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Urgh, that blog post is a timely reminder it's nearly April 1
He said, grumpily
@JourneymanGeek may give KVM a try for the new one, just for a change then! Will see how things go. Cheers!
@bertieb use with libvirt/virsh(CLI)/virt-manager(GUI)
@Bob Alrighty!
(are you in the KVM camp or Xen, out of interest?)
kimchi also looks nice but I've not used it
@bertieb currently using KVM, not particularly attached to it
just that it looked more 'native' than Xen when I was setting things up (~2015)
@Bob Fair enough!
@bertieb I got a question about the exits and approvals. When you approve an edit, it shows Approved and waits for a second vote. When you edit a suggestion, it shows Edit and then an Approved from Community♦. I think I know what Community♦ is, but how does it approve an edit suggestion?
@GypsySpellweaver My WAG understanding is that as a review, Approve needs >1 person to sign off on (unless >10k / gold tag badge?). However, because I have enough rep to edit directly, Improve is treated as if I had edited directly (even though I'm incorporating your changes) and so it's applied immediately. I assume Community is there to 'complete' the review.
@bertieb Ok, that makes sense. The system can't use your edit to my edit without "approving" it, so it casts the 2nd vote on my edit, to grant your edit. Roundabout :)
@GypsySpellweaver Aye, think so!
It certainly makes sense that way, but that's no reason to suspect SE sites work like that just because it 'makes sense' :P
If it makes sense to me as a coder, then it probably makes sense to other coders, including the busy ones at SE. It may only be luck that it makes sense to "users" and other non-code folks.
Heck, people don't make sense to me.
At least we're past the half-way mark on the "fix it" list. \o/
how devs hope that it works : Beautiful documented code that respect all norms/RFC
how it actually works : hacks! hacks everywhere!
@satibel 75% of hacks are "scope creep", 15% of hack are waffling clients, 6% of hacks are to match hacks in the API, and 3% of hacks are due to time constraints. 1% are because I'm too tired from making all the other hacks work. ;P
@GypsySpellweaver probably just to round out the DB entries :P
The Community user basically exists as both a placeholder and indicator for system-generated actions
there was a guy staggering through the car park this morning with a can of super cheap lager
at 830
@Burgi Did he at least offer to share?
well, it's kinda common to see drunk people around here.
Or did you offer him something better. like Guiness?
i made a point of not making eye contact while still watching him to make sure he didn't damage my car
@satibel normal for france, eh? ;)
@Burgi You're a dev. How the hell did you afford a car? ;p
i suspect all your homeless drunks still manage a Bordeaux rather than a cheap lager
@Rahul2001 easily?
for a peasant town, though it's not beer, it's red wine by 5 liters bottles (~1-1.5gal)
lol ;)
quick question about the P word, then we'll go back to wondering why @Rahul2001 thinks developers aren't paid very much...
@Rahul2001 StackOverflow's Developer Survey says that devs can earn good pay.
a guy once went to the shop to buy 3 1l bottles because he invited people, than comes back 15 minutes later with 3 empty bottles saying "well, I was thirsty and I emptied them, so can I have them filled back?"
@satibel do people in france care about brexit?
3 litres of wine in 15 mins? that is impressive
@Burgi we care about frexit with Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen.
that isn't likely to happen though, is it?
about as likely as trump being elected.
so 50-50
i didn't think france was that disenfranchised with europe
certainly our media portrays the frexiters as a small fringe of french soceity
actually, it's more like 25% because one of the 2 has to be elected, than referendum has to take place.
@Rahul2001 what made you think i couldn't afford car?
Mélenchon has ~15% and Marine is ex-aequo with the other one in the lead (Emmanuel Macron) at 25%
so that's around 40% who would vote for someone who wants to get out of europe.
certainly not a small fringe of society.
if there was a vote do you think you would vote to leave?
I don't care either way, so I wouldn't.
when i said "you" i meant "france"
it's about 50-50 I'say, but it might happen.
why is it so high, france is a core member?
yes, but not french people.
there's a huge gap between the politicians and the people.
When the economy is bad, gotta blame someone
blame cthulu
my boss just saw keith chegwin in the city centre
did you not watch tv when you lived in the UK?
@GypsySpellweaver keep up the good work on the fix-the-https edits! I think this the first time I've hit 20 reviews on suggested edits before 20 first posts :P
questions about phpexcel should be on stack overflow, even tho it scares me there :(
its fine you can ask questions there and in seconds it will have vanished
never to be seen again?
then in 4 months time you'll get the tumbleweed badge
@bertieb Now that I'm in to the current decade there's a lot more that have minor issues, and not nearly so many vaporized images.
lul @Burgi
part of the issue being I don't know wtf to ask yet.
I need to figure out which bit of my code is storing stuff in memory
(If any)
wait a mo
it never updates start row
@djsmiley2k Does the code actually work? Is making it better the purpose, or is it to "fix" it?
@GypsySpellweaver Will be done soon!
for ($startRow = 2; $startRow <= 65000; $startRow += $chunkSize)
that answers that :)
@GypsySpellweaver it works... but crashes as oom around 500 lines if loading a single row at once
Hey guys.
If/when it's working, and you just want to make it better, try CodeReview.
Ordered 4x3TB drives (and an Evo 850 for good measure). My storage worries are over for at least... six months
@GypsySpellweaver well somewhere at least , it's storing more data than it should be
i'm trying to figure out where
Annnnnnnnd I think I've found it
nope :(*
Infact, it's got worse! D:
@JourneymanGeek Hi. Do you think I must delete this answer of mine? superuser.com/a/1194164/477799
I think this maybe a 'bug' in PHPExcel, rather than my code now.
@GypsySpellweaver current decade. gee. thanks, I feel old now, and I wasn't even that much of an early user ;p
@djsmiley2k Got to break eggs to make mayonnaise
@FleetCommand eh. I hate it when people do that.
I'm not trying to re-code PHPExcel!
@JourneymanGeek Hate what? Moving the goal post or deleting the answer?
@JourneymanGeek I don't remember any images you put up to fix in the old posts.
@FleetCommand tablets are on topic, but moving goalposts that far is uncool.
@GypsySpellweaver :)
I've always used the standard upload method + I think gareth probably fixed a load of them before.
I think the ones I dislike the most are "self-hosted" images. Who knew this or that service would/wouldn't be around later? How many people still have their old personal websites, same URL, up and running after a decade?
Everyone's an optimist
or dropbox. Used to be a good option, but its a pain in the donkey when everyone uses you as a poor man's CDN.
use archive.org if you have to -_-
@GypsySpellweaver I do!
I've even done a few from a high-rep, active user with an active site, but the path is gone.
@bertieb I do too. And I don't even use it for anything special.
@GypsySpellweaver Me neither :P
@GypsySpellweaver and not everyone realises or bothers.
... then there's me, who checks back on his sole SO answer every few months for linkrot.
Using the CLI with whois how do you get greater detail from the database? The .name registry is set to do basic info only unless requested.
@JourneymanGeek I've stumbled onto some linkrot as well. Try to fix that when I see it. Only because some things interest me and I follow the links before I dig in and edit.
@GypsySpellweaver the joke being, I don't know anything about the answer, but I got curious, and found the answer. I don't even remember why I was on SO
You probably got there by opening a SU question that had been migrated. That's how I got to SU from U&L.
Apparently not
Strange.. I've answered more Windows here than *nix, and I'm a *nix user. Go figure.
@JourneymanGeek Ok, here's a question about doing it the "right" way: An answer uses an image from Wikipedia. The copy displayed on the answer has been uploaded to imgur. The image is also a link to the image hosted on Wikipedia. Proper attribution seems intact. .. Is the way it should be done here?
That's perfect, but not everyone bothers to do it.
@JourneymanGeek Cool, then all I need to do is HTTPS it.
I cringe everytime I see (source: Wikipedia)
@Rahul2001 Good stuff to be had there. Just check the facts. :)
You're supposed to attribute the site which Wikipedia cites.
@Rahul2001 Assuming there is a cite for the part you need. Quite often there isn't ...
@DavidPostill In this case, the attribution is as given by Wikipedia.
@DavidPostill then the information isn't very reliable anyway
@GypsySpellweaver Wikimedia commons is cool
@Rahul2001 Really cool that they give you exactly the link to use for attribution.
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
sooooooo my code is online D:
maybe someone can see why it oom's
the ob_flush bit doesn't work on windows
you also haven't started the object cache...
@Burgi heh. Oldie
@Burgi linux server.
object cache? where's that.
oh right
so ob_flush does nothing?
it's always listed on every page for flushing data out to a page so I had it :D
ugh. crimping ethernet cables, fine. punching them into a socket? ow ow ow
    unset ($sheetData);
    unset ($objPHPExcel);
This bit..... should free up all the mem, right? ;/
@djsmiley2k what are you doing
@Bob crying
trying to diagnose why this OOM's
does it have to be php
what's your code trying to do
I don't know anything else atm, so yeah kind of
take a xls file, clean up bad input, save as csv
is it a one-off or are you reusing it?
reuse, weekly
cause I'm in the kind of mood where I'd write you a quick program to take care of it :P
Needs to be web accessible
but if you might need to modify in the future then that might not work out
@djsmiley2k meh, that's the easy part
heck, could probably do it in JS
xlsx or xls?
@Bob I think that PHPExcel lies tbh
I think anything with PHP in the name needs to die
If they change it in the future, I'll continue to cry :D
can you not get xlsx?
I could save as xlsx
that'd make parsing easier :P
but if I'm going to instruct user to do that, might as well have them save as CSV and clean up that instead.
brb my multimeter ran out of power
@djsmiley2k well it's xlsx by default unless they're using excel 2003...
'they' are a 3rd party client, I don't question it -_-
@djsmiley2k clarify first whether they actually use xls
cause there's a good chance they jsut meant "excel file" and will chuck you an xlsx instead
Right now, the process is 'Recieve the sheet via email, delete columns V and Y, Check for 'invalid' codes (no, I don't even have a list of valid codes and no one can give me one), save as csv, upload into thing that takes 2 days to load it, and then fails at the end due to the fact you missed something.
no it's really xls
huh, my multimeter has "super heavy duty" (i.e. pre-alkaline) batteries with an expiry of 08-2015, and it only just died today
not bad at all
the fact is with the existing code, as far as I can see, I store nothing between each itteration of the for statement - so why does it OOM?
if you were happy to use a diff language on xlsx, I write a lot of quick parsing scripts with epplus.codeplex.com
but *shrug*
@djsmiley2k because php
what's your existing code?
I can only conclude that while I filter all the sheet out, PHPExcel still loads it all, and only at the end spits out the bits I want
hm. my 9V battery measures 300mV
There is a word in this question that confuses me: superuser.com/questions/1194235/… Is it pronounced "keep ass"?
@Bob uhm, around 9V less than a new one.
@FleetCommand Kee-pass o.o
But I like your version better
@M.A.R. Oh, good. That's the risk for brand names which consist of two nonsensical words: Someone might read them as two other legit words.
Oh, wait: "Pass" is actually a legit word.
@FleetCommand I'm not sure anyone using Windows and Chrome together can manage to keepass :P
@Bob this question kind of explains it stackoverflow.com/questions/4666746/…
cept my file isn't even 27Mb
The one we recieve is just under 5Mb
actually, it would be more like 9.3v, as 1.5v batteries are actually at 1.6V when new.
@FleetCommand keep also.
@djsmiley2k could you not just run some generic xls-to-csv tool?
even launch from php if you have to
@FleetCommand "Key Pass"
is there a python version?
you can use exec(excel.py);
Why didn't they just name it KeyPass in the first place?
I think they wanted it named Keep Pass
keep as in inner castle
@DavidPostill probably version 1.0 was made in some dorm
@Burgi That makes sense.
@Burgi or simply it Keeps your *pass*(words)
there is that option too
Android crashes on boot when running from SD card https://t.co/umn0mWjoZl
@Bob impressive
@DavidPostill WTF?! From now on, it's only McD for me thank you very much
@satibel True, new 9v batteries give a slightly higher voltage, max I've ever gotten was 9.8 0_0
do kids still lick batteries?
@DavidPostill o.o
@Burgi not really, I don't think so.
lick an 9v
it tasted nice
@Burgi isn't it how you test(taste) if they work?
@Bob indeed
i was trying to do it properly
D: shame on me
@djsmiley2k "properly" *uses php*
yah know what I mean
php is slightly above shell exec
PHP isn't bad
the low barrier to entry means there is loads of dodgy PHP code out there
sadly i'm reliant on what appears to be a dodgy lib for excel reading
Is there any place for this question?
I saw a David comment at the bottom and thought it was from DavidP.
@jokerdino As it stands "too broad" IMHO :)
does his machine still boot into linux?
it sounds like a hardware failure
@Bob WTF. Git Extensions steals the default git commit editor >:(
I think that's possible.
Q: Used nomodeset while installing Ubuntu now not able to go back to Windows

Siddharth28mAfter a lot of struggle I managed to install Ubuntu by adding nomodeset in grub but now I have realised Ubuntu isn't really my cup of tea. Now that I am planning to go back to Windows 10 whenever I try to boot from USB (used MS USB boot software) I end up getting error Stop code: MEMORY MANAG...

He already posted here oops.
i keep looking at my phone and seeing the google alert "holiday with @BurgisGF - 2 days time"

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