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Thanks for the feedback, folks. That is essentially what I was thinking, but I wanted to double-check. I noticed it as the primary source in What does XP in Windows XP stand for?.
Typically, I try to drill-down and utilize the source that Wikipedia referenced, whenever possible.
> worded password
I'd like to enter a password that doesn't involve keys
NVIDIA engaging in foul play again? None of the Radeon cards were able to deliver stable frame rates, not even the Fury X.
@allquixotic Seems like a great thing to buy and carry at all times
If you're forced to hand over your smartphone for some reason, you just hand out that thing
Why the f--- is NVIDIA doing this?
The average frame rates look good but the very low minimum suggests they're using some subtle techniques to artificially degrade the experience on AMD cards without throwing off frame rate counters.
@OliverSalzburg lol, good idea :D
I hate vendor lock-in.
@allquixotic And with that thing you can even be all like "No, I don't give you my fingerprint" and "OMG NO! My iPhone!!!"
Too bad it works so poorly
btw @Burgi did you sort the issue with the appartment?
sort of
i need to phone the landlords again tomorrow
they want me to sign the agreement on saturday, but i need the full day to move in
why can't you sign prior#/
also they seem to suggest the lift is not working
@djsmiley2k thats what i need to find out
bit odd
do you not check if ithere's a lift, before agreeing to live there?
there is a lift
Is it not part of whatever maint. agreement there is, for living there?
i've seen it, but it wasn't working when i viewed the flat
is it full of liquid nitrogen?
they also apologised for the "issues with the agent", which is odd because i haven't had any
or some explosive substance.
wel there was that thing you announced here, or something bad with the landlord
not sure what it was tbh
all the "problems" have been with the landlord not replying to the estate agent
sounds like this is gonna be fun
Can anyone any remote administration software, where the focus is more on device management than remote support? We're currently using TeamViewer and their focus on remote support is really annoying and the fact that you can completely lose access to a device if the primary NIC changes
tomorrow is going to be interesting as i have to attempt to claw the apache logs from the hosting company
as well as deal with my landlord...
I should just download the source to some rootkit and set up my own cnc
That's probably the easiest way to go about it
Those load balancers look undersaturated to me
He should scale up!
Or down
@DavidPostill those PNGs never open properly for me
@Burgi Yeah. Not for me either. There is something strange about the images on the dzone.com website :/
Right click > View Image asks if you want to download it ...
Same here
Setting it to "Open with Firefox" and "Do this automatically ..." doesn't persist.
Neither does changing the settings in "Applications".
That brought up another important issue. A broken feature in the SE Chat Dark Theme!
Images are supposed to be scaled to full width on hover
Now I have it stuck on "Save file" :/
Ah sort of fixed. Change it to always "Save file". Go back to "Always ask" in Settings > Applications. Click the image again and "Open with Firefox". It will now open in Firefox but you still get the dialog first.
Application goes back to "Windows Photo Viewer" but the dialog says "Open in Firefox".
I'm gonna give RemoteUtilities a try
guys do you know how these youtubers youtube.com/watch?v=Xo232kyTsO0 create these flashy animation of objects in their videos? I also want to add these kind of dynamic pictures in my presentations. How do they create them?
i dont think powepoint animation and effects tool gives that much motion to pictures.
First connection attempt, software freezes, then crashes. Not ideal for a first impression
Are there any specific features you're looking for?
!!/learn tablecat <>https://i.sstatic.net/BFQil.jpg
@bwDraco Command tablecat learned
@defalt lol not powerpoint no
@defalt Simple and clean presentations are the best.
Avoid transitions, animations and the like unless totally necessary.
Outlook webmail causes high CPU usage in Chrome. Anyone?
I have my Outlook open and I'm not currently seeing unreasonable usage from Chrome
don't use outlook webmail?
@Rahul2001 i don't want powerpoint effects in my presentations..i want that pictures do exactly the same thing i'm explaining just like youtubers do
expensive video production software then
adobe premier, after effects...
it will take atleast 6months to learn these softwares..i don't think youtubers use this
you think that
you realise at this point youtube is like 10 years old, right?
but videos are new
@Boris_yo haven't used it for a while but IIRC it is a pretty resource intensive website. Which is why it takes ages to load on slow connections and keeps crashing.
@defalt Unless you own cognition and learning accelerating device (CLAD)
But only top CEOs have access to it...
@Rahul2001 Is it not like Gmail? It's fast and dynamic.
@defalt i learnt graphic design 15+ years ago
i could draw something now
@Boris_yo Gmail is a whole lot faster and more useful for me. Plus, they offer a basic HTML version
is there anyway i can create pictures to be dynamic or a website which already has pre-built gif?
Hey, that's YTMND!
most of the time my presentations involve client-server model
Which is probably also ten years old at this point
@djsmiley2k My computer is slow = don't use computer?
don't use it so intensively.
@defalt Which effect are you looking for from that video? The intro animation?
@djsmiley2k Do they have basic version?
@Boris_yo of?
@djsmiley2k Computer.
@djsmiley2k Outlook web
@Boris_yo I don't know, I use google inbox
@MichaelFrank lol paper and pencil? :D
@MichaelFrank i'm looking for dynamic pictures which can represent like how client server is talking..now it is sending GET request and here's the response..like this..i'll narrate it and pictures move
@defalt Oh. You need GIF files!
@Rahul2001 not sure if srs.
gif repeats..i don't want that
you can turn off repeating
@Rahul2001 he wants content, that looks good
i want contents which is dynamic and act according to my speech..my presentations don't contain words
woah woah
you want your content to react to your voice?
you want animiated content?
like youtubers narrates their video and their video demonstrates what they are saying like in this one youtube.com/watch?v=Xo232kyTsO0
yeah, if you don't know how to make it yourself, you either learn, or hire some one to do it for you
how hard it is to create animated contents of client server model?
dpeends what your animating it in?
many years ago in another life, i'd make something like that in flash
suppose i want to demonstrate "How VOIP works" so there must be 2 peers and one signalling server and arrows and i want to show their communication
We understand what you want, but what we don't know is how you're going to actually make the animation.
You could use a bunch of software to achieve it. Photoshop, After Effects, Flash, etc.
If you want it to be a fully timed video, or whether you just want short animated clips that you can put in a Powerpoint presentation.
i've both the options..either i can create a video or a powerpoint presentation..there will always be a second person sitting with my PC who is going to act along with my speech
youtubers do a pretty much fancy work with this..they show pictures in motion so it comes into my mind how they do that
If they're presenting video content on YouTube, it's probable they are educated in video production.
Or, they have teams of people they work with to create the content.
I've already gone over this...
@ThatBrazilianGuy you're the joomla guy, right?
@djsmiley2k Yea...
Also, this website has a power button...
@MichaelFrank o_O
push ittt
youtube.com/watch?v=RUZohsAxPxQ i always wanted to present my seminar like this but then i don't know from where to start
Yea, apparently it's a link to the login page.
I was hoping it would turn their webserver off. :(
@defalt possibly power point, maybe flash, maybe some other tool
This world is a weird place
it would be easy if it was powerpoint but that video can't be made on powerpoint
PowerPoint has an option to save as video
@defalt why not?
powerpoint can't create that much dynamic pictures
use flash then
@defalt Bleh, this is a cycle of problems that's going round and round
You know that PowerPoint cannot do it, but you still want to do it, and you don't want to learn new technologies
@defalt prezi.com
Similar concept, also the site with the POWER BUTTON.
@Rahul2001 it's even better than that, he doesn't believe that other people could of learn things.
if it is powerpoint then how do they create those pictures of machines A,B&C and those 2D pictures actually look so good with the background
we're not saying it is powerpoint.
I've told you multiple times, I'd use flash
Do you mean Adobe flash?
it's really neat for mocking up quick simple animations
okay..i'll learn how to use it
Damnit, I'm really tired and this conversation is draining what little energy I have. Goodnight, I'm off to bed.
welp, i went to try and fix a broken image
and the image itself is 404 :(
Yeah, a lot of them are broken on either protocol :/
Do we click the SEDE link to start?
Yes, the bold link opens the results view, which shows posts that may need attention
Are questions about the "Darkweb" on topic on SU?
Q: Is it possible to scrape a Darkweb site?

user16668Does anyone know if this is possible? I've been thinking of various ways to do it, but have come up empty handed. I thought that I could possibly run wget through Tails, but that was a no go. I also contemplated trying to use Macros, but that didn't work either. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I ...

@DavidPostill In general, I guess
That question seems reasonable to me
Fair enough.
> Download CPU-Z... Will detect whatever is in your slot... ;)
The winky face at the end of this turns it from a bad answer into a funny answer.
@djsmiley2k Was that the RAM one?
nah a browser error image
Ahh, I ended up looking at one that had a link to an old Picasa album. Managed to infer what the screenshot was probably about and found an appropriate replacement image on Google. :P
yeah i condiered that but no idea what the error message was :/
So do we just clip the link? Self hosted images could be potential attack vectors if people are clicking a link expecting a screenshot, right?
If the original image is nowhere to be found and you can replace it with another relevant one, you can remove the original link
Do we edit the question/answer to explain the removed image though?
I believe we should reword the post (if we can't find a good image) to not mention the image; the revision comment can note why we removed the link
> Every time I try to visit advertising.microsoft.com in Firefox, I get this error.
Ah, that's a problem
Maybe skip those for now until people figure out how to handle them?
I wonder if we should create a generic SE branded "Oops, there was an image here, but now it's gone!" picture to use in those cases.
hope you didn't mind me playing devils advocate there @BenN
No problem; I'm glad to have that clarified :)
i'll take the newer ones
@bwDraco "AMD underperformed, it must be Nvidia's fault" come on man
also all these one have been @DavidPostill'd
@Burgi May I see an example of a post with no http:// images that got included in the query results?
Q: curl url returned wired output

Zhaoyu ZHONGI am trying to curl https://www.chenyutv.com/ceshi/yunapi.php?v=58ae49f50cf2d11b00b4fce1 In terminal, it returned: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xml_player xxx="2017-03-05 12:33:26"><flashvars>{h->{f->http://www.chenyutv.com/ceshi/yunapi.php?v=[$pat]}</flashvars><video><file><![CDATA[h...

Oh, the query caught the ![ in the XML CDATA thingy in that question's example
Unfortunately, my SQL is not strong enough to check for things like that :/
parsing html markdown with regex, are we? :P
to the regex-mobile!
@Burgi lol. I started with the newest ones :)
@Bob nopenopenope
sprinkles the holy water
@ben Why is the query showing fixed posts if it run afresh?
The Data Explorer is only updated once a week, unfortunately
this one was caught in the dragnet and is ok: superuser.com/questions/1157086/…
The code in that post contains an image tag, which is confusing the query :(
i found one to fix! :D
I've fixed a couple, and found a couple with 404'd images that I can't decipher the contents of from the post itself.
Then I realised I have actual work that I should be doing. :P
Hm. Use the query, dump out to Google docs?
Then pop it in a meta post?
That might overflow the character limit for posts :(
Oh, you mean a link to the Google doc in a meta post, yeah
No no. Post the link to gdocs there.
Yes. I'm not awake yet
Insufficient coffee here too, heh
Would you suggest a document or a spreadsheet?
Also, we probably want nice links in the thing?
Spreadsheet sounds better.
Spreadsheet would be easiest, there's already a CSV download option.
Hey @Bob, I'm in the same timezone as you!
Q: Build a digital clock in Conway's Game of Life

Joe Z.Since my Tetris question seems to evade being answered even to this day, I thought I'd create a slightly easier challenge, one that doesn't need any user input. Your task is to build a Game of Life simulation representing a digital clock, which satisfies the following properties: The clock d...

OK, Google Spreadsheet is made
If I make it public, will people see my e-mail address?
I don't think so. I'm going through a couple Sheets I've been shared and can't seem to find any email addresses.
Very good
Have things gone well other times people made publicly-editable docs?
Have you heard about the recent MongoDB "ransoms"? :P
@BenN When we had the Winterbash Secret Hats document there were some problems with vandalism of the document :/
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of :/
Maybe see if you can lock down the fields you don't want people touching and leave a "Fixed" column open.
You can protect a range of cells. Select them, right click > protect range... Then just set appropriate permissions.
Ah, cool! I didn't know that was a thing
I've locked all the post data, leaving just the currently empty columns editable
If that looks good, I'll add it to the meta post
Okay, so it leaks your name... and your basic Google+ profile.
Hmm, I'd prefer that not happen
(My name's in the transcript here already, but still)
@BenN Too late. The 3LA and 4LAs now have the link :)
OK, it looks like as long as I'm not the last person to edit, my name isn't shown
@BenN Why are there only question in the sheet. Surely there must be answers that need fixing as well ...
Some of them are actually answers; I just used /q/ when generating the links because it's easy and always works no matter the post type
Ah, OK.
@BenN Try the link in an incognito window. Sheets shows the G+ profile of anyone that is viewing it, but if you're not logged into Google you should be fairly anonymous.
The "last edit by..." line is also a link to edit history as well.
Thanks. It looks like privacy is a lost cause, so I'll just accept it :p
OK, Google sheet is in the meta post
+1 for the google sheet
I'm just tempted to bite the bullet and flood the front page ;p
but yeah, another cleanup day sounds excellent
@TOWMN \o/
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