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@Mokubai lack of chat engagement makes him harder to nag ;)
máté would also be a good one i think
Superping ;)
@JourneymanGeek aye, he was in the election room yesterday but ignored my question
@Mokubai maybe he's not interested. I can think of one member of this chatroom who's like that
@jokerdino no point in forcing the matter, if they have other concerns or reasons not to its up to them really.
I would just have liked to see him in
I do think we need to nag 2 of the candidates without answers to the questions
@Mokubai When they think its time, they think its time? ;p
i reckon bob would do ok as a mod but i get the feeling his life is too busy to fully commit
@Burgi yeah, that's a thing
@Mokubai I am just saying it's possible to nag even if no chattie.
@JourneymanGeek basically. I want the chat regular in too, but not going to force the matter...
@jokerdino proper nagging
Just like your dear old mom does.
who are the 9 SU mods, i know of 3...?
@FleetCommand heh, your comments on that flagged comment did feel argumentative
@JourneymanGeek were you replacing soulhack?
@jokerdino where are the others?
@jokerdino I replaced troggy
@Burgi different moderators have different levels of chat engagement and amounts of free time
Did he step down much later than 2014 election?
@jokerdino yeah
Must have been that cake.
He made awesome R graphs for me.
@JourneymanGeek looks at our team yep.
minion just broke his glasses
I think the "suggested" minimum is half an hour a day
@Burgi lols
(and there's no real requirement to be on chat)
I mean, it does make it easier, and it works very well with my own philosophy of moderation
but... but... how would we know you like doggie biscuits without chat?
Not all mods are dogs (but it helps ;p)
I just realised that all the competitions that I've won and all my achievements are all over my school's website. Not sure how to feel about that :P
@Bob: Answer updated.
@Rahul2001 stop winning things.
@djsmiley2k It's a bad habit XD
@Rahul2001 being the fluffiest member of RA is not an achievement... ;)
@Burgi Hm... thefreedictionary.com/fluffiest Which is the appropriate definition of "fluffiest" in this context? :P
1b. Covered with fluff.
@Burgi But... isn't that @JourneymanGeek?
puppies have fluff
@Rahul2001 more likely @Bob ;p
Foxes have floof not fluff ;p
@Bob Did you make that? :P
Q: Rotate PHP Logs on IIS 8

BurgiI have a similar question to this one which doesn't appear to have a happy resolution. I have inherited a web server from my predecessor, it is serving out PHP files via IIS 8.5. I recently tried to diagnose a problem with one of our sites only to discover the PHP error log was several GB in siz...

Wow. I am debugging an issue with one of our applications not properly registering its protocol handler. Now I just realized that I am completely unable to change any protocol associations on this system. So my system is probably fucked, not the application
Which raises the question if the client that originally showed an issue is having the same issue
let the SF grumpiness ensue!
@bwDraco Thanks. I'd point out though that the pcper testing seems to indicate that Windows does recognise the CCX situation going on here - and does confine threads to a single CCX when it is able to. Not a bug - they make the intentional decision to distribute threads to different cores because the cache miss penalty is smaller than trying to wait for an occupied core to free up.
@Burgi moar info!
What version of windows, and PHP belongs in the question!
@Rahul2001 nah
@JourneymanGeek IIS 8.5 implies whichever version of Windows has IIS 8.5...
which is pretty much 2012r2 or 8.1
@Bob meh, people should never have to guess information.
and at that point it doesn't really matter which of the two it is :P
@JourneymanGeek point being, in this case the Windows version doesn't matter
@bwDraco More precisely, I personally don't like that you call it a "Windows scheduling bug" (heck, AMD themselves say there isn't one!), nor is there a planned update.
All those "updates are expected" rumors? Rumors.
@DavidPostill the accepted answer is "recurring task in outlook and manually do it..."
@Burgi Check the other answers
also not entirely true, IIS 8.5 rotates logs
just not the PHP one
@Burgi "What is the the best method" makes it opinion based ... you should ask "How can I ..." instead.
@bwDraco Actually. If you're going to quote Reddit threads - see this comment on the one you linked. Which also matches up with explanations I've seen elsewhere (all similarly uncited... I really need to get my hands on an Internals book soon :( )
Why's Bob still up
Also: Adelade: free municipal WiFi done right.
@TOWMN stuff.
@bwDraco Sorry, I do take back part of that - updates to [some] games are probably expected.
Rather situational, but it certainly is possible to tune it more closely for a specific application than a general-purpose OS can.
Though I wonder what the consequences for multitasking is... if you have a busy thread outside the game, trying to pin to a core (or CCX) could cause more harm than good if they clash in a bad way.
@Bob You can find pdfs on the intertubes if you are referring to the Windows Internals books...
@DavidPostill I've had a preorder for the 7th edition open for like 2 years :(
Might just grab 6th, but I wanted 7th :(
@DavidPostill I think he means a specific newer version
Fast, open, free. No nags, caps, portals, or sign ups. Enterprise fibre backhaul. Native IPv6. Only downside is the crappy performing Shitsco gear.
@JourneymanGeek well, I haven't read any yet, and most 6th ed info should still be good
@Bob Game mode!
but yea I was specifically looking for 7th
@DavidPostill hmmmmm
surely votes decide the best
@DavidPostill it's been massively delayed, and with an author change, but apparently it's written now and off to the publisher :)
which in intself is hugely subjective.
so maybe in another month or so
@djsmiley2k True ...
author change? 0_0
what happened to russanovich?
@TOWMN Yea, I did hear of the vague possibility that game mode might optimise more specifically for that case. But that really depends on how far Microsoft is willing to go for it. Could have pretty big impacts on other uses.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, he said no more after 6th a while ago. So they got two other authors. Who then bowed out and we're on the third (set?).
Urgh. Opengur upload broken again.
And he's only finished the first part... there's still a second part!
@TOWMN Opengur is so unreliable... scratch that, anything using the imgur API is unreliable. The imgur API stinks.
I think v1/v2 were alright then v3 is horribly slow
@Bob maybe, but presumably it's toggleable and only for exclusive fullscreen games
@Bob IIRC it was you who suggested I use Opengur instead of the native imgur app
@Bob and I wonder what happened to Ionescu 0_0
Mar 10 '16 at 15:03, by Bob
and opengur is slow (in fact, the new imgur api is just painfully slow judging by greenshot, etc.)
@TOWMN I just said that's the one I used, never said it was particularly good :P
Aug 1 '16 at 11:15, by Bob
there was a better imgur app but they stopped when the crappy official one was released
> Amazon is now advertising an updated 7th edition book cover with a new author, Pavel Yosifovich, and not Catlin or Hanrahan: amazon.com/Windows-Internals-Part-architecture-management/dp/…
@YuvalItzchakov probably around December
Writing is done! Huge thanks to @aionescu #windowsinternals #windowsinternalsbook
There's cute girls for me to harass day hi to in the park but I'm itchy as he'll, my battery is down to 2%, my portable charger has already run out twice today, and I still have to Google maps my way home cause I have no idea where I am.
@JourneymanGeek Well the new author thanked Ionescu sooo
Oh hey there's the central police station. They should be able to help me decide.
Or at least provide some mosquito repellent. The cops use that in this country right? Or was that pepper spray/human repellent
Not bad for free public WiFi with no sign up or even "click to go online" portal required
@TOWMN dare we ask why you are itchy?
@Burgi see subsequent post about mosquito repellent
@TOWMN you'll find mozzie repellent in basically every shop :P
i understand now
It has nothing to do with the crazy festival show earlier that involved a completely naked women doing a headstand and beckoning audience members to blow into her anus.
let them feast until you have no blood left, they will stop bugging you then
@TOWMN thats normal for australia
uh. I can categorically state that I have never seen that before
@Bob hmm, 1% battery, options are get shop, Hey home, or get girls number. Only one of the three is possible.
@TOWMN Girl's number, ask for directions, home, shop on the way. Done.
get girls number, maybe she will cook for you
But yea any chemist will carry it. As will supermarkets.
@TOWMN ._.
@Bob that specific thing...
@TOWMN I'm sure its just fleas.
> The north-eastern US states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia have declared states of emergency as a huge winter storm sweeps in, bringing heavy snow.
Huh, when you can't change your protocol associations, switch to login with a Microsoft account. That actually works
And that moment when it synced in the Windows 10 settings from my laptop O___O
@OliverSalzburg Yea file/protocol assocs in Win10 are all kinds of fucked
The old "default programs" control panel-let still works fine
but the new Settings-based stuff doesn't work half the time
My application still doesn't show up in the "Set Default Programs" control panel though
It doesn't really matter, but I wonder why that is
@OliverSalzburg You need to list Capabilities stackoverflow.com/questions/27375774/…
@OliverSalzburg oh here's the docs msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/…
Hah! I should read the answer ;P
my laptop battery life capacity is reduced to 91% after one year and most of the time i use laptop while plugged in. Can it be the cause of reduced life?
Batteries die
i hardly use my laptop on battery power..will my battery still die?
@defalt Yes, actually, it can.
Holding a Li-ion battery at 100% isn't good for it
IIRC something like 50-80% (say, 60%) is a better holding or long-term storage charge
Also, they don't like heat. Your laptop produces heat.
Really, you have two options. Leave the battery in (maybe enabling an option to only charge to 60% if you have the option) and use it as a backup power-source if you accidentally unplug it. Or you can take the battery out to preserve its life.
but that used to be a long time ago..nowdays all Li-ion batteries have charge controller which prevents charge to come in after getting full.
Personally, I'd leave it in. 9% capacity loss in one year is good. I don't expect laptops to last more than 3 years, 5 years max.
@defalt It's not a case of overcharging - that'd just turn it into a fireball.
Just holding a full charge stresses the internals more than holding at a lower charge.
@OliverSalzburg Did it work? :P
zzzZZZzzz nighty night
thanks for the updates @bwDraco
next year its life will be reduced to 82%..how can i reduce the threshold of maximum battery charge limit?
i thought charge controllers do keep the threshold to 95% and make it appeared that it is 100% charged
@Bob Not yet. In fact, I destroyed earlier progress ;D
I'm pretty sure it's 32/64 bit thing. None of the other handlers seem to drop themselves into both registry views
Which is also what we did before I started "fixing" the problem
@defalt Look at any utilities provided by your laptop manufacturer. In my case Sony VAIO Care has a Battery section. in Advanced settings the Battery Care Function is set to stop charging at 80%.
it's sad hp doesn't allow custom threshold limit..the charge controller will continue to allow charging unless it reaches 100%. my battery cycles are 51/1000 after one year..is it pretty normal?
@defalt where are you seeing that 51 and the upper limit? both are pretty unlikely to me; I would expect the cycles to be a bit bigger
unless it's counting full cycles
Heh, fun. Now I can go to our website and log into our application, click a button in the browser, which invokes our tel: handler, which calls a TAPI line on our PBX to which I'm connected through our VPN so that it calls my smartphone which is in front of me
How's that for a Rube Goldberg device?
I wonder what happens if I call someone and they pick up
@OliverSalzburg they've just opened a museum dedicated to him
@Burgi Is that a setup for a joke?
it was on ars technica earlier
@TOWMN The fastest WiFi I've ever used in India was about 16mbps.
That's blazing fast.
isn't it cheaper and quicker just to pay someone to carry your hand written message across town in india?
@jokerdino Yeah, my friend got it. I get 8, airtel doesn't provide 16 in my neighborhood even though it always advertises that it does.
@Burgi Not really, nope
what abut dalliwadders (sp?)?
@Burgi Unfortunately nope :(
@Burgi dabbawallahs?
thats it!
They only operate in Mumbai :(
then its a growth market....
get in before deliveroo steals all the jobs
@Rahul2001 I get about 800 kbps when I am lucky.
@Burgi Amazon is here.
but does amazon deliver lunch? i think not!
You could apparently order cow dung cake from Amazon even :/
@Burgi Zomato
@jokerdino Why? What network are you on?
@Rahul2001 BSNL broadband
@jokerdino bleh :(
Whatever BS broadband supposed to mean.
But it's OK for now.
@Burgi how did you know about them? They are kind of unknown in India (except for Mumbai) lol.
@jokerdino Nat Geo did a series on them IIRC
They should do that in India too.
@jokerdino We've discussed them before :)
Oct 8 '15 at 12:24, by DavidPostill
"Forbes awarded the humble dabba-wallahs a 6 Sigma performance rating, a term used in quality assurance if the percentage of correctness is 99.9999999 or more. In other words, for every six million tiffins delivered, only one fails to arrive. This error rate means in effect that a tiffin goes astray only once every two months.

It is a rare day indeed when a customer's deep-fried rotis fail to turn up. The sigma rating was the same as that given to the top bluechip company Motorola - not bad considering that most dabba-wallahs are illiterate."
Wow, 2015 is so long ago?!
@DavidPostill Wikipedia says no 6 sigma rating was awarded..?
@jokerdino I have a long memory for things I posted :)
I am a little hungry thinking of dabbas. Brb
hiya back
if you know how to solve this little issue of mine superuser.com/questions/1188641/…
Does anyone here have experience with the Dell XPS 15 9560?
nope Rahul
@Rahul2001 that's not a very productive question in general; whatever issue you're experiencing probably isn't specific to the "Dell XPS 15 9560" and might occur on any old computer, or at least other models within the Dell XPS 15 range; or someone who doesn't have experience with it can google it and find the answer for you
@allquixotic Eh, my best friend is thinking of buying one and I just wanted to ask what the experience is like :P
rather, if you have a specific question about the system's specs or behavior or troubleshooting an issue, better just to ask exactly what the issue you're having is (though, specifying that it's a Dell XPS 15 9560 while asking your question is definitely helpful)
@allquixotic I've been around long enough to be able to write fairly decent questions I think :P
@Rahul2001 likely no different from the experience with any other bog standard laptop computer, especially recent Dell XPS laptops.
.... wut
Q: My child wants GTA V for his birthday

MummyLizzie1974My 10 year old son wants to play Grand Theft Auto, which is PEGI 18. Should I let him play it or not? It's his birthday really soon, so should I give him the game?

@allquixotic Eh, IDK what experience with any XPS PCs is like
Hence me asking around :P
@Rahul2001 That's what reading reviews is for :)
@djsmiley2k loads of parents did not have strong enough parenting, results, they are doing the same with their kids
Yes, but I tend to trust you guys more than random youtubers :P
@AndyK welp that explains so much xD
@djsmiley2k I know 11 year olds who play it all the time
at least, that lady is asking in parents SE
@jokerdino they were on top gear....
one of my GF's friend has her son who is taking his gf @ home and having sex when his little brother is in the same house. And the mother (my GF's friend) is saying nothing
as long as the kid isn't in bed iwth them
and is alseep or something
dont' just leave him on the sofa watching tv xD
I laugh here and with gf but when I'm listenning to the friend, I want to give her slap for not setting rules in her house
hear wut?
but again, who am I to do that...?
My GF friend's parents were fighting at home all the time, shouting matches
@djsmiley2k the most upvoted answer has 18 upvotes -- hmmm - coincidence?
time to go home. see you guys
@allquixotic illuminati confirmed!
@djsmiley2k What does number 18 have to do with illuminati?
@Rahul2001 I've worked with a few XPS15 devices a few years back and they were well built and capable devices for power users and light gamers.
@Burgi ah I see
@allquixotic i use hp support assistant..it gives me such details about my battery status
@jokerdino they have a 99.99% success rate with almost no technology other than a marker pen and a train
@Burgi What's the train for?
InstantSSL Y U NO instant?!
@DavidPostill getting from the suburbs to the city centre of mumbai
victorian engineering, the train goes start to the central station with few delays, by car you have to wiggle about and deal with traffic
> Hi @Burgi,

Do you have a screenshot of what the defacement looked like?

I have a few theories, but I am still trying to nail down the actual cause.

Thanks, @PenTester
that sounds like he doesn't have the foggiest
@music2myear Okay, thanks! How's the build quality? Are they durable?
Hi @Rahul2001!
Any new girfriends? I mean, erm, anything new?
Eh, it's actually going very well!
Exams going on so we don't get to spend much time together, but eh.
I was just kidding and asking about "what's up" in general.
And the fact that for you it seems to always mean a new gf and I joked and....
Oh forget it +_+
I'll be older soon.
Someday, when you get older, you could get hit by a boulder.
And while you're lying there, screaming: "Come help me please!" whe seagulls will poke your knees.
@Rahul2001 decently so. Durability is a relative function. I wouldn't put it on a shop floor or in the hands of a construction worker, but for carrying and desk and lap work in safe clean environments it'll do the job. The XPS line have magnesium frames and so are probably a bit stronger than regular office class laptops.
@music2myear Wow, okay
@ThatBrazilianGuy Sorry, I'm kinda obsessed :P
!! s/kinda obsessed/a teenager/
calm.com hangs my work computer. Hard. The mouse freezes.
Oh well, what to expect of a Phenom II ;_______;
@ThatBrazilianGuy why should a website hang your computer?
Flash. It's always Flash. Or Java, that'll do it too.
@music2myear It's a fullscreen background video and a lot of intensive javascript.
That damnable monstrosity can burn in hell
So... I was reading a chapter of this online course. One of the links in the bibliography opens a PDF of an entire book. The subject of both the course and the book is FOSS, by the way.
The PDF contains the book in its entirety, including the "All righs reserved" part.
The URL is <some-university.com.br/foss/files/book.pdf>
I open <some-university.com.br/foss> and it's a WP install with hello world and the Twenty Sixteen WP theme (the generic bland default wp theme)
Turns out it's a WP multisite and there's a "register here" link in the sidebar.
It doesn't create a new user. It creates a new site. No checks required.
@DavidPostill Aw... You didn't really need to draw this for me.
Illuminati is neither bad or good. It's enlightenment level.
Bad are those who use enlightenment for self-serving purposes.
Good are those who use enlightenment to serve others.
@ThatBrazilianGuy lul
@Mokubai as an IT admin I agree totally. Unfortunately where I currently work there are several apps critical to users work built entirely in Java and requiring the JRE. They are advertising for devs for the "modernization" project for these apps, and they're looking for Java devs.
posted on March 14, 2017 by Juan M

Continuamos presentando algunos números interesantes mensuales.  En esta ocasión, nos toca reportar sobre el mes de febrero. ¿Qué les parece lo siguiente? The post El estado de Stack Overflow en español: Febrero 2017 appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

>advised we have to re-download the SEP12
>Offer the minimal to make it faster
>but user wants the FULL SEP12
... We have one type of SEP. What are the Helpdesk doing?!
wat is sep?4
@music2myear sadly that is the way it is at times... is there no way to move to a less dependant technology?
k that was a odd outage/7
well this is awkward
u tripped over the cable?
in my current Hearts of Iron IV game, I conquered or allied with central and most of south america (including Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Cuba, etc.) and Germany separately conquered France and the UK, but the US didn't intervene, so WWII ended with the Axis and my faction (The Cartel) as victors... neither the USSR nor the US got involved :P it was just war in South America and Europe
and Japan joined The Cartel instead of the Axis, then I claimed all of South America in the peace talks, and also managed to get the entire British Raj, which oddly got renamed to the Japanese Raj
so I own India but it's called the Japanese Raj
and this guy is the leader of the Japanese Raj and wears those WWII rounded Japanese-like glasses :P
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar ( pronunciation ) (28 May 1883 – 26 February 1966, commonly known as Swatantryaveer Savarkar) was an Indian pro-independence activist, lawyer, politician, poet, writer and playwright. He advocated dismantling the system of caste in Hindu culture, and reconversion of the converted Hindus back to Hindu religion. Savarkar coined the term Hindutva (Hinduness) to create a collective "Hindu" identity as an "imagined nation". His political philosophy had the elements of utilitarianism, rationalism and positivism, humanism and universalism, pragmatism and realism. Some late...
Wasn't Vinayak the bad guy in Saints Row 4?
that was Zinyak :P
ooooooooo that guy
mr grumpy face
I need some good touchscreen friendly games
jkust booted mah vita up
@Mokubai Hearthstone is best
Hmmm. Tried it some time ago to get the steed in WoW, could give it another shot...
@allquixotic lemme guess: he got killed
@djsmiley2k Symantec Endpoint Encryption
err... Protection
oh god that thing
we're upgrading it with a number of clients...
@tereško nope... in my Hearts of Iron IV game he's still the leader of the Japanese Raj :P Japan is in my faction so I'm not worried
Did a moderator candidate drop out or something?
@Ramhound I'm sure it happens every year. Someone nominates, and then when questioned about their suitability they realise it's probably not the best idea.
I just commented and noticed I couldn't find the comment today, it's good, because "what he wanted to achieve" were primarily community goals not moderator goals :/)
So happy my work site solved a 100k+ problem with a $2.99 roll of aluminum foil :-)
@MichaelFrank that was me last time
Until @JourneymanGeek can install a "hit the back of Ramhound's head" button on his desk i don't plan to ever be a moderator:-)
maybe if they were selecting 2 moderators, or if I started to contribute more consistently leading up to the next mod election and nobody else who's clearly a better candidate self-nominates, I might run... hence why I predicted a while ago that I'd get elected as a mod in 2020
@allquixotic I put in a bit of an update in that Macbook I was attempting to recover, if you wanted to take a peek when you're free
Can't remember the next play anywhere Xbox/pc game that was being released... lol
@Ramhound Halo Wars 2?
@Mokubai when the NIS says it is no longer acceptable for my sorts of organizations to develop and use applications requiring insecure frameworks, maybe.
Nah it's the LOTR game in Aug
Wanted it to be Mass Effect /-)
I'd vote for ME too. Love those games.
Holee crap! I agreed with @Ramhound on something!
I just wanted it because my pc is down and I am working 16 hours a day and don't feel like spending time getting Windows backup
I like to use trainers :-) on pc
Ah, no fun. I just bought the Xbone after my 360 died, but really that's mostly a netflix/youtube system for the wife and I mostly game on PC.
Yeah; wish I could watch Iron Fist today :-$
What's with the 16 hour days? Doing a major transition?
Incompetent contractor
Ah. Sorry to hear that. I understand there's a sale on carpet rolls and Lyme at the hardware and home goods store.
Different type of contractor...
Oh, it works for contractors of all sorts from what I understand. BOFH-certified.
Anyways, I volunteered to babysit them, and make sure, they don't break anything they are working on, but there so incompetent that still happens but we have no choice but to let them work on it due to complicated reasons
Eventually, a Good Samaritan brought the child back to the mother to which she responded, “oh just leave her.” The woman left the store after paying for the groceries.

Police arrived at the Food-4-Less Sunday night where they found the toddler unharmed and in good condition.
I wish I could do that ^^ to these contractors :-)
@music2myear "Here, hold this wire"
@bertieb raised floors and good ventilation have their purposes too.
Speaking of wire-like things, in the process of cabling my home I've been punching down some connectors into [what I hope are] Cat6 outlets/patch panel.
I thought all was good as one side of the network tester was illuminating 1-8 in sequence.
It would be frowned upon if we can't send them away, eventually, so best to let them do their damage and make them fix it
Then I checked the other end and, well, remember the background blinkenlights randomly twinkling in no discernible sequence on the bridge of the Enterprise in TOS..?
@music2myear Did you leave a floor panel removed again? Woopsy
@Ramhound What was it you actually fixed with the foil?
@bertieb Have you tried matching up the colours? :P
@Ramhound We asked, but apparently "Its not nice"
It's not often I come across a "first time I saw that problem" anymore. A user could not change their domain password, Google their error and on SF someone suggested checking that SELF has Allow on Change Password in the AD profile. Sure enough, user didn't.
@DavidPostill, you're getting my first vote. I'm glad to see you run.
@bwDraco Thanks :)
Wow... you know your hardware is old when the product manual says it can classify traffic for these games:

Asheron's Call
Diablo II
MSN Zone
Quake I, II, &
Yahoo! Games

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