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I don't have a phone case. But I do have a spare card and backup wallet so no real biggie
So apparently I can add my tesco card
No idea what that does though
I wonder if samsung pay supports Amex
Oh wait samsung pay doesn't work in the UK at all
@PowershellforLinux ...I wouldn't be entirely surprised. Where'd you find that?
@PowershellforLinux yea I got the T&Cs, the it did the verification with provider step (and failed, until amex unblocked for 48h)
@Bob nowhere... Educated guess?
@Bob oh o_O
Does your provider have its own 2fa available for Android pay?
Can't imagine why they'd autoblock it if you have your own banks 2fa
Then again if 2fa usually involves a phone and someone steals your phone...
Wait no its only needing the phone to add new card to the phone
@PowershellforLinux no, no 2fa
verification as in "verifying with provider..."
basically, submitting the entered info to amex
@PowershellforLinux ...sooooo, guess based on what?
I just get "Amex isn't supported" in the UK :-(
Wonder hwat happens if I try to add an Australian or American Amex card in Android Pay
I mean it's not actually asked me anything about my location yet
@Bob Vague mention of certain suburbs of Sydney and vague mention of being near a railway line?
:36402335 No I've been secretly recording every time you mentioned "X shop is Y minutes away" and putting said shop's location into google maps and mapping the travel time radius of each one to triangulate
If I was the CIA I'd probably fly a drone over Sydney and record all the wifi signals
@PowershellforLinux Hm. You might have guessed but maybe not.
Cause I normally only mention the big suburbs :P
Sydney's fun that way
Lol I have no idea how big or small these are
Lots of suburbs in a single LGA, but you usually only get a couple commercial areas and maybe one or two stations.
Tbh I probably could locate your house just using wifi sniffing
But that'd require me a) breaking the law and b) Being on the other side of the planet
@PowershellforLinux why bother? Just hack/pay someone who is already collating the data.
@PowershellforLinux Creeeeeepy
@JourneymanGeek They're unlikely to be willing to give it to me?
Or set up a server that serves a different image to every visitor, onebox the URL, and know the IP based on the target's reaction
@Bob What's an LGA?
I realise folk with your condition have issues with boundaries, but... that's a boundary.
@BenN I already know his IP, doesn't really tell me much
Ah, I was assuming geo-IP works decently well
Its being crossed, and that's... kinda creepy.
I mean, <city-xyz>.<australian-isp-reverse-dns>.com.au just tells me what I already know
@BenN not really ;p
Come to think of it, for me it works super bad - most web sites think I'm a thousand miles away from where I actually am - and I'm not even trying to hide
It used to find my town at least
> The term is particularly common in Australia where it is synonymous with "municipality".
IP geolocation never gets more accurate than <major urban conurbation> or so, at best certain ISPs may have more specific rDNSs
Basically a bunch of suburbs.
@Bob Ah
For example certain cable providers may provide detail on someone's HFC line card and segment in the reverse DNS, which if you have insider information you can match up to what street or cabinet is served by said line card
@BenN They did that before.
@PowershellforLinux How would that help you?
Actually IIRC I only noticed the IP of the bot when I did it but I'm sure I've still got the logs somewhere
My wifi networks have totally nonobvious names, and I don't think I've leaked the MAC addresses
Nah, it's not name or MAC that matters
Well, that's what a noob would look for (and would be more wardriving than sniffing)
@PowershellforLinux Then what would be?
@Bob I'd be sniffing for traffic patterns. I could correlate for example, a message being sent in this chat room to a packet being sent on a wifi network
Funny thing about that... is that it doesn't catch wired connections :P
Similarly, post a 1MB GIF, and look for any networks that send a 1MB burst of data in the same timeframe
@Bob Indeed
I mean, I have wifi broadcasting
Though if you're really hardcore you could try sniffing leakage from ADSL signals too
I just don't really use it for chat
Laptop's usually off. Phone sometimes but I don't keep the page open.
I'm sure you've used your phone for chat at times, LTE can be monitored using the same principles
Do keep it open on the desktop, though. But that's fully wired.
@PowershellforLinux Yea, the timing would be a tad difficult though.
Could also just hover a drone over the mobile towers and watch for traffic bursts while simultaneously convincing you to do speedtests :-P
You'd have to have a pretty small area to search.
@Bob Depends how leaky your wifi is I guess
The fun thing is, the suburbs I've mentioned are the commercial centres for like a 5-10km radius. Maybe further for the particularly big ones (Sydney CBD, St. Leonards, Chatswood, North Ryde)
If it's low down in a block of flats, yeah. If it's high up, near the top, you can pick it up for miles with the right antennas
So it doesn't really narrow it down as much as the suburbs themselves :P
I might've outed myself as being in the northern end of Sydney. *shrug* that's a bigger search area than the whole of Singapore...
I'd be fairly easy to track down if anyone tried
@PowershellforLinux Not leaky enough for me to get a reliable signal outside the house -_-
Just sit outside the 24-hour mcdonalds and watch for me posting screenshots of android pay receipts
@Bob Lol
Most of Sydney is still double-brick old houses and small windows
Requirements for detecting traffic patterns are a lot lower than to get an actual usable signal. Same principles as FIR imaging for example
Or heck just optical imaging
I imagine beamforming would also make your search harder :P
For example you could tell if someone's home fairly easily by the timing of the lights being on and off - and you could see that from miles away
But you'd have to be a lot closer to actually identify who is in the house and what they're doing - which is the sort of additional resolution you'd need to get a "usable" signal
@PowershellforLinux Could maybe catch when someone gets home, if they arrive after dark. But lights off != sleep for me :P (yea ik it's just an example)
Whereas the presence of there having been a signal ... well again I can pick up German mobile networks on the Scottish coast and Irish mobile networks while flying over the Netherlands
I can see they're there from a much longer distance than that from which I can actually use them
(Inverse square law ftw... or ftl?)
You'd need something like -80 to -85dBm wifi signal to get a usable connection, -90dBm would get you maybe connected if you're lucky, yet most modern hardware can reliably decode beacons down to -95dBm, and the true noise floor is around -100 to -105dBm which effectively gives you about 20dBm of unusable signal that can still be reliably detected with an SDR
@PowershellforLinux I suppose you might have an easier job 'cause networks aren't as dense in these areas
@PowershellforLinux my room lights are never on
Just as people aren't as densely packed either
Though, this is all moot
If you really want to find me, just search for the house with half a dozen wifi networks
And considering each 6dB gives you double the distance, 20dB means a detectable signal can be picked up at 10 times further than a usable one
(And also bear in mind that's distance in air, so you'd have to compare the distance the signal would travel if your house had no walls)
@Bob And a stray cat in the garden?
Or has that gone
Ooh I could phone the police in Australia, say someone stole my phone, describe your phone, then say someone used it to pay for a mcdonalds around 16 hours ago, and get them to check the CCTV
@PowershellforLinux s/garden/roof/
I mean that same thing worked so well for my stolen cards -_-
@PowershellforLinux ...my phone that looks entirely like your phone?
not that they'd even bother for just a phone
@Bob Not entirely, mine has less curved edges. Actually I don't know what colour it is either, but metallic rectangle with rounded corners should suffice/
@Bob They bothered here for "just" a stolen credit card :-/
Guess I'll have to offer them some donuts. Paid for remotely using Android Pay
It's also one of the most popular phones in the country, and lunch rush hour :P
@Bob Is Android pay that popular yet though?
I've never actually seen anyone pay anything using android/apple/mobile phone pay in the UK, ever
@PowershellforLinux tbh, I have no idea. samsung pay might actually be more popular
And it's been available and heavily pushed for at least 3 years now
I've seen a couple people try, usually at mcd
my old mobile network kept trying to convince me to use their NFC payment thing by offering me £10 credit to sign up and another £10 to use it to pay for something. Except it never worked.
hm, no, that was the commbank app
looked close enough
Even since our McDonald's introduced those card-only self-service kiosks, I still see most people either go to the till and pay cash or insert card and use PIN
Then again I probably wouldn't notice people using contactless/phone payments since I'd actually have to be actively watching them to spot it during the 1-2 seconds it takes
And I don't spy on people ordering things at mcdonalds
Only so you can steal their cheeseburgers and run away?
I thought the cats and cheeseburgers thing was just a myth and a meme
"I can haz cheeseburger?" doesn't mean every cat is constantly obsessed with stealing cheeseburgers
In fact cats rarely eat cheeseburgers at all. My old flatmate's cat preferred stealing my garlic bread :-/
Even the super fat one that eats everything doesn't seem to care about burgers much
He'll happily try steal pizza and biscuits though. He'll even sleep in thte pizza box once it's all gone
> Aa the statistics as many Web users and expert builders, the modern elite and limited all-consuming of Use this on is obligatory in order to understand the universal understanding of the public and users of the deep and the size of such strategic language plans; the tool under the Web more understandable so as to be
Computer generated text?
I really dislike how Samsung have removed the customizeable quick-access settings shortcuts... especially now all the settings have been hidden behind yet another layer of menus and harder to access
@JourneymanGeek Clever? I could train a pigeon to do that
@PowershellforLinux to drop food on demand? Presumably.
The senior editor for Ars Technica. Founder of TYDN fake news site.
An article about fake news written by the founder of a fake news site
Urgh this electrocution sensation is getting really annoying
The fake one, not the real one. The real one is also annoying but easy to get rid of by putting clothes on.
@PowershellforLinux you could always just wear a grounding strap everywhere.
@JourneymanGeek Err, nah it's a dodgy socket feeding my phone charger
But no I can't really ground the side effects of drug withdrawal
I've never scrolled so far down on imgur before
> Black Murder Floof
Star this message if you think I made a bad decision by impulse buying an Apple Watch Series 2
I'm conflicted.
It's obvious star-fishing, but it's also true, soooo :P
what do
looks like I should hang out in Apple chat now
You did WHAT?
Apple ecosystem assimilation %:
iPhone 7 Plus: +55%
Macbook Pro Touch Bar: +35%
Apple Watch Series 2: +15%
Got an iPad Pro as a gift for a family member: +5%
No Beats Headphones: -5%
Doesn't Use Earpods: -5%
No Mac Pro: -5%
Total: 95%
Meanwhile I'm wondering why the Apple mobile device/USB driver needs to touch Outlook.
And also why it's only available bundled with iTunes (like, literally packed into the iTunes installer as a separate MSI and also uninstalled separately)
It's like they're actively working to make my life harder.
Circa 2014 me:
Samsung phone: -50%
ThinkPad: -50%
Sennheiser/Meelectronics cans: -20%
Starred Bob's "Go away Apple": -25%
Tried a Hackintosh VM and hated it: -20%
Total: -165%
(I don't count Windows/Linux desktops for or against because, face it, even the most devout Apple users probably have a Windows desktop or workstation-class laptop somewhere)
Worse yet, for whatever reason it needs to start a service... and that fails
@Bob Bonjour?
<== spent a good bit of yesterday trying to get a Safari debugger up
@allquixotic no, Apple Mobile Device Support has its own service
It also broke Outlook -___-
I've given up at this point and I'm just chaining through two different debug proxy/translation layers to an iMac over the network.
might give valence a shot later
-	0	com.apple.MobileAccessoryUpdater
131	0	com.apple.MobileFileIntegrity
-	78	com.apple.mobile.keybagd
66	0	com.apple.mobileassetd
my Apple Mobile Device Support seems to be working alright :P
Only technically need thos two, but this is the only download available
heck, even Samsung makes their USB drivers more available
Though Lenovo is almost as bad as Apple here
@allquixotic Oh, don't remind me of the nightmare it was to get iTunes on an iMac to detect it
@Bob o_O
Actually, the Samsung/Lenovo processes would've been absolutely perfect and very easy if it wasn't for the requirement to have an adb server running. A requirement that the Chrome docs failed to mention.
Meanwhile I can't even get the Apple drivers to install.
wtf am I meant to do... I have an MSI that apparently finishes installation, and an opaque service that fails to start with no error messages.
The Apple forums are somehow worse than Microsoft Answers.
I had problems like that at some point, but my latest install of Windows 10 works seamlessly with the apple mobile device support
I don't know how that's even possible!
dunno what it is about it that makes it break - could be compatibility with some other software
@allquixotic Could be. But I can only use the hardware/software I have available -_-
maybe run a VM, idk
I recall my last Windows 7 desktop install had that issue
Apple mobile device support always failed when I installed iTunes
This thread would be hilarious if it weren't so sad
@PowershellforLinux lol @ WinRar
We can start with how the "most helpful answers" are all "THIS IS THE SOLUTION" (... pointing to some other not-listed answer, not the solution itself), or "IT DOESN'T WORK"
It's like anti-StackOverflow
Where the top-ranked posts are the least helpful possible
@allquixotic :-D
"First, I went to Control Panel -> Programs and Features, and then I uninstalled everything that had Apple on it." -- I ... what? I don't even have ... sigh
"Doesn't work." -- "Helpful"
oh wait that's right, got Symantec bs running
wonder if turning that off would help
That was a massive ??? moment
@allquixotic I'd probably s/Apple/Google/ these days tbh
@Bob you want Google to go away more than Apple?
but Safari makes your life so hard
does Chrome make your life hard too?
@allquixotic Well, Chrome at least.
Basically, it broke all the things
And They. Don't. Care.
Technologically, Chrome's a great browser.
Politically, it's a giant shitfest.
People are calling it IEv2.
I agree.
They've gotten to the point where they have a large enough market share that they can (and do) just do whatever they want with no consequences.
The entire existence of these interventions is incredibly concerning already.
But this here is where we can see them starting to abuse it.
"Your shit is broken (per the web standard)!"
Mozilla: Oh FUCK, let's fix that as soon as someone decides to dedicate some dev cycles to it
Google: Yes, and? We like it that way, TYVM.
(1) IE: Eh, that shit's too old; stop using it already!
(2) Edge: Oh FUCK, we'll fix that with the next build of Windows (next year)
Apple: Thank you for your feedback.
It's still more open than the days of ol' IE, at least.
@allquixotic lol. pretty accurate, except sometimes Mozilla pulls a Google too -_-
It's ironic that currently Microsoft (w/ Edge) might actually be trying to hardest to adhere to standards. But they're still a bit slow and playing catch-up.
And no one has any idea what's going on with Apple.
hence the opaque and totally information content-free "Thank you for your feedback." lol
Safari often just goes and goes its own thing, creates a couple 'new standards' here and there, a few things long-missing...
Ok, it's definitely worse than Chrome.
But it has far less impact, because the only place people really use Safari is on iOS. Which, while big, isn't as big for us.
as an iOS user, I can tell you that most people aren't going to bother using complicated websites (i.e., websites where you have to enter information or work with the UI more than just scrolling to obtain information or consume content). They want a native app for that.
If Chrome breaks, there goes like 60% of our users (with the other 40% being IE) (those numbers are made up but sound about real, I haven't seen our recent stats)
if an iOS user is on the web, they probably just want to read a menu or something -- 99% of the time they aren't going to fill out first and last name, street address, etc etc in a browser window
I'm coding an app for work now that will be used almost exclusively in IE 11 on Windows 10 (yes, instead of Edge) by internal users
with SPNEGO/Kerberos ticket auth to AD
@allquixotic ugh
@allquixotic waffle? :P
@allquixotic waffle
but we probably have some internal standard lib that I'll get 50 lashes for not using
@allquixotic tbh currently IE11 isn't that bad
nah, they just flog you with "That's technical debt!" if they already have a solution for a problem and you try to solve it differently
no matter how bad the existing solution is
it'll be worse in two years of falling behind
want to use the fastest, most efficient, lightest weight general purpose compression program on the planet, 7-Zip? too bad, WinZip is "standard"
@allquixotic lol. same here, but I installed 7-zip anyway
want to use Eclipse Neon? too bad, use IBM's proprietary Eclipse Luna build that has rendering bugs on the welcome page and is 10x slower
want to use Notepad++? too bad, Wordpad works for newline files, so use that
funnily enough I was sent a 7z the other day by our head of IT... and winzip refused to extract files from it cause of some algo incompat
I just have to deal with winzip making itself the default to everything but the 7zip context menu is fine
the latest winzip build supports LZMA2, but older ones don't
@allquixotic yea that was my first guess
cbf'd dealing with it and just used 7zip
but your "head of IT" could only have produced LZMA2 files by (1) using 7-zip or (2) having a newer ver of WinZip than you
@allquixotic s/Wordpad/editpad/
@allquixotic ayup!
@Bob I sent a 7z file to one of our Senior Network Engineers and he didn't know what it was at all...
7Zip is the approved archive software for the company. D:
@MichaelFrank good thing you didn't send him a virus exe; he'd call security and have you escorted out
even if it were just a 7z self extractor
> Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service
> 7. After the service has stopped, click Start the service.
8. Click Ok.
9. Restart the computer.
like.. "yea, these look alright, yup, yup, service started, we're good now right?"
> Restart the computer
... wat.
@allquixotic Oh, I just remembered. It was a pain to install the Samsung drivers too... the drivers would fail to install unless you had the adb server running
must've blanked it from my memory. ugh.
Wonder if it's a similar story with Apple
what do I do if some random IP tried hacking (logging int) into my server
I meant aside from firewalling it
you ignore it, usually
okay I'll report it to all the blacklists and spamhaus' . thanks for the advice @JourneymanGeek
failed2ban, eh?
well I do have that but how do I know if it's working xD
what on earth
so skype kept nagging me to update so I finally did
first random chat icons turned black
now the entire interface and chats turned black. is this some kind of a joke?
it looks like a glitched itnerface from windows 98
they must've turned skype into windows 10 (no more manual update instalaltion it all happens on its own as they add on.. dang that cat
Ha ha ha
!!clap clap
the last update enabled a new "automatic update" feature in skype without my permission. yet it needed admin rights to disable. oh micro<badword>
> Trump declares war on Republican conservatives: 'We must fight them'
Trump declares war on microsoft
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere more seriously, you build a wall. And make the hackers pay for it (IE, you set up strong authentication, run patched software, and mostly sit back and laugh at the losers trying to brute force it)
@PowershellforLinux This is your cat. This is your cat on nip. And acid. Mostly acid.
@allquixotic my last workplace had winvnc installed into every system...
and probably winzip
maybe winrar. I don't remember.
vnc client or server?
hi powershell nice to meet you, please direct all spam to the sandbox
DavidPostill????! He shouldn't have won.. I rigged the election specifically. Unless some super user intercepted my rig.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere both
very interesting.
are you an rsyslog user
rsyslogd-2307: warning: ~ action is deprecated, consider using the 'stop' statement instead [try rsyslog.com/e/2307 ]
rsyslogd-2207: error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.conf, on or before line xx: invalid character ']' - is there an invalid escape sequence somewhere? [try rsyslog.com/e/2207 ]
but I don't ever read my logs unless something breaks
did you use rainer syntax in your config file? :/
what is ranier syntax?
its this scripting language for the config file that the guy rainer ghard named after himself cause hes probably a l... hmm
you use the $ syntax :D
Oh hey someone else has some sort of bandwidth indicator too
Im so tired I forgot what the last thing I tried was
Sleep should make you less tired
uhm that picture looks innaprpriate
.. is there a moderator in the room
You could just flag it
Kaitlin Pike on March 30, 2017

At Stack Overflow, keeping your information safe is our top concern. And as a community with over 40 million people each month, it has to be: Our success has made us a frequent target of attacks.

Computer security is always evolving. Passwords are you “what you know.” Smart cards are “what you have.” We decided to ask “how you do you.”

Today we’re proud to publicly launch that latest evolution.

This security update is the result of years of work, requiring advances in many fields such as computer vision, AI and advanced calisthenics. …

No Tailwag Authentication? I am shocked Madam. SOCKED
it kind of feels like you dont dis-enjoy my presence. thats warm
Oh lol I didn't even look at the rest of the image
@PowershellforLinux That was somewhat inappropriate.
Well, that's kinda why I quietly deleted it rather than flagging it.
I juts saw the notification bar and saw all the similarities with mine -_-
Now you know. Don't do it again. Or at least crop it.
Same network as me too!
I actually wonder what that guy is using for his bandwidth monitor
Not sure why because dragon dude keeps asking me what I use now I'm curious what some randomer on the internet uses
I just thought of a way to make money
ah it's only for stackoverall
they arent going to release it?
SO = the company now
Jesus christ, nvidia display driver is taking up 4GB, for just the old update files
that's... pretty nice
Huh, that means mine should sell for way more than $400
I tried updating the nvidia driver but it gave me BSODs so I rolled back to the 2013 version!
2013 version wouldn't even work on my system
My graphics card hadn't been invented in 2013
so my rsyslog server is receiving the logs, just they arent formatted properly
progress made.
@JourneymanGeek Just found a new wrinkle in the image fix list. This superuser.com/q/395031 gets redirected to a tag wiki entry. It does have an HTTP image to fix, so I'm fixing it. Just don't know if it will take with my current rep. Shows the same message as others "Peer review" so it probably will. Just FYI.
what does this mean:
7.2.2. enterpriseId

The "enterpriseId" parameter MUST be a 'SMI Network Management
Private Enterprise Code', maintained by IANA, whose prefix is
iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprise ( The number
that follows MUST be unique and MUST be registered with IANA as per
@djsmiley2k Please use filterting in your query so that only row 23453 is selected.

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