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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Is anyone here good with Notepad++ find and replace?
What are you trying to find and replace?
> You can be self-assured that it will be applied by Tier 2.5 Technicians/Engineers
@BenN I'm trying to add a backslash before every character
what an odd turn of phrase
That is how you escape ASCII art in PHP, isn't it?
@Rahul2001 have you got it set to normal search mode?
Are you looking for the <pre> tag?
@BenN I'm trying to get php to echo fwrite this:
you can use " in the echo to do a literal output
<pre> ((      /|_/|
  \\.._.'  , ,\
  /\ | '.__ v /
 (_ .   /   "
  ) _)._  _ /
 '.\ \|( / (
   '' ''\\ \\</pre>
@Burgi error
thats speechmarks btw
Not actually echo, but fwrite
you would only need to escape other speechmarks
@Burgi Also pipes?
pipes inside the string should be ok
echo "this is a | example";
If you use single quotes around the string, you only need to escape single quotes
note the double quotes instead of single quote
@BenN is it not the other way round?
I think double quotes are the ones that have a bunch of extra parsing rules, like variable expansion and stuff
Perhaps what @Rahul2001 wants is a nowdoc string
i was about to link a similar thing
Q: Alternative way to write string literals in PHP? (without ' or ")

user1380936What could I use in php in place of the normal ' and " symbols around something? Example: echo("Hello World!") Thanks!

WOT Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '\' (T_NS_SEPARATOR) in /home/rahulcom/public_html/AmadChat/index.php on line 23
What does that even mean?
What's on line 23?
@BenN fwrite($fp, ' ) _)._ _ /');
Ah, fixed!
The issue was in line 21
	fwrite($fp, '  /\ | \'.__ v /');
Classic PHP errors
The closing ' was getting escaped
Ah, interesting
You might be able to write your whole thing with one fwrite call with nowdocs
@BenN May the almighty praise NPP syntax highlighting, this isn't the first time that it has helped me find such an error
@BenN 0_0
@Rahul2001 try netbeans
@BenN This is confusing :/
@ThatBrazilianGuy In some places, there are electric water heaters located in or near the bathroom. These are safer because they're not integrated with the shower head.
Here in New York, most folks use storage tank water heaters that heat a tank of water for use throughout the entire dwelling, typically using natural gas, oil, or electricity.
However, there's a trend towards tankless, point-of-use water heaters because they don't use as much energy.
@BenN nowdocs were to confusing, I ended up with this... Not neat, but hey, it works!
	$fp = fopen("messagelog.html", 'a');
//clear chats
for ($k = 0 ; $k < 7; $k++){
$data = '<pre> ((      /|_/|' . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($fp, $data);
$data = '  \\\\.._.\'  , ,\\' . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($fp, $data);
$data = '  /\\ | \'.__ v / ' . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($fp, $data);
$data = ' (_ .   /   "  ' . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($fp, $data);
$data = '  ) _)._  _ /' . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($fp, $data);
$data = ' \'.\\ \\|( / ( ' . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($fp, $data);
$data = '   \'\' \'\'\\\\ \\\\ </pre>' . PHP_EOL;
Whatever works :)
Literally posts the ASCII art of a cat 7 times...
Yep, that's right, I spent two hours on a script that prints a cat 7 times :P
Also, it's 1:30 AM, I really should sleep, I have school tomorrow...
@Rahul2001 rofl
@Rahul2001 why not append the strings to the initial one?
$string = "hello";
$string .= " @Rahul2001";
echo $string;
you then only need to use fwrite once
@Burgi 0_0 I did not know that
Okay, I need more help :/
$delnum = $_POST['delnum'];
	$lines = file('messagelog.html');
$last = sizeof($lines) - $delnum;

// write the new data to the file
$fp = fopen('messagelog.html', 'w');
fwrite($fp, implode('', $lines));
lmao, I really should sleep... I'll sort this out tomorrow
that is cute
!!/learn spaghettirat <>http://i.imgur.com/3ojEVye.gif
...bot down? :\
It's been dead for a while
It's not even in the room now :/
i pinged @allquixotic about it but i think he has me blocked
@BenN, can you un-onebox this? Didn't realize this GIF is 50 MB in size.
@Burgi I don't; I just don't tend to read the chat scrollback or notifications
ah no worries :)
@bwDraco Done
(I have no easy way of telling the size of an image on mobile.)
I thought it was closer to 10 MB :\
No worries :)
Here's a more apt joke to make up for it:
An engineer who was unemployed for a long time decided to open a medical clinic.

He puts a sign outside the clinic: "A cure for your ailment guaranteed at $500; we'll pay you $1,000 if we fail."
A Doctor thinks this is a good opportunity to earn $1,000 and goes to his clinic.

Doctor: "I have lost my sense of taste."
Engineer: "Nurse, please bring the medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth."
Doctor: "This is Gasoline!"
Engineer: "Congratulations! You've got your taste back. That will be $500."
thats funny, it is like the time the doctors ran my father through the MRI machine, and found his wallet.
was it empty?
it is now
This is why we need click-to-play for animated GIFs.
I wound up unexpectedly consuming 400 MB of cellular data on my end (don't worry, still have plenty left) and risked annoying others.
At home now so I'm on Wi-Fi, but this needs to be addressed. Auto-loading GIFs is much less than ideal.
It was hard to tell because AT&T LTE was surprisingly fast where I was.
I usually check GIF size with PowerShell before oneboxing
I can't pull up image sizes on mobile, I literally have to download the file to determine its size.
(curl http://example.com/image.gif).RawContentLength
But yeah, it would be neat if there was an easy way to do that on mobile
I wonder if there's a site where you can paste a link and it tells you the size of the downloaded page
I could log onto one of my servers from my phone and wget the file, but that takes a while for me to do.
a browser addon maybe?
ffs i lost my sunless sea save games in the Crazy UEFI Rebuild of 2016
when a movie review starts with "It was my civic duty to warn you not to waste 90 minutes on this garbage" it is safe to assume you wont like it.
@ramhound oddly that link article had a link to the exact same URL that I used last night but with different results.


Last night it went to a page that said I could download it directly (without the MCT) on a Vista machine but after verifying it said that I couldn't download it and had to go to a Windows 7 machine
After going to a Windows 7 machine it would not let me download it without using the MCT. ISO ended up being 3.5Gb
Today, that same URL let me download it on a VISTA machine directly without the MCT. ..... ISO ende
I have an answer that explains how to download any ISO. The answer is to a question where it isn't obvious, don't have a link, and don't feel like finding it.
I don't know the difference because you didn't tell me the file names of the file you downloaded
The likely difference is the larger ISO is a x86 and x64 unified ISO
@ThatBrazilianGuy I think I seen the News headline on that one a month ago, "Half Clean, Half Filthy Victim Found Dead In Shower After Internal Shower Head Housing Cracked"
@Ramhound If you meant Unified as in 32bit and 64bit .... that is the opposite

The larger 4.1 Gb is 64bit only and file name is Win10_1607_x64.ISO and came from the page in that Question link you posted to me earlyer where there was a button for each, to download 32bit or 64bit separately.

The smaller 3.5 GB was the ISO that had both 32bit and 64bit included where MS just created the file name originally 'Windows'. It didn't even say what version even though I changed the name to be more descript.
Oddly though I remember one of the pages saying that you should have your MS Office Key ready as one of the things to have on hand so maybe it includes MS Office.
Office 365 is installed on-demand.
Windows 10 comes with an installer stub but not the actual applications.
Everything is 360 now? or 365?
There's a standalone versions (office 2016) still
Its hella expensive tho
@JourneymanGeek Everything MS is hella X-pensive
The ISO isn't included in any Windows iso
Well, for my needs, I just run legacy versions of office (2010) or LO
The only reason I ended up with a Window 7 Ultimate that cost me $199 is because it was a custom build return and then stop building pc as the market tanked in 2014
I would have spent that for myself, and would choke hard on the Win Pro for $149 unless I was running a bus that I really needed it for ans makinf plenty of revenue.
I mean t I would not have spent $199 for myself on 1 OS for 1 macine
Right; larger is Home and Professional instead of just one or the other;
@Ramhound Oh, Home, Pro 32 and 64bit right?
I remember now ..... Was about the same back when Windows 7 was still for sale.
@RichManson er, now IIRC 32 and 64 bit use the same installer
Wait the larger on was 64bit only so it must have Home and Pro 64bit only
The 3.5Gb file was the one that included the 32 and 64bit versions
And b4 anyone challenges me on this, I just downloaded both (well, still downloading the 4.1Gb one) and the 3.5GB was with the MCT and said that you did not have to choose the version as they were both included.

The 64bit was from the page that had a 32bit and a 64bit link button to click on.
I don't know if anyone here lives in the US but I think we are finally getting internet more competitively priced at what Europe gets since Spectrum purchased TWC
Well, I'm excited about it anyway.
@RichManson a significant percentage of regulars here do. And a significant percentage don't ;p
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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