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Anyone here ever worked with Visual Studio code signing? That is confusing af. First I run into very common issues where it won't even import the key, then complains about using it. So I fix all of those, build runs fine, but the assembly isn't actually signed
So I find this question from 2013 that says: yeah, that's what it's like. The whole feature is useless
And I tend to agree
But then I read posts from people that say, if you use SignTool, then you won't have strong name signing. And that is pretty important apparently
All these posts are several years old. How is this not solved yet?
If you have a 800 x 480 pixel display that is 7in diagonal and you look at it from no more than 2 feet away... is there a way to know the max resolution that one could tell the difference with? For example could I tell the difference between 720p and 1080p? or maybe even 480p is just as good as 720p for this setup?
@NULL It's subjective. Depends on the individual's vision. Grandma could probably not see pixels on a 320x240 30" at 10 feet :) But some young people, or people with vision correction surgery, see better than 20/20, and they'll be able to see pixels much more than most people
@allquixotic What about if we assume 20/20 is it still subjective?
Sites sometimes allow you to see stuff in 360, 480, 720 and 1080
@NULL of course; lighting, the actual image displayed on the screen, the presence/absence of glasses or contacts or corrective surgery; etc. makes a big difference
there are people who claim they can see pixels with a 4K display....
get close enuf, sure
or large enough display
karting is confirmed for 2 of the 3 stag dos this year
i need to work on my upper body strength
can anyone recommend a free download to upgrade my arms from weedy geek to normal person?
Feb 18 '16 at 23:51, by bwDraco
Most flagship phones use 1440p displays these days. It's a slight step up from 1080p in practice, but there's not much more benefit past this point.
Feb 18 '16 at 23:58, by bwDraco
1080p is almost as good. There are several situations where 1440p is noticeably better than 1080p on the same display area, but the same cannot be said when you're stepping up to 2160p.
The most common example you'd probably encounter in practice is when you're trying to read very small text (e.g. viewing websites in desktop mode).
Bear in mind that higher-resolution displays consume more power and demand more performance from the SoC, reducing battery life.
1 hour later…
I had the "quad HD" LG G3 when it came out. Loved that phone with its high-dpi display. It wasn't that it was hugely better (well, compared with an iPhone it was glaringly, obviously far superior) but it was that I just couldn't see individual pixels. Not in images, not text, not video. 1080 and a 5" screen and I can still see pixels. It's not bad, but all else being equal, those few extra pixels make the experience that much better.
@BenN How do I force write-verbose to fire while I'm working on a script in ISE?
Hello everyone. I have a quick question about answering a question with multiple possible answers.

Let's say a user has a problem with many possible factors that could be causing said problem. Would it be wrong to post an answer to that problem even though it may not solve the asker's problem in particular?
Example being an issue with Hardware, while one fix may work for the same problem with one user, it may not for the asker. Even though they had the same problem.
The best answer may have several points, ordered by some logic. This is common for hardware issue questions actually.
Is there a spam-mitigation question with good answers like there is for viruses and data recovery?
Well, I was curious about this question in particular: superuser.com/questions/485988/…
I was having the same problem as the asker, and eventually resolved it. Although, I was not sure if it would resolve his problem.
I figured my solution was worth sharing for everyone else though.
I want to know if I am in the wrong for posting an answer.
@CheesusCrust I don't see how you could be wrong. Even if it ends up not being the same exact cause, you still gave a clear answer with helpful images. OP may point out one of the solutions you list that particularly worked for them, but that's not always the case and not necessary.
@music2myear Cool, I just wanted to make sure. I am still learning the dynamics of Stack Exchange and just want to make sure I am not mucking anything up.

Appreciate the help!
@CheesusCrust We like new solutions to old problems, even if OP is gone it might help people in future...
That feeling you get when you figure out the bug in your code and get to close a bunch of tabs.
@music2myear There is no canonical spam question. Most users asking about spam are actually using web-based email systems like google.com or outlook.com. That would be off-topic (web applications).
@MichaelFrank Supply the -Verbose parameter
@BenN Turns out I needed the param() at the top. :)
Ah, very good
@DavidPostill OK. I found an unanswered Q from a few years back from a 67 year old lady trying to keep the Vista and Calistoga ads out of her Hotmail based Outlook email.
@music2myear Yeah, I saw. Off-topic and old so should just be closed.
I'm not even certain how filtering for webmail works when you're running it into a local client. In my experience it seems most services turn their filtering down a bit when you connect via pop or IMAP.
@music2myear Google doesn't.
@DavidPostill gosh. This autocorrect: that was "viagra" and "cialis", not Vista and Calistoga.
FLAGGED AS SPAM!!!!!!!111111111eleven
We had an autocucumber meme going in RA for a while.
!!tell 36067541 flagged
why did south sudan split from north sudan if all they were going to do is kill each other?
@music2myear how long have you been growing that 'tash?
@Burgi cause they merged and did it anyway
and there doth not anything civil about civil wars
is this an autocucumber?
I think that's a courgette not a cucumber.
did @TOWMN get that girls number?
@Burgi I think since last October. Gotta cut it soon. First time going full beard and I like it quite a bit, but I'm gonna be in a community play and the character has limited facial hair options.
mine just gets really itchy at about 1cm length which is the length my girlfriend prefers it at
It used to be that way for me too. But this time it wasn't. I got a nice comb and combed it frequently and that seemed to pretty much prevent any itching.
My wife isn't as big a fan of it as I am though. She likes some facial fair but not this much.
My beard is still recovering from the military ;p
you should invoice them for it
*updates mental image of @JourneymanGeek with a beard*
@Bob what's a schnauzer without a beard? ;p
i'm struggling to parse that image
*giggles at mental image of small dog with beard*
i wish i'd kept the christmas hat pic of @JourneymanGeek with the wizard beard
@JourneymanGeek all hail the destroyer of worlds
Dec 23 '16 at 11:12, by Burgi
the beard makes you look even wiser than normal
@JourneymanGeek waitaminit! Did you write an epic series of stories for Reddit?
@music2myear nope
@JourneymanGeek oh, but of course. You wouldn't tell us if you had...
@music2myear some of my army stories are here though
hm. found half a bat, plus entrails... damn cats
So, I read a few years back that fountain pen sales were rising, with Parker experiencing a dramatic increase in sales: bbc.com/news/magazine-18071830
Surprisingly enough, fountain pen sales are still on the uptick: bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-02-02/…
That's rediculously awww

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