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@allquixotic so... my UPS works fine with the new PSU, at least at 200W load
it also reports more or less correct load values
so I now have no idea if the PFC affects it
hi a have a graphic question. nobody was on Graphic design chat rooms.
i want to know what should i search for this kind of pictures
Yeah. Sure. Ask a random chat room...
@JourneymanGeek may you know that?
i have language problems. because my primary language is persian
Eh. It's less a matter of language than etiquette.
what should i search?
I mean, I could tell you to Google image search military.... But it's an utterly odd thing for a new person to say. It's a bit like brushing your teeth with floor cleaner because you're out of toothpaste.
@sajad not sure you provided enough information yet. this search worked ok. google.com/… but saying army men :-) well google.com/…
@Psycogeek no i want to see edited photos in the photoshop
@sajad really... Wrong room to ask.
@allquixotic @JourneymanGeek 35.8 FPS on AotS CPU-focused benchmark
it looked so smooth :P
@sajad what kind composits assembled in photoshop? special effects ? shots of fake moon landings :-) or some minor cloning or painting out of the stuff they dont want you to see?
@sajad and I suggest spending a little time in a room before making.... Odd requests like that.
@Bob pretty sweet.
@sajad is it 3D model pictures? I did that one for my log-in pages, it has only computerised 3D modeled women in them.
i want to know what kind of effects are used for these kind of pictures
@Psycogeek you account picture?
@sajad not really what we typically do here.
@sajad the user log-in and boot type of picture that shows before the OS .
@JourneymanGeek ^ I'm getting incredibly frustrated on behalf of the OP there :\
"I've run out of headers" ... "Did you run out?"
... can you not read?!
@Psycogeek can u show me that?
"I need internal USB 2.0 headers for Corsair Link" ... "Why not get USB 3.0 instead? It's faster!"
@Bob apparently Nzxt has a second gen internal USB 2.0 hub.... :P
@JourneymanGeek Yea, I'm looking at that one right now :P
I do have the PCIe slots to spare, though, so a card would do just as well
Eh. Maaaaybe.
> Mounting: Velcro
hm. I'm gonna need to figure out what kind of power connector that is :\
ah they provide an adapter from 4-pin molex
That's the first gen one?
all my background pics are darkened to stay in the background.
there are now 30 fake 3D women in the log-in screen
Internal regular USB ports are a little odd but I'd prolly stick a tiny USB drive for a recovery environment
@Psycogeek hi lightning
I know my fake 3D women ^_^
oh what? is this 3d pic final fantasy one? who is lightning?
Lightning is from FFXIII
that's her
and that is someone I don't recognise.
these photos are darkened
yes, and not mine either. they are off the web. they look great as backgrounds, terrible now as pictures.
wooo booting ubuntu mate
/me has working vm's at work \o/
All my wallpapers are severly dampened/darkened so they dont walk all over the windows
@JourneymanGeek ...wait. first gen? second gen? what's second gen?
@djsmiley2k bold choice of de :p
@JourneymanGeek I'd want USB 3.0 for that :P
@JourneymanGeek is it?
I mostly use cli so don't really care what's running XD
@Bob marginally pricier, magnetic and has a shroud
hmmm mouse doesn't work XD
@djsmiley2k I run KDE or lxde
wow it's so slow
/me glares at vbox
@djsmiley2k oh that is cool, i didnt know. I like FF, even though i never yet got to play the new ones.
@JourneymanGeek ah
looks pretty :P
my mobo has a shroud... I guess that one matches more :P
/me goes back to the gui now that scaled mode is turned off
wow k i really broke this
and VBox just rage quit on me
@JourneymanGeek found it, conveniently enough with pickup ~15 mins walk from work
I didn't know they had a shop there!
Do you need admin privileges to add files to the common startup folder?
I think so
And to the user's own startup folder?
@Rahul2001 not your logged in user, no
everything under C:\Users\you should be read-write unless some idiocracy active directory policy has locked it down
Ok, thanks
also new one opens everytime
@HackToHell pretty sure it just searches for 10 hours
clearly this person is not a dog
"leaked database?
so like all the leaks"? yup..the servers which were hacked like the recent one was yahoo. The information is sent to deepweb.
@Burgi if CIA released it intentionally, they don't care..they would care if it was edward snowden
its just interesting
MI5 has been releasing their UFO records for years now
Silly question... I want to add an item to my Amazon wish list, a data cable for my Western Digital Passport external drive. Is there one cable that they all use, or do I need to dig up the harddrive when I get home to check?
FWIW, my intent is to hook this up to one of the miniature computers I have to run a file-server and/or bittorrent connection so that I don't have to keep my desktop on all the time.
they are normally a standard fitting
Would that be USB 3.0 Male-A to Micro-B Data Cable?
@FuzzyBoots Depends how old the drive is.
Older ones would be USB 2.0. Older still would use mini, not micro.
I remember that the last time I hooked it up, I only had USB 2.0, and it therefore only worked if I used a short cable.
@Bob And still older ones used regular USB (40MB era, I still got one)
the connection would be different for sure if one is USB2 and the other is USB3 . the usb shown on todays passports, looks like the same connection as segate externals controller usb3 connection with the V keying near the center of the connection. .
Which was far superior, since you did not have to try to fit a tiny plug into the drive.
I'm experiencing some packet loss through my ISP :(
is that unusual?
Depends on the ISP.
{nods} I'll just wait until I get home and can locate the drive. I replaced it with a larger one some months ago and it's in a box.
Thank you for your help.
If you want to replace it try to go for a drive with at least USB3 (micro or -C or eSATA to TB3)
Esp if you consider a SSD as the larger replacement.
he's already replaced it, from what I read
Could be. I interpreted it as a "I already have an old external HDD but not yet a cable" and "I might want to get a bigger drive" (which could use a different case, though putting it in the same drive is certainly cheaper).
wow... there are people in my office that use their satnav everyday to get to work
@FuzzyBoots I think WD passports use 'standard' micro USB 3.0 cables
If you wanted to play it safe, a micro USB 2.0 cable's compatible, with the associated loss in speed.
thats what i would do
@Hennes 'I replaced it with a larger one some months ago'
replaced, not will replace...
Ah, missed that.
that seems scary to me to plug the old thing into the 3 one, it soo much does not look like it belongs there , i did not know you can stuff one in it even.
learn something new (that wouldnt work good anyway) everyday
@JourneymanGeek Does using a USB3 cable with usb2 device have any downsides?
@djsmiley2k its slower
But most people have one lying around
Though I have a very old seagate external (which i think is dying) that uses USB Type B
@djsmiley2k It won't fit.
USB3 cable and USB 2 device ? Or the other way around
you know, the ones they mostly used in printers?
it wouldn't fit
@Bob it wont? D:
Sorry, I just had a fitness test and I'm dog tired
So the universal standard, isn't ?
@djsmiley2k USB 3 B cables are USB 2 cables with additional appendages
(I know it's serial bus)
@JourneymanGeek so? SAS cables are SATA cables with bits added too
The universal standard when it was created was nicely universal.
USB-A (rectangular) port on the master side, 6 sided B connector for the slave
No way to mess it up. Nice and large connectors.
Then we got new standards. (insert needed xckcd here)
i get about 100+ speed with single green drives on USB 3, i get 25 and down with the same thing plogged into the USB2 on my computer.
@djsmiley2k you can't plug in a SAS cable into a sata port no?
They went smaller for phone and 2.5 inch devices.
@JourneymanGeek Oh ffs.
@JourneymanGeek Indeed. SATA can be plugged into SAS. SAS cannot be plugged into SATA
@djsmiley2k what he said ;p ^
!!/xkcd 927
Yes, that one. :)
I thought you could, but maybe not :D
SATA is Power+data connector, with a hole between them. (can be two cables or just one cable)
SAS does not have that hole
ah now i remember
I had some SATA drives which had the gap to accept SAS cabling, because 'weird'
My externals are big multi TB drives, takes a day to fill and compare them with USB3. at 2.0 speeds, it starts getting measured in infinity units (-:
those might be nearline sas/sata
superuser.com/questions/1081246/… there is a SU fix for that :-) accidental caps lock
if a device is acting up in windows, and your doing something important and dont want to reboot , you could always try disabling and re-enabling the device in the device manager. (or also in a batch file with devcon)
Left side of that cable only works with SATA, right side can plug into SAS and/or SATA
@JourneymanGeek I forget, was long ago
Q: Add onebox support for How-To-Geek

PandyaI've been finding How-To-Geek provides very useful articles especially related to computing. It can be useful for sharing articles to users in chat for our trilogy sites, SU, AU, U&L and in other rooms also while talking with technical discussion related to computing. So, I'm requesting to add o...

made the few of us go 'huh that's weird' at the time
@Pandya Why?
lack of answering makes it feel like you've just spammed it here for support...
/me sleeps
This keeps cracking me up:
Looks fake
But it's not! wathanfuneral.com
urgh ubuntpoo
Hi Prefix Dave
Hey peoples
That avatar makes me feel uneasy
elp, mate can flip orf
it's bloody crashed twice in a row, lets try something else
@djsmiley2k ?
Q: is ‘StackOverFlow’ an acceptable username on SO?

törzsmókusI just saw a post by this user and thought it had been written by an admin of the site. But having had a look at their reputation (464 ATM), I don’t suppose so. I consider the choice of their username misleading, but there is no way to report a user.

@Pandya Just saying - wondering what you think it'll add by one boxing it?
@Pandya not really convinced their format lends itself to oneboxing.
@bwDraco er, what's the point here?
@JourneymanGeek Hi! Btw, I think I do mistake sometimes!
@Pandya they're more or less a mix of tutorials (which don't onebox well) and blog-aggregations of content (much of it is from SE)
@djsmiley2k I think I've posted message without enough knowledge about oneboxing. — Pandya 1 min ago
@JourneymanGeek Hmm...
ars technica would one-box very nicely
erf. Not a free feature. Oh well
also, mornin'
@Pandya K
It just seemed a strange thing to request, that's all
@tereško "Accept" link isn't a link (unless you go and read the cookies pages) :/
@tereško There are enough keywords on that article to trigger every NSFW filter out there (cc @DavidPostill)
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'm not at work unemployed and I don't have such filters :)
fracking umbraco
@ThatBrazilianGuy it is a serious peer reviewed paper
@tereško That doesn't mean it's SFW :)
> who does the dildo oppress and who does it liberate?
Unwrapping some of the ways in which the dildo is perceived, understood and experienced, I suggest that the dildo needs to be interpreted in complex and multi-layered ways.
TBH the only NSFW "trigger word" in there would be "dildo"
> Flamin’ galah! The error is on Q3.
@Dog dunno if you saw above, but... yea asus auto oc failed pretty hard
not sure what it actually did... set mult to 46 (?) @ 1.5V (??)
eh, I'll stick with stock asus-"stock"
so guys
in a HUGE AD
how can i limit the 'find' to only a single OU?
or even just default to a single OU
rather than defaulting to the entire thing
dsa.msc seems to have no switches
So you're wanting to restrict ldap searching to a set ou?
or are you wanting to query ldap against particular ou?
brb network admin needs me
@Bob :-o
@NotAdminDave AD not ldap
I'd like the dsa.msc tool to open on a specific OU
@Dog dildo lesbian lewd sex toys
/me kicked @ThatBrazilianGuy from the room
@djsmiley2k FWIW, the Active Directory Users and Computers "find" thing lets you choose an OU to search in
Not sure if that's helpful here
Kind of
that's exactly what I'm trying to change - the default goes to entire directory.
which in this case is literally the entire world.
yeah I'm not going to learn powershell for this ;)
dsa.msc /RDN="OU=UK,OU=Delegated,DC=global,DC=lpl,DC=top"
It feels like I'm gtting close, but this tells me there's no such oboject on the server
The /rdn switch automatically adds the DC parts
Try chopping those off?
yeah GOT IT
hmmm, find STILL defaults to the entire directory
Dvorak words may sound hard to pronounce, but studies show they actually put less stress on the vocal chords.
@djsmiley2k Eh I had some code that did this once
Left it at an old employer though
If you don't hear from me for a few hours, it's cause I botched this router firmware
nice round rep
yey now guest additions installed
@XKCD brilliant
:D :D
Ok so now it defaults to the correct OU half the time
with seemingly no reasoning behind it
tomorrow, my project starts in earnest
my company uses one of the new-fangled TLDs (company.agency) for email and almost no web form on the internet accepts my email address as a valid address
its a legacy of the ex-IT director
how much redonk did that cost em o_O
graphics memory seems shot.
> problem$
Wise words
> Fetwgrkifg
I have wored on a host which had a dodgy card before. But that was about 1 or 2 chars per screen. Liveable until a replacement card arrived.
Narth sgr warze werdifg
Which is not what is happening here. This is not working
Packet loss is still awfully high. Websites are taking several seconds to even start loading.
I'm getting severe latency spikes on cable. LTE service is not giving me any trouble, though.
For some ISP up to 90% packet loss is normal.
Or ping times up to 30 sec (yes, sec, not mSec)
Needless to say I ditched them.
It's an HFC connnection. Issues like this are rare.
@Hennes "Normal". "Unlimited". It's like you need a new dictionary when dealing with ISPs.
Unlimited means almost what is says. Just ignore the first two letters.
"Now with twice the internet!" INTERNET IS NOT A QUANTIFIABLE TERM YOU MOT@%!@#ERS
djsmiley is tim?
Two AOL CDs. Twice the intarwebs!
Hello I'd like to buy two internets please, one for my google and one for my yahoo.
My webbrowser is google.com
^--- see, even autocorrect knows there's no plural for internet!
My google is mozzarella
I never heard my dad say that one (but he did proclaim the first one).
actually, it might laso have been microsoft google
@Dog Is that a good omen or a bad omen?
A 4K IPS display on select models sounds good. I guess it is not on the displayed model
I would prefer a laptop with a 30" IPS screen though.
Laptop. 30" screen.
That would be very nice. And 10-ish hours battery life
I think someone doesn't know what "Storage" means
30" would be great. Not.
1920 x 1080 Ugh. How can you live with only 1080P
Actually, for me it would.
@Hennes Easily. I have to currently live with 720p and frankly the pixels are nearly indistuinguishable anyway at a sane distance
$work only hands out laptop. No desktops. The closes a laptop comes to a desktop the better it is (portability is NOT needed)
I would genuinely like the 21" Acer Predator laptop, if the insides weren't so obscenely over-the-top
7600hq + single gtx 1070 and I'd buy it
@Hennes ...why?!?!??!?!
Oh, I do not worry about the pixels. Everythi ng modern seems fine.
But I would like to fit enough on the screen that I do not need to scroll much.
So a 22" 1080x1920 (90 degree retated screen) works for me
But nooooo, if you want a 21" laptop you have to pay for twin GTX 1080 SLI's and $8,999
Ability to add NVMD SSDs, and a normal (PCI-e x16) graphics card with >2 working outputs are nice
Meh, gaming I'll do on a desktop
> 21-inch screen, 21:9 aspect ratio, 2,560x1,080-pixel resolution
120Hz refresh rate
2000R curved screen
Nvidia G-Sync
Tobii Eye Tracking
Two Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 GPUs
Seventh-gen Intel Core i7-7820HK (overclockable) CPU
Can store up to five storage drives at a time
Two power supplies to run
One Geforce GTX 1070, and two drives would be enough. Would also cut it down to just needing one power supply -_-
I just for real estate for some dumb program which only works full screen, a second HIGH/TALL screen for EPAL and some more room for notes, drawings or mail.
@Hennes Get the slide'n'joy then :-P
And I tend to curse at home when 2560 x 1440 is not enough
I'd be tempted, if I had a laptop it'd fit on
Temped to get a 4K display for the vertial resolution.
4 mins ago, by Hennes
1920 x 1080 Ugh. How can you live with only 1080P
38 secs ago, by Hennes
And I tend to curse at home when 2560 x 1440 is not enough
And IPS is something I like since I tend to rotate screens 90 degrees. IPS just works better than TN when you do that.
I shake my fist angrily at your first world problems all the way down from Brazil
I have a 2560x1440 as primary (dell 2515) and a 1920x1200 as secondary (and a 1920x1200 TN unconnected)
I have a 1280x800 primary and only
1080p on 15-17" is perfectly fine. Most eyes literally cannot discern more.
I used my own funds to buy a cheap 1920x1200 screen and used that at my last places to work.
As a secondary or third screen.
If your game/desktop space/etc. doesn't look good enough, then just rescale/supersample.
I have dual 1440x900 displays at work.
At home it's a 1440x768 (IIRC) laptop.
When gaming I attach a 1920x1080 TV via HMDI sigh and let my wife watch soap operas...
I had dual 1440x900's plus a central 1920x1080 at my last place of work. And a 1280x1024 hooked up on the side
@ThatBrazilianGuy I agree. First world problem. But it does boost my productivity.
Origianlly I scavenged deserted work locations for 3 22" monitors and turned two on the side.
(with help of an USB to graphics thingy)
@Hennes At an occasional second office at work there was a single 23" display and it was significantly more impressive, comfortable and productive. I'd love a dual setup.
@Hennes I had to bring in an old/spare graphics card from home to get my work PC to drive all 4 monitors I scavenged
Once you use two apps whose scroll sucks goat balls and you need to switch a lot between them (rewriting rules from old model to new model in a new program on the other screen) then multi screen setups start to really help.
My home PC runs four monitors fine.
Heck it could run six. If I had a home.
MY home PC can do 4 monitors. My work laptops all had 4 or more outpouts... but failed to drive more than 2 at the same time.
My work laptop could do 3 at a time IIRC.
I could go 2560x1440 + 1920x1200 + 1920x1200 + 1024x768 at home. But two screens suffice most of the time
@Dog Sell me your PC and buy a home \o/
My home PC would drive 3 off the NVidia card and 3 off the onboard Intel IGP, but couldn't do all 6 on one adapter
Also, identical resolution and size on screens is nice.
@ThatBrazilianGuy -_-
oh, ondie GPU's. I forgot about those.
I'd like a larger 4K/120Hz main display (as my main display was also my smallest, at 23") but I dunno what I'd do with the side displays. I also like having multiple monitors just because maximizing something onto a second monitor is a lot easier than trying to arrange three things onto one monitor
At home I often have notepad and swriter (spreadsheet on the second screen) and Putty/firefox/thunderbird on the primary
At old work (sysadmin) I tended to use more screens with logfiles (tail -f).
Those usually alerted me to problems before the phone calls started
> 1 laptop, 3 4K screens, the ultimate gaming experience

Razer's concept device called 'Project Valerie' is going right against the current of how laptops are made. It's not small or light.

Instead, it has three 4K screens that offer 12K resolution. The extra screens automatically fold in and out like wings.
@Hennes thats been on reddit for years. ;P
as a temp laptop I still use the Dell E6500 (1920x1200 IPS)
A laptop with a single 4K display is stupid, let alone three
Ultrabooks with 4K displays already lose 40% of their battery life just wasting cycles rendering pixels you can't even see, and then rescaling them to be larger so people can actually read them again...
so now MH 370 will remain a mystery
> xkcd.com is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 3±1 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS at a screen resolution of 1024x1. Please enable your ad blockers, disable high-heat drying, and remove your device from Airplane Mode and set it to Boat Mode. For security reasons, please leave caps lock on while browsing.
Gotta love footer text!

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