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@Dog I want to live in a place that has the political will to consider the Internet to be a public utility like that
Here networks are actually doing something, because they're getting big favours from the government in return.
instead of having our Presidential cabinet stacked with CEOs
@allquixotic The EU/ECJ/E-something considered the internet to be a basic human right a while back
@allquixotic I want to live in a place that is already like that, and doesn't then decide to leave it in a hissy fit because (terrorists|immigrants|economy) is in a lul
> The Intel modem [..] lacks support for EVS, DL-256QAM/UL-64QAM, 4×4 MIMO. Ironically, mobile operators such as T-Mobile USA and Telstra which have been offering these advanced LTE features, are being supplied with the iPhone 7 with the Intel modem.
Wait whaaaa, there's U.S. carriers running 4x4 MIMO? Or maybe they're referring to EVS/DL-256QAM
Heck we have none of the above
user image
let's go to Germany?
@allquixotic And hope they don't have another nationalist revolution? :-/
@Dog unlikely at this point
I do hear the nationalists/protectionists/right-wing zealots are getting quite popular over there as well as a result of Merkel's decision to be a decent human being
@allquixotic, your thoughts on IoT devices like this new Samsung fridge?
<...15 years later...>
@allquixotic This photo is so apt.
Ginger and white being your avatar, grey and black being... well how I dress all the time
also our chat 1-liner profiles are similar now
except for you still woofing
I'm still a dragon, roar
I really hope CellularInsights has some awesome information about the S7 I haven't discovered yet
(Like detailed RFE tests)
@bwDraco lame, overpriced, unreliable, unhackable/uncustomizable, bug-ridden, gimmicky, and rife with security concerns. oh and did I mention zero control over their resource usage (e.g. bandwidth)?
Brain orgasm.
@allquixotic Yeah. I was wondering how I'm going to lock it down...
oh also, mostly redundant
They tested 4xRX on the S7 :-o
I've not even seen one other tech site that realizes it exists
<3 u @allquixotic
Second article on their homepage...
... multiple orgasm time?
@Dog 4x4 MUOR?
@Dog can cats do that?
Dog isn't a cat; dog's a dog
@Burgi When it's in the brain anybody can
> Between -110dBm and -114dBm, where most devices typically begin to struggle, the Galaxy S7 Edge managed to achieve over 100Mbps. This is where Qualcomm’s X12 modem really gets to shine, working in sync with RF360 Front End, closed loop antenna tuner, antenna switch diversity (ASDiv), and the new diversified antenna design.
Even at -120dBm, where most devices would generally fail and lose a connection, we’ve observed 63Mbps on Galaxy S7 Edge. At -130dBm, 11Mbps was achieved using QPSK scheme, and the lowest TBSI.
Oddly enough I've found similar results on my Exynos based S7 (they're testing the Qualcomm S7e), I wonder if it can actually keep up
Also my RSRP readings aren't calibrated to theirs so I dunno how comparable the results are
@bwDraco i had you down as a grumpy gecko
Aw :(
grumpy gecko is also the least successful ubuntu distro
> Milan M.P. • 3 months ago
We will do a direct comparison in our full review.
I don't see an S7 full review yet :-(
So much agree. I don't know who this guy is but I want to marry him.
> more relaxed projection involving a fixed broadband solution targeted for 2018.
@allquixotic In reference to PS array unrolling, my strategy is to follow normal .NET typing rules to minimize "magic"
as in what, exactly?!
@allquixotic Magic!
I try to only employ duck typing when necessary, like when dealing with COM and WMI
Bah need to stop putting off stuff I need to do:
1) Find somewhere to live
2) Buy a gaming laptop
3) Talk to people
I've being doing a lot of 3 lately, mainly as a form of procrastination to avoid 1) and 2)
what goal does 3 lead you closer to?
@Dog 4) get a job?
@allquixotic Less depressing life?
@Burgi That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
get on it
you need to provide ur own photo tho
or want me to look through my collection for you~?
dear god
forgetting my medication for 2 days wasn't clever at all
Alright so now I can relax for another week
Well, six days because I booked for the wrong day.
Also had to hack their website to get my discount because new booking system is broken.
@djsmiley2k Welcome to my life
well then it took 3 tries of going to the kitchen til i remembered why i was there and didnt get distracted
Morning all
@Bob , overclocking your hard drive until it fails?! Now that's even sillier than me lacking a page file!
Heh, that was probably a joke in reference to a different overclocking mishap ;)
@djsmiley2k Because of missing your meds or in order to take your meds?
Right, that's me accomodated (sorta) till February, time to buy a gaming laptop
Oh yeah 3) above should be get a doctors appointment instead of talking to people but meh
Can't edit the message now ;)
Dog I have never tried powershell. What is it I am missing out on?
On the plus side, after two years of searching, I've finally found a decent tablet/convertible that I want. Still not perfect but ticks 9/10 boxes. Except it's not out yet.
why don't you build your own SoC?
And I just thought of an evil plan on how to!
Do you care to listen?
wow well while I get the silent treatment from dog.
@djsmiley2k if you like
annoying: I "tap" the non-moving surface of the Dell Latitude touchpad; I "click" the non-moving surface of the MBP (force feedback)... no consistency of UX
Well you could tap the mac as well...
Tapping and clicking having been entirely different things until Apple decided to go tap only
Course Apple simulating a click rather than just going to actual tap only is what makes the inconsistent ux necessary
@Dog tapping the Mac trackpad in a way that isn't hard enough to generate a "click" feedback does not actually perform a click
I prefer it; it makes palm rejection much better
@allquixotic i have noticed that
Eh, presumably you can change that in software no? IIRC standard Apple trackpads don't have tap to click enabled by default but you have to manually turn it on
@Dog not that i have found
So they took it out completely huh? Like the headphone jack...
@Dog another thing I approve of
I probably disapprove
I've not really used it enough to say but any time I come across any computer, Mac or otherwise that doesn't have tap to click I get annoyed, because the vast majority of the time I tap rather than click on any computer
I already dislike click pads
I rarely used tap to click. But I mostly use a mouse.
Esp on my mothers laptop where it is more 'hit with a hammer to click'
Yeah, just about any serious use out comes the mouse
But for casual situations/walking around/too lazy to reach for the mouse the touchpad is useful
Bear in mind though I rarely have access to a table, so mouse positioning is... awkward
Yeah, same.
A wireless mouse can be put on the laptop next to the touchpad.
Even with the lack of space I still prefer that over used the touchpad.
I would quite like it if they put a trackball back into these things but I guess it wouldn't work with the modern design philosophy of "moar thinness"
There are laptops with detachable/convertible number pads/touchpads but I don't think any turn into a mouse
@Bob Woof
@Bob Oh lol
Biiiiit too late
But what JMG said. The Intel "ports" are using the Alpine Ridge thunderbolt controller, usually used by mobo manufacturers who want to add, well, thunderbolt. The onboard/chipset USB 3 ports on Intel don't support Gen 2 10Gbps. The ASMedia controller is used for mobo manufacturers wanting to add Gen 2 (10Gbps) without needing TB3
@Bob This is why I simply stick to the Asus Z170-A
@Bob I wonder if it'll take a 3dxpoint drive
@djsmiley2k Had some snow that didn't stay and some ice that did
is the ice still around?
one of the kittens jumped in the (full) bath
Google's using real-time tracking of how many people are in your shop.
tap to click is horrific
Laptop laptop laptop
Need me a laptop
There's actually a TOR onion site which stores leaked database information of thousands of internet users. Now I don't remember its address and trying to find out if it exists anymore.
@Dog I love the word of bamboozle
@Dog lol :D I love that mentality but when I walked out of the Apple Store with a top-end 13" 2016 MBP I was like "aw yeah, my burning need for a laptop is sated"
and I played Elder Scrolls Online's native 64-bit Mac port last night on high detail and it was great
@AlanWatch this is funny
leaked database infomation?
so like all the leaks?
That awkward moment when your country has 10 lappys better than MacBook Air in the same range.. -.-
Tor has some free ebooks atm.
URL: http://giveaway.tor.com/
They do ask for an email address, but https://www.guerrillamail.com does work.
Best website as far as I know is libgen.io
www.libgen.io The connection was reset
failed 3 times in a row. Overloaded site?
not a wwww
I did not add it. Firesucks did so without asking me :(
just type libgen.io in address bar..
@Hennes : Did it fail again?
Best guess is that libgen.io fails and that ff gets creative and clippy style helpfull.
@AnimeshAshish uhm, that is what I did. Several times
search for libgen on google..
Dec 24 '16 at 7:41, by bwDraco
Firefox sometimes fails to copy text to the clipboard!
Dec 21 '16 at 22:52, by bwDraco
I'm on 100/10 Charter Spectrum (formerly Time Warner Cable) and for day-to-day web browsing, I'm limited by Firefox's poor performance.
Nov 22 '16 at 1:06, by bwDraco
Mobile Firefox (stable release) has been extremely unstable the last few days as well. It's crashing regularly with even moderately intensive browsing (10-15 tabs).
Hmm, works from uni with w3m
Oct 4 '16 at 4:48, by bwDraco
He's on Firefox, which has horrendous power consumption.
Sep 17 '16 at 4:36, by bwDraco
This is why people are not using Firefox any more. Not only is it slower than the competition, it's an outright battery hog compared to Edge or even Chrome (which made substantial strides over the last several months).
Sep 17 '16 at 3:57, by bwDraco
Did a quick test on my machine with several complex websites, including DPReview, AnandTech, and Tom's Hardware. In each case, Edge renders the page quickly and doesn't hog the CPU for any extended period of time, while Firefox takes its sweet time and hogs a CPU core for several seconds.
Sep 10 '16 at 21:25, by bwDraco
Firefox is an absolute battery hog.
Summary: I've had all sorts of issues with Firefox. I'm stuck with it because it provides specific functionality that I require.
Hmm, I had not yet set browser.urlbar.trimURLs.trimURLs to false
firefox mobile performs better for me than chrome does
obviously android only as apple doesn't allow anyone elses java libraries to run on their mobile devices
Have I mentioned that i'm freeking awesome at db migrations?
Well hello there buddy @DavidPostill
@NotAdminDave o/
@bwDraco If it's causing you this much grief, just stop using it.
Hello RootDave ?
user is not a member of sudoers file. :(
Hey though
@Dog So it's either USB 3.1 Gen2 10Gbps, or Thunderbolt 3 40Gbps, and not both at the same time? Faiiiiil.
wait.... is nvidia making a self driving car?
@Dog So, yea. Motherboard arrived. Like 2 mins ago :P
@Hennes: Next time my name will be 'wheel' dave
Or worse.
USB 3,1 gen 2, or Thunderbolt at cablespeeds of up to 40Gbit/sec
Yes Dave. Should we su - toor ?
or toor!
I am already toor.
Cablespeeds as in the chip might have two PCI-e lanes leading to it (so it will not sustain 40Gbit/sec)
You know back in the late 90's it used to be 'w00t' (when hackers would break into systems and get root they generally would say w00t in the rooms as a victory chant)
these days w00t has different meaning
ol' irc networks
In ye old day you just telnetted to the printer port on shiny purple machines and got a root prompt.
ahah yeah pretty much
At least in some indy and friends default installs.
port 9100
would the opoposite question of the following superuser.com/questions/714804/… be acceptable here?
I feel like I need to userscript @NotAdminDave's avatar back
Wait, indy was the nice blue box. Indigo was pruple (IIRC, it has been a while)
Ill bring my ol avatar back next month I promise @Bob
Unless @JourneymanGeek enforces me to have to change it earlier.
@NotAdminDave you can do @Dog's trick....
change my name to noitsnotbecky and use her avatar
something like that
now, what's wrong with Sherlock @Burgi?
its got too far away from the original premise
solving crimes?
i don't want to see james bond style raids on secret islands
Is your problem just with that episode?
no the last two seasons
@djsmiley2k The whole of the last season was like that.
is that hte one that ended with the plane episode?
bump on my question
I haven't seen the previous season.
since the weird episode where he was stoned on the plane
i remember that episode was weird, i don't really remember the rest
@djsmiley2k I can't sleep w/o my medication
Wow. Either I just got lured into fake news or the sentence of Chelsea Manning (who the US has been torturing for years now) has been adjusted to 5 months
@Hennes the bridge are duscissing it
so it seems legit
The interesting bit is that means Assange might come out..
That is a nice last (or near last) act from bama
I'll do the same joke I did there
You could say, he pulled a Trump card..
assange needs to go stand trial in sweden
boom tish
Assange is an ass, I don't think it's any more than that
But yes, he should
if he didn't rape those women he has nothing to fear
however America wants to talk to him now
So, back to Sherlock, you basically don't like the whole Moriarity storyline @Burgi ?
sweden doesn't have an extradition treaty with the USA
that was season 2
that was great
but they realised that they had killed moriarity off too soon
this season has been classic moffat
weird, disjointed inexplicable episodes
I didn't get on with the last season
which ended with the plane thing
but i liked this season..
though it really really annoys me about the girl on the plane
episode 2 was fantastic
and i can't say anymore unless we go to my special chatroom again XD
there was 4 in total right?
so AGRA?>
The Manning news is hitting local news sites now, so I guess it's probably true.
they did not explain how sherlock figured out it was that guy
nytijes, local dutch sites, mud channels (even from people who usually verify).
so, yeah.
which guy?
the hospital guy
oh right
yeah he posted the blog
the letter was real
Meanwhile in Canada. https://t.co/g2mowWBVka
seasons 1 and 2 were a masterclass in how to refresh sherlock holmes
season 3 was like one of those weird alternate reality stories
I always figured it'd be revealed that Moriarty wasn't dead
then the one off special last year from the plane
but he is
blew his brains out
Do you think they'll do another season?
yeah but not for another year, maybe 2
Season 5: Zombie Moriarty
they've realised they pushed it too far from the source material
where's the rain I was promised :(
I think ti is over here.
Rain, and sub zero (C) temps
@Bob here in manchester
prob outside here too, i've not checked
we have had heavy drizzle all day
I'm weird, I like rain
Meh, liking rain is not weird.
it is a proper Mancunian day today
as long as my shoes and coat are waterproof.
I'm never happier than when stood out in the rain for some odd reason
Warm weather and rain is not bad.
Ice cold weather + anything wet (rain, wet snow, ... whatever)..I do not like that.
I'll swap with you guys
it's 35.7 and heating up with a max of 37 today
and it's not even 9am yet
where r u bob?
i'm presuming 35.7c?
one of the directors at our company is aussie. over xmas he went home to adelaide he said it was 41C on christmas day
@djsmiley2k ya
@djsmiley2k sydney
well that's what you get for the land of killer animals :P
Heh, so we used to export prisioners to the us, before we started using aus.
at least it's not humid right now
he came back to manchester from +37 to -3
he was suffering
@Burgi yea, christmas week was pretty hot
he disappeared into his office and put the AC on to heating mode
> UV Index: Extreme
welp, guess I'm staying in today
> Frost Risk: Nil
i think australia is made up to keep us adventurous brits at home and happy in the rain
the people with the weird accents are all just actors
@Burgi nah, that's Singapore. @JourneymanGeek's in 80-90% rel. humidity O_O
in terry pratchett's "the last continent" there is a scene where death goes into his library and asks "A LIST OF DANGEROUS ANIMALS IN TERRA INCOGNITO" and is then buried in a mountain of book so he then asks "CAN I HAVE A LIST OF NON-DANGEROUS ANIMALS?" and a single page flutters to him saying "some of the sheep"
i tried to do the voice but i don't have the bones for it
> "it's spelt XXXX because Queenslanders don't know how to spell BEER"
@Bob no it is both at the same time.
@Dog Ah.
Yea, Asus doesn't seem to use it anywhere :(
maybe I should've gone with the Gigabyte board. bleh.
That's one thing that annoys me about tech sites that call it USB-C port [yadda yadda yadda] does/doesn't have thunderbolt functionality
It's the other way round. Thunderbolt is necessarily a superset of USB-C 3.1 G2. USB-C 10Gbps is mandatory for all Thunderbolt 3 ports.
10Gbps Ethernet is also mandatory for hosts I believe
@Bob last year when Skylake came out Gigabyte had an exclusive on the Intel alpine ridge chips for a while. Asus announced an optional add-on that never came
@allquixotic I'm not sure if my burning need is actually for a laptop or just a decent screen to play games on because my existing one plain sucks.
@Dog It was a bit of a toss-up between Gigabyte with TB3 (and cheaper) and Asus with more USB (Type-A) ports on the back (and more expensive)
Tbh Thunderbolt is much less of a necessity on a desktop anyway, unless 10GbE is on your radar
...I went with Asus
@Dog Yea, more USB ports was more immediately useful for me :P
could probably get a PCIe card if I really want TB3 at some point
Laptops... can seriously benefit from external GPU docks, and fast storage, and universal displayport outputs and whatever. The vast majority of which a desktop houses internally anyway.
Maybe you can, at least now.
A few months ago I could find TB1 and TB2 add in cards, but not TB3
I wonder if anyone other than Intel can actually make them.
Say hello to the newest student of RA :D
Oh and laptops don't really have any other practical way of getting 10GbE. Yet. Maybe if 10Gb 3.1 Gen 2 USB adapters came out...
But you'd still need thunderbolt to get benefit out of multiport 10GbE adapters
@ThatBrazilianGuy hello?
@Hennes I'm assuming the Asus card works on their Z270 boards
Maybe I'm confused and what I'm really after isn't a new laptop. Maybe what I'm really after is just a GTX 1070 + an i7 and the gaming laptop business is just an excuse
> President Barack Obama has commuted Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking documents to Wikileaks in 2010
On nearly his last day in office.... Good guy Obama
Cut it down to ending May 17th apparently.
Seems empty here too
currently smells like only that one has TB3 :\
Yea, empty here.
@Dog Hello! Is it me that you're looking for?
Lol. Not even in office yet and his approval ratings are lower than ever.
@Hennes That's cool! Thanks!
@Dog: should have seen the polls related to the election outcome.. 5% trump 95% clinton as the expected winner.. its all fake.
Low participation rate and oversampling.. That's all it is..
"We know college people hate trump... lets reach out to them as a majority for this poll.. And the people that actually like him and think hes doing a great job.. lets only call 2 of those guys..."
I hate polls
Thats why I dont provide any personal information about myself if i ever decide to opt into one.
I hate Pöls
Pöls is a former municipality in the district of Murtal in Styria, Austria. Since the 2015 Styria municipal structural reform, it is part of the municipality Pöls-Oberkurzheim. == References... ==
...back to Skyrim. (Running the legacy version of the game for better compatibility with mods; I'd rather not break things. I have a level 75 High Elf with close to 300 hours on her, yet I haven't finished the main questline.)
My copy of Skyrim Special Edition would end up crashing before I finished the cart ride at the beginning. :(
!!learn darmokandjaladontheocean <>https://i.sstatic.net/MGEiI.jpg
@allquixotic Command darmokandjaladontheocean learned
I'm itching to begin assembly, but I don't have a case yet :(
@allquixotic wat
@MichaelFrank darmokandjaladontheocean
@MichaelFrank http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Tamarian_language darmokandjaladontheocean
> "Darmok and Jalad on the ocean" - new friendship and understanding gained through a shared challenge
Ahh, cool.
@MichaelFrank Yuck. Before you even get to the character creation screen?
@bwDraco Yea. From memory, it through some weird DLL error related to audio drivers or something. I didn't look into it too deeply at the time though.

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