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@allquixotic all we need now is Edge
if only...
Edge on Linux?
huh, it does have webdriver support at least
@allquixotic I wish. Can't even get Edge on Enterprise LTSB
cause you need Store to use Edge
Q: How to install Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB

JamesI recently got a new machine at work and decided to install Windows 10 Enterprise 'LTSB'. Mostly I like its similarity to Windows 7 and its stability. However, very few organizations even know that LTSB exists. One of the consequences of that is that many web sites are threatening to drop supp...

it's also not easily available in Server 2016
sean@cavil:~/dev/chromium$ ./chrome
Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
[27183:27183:0314/235635.304702:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(286)] Gtk: cannot open display:
so basically you're stuck with IE11
(or installing a browser)
sean@cavil:~/dev/chromium$ ./chrome --headless --help
[0314/235643.265993:WARNING:audio_manager.cc(295)] Multiple instances of AudioManager detected
[0314/235643.266050:WARNING:audio_manager.cc(254)] Multiple instances of AudioManager detected
@allquixotic ...weird
without --help same diff
also, lol @ native Mir support for Chrome
yeah, Mir. Ubuntu's !!xkcd standards attempt
@allquixotic Before you break cavil... *runs !!export*
@Bob Ubuntu's wayland display manager
claim is it's as good as Wayland but also supports Android SurfaceFlinger drivers and libdrm/libdri proprietary and open source graphics stack
I think it also supports the Wayland API
!!xkcd 927
@allquixotic just for kicks, could you try the slimerjs one?
@Bob sure, since Chrome silently crashes anyway
I'm curious to see how much it works after less than 30 days :P
@allquixotic Exported to gist, id: 2e79ed13a8a19a529c475133cc5f0c73 viewable at gist.github.com/2e79ed13a8a19a529c475133cc5f0c73
@allquixotic already did one over on the other room :P
feel free to try slimer yourself actually
do you need me to add an ssh key?
@allquixotic think my current key is still on there, brb
yup, worked
@allquixotic I've forgotten which re(build|start) script it was :P
you can now login as root directly or as the other user you're currently using
the start script is ~/dev/cron.sh
you can trace that to whatever is the actual start
@allquixotic just used the user under your name, as always
and yea it just calls run.sh
which just launches pjs and the driver client
I'll just see if I can swap out pjs
if it works, great. if not, maybe in June :P
My computer just gave me a "Restart required" notification. Forgot it was Patch Tuesday :\
brb, rebooting.
@Bob feel free to mess with it
holy hell that's a big download
wait no that's just a slow connection
@Bob for patch tuesday?
@allquixotic nah, for the firefox build
only some 55MB
but eta 4 mins
it just shat itself
ah that's better
had the wrong path
[INFO  - 2017-03-15T00:16:53.492Z] GhostDriver - Main - running on port 4444
$ nodejs run-headless-webdriver.js
RuntimeError: Bad request

    at execute(<Function>, "http://localhost/master.js") - run-headless-webdriver.js:103:6
Already logged in; skipping login
NoSessionIdError: A session id is required for this command but wasn't found in the response payload
    at execute(<Function>, "http://localhost/master.js") - run-headless-webdriver.js:103:6
@allquixotic so it kinda works but not fully
never mind, putting it back on pjs :P
!!xkcd 1024
You broke it not me!
@Bob, are you utilizing one of the Firefox beta builds? Developer or Nightly?
@Bob Is Webkit that shit?
@Run5k For what?
@TOWMN idk, safari is mostly webkit and it's lacking some modern features
but not quite that bad if it wasn't for oracle using an outdated webkit too
@Bob I could be off-base, since I am arriving in the middle of the dance, as it were. I saw you mention that you were downloading Firefox, so I thought you might be using one of the Beta flavors.
Doesn't the Android browser use Webkit? And not suck (much)?
I'm sure if Oracle could get Chromium running as their backend in the JDK for the web browser API, it'd be very good... but raw WebKit is rather bad these days
@TOWMN the "Android Browser" is unmaintained abandonware at this point
> Too many background apps can drain your battery. Select here to improve battery life.
if you run Android you run Chrome or FF
Got this on startup oO
or an outdated piece of shit
@allquixotic It used to have a browser :-(
Back when I got my first/second/third Android phones
@Run5k I use Firefox stable primarily. I use Firefox Aurora and Nightly (and Chrome Canary etc.) at work for dev. I just downloaded a custom branch off Nightly with a patch to enable headless mode to try to run a bot on a headless server.
(probably because I have lots of apps starting when I log in)
@Run5k it's a long story, and you are arriving in the middle of a rather complicated dance that has little to do with web browsing and a lot to do with the bot
it comes down to me not being willing to succumb to Xvfb
Holmium is a chemical element with symbol Ho and atomic number 67. Part of the lanthanide series, holmium is a rare earth element. Holmium was discovered by Swedish chemist Per Theodor Cleve. Its oxide was first isolated from rare earth ores in 1878 and the element was named after the city of Stockholm. Elemental holmium is a relatively soft and malleable silvery-white metal. It is too reactive to be found uncombined in nature, but when isolated, is relatively stable in dry air at room temperature. However, it reacts with water and corrodes readily, and will also burn in air when heated. Holmium...
@TOWMN new batteries :D
@allquixotic Or any of the browsers that use the Android webview, which is quite literally chrome (updateable via store too) at this point
and has been since 4.4 I think
Ho and Na are the saviors of the human race
Ah... gotcha. Thanks for the feedback, folks. I have debated using Firefox Dev, so I was just curious.
I think @bwDraco runs it day-to-day
I'd not recommend it
It's pretty unstable.
Yeah. It's surprisingly stable for me, though.
Then again, you do need to restart it every day for updates.
For context, it's less stable than Beta, it used to be named Aurora, and it's actually effectively an alpha edition.
@Bob bwDraco or Firefox?
@Bob Wait they renamed Aurora?
@TOWMN Firefox Developer Edition (Aurora).
(please consider unblocking me)
I'm going to reboot with a buttload of updates: 81605ZQ firmware and Windows drivers, GeForce Game Ready drivers, and Patch Tuesday
here's hoping nothing breaks
@Run5k Basically, you can run it if you want (and get some shiny new stuff) but don't be surprised if it crashes.
@allquixotic Ha, good luck. I'd rather update them individually :P
I definitely appreciate the intel. I will probably be somewhat conservative and try the Beta version on my secondary home machine.
@allquixotic I came across it in some science about magnetic storage (magnetically self-stable in a single atom configuration)
@TOWMN I definitely appreciate the AMD. I will probably be somewhat conservative and try the Beta version on my secondary home machine. (source)
Ooh it's ALIVE!
Did someone get rid of the "I'm alive" messages when it starts?
@TOWMN They go into Bot Overflow now
@Bob Ah!
@TOWMN that's been gone from RA for a long time because I had it restarting daily for a while and it was annoying people
@Run5k Beta is generally quite stable.
@allquixotic I liked the daily restart :-(
LoL! The bot has a good sense of humor.
Reminded me when I should get up/go to bed
@allquixotic lol one bot restart message a day...
This is my first time ever in a 1/2 hour timezone. Also, there are so many attractive girls in Adelaide. Clearly, half hour timezones cause girls to be more attractive. </trump logic>
@TOWMN This is my first time ever in a 1/2 hour timezone. Also, there are so many attractive girls in Adelaide. Clearly, half hour timezones cause girls to be more attractive. </blockhead logic> (source)
@TOWMN So what's the deal with the brokeback Neymar avatar?
@MichaelFrank Oh this was my old "That Brazilian Imposter" account
And that was just the first Google Image result for "Brazilian Imposter"
So according to the folks that monitor our network traffics, the cause of our outage this morning was over-utilisation of the link. When I asked what the culprit was, I was given the IP addresses of both ends of the proxy. -_-
@MichaelFrank Naughty proxy, it should no better than to go solo.
@MichaelFrank -_-
You need new folks to manage your network traffics who understands how network traffics works
(And can run a link that doens't go down when used...)
So some oddity I noticed - in Australia I automatically get Speedtest.net HTML5 Beta, in the UK or well anywhere else, I get the old Flash version. Only difference is the IP I'm coming from
Hmm you seem to get better Asian food in Australia possibly because of its proximity to Asia
Though funny enough it takes just as long to fly to some parts of Asia from Oz as from Yurop
@TOWMN More likely the large asian community
also we've basically invented a bunch of "asian-style" food :P
@Bob Well there are huge Asian communities in parts of the UK too, but still I notice the food here is just better
That said last time I lived in a part of the UK with a majority Asian community I wasn't old enough to pick my own places to eat out, so yeah
@Bob Hahaha I think I had some dim sim yesterday thinking it was dim sum!
@Bob this happens everywhere
> I had to return meal twice in ground floor restaurant as chicken was still clucking when it arrived on my plate - terrible experience. Not worth the money!!!
Someone likes their hyperbole...
@TOWMN at least it's fresh
Or or a undead fowl monstrosity
@JourneymanGeek A kangaroo with wings?
Or an ostrich
@Bob :P Well, I did, but I had the choice (on the wall sockets) of T568A or B and I guessed wrong
@bertieb Always B IIRC
It's a well-known fact that you lose a 50/50 chance nine out of ten times
@Bob Affirmamundo
Alas, I think an earlier reconnaissance google lead me to advice along the lines of "either, as long as you're consistent"
Which is all fine and dandy, but the patch panel didn't give me the option or A or B :P
@bertieb Yup
Or you could make up your own arbitrary random standard
Well not really. certain pairs still have to be paired
But as long as the correct twisted pairs remain paired the order of the pairs in the twisted pair cabling doesn't matter one bit as long as the same pins are connected to the same paired pins on the other end of the paired paired twisted pairs of the connection.
@TOWMN Aye, I get what you mean
Although I think you've used your quota of 'twisted' and 'pair[s|ed]' for the day :P
@bertieb My brain is made of twisted pairs
Personally I prefer coax
Anyway, it's all seemingly working now
Mainly because I'm an RF geek and coax >> twisted pairs for RF
In the sense that the faceplates aren't exactly attached to the back boxes
Why cable up your home when you could wireless up your home and emit enough RF pollution to make the USS Enterprise look like a black hole
And I even nearly made it to Coles :-(
@TOWMN I'm not familiar so forgive the ignorance, how well does coax do for home networking? I figure if it's good enough for cable boxes it might be alright, but then why does $everywhere use Cat[5/6/7/π/Ω]?
@bertieb it doesn't, unless your home networking is RF.
@TOWMN Butbutbut, thicknet
Speaking of RF emissions, I have a <redacted> which makes my speakers screech like a horror movie banshee set of speakers with bad interference
Points for guessing what it is!
(I can upload audio, if there's a reasonably cromulent suggestion as to where)
Maybe it's a horror movie banshee hiding in your speakers?
@Bob Hadn't considered that
brb, holy water
@TOWMN @bertieb MOCA!
Also, isn't thicknet a loop and needing terminators?
also, cat5 is cheaper
and has better speeds
@JourneymanGeek Yes but nostalgia
I'm still waiting for my 300m or so of cat5e/6 to arrive :P
should be here sometime next week
Every time I see @TOWMN's avatar I can't help thinking Neymar changed his career to gay porn.
Potato quality (went AAC → ffmpegults) → WAV → sox (defaults) → MP3, but here it is:
Dammit, ghetto chat markdown
@JourneymanGeek Good to see it's still doable in this day and age!
Briefly, the answer to the speaker banshee wails will be posted tomorrow (or thereabouts) for those who are interested, unless there are any last minute guesses before I collapse rationally decide to go to bed
@bertieb magic rocks ferrite beads?
@JourneymanGeek Nope!
@bertieb Parts of it sound like modem squeal, or FAX signals. Not long enough and too many "thuds". Is your cheap cell phone sitting by teh speaker wires?
a thud like... a falling washing machine?
@JourneymanGeek ROFL :D
A washing machine doing a spin cycle with a brick in it while falling down a staircase*
@Bob: I just figured out why Optus' 4G+ behaviour is so similar to EE in the UK (tons of spectrum, sporadic and inconsistent CA activation even when in full coverage, and going from extremely high 150Mbps speeds to one minute to terrible 5Mbps speeds 50 metres away.)
It's the Chinese's fault.
I was looking into things after spending a few days of "this feels familiar..." speed tests and it turns out they both use the same Chinese built Huawei RANs
Given the choice between Ericsson, Samsung and Huawei RANs, I'd choose none of them, although Samsung oddly seems to work best with my phone
Nokia all the way! Even though they're just behind on their NSN network gear as their smartphones were
!! Tell 36047180 no
@JourneymanGeek try running 6Gbps over 6km of Cat5...
@TOWMN two words
Optic. Fibre.
@ThatBrazilianGuy this is your fault
@JourneymanGeek is not cat 5
Is not co-ax
Coax does 6Gbps over 6km.
Cat 5 doesn't
Fibre does too, but is not a relevant part of the cat 5 vs coax conversation
So as l33t pr0 gam3rz would say, stfu noob.
Granted the coax has to be powered and needs active repeaters and you could use 60 Ethernet switches on cat 5 but you couldn't power enough Ethernet hubs/switches over the Cat 5 itself especially 10GbE ones
> An Australian blogger who faked terminal cancer breached consumer laws with her deception, a court has ruled.
Belle Gibson, 25, gained fame in Australia after she claimed to have beaten cancer using natural remedies rather than medical intervention
Ok Australians are stupid too
Stupid is a global theme.
Eh. "Thinking the best of people" is not being stupid
@JourneymanGeek Betting on it ain't all that safe either.
Good advice, thats kicked me in the face like a mule more than once (-:
@GypsySpellweaver but of course
but there's nothing wrong with giving people a fair chance.
Of course, I have no sympathy once they've abused those chances
@JourneymanGeek Amen
How bout benifit of the doubt , and 3 strikes your out.
essentially that's how we do things here.
@Psycogeek Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
@GypsySpellweaver fool me twice, I bite you, more like ;p
@JourneymanGeek ouch
There's always someone willing to take advantage of you, and there's always someone else who isn't and who might actually need your honest help.
!! s/twice, shame on me/... I can't get fooled again.
@Bob Indeed
!! s/twice, shame on me\./... I can't get fooled again./
@Bob @Psycogeek Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me ... I can't get fooled again. (source)
There we go.
Ok Bush (-:
Eating brie and crackers and watching LoL. # guiltypleasures
@music2myear For me it's all in the attitude. I help where I can, just look at it differently. If someone needs to borrow ¥20, I "give" it to them, and consider it a "gift" and gone for good. If/when it's returned, it's a bonus I wasn't looking for. Frequently I try following in B. Franklin's footsteps: en.wikisource.org/wiki/Franklin_to_Benjamin_Webb
@GypsySpellweaver that's seems to be a good mindset.
Well I am now fully mobile, and already miss ALL my gagetry and computers and stuff that plugs into the wall , and generator makes too dang much noise.
And wifi still sux.
Bout to run a power strip to the UPS , and run it accross the whole length of the thing.
@Psycogeek WiFi's great, 14.4Kbd sux.
To bad, that will only get me 15 min of happiness (-:
@Psycogeek How "mobile" is mobile?
My house is now a RV.
Man, three more exams left :(
Hey @Rahul2001
@Psycogeek Got room for extra car batteries?
With WAY to much stuff in it.
@Psycogeek Seriously? As a kid (well, I'm still a kid, but like when I was 10) I always wanted to live in one.
There is 2 fat batteries, but no solar yet , generator is obnoxios to me and i assume neighbors, so i had power for a week, but now i need a wall plug already , poo.
@Psycogeek Trouble with running the gen is that it's nowhere near load most of the time. Wasted fuel and abused ears for nothing. If you could make bigger UPS (batteries w/ inverter) run gen in cycles to charge battery bank, run toys off the inverter. Maybe keep running mostly to daylight hrs.
Dogs have managed to drool on every window, till they have to be cleaned again to drive.
@Psycogeek Get RainX and use it on the inside :)
So then the drool will bead up (-:
@Psycogeek Not bead up, any more than it does anyway, but wipe off easier. Fewer paper towels, lot less windex®
Some good things, the crappy tv it came with, works great with my SlimPort phone and Air Mouse to formulate a psudo laptop.
@BenN is that Google sheet with SU.se img links supposed to update on my screen as others make status notes or do I need to reload it everytime?
And (special) that tv is 12volt.
@Psycogeek Yipee
And the desktop computer will fit in the dinette seat storage. If only i had lotsa watts to run it.
This is so me:
@Rahul2001 :DD
@Rahul2001 lol
@Psycogeek How's the air flow that way?
Well almost, arggg i knew i hadta shrink it some
@GypsySpellweaver could probably get it alright if you can do top-to-bottom
There is no flow yet. But i got a speed controlable squirrelcage blower, that and more holes in the (there goes the resale) floor.
@Psycogeek Just a lil' s'thrn eng'rn' there. :D
Gonna be louder than the gen (-: by the time i get the cooling i want.
Might be better to just duct the computers own outgoing heat, this is why it was important to ask about " founder" video cards.
Hmm how about a propane cooler (-: works for the fridge .
@Psycogeek >_>
putting a circular desk fan in front of my computer tower on medium speed reduced my RAID controller's temp by 9 Celsius
might have not enough internal cooling in my case
Cover the whole table in the cloth side of velcro ? Then my trackball speakers , prin
And monitor will stay in place
Why raid card in infinate loop when idle ? That needs optimisation. Had to pull mine, wasnt gonna be happy.
Got suckey resale value for it on ebay too, no respect.
@GypsySpellweaver you'll get used to... @Psycogeek's interesting ideas... 0_0
@JourneymanGeek Good ideas only come from seeing the results of not so good ideas. ;)
Yea up to stupid idea 789,575 now.
Done my time in a box. 28' Airstream with 2 dog, 2 birds, & 2 towers. 'Till city said my lot wasn't "zoned" for that :(
And only 6 fires and 2 explosions so far, i call that a win.
Need to apply the Law. the constitutional "Right To Travel" was so slaves could be "free"
Be it 1900 or 2000 we still are supposed to be "free" from goverment intrusion , bla bla bla , paying a lawyer aint free.
Free as in free speech, not as in free beer. :-b
Dont even have free speech any more, gave that up somewhere in the '80s
But we can get all f---ed up. California voted to allow recreational pot smoking. General IQ in the state dropped to 1/2
When your computer overheats, it freezes
Locked down and fried, makes the constituants malable.
@Psycogeek From Ben Frankiln: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” Guess we've crossed that line here.
People even laugh now and herass people who attempt to "test" freedom. Why you not go along with the guberment plan to fix everything and make everyone happy (the ONE thing they are not)
Why because fact the gov or the people cant even afford the mess of government we have now,
@Rahul2001 Does that mean the computer thaws as it cools off?
Black hole transisters, that suck up heat when switched off, cooling the switched on ones, works great till somone makes a program that only outputs 1's
Just mix up the
Put gates on peltier diodes.
@Psycogeek I'd like to Gates on something alright. :>
The passive cpu ? Same tiny transisters on a 2 feet square instead of 2 in square?
@JourneymanGeek uhm.
I think this deserves a...
and a !!what
At the beach in Oz and there's no sharks, surfers, or hot lifeguards. I feel cheated.
I call this false advertising Australia! Where's bob to answer for all of Australia's crimes when you need him.
Maybe I need to go Fox hunting again
In sydney.
Morning yall.
@djsmiley2k Hello
I won't say "morning" because I neither want to confirm nor deny I am living where it is morning at this time.
well if @TOWMN is awake, it isn't morning there either :D
@FleetCommand It's five O'clock somewhere.
@TOWMN how about box jellyfish?
@GypsySpellweaver No, it isn't.
Maybe 5:30 though.
Common, we know our world, right?
some places have offset time zones :P
@djsmiley2k Some places even have ¼hr offsets
@djsmiley2k nope none of those either
@GypsySpellweaver Can you name an example?
Eucla, Western Australia: UTC+8:45 & Chatham Islands, New Zealand: UTC+12:45.
@TOWMN wrong st8 m8
yea you'd want Qld or NSW or even Vic for crowded beaches
In Aus, even headphones try to kill you - bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39275826
@djsmiley2k I guess the bass was a little much
more seriously. I wonder if at some point, they'll just ban the use of anything powered at all on a plane
batteries, they is dangerous, init.
Does being on a plane make things more likely to explode?
maybe the low air pressure or something o_O?
@djsmiley2k Maybe not more likely, but more costly.
"from Beijing" probably just a dodgy battery, as normal
@Bob YEAH I FIGURED that too
whoops caps
slowly crushing that review queue
Is there any point in answering old unanswered questions from 2010 if I can come up with a very simple solution?
Assuming it actually works, sure
@Rahul2001 The OP may not be around, but the Q is still on the site, and it may help someone else in a search later.
> Last seen nine seconds ago
@GypsySpellweaver Yes, which is why I'm going to answer it anyway
@Rahul2001 Maybe he still needs that answer.
Just been waiting for some genius to give the answer to "life, the universe, and everything."
@GypsySpellweaver 42?
@djsmiley2k Someone can read anyway. Are you nice to white mice too?
ALWAYS be nice to mice.
Always ^_^
hey @Burgi
@GypsySpellweaver Oh, and depressed elevators
up and down, down and up, all day long
@djsmiley2k But of course
I think the improbability drive is how I landed on SE as it is.
no news on the pentest front...
i suspect that means they haven't found the vector yet
welp if they couldn't find anything in the logs ...
maybe it wasn't via something that was logged
(did someone ssh into the server?)
its a shared host so...
Maybe it was EvilHosters(tm)
i find it weird that it was only the single table that was compromised and in a very specific way
the coincidence that it was after we went live with 4LA is just too large to ignore
@Rahul2001 Windows only
@Bob I guess this one is the laptop of quality you mentioned recently... It looks great too...
It's gaming oriented mostly though.
I would be happy with 256GB SSD and 8GB of RAM and that build quality.

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