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And what size of drive you can afford.
The issue UTF-8's dealing with is high write amplification due to a combination of infrequent TRIM and low free space.
@MichaelFrank ...uh. Are you my admin?
So while going through the permissions on network shares to check the standard... I found that most users shares are open to Everyone. o.o
@UTF-8, if you have questions, be sure to let me know.
@Bob Ha. This is Basic Onboarding 101. How do they not script this kind of thing? :/
@MichaelFrank I think I was hired at a bit of a funny time. I have my own OU in AD and all o.O
No one else is in this OU.
You're special!
huh. they finally moved me out of it
sometime since I checked last year anyway
They probably misclicked new OU when trying to click new user and just rolled with it.
came 2nd in the quiz :(
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -ComputerName WH0RCUTEACHER Huh.. That's an interesting computer name.
Okay, so on a scale of 1 to buy a new computer, what's the damage here?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
It does that by itself.
Backed up?
Was about to suggest restoring
That looks software
Seems painless
Hmm... doesn't seem to be doing much, although I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or not. D:
Oh there we go. Looking better. Apparently holding the PRAM reset keys at a random time and not when it says to works better...
Although it just took me to the recovery menu, which is better than a panic message at this stage.
quick question
@JourneymanGeek this questions superuser.com/questions/165216/… answer applies to blurays drives also but it isn't initially obvious.
should I ask a separate question superuser.com/questions/1181433/… or edit that one
I'd go separate. Tho I'd add more details were I asking that
like what?
Mention what drive you have, and ask how you would identify if that drive or others supported dual layer Blu ray or DVD burning.
Sorry. Misunderstood.
so delete ?
Comment under the answer that works that it works on bl too.
bluray you mean not black?
On a phone. Getting autocucumbered.
So should we have 2 questions or 1?
1. Now if it involves dual layer Blu rays....
@JourneymanGeek Looks like the NVRAM reset doesn't help.
Yea, and unfortunately there's no instructions anywhere on what to do if that doesn't work. :|
@MichaelFrank Warranty?
@Bob I don't think it's covered anymore.
@MichaelFrank time for a question? :p
@JourneymanGeek Yea, okay. Just don't make me put it on AskDifferent.
Su is fine. I'll also throw in a bounty with aibobot once it's eligible if I remember. Question interests and annoys me
@MichaelFrank rossmanngroup.com
how old is that MBP?
Macbook Pro 6,2 by it's model name.
Could be mid 2010?
@allquixotic also, he's in NZ. Shipping costs may be a factor
Also, I'm not sending this MBP to New York...
well Louis would know who's good at MBP repair in NZ
mid-2010... probably on the very fringe of what they'd be willing to repair
assuming it's hardware, that is
Hmm. @MichaelFrank that thread suggests clearing the smc too...
Tried that one as well
They both don't seem to do anything.
I can get into Recovery mode, but it's not particularly useful. Although the health check seemed to suggest the HDD was okay.
Okay, posted a question.
Bleh... Ran the First Aid again on the partition this time and it came back with an error code 8. Not sure what that is, but it's obviously not great.
on the contrary
it indicates it might be fixable
No backups?
I have no idea what a recovery environment for an OS X system would be like
(hell, I don't even know if target disk mode is a thing and/or if a standard linux livecd would actually work)
@MichaelFrank Looks like OS corruption to me.
@MichaelFrank maybe switch to single user mode and run fsck?
What's the cheap ass mouse that's comfortable as hell ?
I think it's the logitech one right
logitech is my default cheapass mice
@JourneymanGeek What model number do you use
I broketh my old mouse :'(
@JourneymanGeek hey, not just cheapass!
<== G602 & MX Master
I was running a g300.
It's probably replaced by now.
We also have a m310. Used to be my laptop mouse but I handed it up to dad.
I tend to like bigger mice tho
Me too, feels good in the hands <3
@HackToHell I have like a $9 Logitech Unifying mouse at work, AAA battery, has never been replaced in like 4 months
works perfectly, and even supports simultaneous connectivity with a solar keyboard on the same unifying receiver
wow nice
OS recognizes it as a standard USB hub with a standard USB keyboard and mouse hooked up to it, so no special drivers needed
Can you link the model number ? Man I can make my entire setup wireless without having to use bluetooth ones then(rather expensive)
Didn't know you could receive both \m/
@HackToHell yeah, a single unifying receiver can handle a fairly impressive number of unifying devices; not sure of the limit but it's gotta be at least 5 or so
I remember them both being slightly cheaper than those prices; might've been a temporary sale
> 18-month battery life
welp now I know I have to buy a new battery around the end of this year
Nice, I'll put them on a deal alert website and grab it when it's cheap
good idea :)
they're mass produced items and I imagine worldwide, so you can probably find them on deals often
BTW the solar keyboard battery can stay charged indefinitely (we assume, until the battery dies, so maybe 10 years or more?) without external power of any kind, with the power switched on 24/7, if it just has a regular office overhead light on it during the work day, or even better, natural sunlight (very powerful compared to office lighting)
I'll probably not be getting the solar keyboard, don't mind swapping batteries once a year.
@MichaelFrank Subscribe to Louis Rossmann's Youtube channel. When it says he's livestreaming, post your question in chat. Someone (not even necessarily Louis) might be able to assist in diagnosis.
He has repair techs (lots of them...) watch his livestreams
@allquixotic Logitech has insane battery lives on their lower-end products.
The higher end... not so much :\
The Skylake-S die is 122 mm² in size. At 91W TDP, this is a staggering 745 kW/m² heat flux density.
Overclocked, it would be easy to make this value exceed 1 MW/m².
It's often compared to the surface of the sun.
> The heat flux generated by today's microprocessors is loosely comparable to that on the Sun's surface
@Psycogeek Know these things? weinproducts.com/batteryfree.htm
What's this I hear? There's something like a 'mid-term' election or something which takes place in two years in the US? I'm confused.
@Bob I can attest to this. My G602 battery used to last for ages.
@Rahul2001 actually, G602 falls into the higher end range with shorter life :P
Is it possible to find log in Windows 7 of my actions?
@Bob Seriously? Eh, I got it cheap here and the battery lasts for months so, eh
I just deleted something without paying attention. Looks like not only 1 file was selected.
@Rahul2001 but that's with two
and still less than half of the lower end ones
nope, only thing extra i use in photography is a downstream flash unit, that triggers when it sees the camera flash. i think it is a a vivitar df200.
At first i was worried that it would not be fast enough, but it is.
So when using a compact camera which the flashes only ever make it about 10feet then i can use it either stuck next to the camera itself (making everything flat but filling) , or (better) to put it down the way some and offset from the camera as a key light, and fill. because it is the same as an on camera shoe flash with a big xenon flash, it finishes the job.
once you get into hotshoe triggers and arrays of standing flash units that each one can light up the whole room, that is beyond my skill and budget. You have to keep the batteries on the minion flashes all going, a job in itself, plus pay for the High $$$ ticket of working that way , and nobody actually paying for it :-)
@Boris_yo isnt that what the trashcan is for? I setup my trash to not even ask anymore as long as it isnt a permenent delete. It is sooo easy to recover things from the trash, but it isnt a backup.
once you have deleted it "permement" , it still isnt off the disk yet. so an undelete program will undelete it. Which is really easy unless :-) you used the trashcan which will have renamed it first.
@Psycogeek Not if it's SSD...
sure even SSD, it doesnt have to delete stuff until it is overwiritten either.
although it could have been trimmed and garbage collected ?
SSDs are lazy too :-) oh we will complete that deletion when it is actually needed. we wouldnt want to look slow pausing to overwrite the whole thing now. Course DragonLord would be the one to ask about that.
@Psycogeek DragonLord is he SSD master?
oh he be studing up for sure.
I will recall the spell to summon him...
just post some spam , wait for it :-)
Vita mortis kaa!
That's not spam. That's spell from Icewind Dale.
So if he played the game he should appear.
OMG my dog just keeled over, What did you DO?
i think you raised demonic spirits , from the netherworlds of doom.
(or some such blather)
It only works online.
I need conversion adapter for it to work offline. 3D printer could do it.
Well let me get the dog logged into steam, and we shall see if he will re-spawn
Actually 4D printer. We entered 4D as of 2012 remember?
If i remembered 2012 then virtual reality also worked , Nope :-)
must fire up your google cardboard, and use the VR to traverse time. We could start by going back to ??? how far back would Alan Wake be?
@Psycogeek Alan Watts?
yea him too
" In the game, a "darkness" is taking over humans, animals and objects. These enemies, dubbed the "Taken", are murderous shadows that attack Wake, wielding weapons of their own, ranging from mallets and knives to shovels and chainsaws. They vary by speed, size, and the amount of damage they can take, and some can teleport between short distances." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_wake
which is why it is important to have Flash.
or you will be overwelmed by the darkness, or just bad cases of Red-Eye
@Psycogeek Japanese are good at these things...
Ok the dog re-spawned ok, but he is really odd shaped, oops that was mine craft, crap, now my dog is only 8 pixels.
but he plays back reallly well on a Intel Gpu now
> Imgur is over capacity!
how is the soldiering going?
Did different<redacted> :p
Doing more <redacted> like we have been doing all week tomorrow.
we've been charged $900 for a service the old digital team set up AND NEVER USED!!!! >>>:(
@Burgi maaaaan
i've raised a support ticket
we are cancelling the old credit cards this week so probably next month is when everything goes crazy and breaks
Ah. Interesting times.
thats oddly specific
@Rahul2001 lol
That reminds me of the infamous Calculator bug.
@Rahul2001 you have 0.00999999999999801 coins in india, right? ;)
@DavidPostill what calculator bug?
@Burgi but... $
@Burgi You have to ask? Seriously?
Sqrt(4) – 2 != 0
in windows calc?
@Burgi Exactly :)
is that due to an issue with binary floating point numbers?
there was a serious bug in the original pentiums that had a similar issue but with larger more human numbers
@DavidPostill I would try it out except that Win10's calc is messed up
confirmed in win10 as well
Lol, they still haven't fixed it?
@Rahul2001 The thing is it's not actually a bug even though everyone claims it is.
@DavidPostill hm?
@Burgi No, the FDIV bug was actually a bug. This is correct behaviour, for certain definitions of correct.
@Bob incorrect definitions? ;)
@Burgi Eh. It fits the IEEE 754 spec.
FDIV bug was just plain wrong.
i knew about the binary floating point issue but none of my code has ever needed that sort of of maths so i wasn't able to recall it
The Pentium FDIV bug was a computer bug that affected the floating point unit (FPU) of the early Intel Pentium processors. Because of the bug, the processor could return incorrect decimal results when dividing a number. Discovered in 1994 by Professor Thomas R. Nicely at Lynchburg College, Intel attributed the error to missing entries in the lookup table used by the floating-point division circuitry. The severity of the FDIV bug is debated. Intel, producer of the affected chip, claims that the common user would experience it once every 27,000 years while IBM, manufacturer of a chip competing with...
@Bob The IEEE library is no longer used by Windows Calculator :)
@DavidPostill Hm? It's a spec, not a lib... and no longer used what?
> The innards of Calc - the arithmetic engine - was completely thrown away and rewritten from scratch. The standard IEEE floating point library was replaced with an arbitrary-precision arithmetic library. This was done after people kept writing ha-ha articles about how Calc couldn't do decimal arithmetic correctly, that for example computing 10.21 - 10.2 resulted in 0.0100000000000016.
@DavidPostill Eh. Some funny base-10 float instead?
@Bob No idea :)
@Rahul2001 Dammit. My G602 batteries just ran out. I blame you...
@Bob xD
@Rahul2001 that looks familiar...
Hm. SO seems to be down.
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

halcyhttp://code.google.com/p/xee/source/browse/XeePhotoshopLoader.m?r=f16763d221dfca6253983824b470adf553a19e06#108 // At this point, I'd like to take a moment to speak to you about the Adobe PSD // format. PSD is not a good format. PSD is not even a bad format. Calling it // such would be an insult ...

Ooh yay, only £28 to fly to Melbourne
Hey @Bob, if you see a lost looking scruffy cat walking around Sydney in a couple weeks it's probably me.
what happened to ragequitting?
s/walking around in/on the train to/
@Burgi like I said I'm just here to stalk Bob.
@noitsbecky yea but it is an extra $150 for the parachute :-)
@noitsbecky huh, that's cheap
cheaper than the train lol
@noitsbecky ... does that include the one in the backyard?
@Bob clearly @noitsbecky is already there.
I manifest extreme disappointment in my family's gross inability to keep the house stocked with chocolate.
goes raid the fridge for the good stuff
@JourneymanGeek My fridge has no stuff, let along good stuff :(
Right, so, I'm going to ask her out tomorrow, and this is not going to be easy...
@bwDraco @Bob i'm sorry, i didn't have access to the internet any more, yesterday, and today not until 12:00 UTC (20 minutes ago) because DSL wouldn't sync. i only have 1 extended partition and in that 1 logical partition (which is formatted as ext4). this partition has the standard space space of 5%, afaik. so that's 12.8 GB of guaranteed free space. i additionally keep 25 to 35 GB of user-usable space free, so that's about 43 GB (+/- 5 GB) of free space without ssd-internal spare space
@bwDraco @Bob should i maybe try to compact the data on my disk?
my home folder is encrypted, btw. the rest of the disk isn't
@Bob is this one of the new drives? 0_0
oh, shit. your drive isn't exactly well-off either
@JourneymanGeek nah, one of my original internal ones
it used to be in RAID... whoops
Who has Apple device and iTunes installed?
wellllllllllllllll then. CDI won't even give me SMART info
try something else?
you know. I think the worst part is I can't remember what I was using this drive for
It's probably backed up ... but nfi where
oh here it comes
it ded
hm actually
I can still read the drive
so... SMART failed but not the drive itself? o.O
@JourneymanGeek I think I have my own DOID now :P
that can happen
You should backup the data ASAP
and test the drive
SMART , isnt.
If you can read off it, unstoppable copier is a good choice
@Psycogeek smart is working as it should
@JourneymanGeek looks like it's mostly throwaway data. well, 90% of it I already have another copy of. The other 10% is just video editing scratch, and a couple MSDN ISOs I can redownload.
hm. gsmartctrl and short and long tests?
The bigger problem is my "other copy of" is now the only copy
Time to back that up
it's 2 TB of data -_-
this'll take a while
@Bob where is the beef? The raw data?
I'm just gonna throw Windows Explorer at it and see how that goes
ahhhhh that was my share drive
of course!
hmmm. proooobably not a good sign that copy speed is fluctuating between 0 and 10 MB/s
on a drive that should handle 100 MB/s consistently
@JourneymanGeek best part? I haven't used this drive (read or write) in months... it's just been sitting there, spinning :P
think the Nvidia update reboot killed it
which does make me mildly concerned because its brother is my main backup drive
...time to copy those too, I suppose
ahh it is just mis-aligned :-) did you remove them bits from the drive before removing it from the raid?
@Bob Does it show which parameter is under/outside of accepted threshold value?
@Boris_yo It should, but it doesn't, which is kinda the problem here.
as if . . . it wasnt reading the smart data at all, or properly?
@JourneymanGeek I think problem is I don't know when my last backup was. Or what was added since. Whoops.
Would've been before Acronis, since I haven't touched this in a while... bleh.
Hm. Maybe worth tossing ddrescue at it...
nah, too much trouble
@Bob I like roadkil's unstoppable copier for things like this
That's just the loose data outside of the main archive...
@JourneymanGeek Might try that if this fails :P
I just know If i remove my drives from my raid, and sell them to someone with the raid (setup) data still on the drive , sometimes they will act like a total failure.
in normal non-raid setup
@Psycogeek Yea, these were reformatted after removing from RAID. Was a few years back.
@JourneymanGeek No weird clicky sounds is a good sign, right? :P
oh , and formatting doesnt fix those blocks the raid cards decide to store stuff in.
but if it was working yesterday . . .
if you had just pulled it from the raid though, it coulda gone all stupid on you.
@Bob I'd still want to know what failed
@JourneymanGeek Gonna be pretty hard to figure that out, but I'm suspecting controller.
But it still kinda works...
@Psycogeek Nah, was IRST RAID
@Bob if there's a smart failure, you should be able to work out what failed
hmm if i did the math right, that drive is , past its prime in "power on hours", what the spin-up hours are would be interesting.
dont hard drives use Dog years ? :-(
@JourneymanGeek I mean SMART itself seems to have failed o.O
@Burgi are you by any chance the lima-city burgi?

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