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how far is a "block"?
A city block, urban block or simply block is a central element of urban planning and urban design. A city block is the smallest area that is surrounded by streets. City blocks are the space for buildings within the street pattern of a city, and form the basic unit of a city's urban fabric. City blocks may be subdivided into any number of smaller land lots usually in private ownership, though in some cases, it may be other forms of tenure. City blocks are usually built-up to varying degrees and thus form the physical containers or 'streetwalls' of public space. Most cities are composed of a greater...
Depends on the city
Does Win10 have some good ways to have separate environments like multiple accounts, but without additional accounts?
I use my laptop on multiple worksites, and I'd like to have one environment for one client and another environment for another client.
To keep things clearly separated.
Ideally I'd have different programs running on startup as well.
@WilliamMariager ... ... ... why not just different accounts?
I'm not sure how. I use my Microsoft account. Can I log in to the same account multiple times on the same machine?
@WilliamMariager Why not just create a few local accounts?
If you can say why you don't like that solution, then you can find workarounds.
You could turn off sync. Local accounts make more sense
If you don't like it just for the sake of not liking it... then we can't help much.
I guess local accounts could work. I just figured I'd be using my own account, but there really isn't any requirement for that.
If you really want, you can be logged into your main one and run individual programs under a different user.
I'll try local accounts first, see if it works out. I think it will.
1 hour later…
my minion hasn't realised he has a hard deadline that cannot be breached
yes we've set him up but he was insistent that he could finish and test this radical redesign in 2 days
@Burgi Given this why am I not surprised :)
3 hours ago, by Burgi
omg... its like someone has scoop out my minion's brains and replaced him with an idiot
My package manager says nodejs-1:4.7.3-4.fc24.x86_64 but node -v says v4.7.3. What's the point of 1: and -4?
@Burgi Did he have a brain to begin with?
@ThatBrazilianGuy yes
@ThatBrazilianGuy Numbers? ;p
@DavidPostill TIL : and - are numbers!
@ThatBrazilianGuy -4 is a number
@ThatBrazilianGuy 1: is a number of hours or minutes :)
Now you're forcing it
i think the -4 means it covers all versions between 4.7.3 and 4.7.4 inclusively
ouch I nearly typed a bash command in chat >_<
@Burgi But that wouldn't explain npm-2.15.11-4.fc24.x86_64.rpm => 11-4?
!!google fedora package versioning convention
the bot is banned from google
@Burgi I awoke on Mon, 13 Feb 2017 20:53:43 GMT (that's about 2 days ago), got invoked 24 times, learned 6 commands, but forgotten 3 commands
@Burgi Really? 4.7.3 and 4.7.4 are different releases ...
@DavidPostill it was the only thing i could think of
@Burgi Wait a minute 4.7.3 was followed by 5.0.0 - there was no 4.7.4
i was only guessing
@Burgi I'm just trying to figure it out.
@ThatBrazilianGuy What is your package manager?
@ThatBrazilianGuy I was reading that. I don't understand it :/
I'm starting to read it now :P
Well, my Nexus 5X is probably coming to the end of its service life. It will very likely be replaced with a OnePlus 3T.
@ThatBrazilianGuy this might be a great question for the main site...
The phone is having intermittent problems making calls; sometimes, it will crash while dialing out. It's been doing this with alarming regularity; I fear it will start bootlooping soon.
@bwDraco upgrade to a TARDIS
worlds universes best mobile phone
it has better battery life than anything else on the market seeing that it is powered by a blackhole
@DavidPostill Yeah, I don't understand it as well. They seem to treat it like everyone already knows whate the "minus-number" at the end means, and no mention of the ":" at the beginning.
@Burgi That's kinda off-topic.
no it isn't
is the TARDIS a phonebox? yes
The crashes happen shortly after I hit Call; the signal indicator fails to change from LTE to H or H+, like it normally does (my current carrier does not support VoLTE on the Nexus 5X) and I do not it hear the normal ring-out. The other party hears the phone ring but I get nothing.
@bwDraco This is a chat room, not a main site question. What constitutes derailing or not is driven by realtime consensus more than anything.
does it move? yes
I guess Burgi is not interested.
@bwDraco @Burgi Ahem. The playground is that way -->
grumble grumble
The phone then proceeds to soft-reboot on its own.
factory reset?
8 hours ago, by Rahul2001
Bah, English is one of my favorite subjects but what we're taught in school is so boring...
@Rahul2001 You think you're the one facing a boring presentation of a subject you love?
I'm rather unsure as to whether this will help. I can't reproduce it in a repeatable manner, but it might be the same or similar issue that's causing the widespread bootloop reports.
I'm having online university lessons, and the lessons are... How can I even fathom this?
@bwDraco its a cheaper to try than a new phone
The video lessons are the teachers standing up in front of a CRT screen, looking at the screen and occasionally looking at the camera, talllking.... really.... erm... hum.... sloooowwww....
They teach amazing concepts such as how to build a computer with ISA boards
it may ultimately only extend it a few weeks but its a little more to time research and save up
The web dev course mentions there's this "new trend" called style sheets.
I'm constantly torn between a huge fight against falling sleeping, lest my brain shuts down itself, and screaming in rage.
@ThatBrazilianGuy i find bob tabor a good video tutor
And I'll need to do that for 3 years ;___;
@Burgi Yeah but the written exams won't use bob's material, I suppose.
fair point
> The RPM package name is <name>-<version>-<localrelease>.<arch>.rpm The <name> is the package name (it can very well be something like funky-gui-devel-libs, the '-'s separating stuff are counted from the end), <version> is the upstream version (no '-'!), <localrelease> is a local version (there might be several rounds of patches on the same upstream base, it usually includes the target system), <arch> is the architecture.
@ThatBrazilianGuy is the -4 a local patch then?
Asus pls.
And all it was doing was running in the background :\
That's... not very reassuring for software meant to monitor temps, and control fan speeds and CPU voltages...
@Burgi From what I understand, yes.
ugh. the install process for my new scanner printer is sapping my will to live
@Bob Motherboard manufacturers write the worst software, in my experience...
> Debug Error!
Wait, what? Debug error on a production application?
it happens a lot
I'm used to seeing "Runtime Error!" from the MSVCRT, but a debug error smells fishy.
This is from the debug library. Clearly, this was not compiled in release mode.
probably written by an engineer for internal use only and then suddenly one day his manager went "HEY LETS PUT THIS OUT!!!"
Or they had a really messy and non-standard Visual Studio configuration set, and the guy who was in charge of making the final build had no idea which one to pick between __FINAL_OLD2 and HONG_IMP_VCX_FINAL_RC_FINAL
Or it was a deliberate choice
Just compiling against the debug vcrt doesn't, by itself, prevent you from telling the compiler to optimize your code; it just keeps in a faceful of assertions and checks and debug infos in the binary that make it easier to figure out why a binary crashed
especially if you have the .pdb file from the build and a minidump from a user
and it would be no easier to reverse engineer their binary unless they also shipped a .pdb file and didn't turn on optimizations
not omitting frame pointers is also important for debugging; wonder if they passed /Oy
> This is a drop-in replacement for the hardcoded email settings
we are making progress!
New printer's up
happily printing out coupons for dog biscuits?
naw, itemised bills for the tenants so we can buy dog biscuits.
also, no more getting ink all over my paws from refilling it.
> Assessment .NET CUSTOM - PHP/.NET/NODE
Number of Questions 54
Maximum Time Limit 135 Minutes
Completion Time 64 Minutes
@JourneymanGeek A printer?!?!?!?!??!?!
A printer
Are you masochistic?
Our last one lasted something like 7-8 years
we are benchmarking my skills to help us in the future...
@Burgi Are you supposed to get faster if you retake the test later? ;p
i'll do it over the weekend or something
latest spotify on android has an ios layout
whoever made that decision should be taken out back and shot
@JourneymanGeek I have one that I literally use once per month to print a single report.
The day I stop printing that report is the day I won't have a printer anymore.
The definition of frustration is trying to share a printer on a network between 32 and 64 bit versions of windows xp, 7, 8 and 10
There's less frustration involved in playing flappy bird.
You have to support XP? My condolences
Not anymore. Officially, we didn't even back then, but it was used in production.
And by "production" I mean the desk of the staff that wrote and handed out student papers
@ThatBrazilianGuy about the same here
There was a... "database" which was little more than templated and macroed MS Office docs on a shared folder. Opened by 3 people. Sometimes simultaneously.
all the systems here that need to print are windows 10 tho
maybe android
I have a question
No I don't for once
it was a joke
Thanks for the laugh
I'm laughing. Inside. Ha. See?
this has a continous ink system (which I really like)
@ThatBrazilianGuy get a proper network-capable printer
Thank you
pretty easy to install on win7
It wasn't very funny though. I exaggerated ...
wifi based networking (which is fine)
auto detected by win8+
the old pixma did duplex everything and scanning to USB drives but meh
I can live without that
I wonder if I install a printer on a linux box and use it (the linux box) as a networked printer server it would be less troublesome to configure.
Of course, if I owned a business I would prevent anyone from printing stuff in the office, except where completely unavoidable (labels, invoices, legal papers).
You printed something that could be an email? That's $1 off your salary kthx.
May seems harsh but the alternative is PRINTERS!!!
@ThatBrazilianGuy initial setup was a pain
after that adding the printer seems easy
you can use a lot of common routers as a network print server as well
@ThatBrazilianGuy I have a photo of a literal tower of printer boxes I can't share here ;p
hm looks like I ate baleeted it
@Burgi would that be... frogmarched?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Hmm. Economic conditions are very different in your country than where JMG, I, or most others in this room live.
What he means is... he really hates the misuse of printers ;p
Most places here, employees are given a set limit of pages per month/year.
@Burgi Is that frogmarch on your way home?
@bwDraco Really? I've never had that restriction anywhere I've worked. At least not for B&W prints. Some places have restricted colour prints ...
At my college, students are capped to 250 pages a semester.
I have my own business-class printer with higher output quality and low running costs so I prefer to print at home, but many students do not own a printer or have one that's really pricy to run.
Flashing LineageOS onto my Nexus 5X through the experimental migration build.
@DavidPostill This depends on the workplace, but staff are not exactly subject to these restrictions. Again, at my alma mater, academic departments manage and order supplies as needed.
@DavidPostill sadly yes
i've just spent 2 hours future-proofing a contact form only to discover it is obsolete and hasn't been used since 2014
@Burgi lol. Did your minion steal your brain to replace his? ;p
no, i tried to locate the nav that pointed to this form and found it commented out with a comment saying // Obsolete 04/06/14 (AMJ).
Booting into the migration build. Things seem to be working thus far.
why AMJ didn't just delete it i have no idea
wow... i've never heard the original of "amsterdam"
its even better in french
Why did I start this Office installation repair process? O___o
i've only ever heard david bowies version
And why does it take hours to complete?
Amsterdam by Jacques Brel (contains NSFW concepts (in french))
I started getting a certificate warning for my employer's email server. The error message states it is a self-issued certificate and the issuer country is somewhere in China. If I manually download the certificate via port 443, I get the correct certificate. If I manually download it using port 143, I get this different, weird certificate.
Is it a sign of misconfiguration or a compromised server?
Flashed the most currently Lineage build. Starting up...
(TWRP needed an update to properly decrypt the data partition)
Upgrade succeeded.
I might someday install lineageOS on my "old" Moto G.
Currently on Android 5.1, last offical retail update 04/2016
@ThatBrazilianGuy damn don't be so rude to the poor guy XD
He should try better jokes then, we already have me to fill this chatroom's bad joke quota.
> That Brazilian Guy
chat user since 2012-11-29
last message 5s ago
last seen 5s ago
> about (edit) I make unfunny jokes and complain about the prices of gadgets in Brazil.
I have one, but please tell me if it's too political:
@ThatBrazilianGuy What's the one-word onomatopoeic "animal noise" you make in front of that? that's the new chat about standard, per Dog
example: "Meow. I'm a cat."
Okay, that's probably not appropriate for chat
more appropriate would be "Br. I'm a Brazilian Guy."
@Rahul2001 But really clever, nonetheless.
@allquixotic scamper. I'm a squirrel!
@Rahul2001 Anything critical or satirical of the person that's referring to is not appropriate for SE chat, if the wrong people see it.
@allquixotic My animal noise is: "silence I'm a nonconformist".
@ThatBrazilianGuy lol
Why won't chat let me delete it?
@Rahul2001 2-minute rule
@Rahul2001 Minors can't delete old messages. You have to wait until your 18th birthday (21st if you're american)
Right yeah, and it doesn't let you flag your own messages on mobile chat... I didn't realise it's been 2 mins
@ThatBrazilianGuy 25th if you're Indian.
There's a term for Presidents like Trump... Probably not two terms though.
@Rahul2001 0_o
You're still legally a minor until at 24 in India?
@ThatBrazilianGuy 25 to drink alcohol in the capital. 10 more years damnit.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Nah, but the only thing I can legally do is get p0rn magz. I think it's 21 to drive now.
Global warming is a joke... Even the Antarctic ice sheets are cracking up.
Here it's 18 to everything. Drive, marry, buy porn, own a house...
@Rahul2001 5/5
Rahul is on fire. Just like the global weather.
25 to get drunk? Damn. You might as well get high, that's always illegal, so in my mind that is better somehow
It's crazy to think there are places where people can drive, have a job, own a home, fight in a war, marry, but not drink legally.
Sure, a lot of those things are really premature at 21, but still legal.
IDK, this is a very old fashioned country. Kissing in public is illegal, as is being homosexual.
Kissing your same sex bf/gf in public is a national scandal then?
To be fair, around here it's almost entirely met with reactions ranging from "eeeeeeeeew" to "we don't want your kind around here" to "being bludgeoned to death" =(
However at least it's not f#@$@# illegal
Theoretically the government should protect these cases
But with all the extremist religious leaders being elected... Hah. Good Luck.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Yeah, well, while drunk you might do some crazy shit that puts the rest of the list to shame
Like marrying a war
Yeah, same here. This politician proposed a law to make homosexuality legal and the entire parliament started laughing. Damn 70 year olds sitting there and doing nothing.
Mobile chat messes up on slow connections :/
Everything messes up on slow connections.
@ThatBrazilianGuy You can get chucked out of a restaurant for kissing your valentine on valentine's day in a restaurant with special valentine's offers and have to pay a damn fine.
Dude, move out, seriously.
Any idea why it's running slow?
@bwDraco Your connection, I guess. To me it's not slow.
"Under section 294 of the Indian Penal Code, Public Display of Affection (PDA) is a criminal offence with a punishment of imprisonment up to 3 months or a fine, or both"
Rahul , India does not seem to be a very tolerant country
Well, I think in a few decades I'll be able to tell how it feels.
@AndyK it is a very tolerant country, most people definitely are. The people in the parliament are weird though. Our education minister doesn't have a bachelor's degree, and knows nothing about education.
There are people from all castes/backgrounds/religions/nationalities and financial levels here and yet we don't have many conflicts.
But politics... Is a big issue.
wtf, how do you set a URL to null in PowerShell?
I entered a proxy URL for an exchange service, now I can't remove it. Keeps telling me what I'm giving it is not a valid url
You mean Prakash Javadekar does not have any bachelor degree...?
@AndyK uhm, I meant the HRD miniser I guess. Plenty of scandals around her. And no, prakash isn't from an educational background either.
@OliverSalzburg How did you set the proxy URL?
Q: How do you remove a web proxy from your config?

Oliver SalzburgWhile looking for a solution to a problem, I added an InternetWebProxy to our Exchange server configuration: Set-ExchangeServer -Identity SBS -InternetWebProxy foo Now my proxy is set to foo, but how do I undo that change again? I tried setting it to "", '', ``, Null, False, but nothing is ac...

@BenN ^
Oh, $null seems to do it
Great, now at least I'm back to square 1
I've now done everything on technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… but still no sharing
1 message moved to Trash
@Rahul2001 I've trashed it for you :)
@DavidPostill thanks
thats a brilliant joke
i'd have starred it
I have problem with my batch script. for some reason -20518529 * 1000 = 945112450

so -20,518,529 * 1000 = -20,518,529,000 20 billion. surely that doesnt fit in a 32 bit, lets see am I running 32bit cmd? Shouldnt be... Aha!

C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe :

yet under the process the image says it's 64 bit and microsoft answers says its a 64 bit version in system32...

Anyone know what's going on here?
bye folks
@Rahul2001 I've a greasemonkey script that displays a red line when it is too late to delete your post and a green line while you can still edit it. Let me know fo you want it ...
@Rahul2001 you meant her Smriti Zubin Irani
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere It's a limitation of batch file arithmetic. "There is a severe limitation in batch math: it can only handle 32-bit integers."
oh darn thank you David
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere The link suggest some workarounds
@BenN Will probably say use PowerShell ;p
@AndyK yes, her
@DavidPostill seems convenient! But I'm on mobile half the time... And I don't use userscripts... I'll ask you if I ever want to though.
yeah I need to insert a large number as a parameter for a program Im running
PS can handle numbers up to 2^64 - 1
And more if you're OK with floating point
@BenN Hehe
I am not okay with floating point. it is quite silly to divide in ways binary cannot
> Well, February has turned out to be one of the most surprising Patch Tuesday Bulletins on record. Microsoft was already moving away from publishing monthly security bulletins in favor of a new security bulletins portal but it turns out that Patch Tuesday was canceled this month as well. The new updates will be delivered on Tuesday March 14, 2017 as reported on the TechNet blog post.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere there's a clever workaround that I came up with... I'll share it tomorrow when I get access to my PC
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Then do Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Numerics and you have access to bigint for arbitrary precision (IIRC)
> After considering all options, we made the decision to delay this month’s updates. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this change to the existing plan.
poor computers so much repeated calculating until they realize it's impossible to complete the operation
Microsoft apologises!!!
oh right some dude somehow called functions from system dlls using batch leme checkout his script
thanks @Rahul2001
or Ill wait for Rahul
nevermind he used powershell from a batch script
ill just manually perform the calculation for now
I'll share it is I get it though
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere don't wait, I'm not sure if mum will give me back my laptop, exams coming up soon
then when you get it delete all your games :)
and lock all the programming files with a running process and dont kill that process make it be executed by smss.exe
or use the OP hack nexon and symantec use to lock up their processes
do they use a hack to run their process as system? why else cant an admin process have permission to access their process
ill have to investigate one day
> But why not just create a PowerShell script instead?

Good question.
For this particular example, it would probably be a better choice indeed.

But there may be valid arguments to choose for batch files with embedded PowerShell commands:

Batch files usually are much faster than PowerShell
PowerShell scripts ususally require code signing, whereas command line use does not
> An alternative to PowerShell are PHP based batch files, but they require PHP to be installed.
PHP is extremely good at math.
Because it was made by the knuckle heads who invented startup repair and was coded with sloppy C++ that utilizes 10% of your system resources, or is so un-optimized it utilizes ALL, and it does a million un-necessary things. Also the knuckle heads decided to make office be a huge maze with webbing going through all the walls that sometimes decides to cut through its own webbing and screw itself over.

TL;DR use office 2002 and --windowsxp-- windows 7
help!!!!!!!!! the cross through didnt work again :(
the most reliable way to ask for help in Root Access: "help!!!!!!!!!!!"
!! s/he/ha/
@allquixotic tha most reliable way to ask for help in Root Access: "help!!!!!!!!!!!" (source)
!! s/help!/halp!/
@jokerdino @allquixotic tha most reliable way to ask for help in Root Access: "halp!!!!!!!!!!!" (source) (source)
regex gone wrong
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere That's because it needs 3 -s
And also because formatting sometimes doesn't work in multiline messages
I dont use ps to thwart and force malware to propogate in different ways on my pc
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Though, it did fix my issue
after 10 hours :/
even though an install takes 10 minutes?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes my batch script just multiplies by 1000 therefore I can just append zeroes as a string great idea
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere vampires?
also my friend is still waiting for his TV remote batteries
he is going to leave you a 1 star review on trustpilot
@Rahul2001 I fixed the script. instead of set /a bob*=1000 I did set bob=!bob!000
..that will work until bob becomes greater than 2 billion...
Anyone know of a method to migrate a physical Windows 7 Pro install to a Xen DomU format that I can boot with on my hypervisor?
qcow2 is pretty good; use qemu-img to read the contents of the raw block device to a qcow2 image file
then it (probably) won't boot unless you use the proper HW emulation (not paravirtualization drivers, so explicitly not virtio) for storage, and then you'll probably want networking in the guest to be able to get the virtio drivers and install them
then you can reconfigure to use virtio instead of hw emulation
in short, "no different than what you'd do for KVM" as it would seem
Hmmm... If I just use dd on the physical drive itself, will that create a RAW image to use?
yeah, that's the very definition of a "RAW" file AFAIK, it's just the raw blocks in a file
Alright, sounds like a plan then! Thanks!
RAW images are wasteful though
qcow2 images keep track of unused space and don't count that against the file size, a raw dd will capture every block of the device, even free space
Damnit... I have a Windows 7 system that is kinda-sorta dead, and I want to redeploy it to Xen
Screw it... It's only an 80 GB drive
1 hour later…
hmm my computer is filled with red bars.. what could this mean
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Your graphics card is dying - assuming you are talking about your monitor ...
If you are referring to your hard disks then they are running out of space ...
Please try and ask a sensible question next time - with enough information ...
actually my computer is my computer and my monitor is my monitor. I think it was quite sensible myself.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Well I don't.
!!doge bars red many very
such bars red
much bars red many very
you know what I say when something is "not supported" ? windows enable that.
oh curses it doesnt work
I have a great idea
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere That sentence, along with many of your other ramblings, does not make any sense.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere As @Burgi said yesterday:
24 hours ago, by Burgi
ok can you PLEASE stop narrating your entire life
This room is not your personal diary.
If you have a serious question, please provide the context behind the issue and provide all relevant details so we can actually help you solve it. Otherwise, we'd prefer if you tried to hold a meaningful conservation with the community here rather than just tell us what's happening with your system. If not, you'd might as well just use Twitter.
@Rahul2001 whaaaaaaaaat?
@JourneymanGeek It's a quote from robvanderwoude.com/battech_math.php
Also, PS definitely doesn't require code signing
@DavidPostill Dear diary: today, I opened my favourite chatroom and saw weird shit.
What would you guys use to prove a HDD wasn't faulty? I have a vendor sending our stuff back claiming all the HDDs are faulty. :/
@MichaelFrank Ask them for proof that they are faulty.
It's hard to prove a negative.
... of course facepalm
All you can really do is run a S.M.A.R.T. self-test, otherwise.
Yea, that's pretty much what we're doing at the moment.
Run a benchmark, verify it isn't running any slower than expected, run an error check, and then format it and send it back.
@MichaelFrank slower?
If they're equating "slow" with "faulty"... bleh.
Yea... that's what I'm thinking is happening.
Alternatively, one of the guys here thinks they could be trying to fleece us.
This seems like the best setup for me, cheers

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