How annoying
What do I care about someones large package?
@OliverSalzburg heh, completely forgot about that
Long time ago, when we were writing the SUAC ;D
@TomWijsman was contributing as well IIRC
That all seems like ages ago :P
Was quite a while back
also looking at your profile pic without the blue font is quite.. something else
(also its odd to see @OliverSalzburg not in blue)
@OliverSalzburg in elf voice. I KNOW HIM
Indeed :D
@Sathya I finally earned Marshal the other day though ;D
things we can never have..
A: Boot Failure After Updating Bios Asus M5A97 EVO

harley rocksRead this , No display through DVI/HDMI during CrashFree3 operation I am using the M4A89GTD Pro onboard DVI output on this motherboard. Everything works fine until yesterday. When I turned on my computer yesterday, there is no display on screen. The system gave 5 short beeps, then nothing is happ...

Thanks, Late Answers
(sorry to interrupt the nostalgia)
@bertieb Holy crap
Did they use Flack Overstow to write that?
@M.A.R. Copy and pasta
...That wasn't an intentional typo, but it works well enough
@OliverSalzburg The trick is to earn Marshal before you are elected :)
@Sathya heh. Got it before I was a mod ;p
Anyway, VLQ I reckon, since it's a copy and paste of a copy and paste without any explanation, context or statement of why it's applicable
@DavidPostill what's the trick when Marshall was created after you became a mod :P
Awarded Oct 27 '14 at 7:47 to DavidPostill♦
Do you 'lose' access to anything else as a mod? (other than flags)
@Sathya Hmm. I didn't know it was a newish badge. When were you modded?
@DavidPostill People were too fast to elect me ;P
@bertieb some less commonly used tools.
I had like 460 or something when I was elected I think. And then I realized that there is no flag limit for mods ;D
ISTR something about the 3k threshold losing some flagging ability or such, as they immediately become VTC?
Oh and Mods are encouraged to flag spam.
@JourneymanGeek Flags aren't commonly used? :P
lol. and nuke the lusers ...
@bertieb when I was 3k, @Sathya basically told me duuuuude VTC, don't flag
@bertieb we have other tools.
@DavidPostill I was elected in 2011
@JourneymanGeek Ah, fair enough
I think I asked a meta Q related to that
come to think of it, just crossed 6 years
Also, it was a LOT harder to get a marshall flag in the early days
@bertieb yes, VLQ works
ah flag weight
They used something called flag weight, that heavily penalised "bad" flags
may you never come up
Q: OMGWTFBBQ?!! Where's my flag weight?

SathyaI worked sooo hard on the flag weight & it's no longer there!!1 Where is it!? Is this a temp glitch?

500 flags is doable, though smokey makes it harder to do it the way I did unless you use it
I think my Sony phone actually uses SNR or channel quality for the signal bars 📶
If you spend multiple hours per day on the site, literally waiting for new questions to answer, then it's pretty easy to get any badge on SE ;D
Q: My flag weight is an illogical value

nhinkleFrom my understanding of how flag weights work, the flag weight should always be a multiple of 5, as you get ±10 for posts and ±5 for comments. My flag weight is currently "537.2867". How on earth did this happen, and why? It seems quite illogical.

lol even @nhink was tripped by it
@Bob did you ever notice that on your Sony?
@OliverSalzburg or getting 20,30 or 40k
@PowershellforLinux ?
@JourneymanGeek It was pretty exciting :D Would be fun to do again, if I had the time
@OliverSalzburg I think I never really had the drop in rate of reputation rise most mods did ;p
@JourneymanGeek It really depends on how much time you have available and how you decide to spend it. At least for me
@OliverSalzburg Its not very much time, its just a ridiculous amount of consistency.
If you have enough spare time to keep up the contributions plus the modding - awesome
Or doing a harry.
I think you can pull it off with an answer a day
@JourneymanGeek Well, for me, a 15 minute slot is already a very relevant amount of time :D
@JourneymanGeek I don't know if some of your typos are deliberate lol.
@jokerdino maybe.
@JourneymanGeek If it is the right question, yes. Finding that question also takes time
@JourneymanGeek wierd
wierd is kinda how my brain thinks its spelled.
@OliverSalzburg Most of my big rep gains and rep caps have been from HNAs
You guys do remember I'm dyslexic right? ;p
@JourneymanGeek dosen't matter.
@DavidPostill HNA's only seem to be a big thing relatively recently
@JourneymanGeek I meant a good answer to a HNQ
@Bob Signal bars based primarily on SNR not signal strength
@DavidPostill I don't even know what that is
But I think I've only been aware of it for a few years.
If you ask "why are leaves green?" the usual answer is "because they're full of chlorophyll, and chlorophyll is green," even though "why does chlorophyll scatter green light?" is a great question too.
Or at the very least, fluctuating between 4 bars and 0 bars with -85dBm signal, when only SNR changes, yet having 2 bars with -105dBm signal with same SNR
@OliverSalzburg HNA - An answer to a question that subsequently hits Hot Network Questions.
@DavidPostill Ah. Yeah, that's what I was referring to
I had no problem smelling out a good question that would yield high rep
But the chance to see one in the 15 minute slot you spend on the site is slim to none
And then you still have to write an answer that is better than the one from the competition
So, yeah, of course you can rep-cap with 1 answer. But that does not imply low effort
@OliverSalzburg I just answer randomly where I can. If I'm lucky the Q goes HNQ :)
@OliverSalzburg most of those questions are almost terrible ;p
and sometimes you get a crazy amount of upvotes for a oneliner.
Heh. Pizza Express has two completely different wifi networks, both crappy ADSL though, but different companies, routers, etc. One's about 30% faster than the other
I don't think i've had a question or answer go HNQ yet :(
@djsmiley2k I've had a couple of HNQ accidents
I do have a raid answer on Unix&Linux that keeps on giving however
Hey how come people can still steal my rep by downvoting my closed question :-(
If I can't get answers people shouldn't be able to downvote
erm disagree
just because I can't convince someone that the idea of a god is silly, doesn't mean I can't point at them and laugh
Err wha
God and CPU level UP are not the same thing
Also warmest day of year so far... thermometer says 16'c!
... Still feels like 6'c
Also I created a personsalized awesome pizza for brunch but I cant take a photo cause my phone camera is covered in condensation
> A newly concluded investigation by Which? magazine has found that "the battery life claimed by laptop manufacturers rarely lives up to reality". The well known consumer magazine tested 67 modern laptops over the past year and has squirreled away this battery stamina data which shows that almost all laptop makers overstate the battery life available to user. Sometimes battery estimates were not just minutes but hours in deficit, some batteries only lasted half of their claimed endurance.
@PowershellforLinux o.o why?
I remember the top gear episode,
where Jag said you could get 500Miles from a tank.. (or something like that)
@djsmiley2k You're missing nothing, believe me. I tend to like HNQ because lighthearted entertainment, but whenever my question gets to HNQ, I hate it
so Jeremy put it to the test
and it did bettter. :D
@M.A.R. I'd just enjoy the rep boost that's all
@djsmiley2k And all the pedantic/ignorant/ridiculous comments
Well, provided the answers are good enough
@DavidPostill Yeah, I generally tried to answer anything I can. But I could recognize a question that would yield lots of rep
The really interesting category of question is not the HNQ one. It's the one where you know people will google for it for ages to come
Like, it never gets more than 2 upvotes a day. But at least 1 every week
I just go for the interesting ones
and sometimes I just leave stuff for a day or two before answering.
My top voted answer has not gotten a single upvote in a year I think. But some answers just keep on collecting for ever and ever
@M.A.R. Some answers deserve to HNQ.
SOmetimes I go "man, really? NOT my best work"
@JourneymanGeek Relatively few stuff makes it to HNQ because the answer is good
It makes it to HNQ because the question is clickbait, or too easy, or too ignorant
@JourneymanGeek and you just proved my point
(It was so bad, I went in and edited in a screenshot)
This scenario is common:
Question asked
Stellar answer
The answer is really good, so no one else bothers to answer
Answer either only makes it to HNQ for a short time or doesn't ever make it
@djsmiley2k :-o
@OliverSalzburg I can't. Point me at one next time!
@OliverSalzburg ORLY
Check again ;)
Voting ring ^
@OliverSalzburg I answer anything I can, as well as I can
if i can be bothered to write up the answer to a usable state
@jokerdino Lies
questions that require bash scripting, which I'd need to test I generally won't provide a full blown answer, and instead just comment
That answer was actually stupendously useful for me
Information I'd been needing for months, but I just never thought to look for it.
lol I have upvoted it thrice now.
Q: How to check 'mdadm' RAIDs while running?

djsmiley2kI'm starting to get a collection of computers at home and to support them I have my "server" linux box running a RAID array. Its currently mdadm RAID-1, going to RAID-5 once I have more drives (and then RAID-6 I'm hoping for). However I've heard various stories about data getting corrupted on on...

my best
@djsmiley2k You're too nice
I hate answers by certain ahem bounty hunters ahem users cough that just copy paste untested code that clearly doesn't even apply to the given situation with the explanation "I used it for some <totally unrelated problem> so clearly it's good"
@PowershellforLinux how would I check? never really paid attention
@Bob Uhh... good question
Unless you have a dBm signal indicator in your notifications bar you probably can't very easily
It basically comes down to your signal fluctuating between 0 and 4 bars and anything in between, from minute to minute, while standing in the same spot
Or having much fewer signal bars than other phones in the same spot in busy/congested areas
@djsmiley2k Downvoted, because PHP
If that's the worst thing about that question I'm happy
Secret votering uncovered ;P
@Emp_PalpaTrump, Imperial Center, Coruscant
1st Emperor, Coruscant System of Core Worlds. Chief Dark Lord of the Sith Empire. If Palpatine says it, you know it's evil. Who else would say such things?
34 tweets, 6 followers, following 10 users
@allquixotic Shameless self promotion?
hi @allquixotic
Oh still in overclocked mode, no wonder my battery is draining so fast
@Burgi Off somewhere nice? Or just off work?
Also it keeps saying 2 days time?
No matter how many days has passed? :-o
I thought it was an early April 1st for Burgi. oops.
@PowershellforLinux I'll have to check if I remembertomorrow
I probably won't remember :P
@PowershellforLinux me? nooo
in Charcoal HQ, 6 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: COM port RS485 sniffer using 9bit datawords by Gordon Nelson on superuser.com
This spam?
I have flagged Eltima as spam before successfully, but I never remembered why.
@M.A.R. Dubious
@jokerdino There goes nothing . . .
Indian films are indeed insane, and I don't need a YouTube link to confirm that ;)
like someone just learned a new vfx program :P
This is plausibble
@M.A.R. yeah they do that a lot
@Bob that's one of the TV dramas lol
@JourneymanGeek What? Who does what a lot?
@M.A.R. Eltima
@jokerdino underpowered ammo?
hard skull?
Powerful red button.
Umm did anyone else's google maps on mobile suddenly turn into street pacman?
posted on March 31, 2017

Downvoter, please explain.

@TOWMN no ...
@PowershellforLinux that was a april fools thing from awhile ago i thought
@PowershellforLinux look at the date lol
you could play pacman in google maps
i guess this year it's on mobile
ok heh
how do i tell if sqlite3 is enabled on my server D:
@Bob It's not April here yet ...
(for php/apache)
@DavidPostill it is now, she's back
@djsmiley2k phpinfo();
for her anyway
@Bob it lists the authors
i don't know if it should be listing anything else...
someone probably turned it off
SQLite3	Scott MacVicar, Ilia Alshanetsky, Brad Dewar
SQLite 3.x driver for PDO	Wez Furlong
it's supposed to list every available module
ubuntu likely turned it off
meh, try to use it and find out
trying to figure out how to turn it back on -_-
...if it mentions sqlite then it's available, no?
I duno
welp here goes.
no errors so far, so I guess it's working
or PHP is just doing PHP things and silently ignoring errors
yup, sounds like PHP
pretends to be perfectly fine and then dies randomly somewhere later
wtf, set it back to load 200 lines at once - it worked D:
POST /upload.php HTTP/1.1" 200 251 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"
200, yet it errors
hah no errors :(
odd how it was working :(
ahh hmm php upload size set to 2M
that'd do it
ok, that dind't do it :/
I think maybe the upload dir needs reconfiguring (as it was pulled from another vm befokre I nuked it)
I need an April fool's joke to play on my girlfriend
Not the cliché and messed up fake break up though
@Rahul2001 'Hey hunny, I wrote some PHP and it worked'
@Rahul2001 The always-positive pregnancy test is always a hit
@OliverSalzburg we're 15 and she's the girl :/
Well, yes, she is supposed to take the pregnancy test
you didn't say 'well she couldn't be so...'
Also, haven't hooked​up yet :P
/me raises a glass
@Rahul2001 In that case, the test idea sucks ;D
@OliverSalzburg isn't that something that she plays on me?
@Rahul2001 It works both ways
Ah, I see. In any case, it would backfire badly
Well then, you obviously have to go the whole way
Get her pregnant
5/5 would fool again
I think you totally should go the pregnancy test route. Never mind the biological impossibilities- it only adds to the fool.
Rahul: "Honey, we're pregnant, and *you're* the father!"
RahulsGF: "I don't even"
Well, you're supposed to sneak it into the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and then play the old broken condom trick on her and suggest a pregnancy test a couple days later
That's how you do it
> the old broken condom trick
Oh wait, I see what you're doing there
Bot's dead
this needs nuked if you have any rude/abusive flags left here on SU Now dead and handled. Thanks to all!
Added my flag
me too \o/
@BenN those who know, know what I meant ;D
We could run the PowerShell bot if you'd like :D
@AlterN yay, now I don't have to run Cavil anymore
Heh, unfortunately I don't have a dedicated server to keep this up all the time
It's kind of bare in commands right now
Stupid bot :)
can cavil run on my low powered something atom box?
Linux server.milkme.co.uk 4.5.2-armada375 #1 SMP Wed Sep 21 12:11:24 CEST 2016 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
Did I mention it was arm? XD
@BenN does it use a web browser?
It responds to $ Get-BotStatus, can do some simple math with $$>, can learn new user commands with $ Add-BotCommand -ShortName name -ResponseText post this, and can implement a user command with $$name
It does not use a browser
@BenN Command name learned.
One for you @BenN
Q: Automate unique per-system registry edits and file transfers based on MAC address after imaging?

XedMadaNew to Windows systems administration, just slightly out of my depth on this one. I have a couple dozen PC laptops that take a standardized Windows 10 image every couple of months via Acronis Snap Deploy. After imaging, each computer requires about 20 registry edits and binary file moves before ...

@BenN well PowerShell runs on Linux now, so could you use my dedi?
Though it doesn't strictly run a browser, it does use an Internet Explorer library
But I could replace that logic with regex probably
regex? to do what? parse HTML?
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

If you want to give me ssh to your dedi @allquixotic then I could take care of Cavil if you wanted.
@djsmiley2k I just need someone to make it work with Chromium Headless
Bob could do it probably
@allquixotic Hehe, I've read that
@allquixotic Ninja'd
This isn't arbitrary HTML though, I know exactly what it should look like
@allquixotic ah. this part of that funky tool that I never got around to using?
Currently it ignores unknown $$commands
powerless-shell on Linux
it makes me sad that there's no api chat acces
or feed or something
Taking bot offline to rewrite the HTML-parsing bits...
awww you should of done it live
it'd be fun
@DavidPostill you've been quiet today, how you takening to modship@
You can watch my regex failures in Bot Overflow :)
@djsmiley2k Fine. Just more rooms to keep an eye on ... while I'm learning stuff :)
@allquixotic Umm you never had to, but er... why did you stop?
@BenN I do!
But I have my own bot
Which has zero commands right now, but I've got an export of Cavil somewhere
@PowershellforLinux sicily
if i spot any crazy looking mobile phone masts i'll snap 'em for you as i know you lost your italian pics
@Burgi The land of Mafia and volcanoes :)
3 minutes to home time
and appently there's a dead foal
and some kinda crash on the road home
oh phew
google maps shows it's only backed upto to the roundabout I get on at
@PowershellforLinux because I hate PhantomJS and want to run it on Chromium Headless
@Burgi Aww thanks
I didn't even know sicily was in italiy :-o
@allquixotic Oh
/ducks and hides
@allquixotic I am happy to report that the PowerShell bot works on Linux with regex HTML parsing!
Hm, I think I got a prank. It's borderline too mean though.
@Rahul2001 What is it?
@BenN that's horrifying
put it on github and I'll host it
send me a tar.gz and ILL host it
`The term 'BenN' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. I'm a PowerShell script.` ==> should be @AlterN's profile
follows the format of <onomatopoeic word for what the animal says>. I'm a[n] <animal name>.
35 chars too long :/
@FleetCommand She has currently uninstalled Instagram, I just asked. So I might post a picture with a fake cigarette tomorrow and get a friend of hers to send it to her. I'll say that it was a dare. She will think that the reason that I asked her if she had Instagram was to ensure that she doesn't see the picture. We both hate smoking so it'll come as a bit of a shock
@BenN what's a shorter, more memorable powershell response then?

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