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playing with cluster aware updating
kinda buggy
got a weird creepy call from MSFT Azure that wasn't a marketing call or a scammer
just wanted to know if I was using it for any business projects if they could help in any way lol
me: nope, personal
them: k, bye
Was it from someone called Prince
Someone called prince 6 ?
@allquixotic ah publicity
(thogh I guess only Dutch people will get that one. 6 is 'zes')
When we signed up Azure in our company everyone had to add in their phone nos. We all got a call from the same person :D
apparently it's a call center in Fargo, North Dakota
Veeam did that for me
I think that US wages are becoming depressed enough that they can start to re-on-shore some of the jobs they had to ship to India from the late 90s to the great recession era
(about 18 1/2 minute into it)
those poor call center people probably make around 25k
@allquixotic prolly less
:34650672 okay, but the problem is, the Indian outsourcing industry is being replaced by an even shadier, even lower-paying meat grinder originating from even poorer countries with even more ethical problems (in both the behavior of employees and the treatment of their customers and the customers' data)
and are contract
@allquixotic the whole concept of outsourcing IT's kinda... meh
the corps don't care about quality; they just want to see the price per man-hour go down
funny thing is, there are enough people desperate for a job in the US that they'll happily work for wages that are competitive with third-world countries
Here's the best part
for the job I applied for?
The company dosen't need to pay my salary for a year.
The government will cover it.
@JourneymanGeek o_O
and it probably helps make up the local quota
@allquixotic basically I need to do 9 months of retraining and be on a 2 year bond. Assuming they can get the company who I would be working for to respond.
So I'll be officially transitioning mid-career to the job I wanted to do anyway, and pretend I have no clue about.
and after 2 years, either stay there, or move on somewhere else.
I just created an email spoofer script! :D
@Rahul2001: easy :P
@WHATEVERDave Very, this is going to be so much fun :D
@Rahul2001: you can actually also not only spoof the email address.. But you can spoof the time the original email was sent.. and make it appear it was sent 30 years ago.
I know outlook honors the header
Its one sec... lemme pull up the rfc
after you call DATA first line... Date: 23 Oct 81 11:22:33
it has to be a valid date
or outlook wont honor it..
@WHATEVERDave hm... do you have a link?
sec let me find argh
Do you know of any other awesome stuff I can do with php mail() and email headers?
Get hacked and spam?
Oh sorry, that is just my reaction to PHP, not to PHPMAIL().
And yes, proper PHP is possible.
It is just very rare
@Hennes I use php sparsely, and carefully
I've played a bit with PHP, but no more than a few days
you can get hacked and spam with any language
php causes you to think about security, rather than going 'ah it'll never happen to me!'
i'm writing a report on why we need to move a customers website off a shared host. one of the reasons is they share the server with 850 other sites. some of them are... adult in nature. should i include example domains in my report?
3.6.1. The origination date field

The origination date field consists of the field name "Date" followed
by a date-time specification.

orig-date = "Date:" date-time CRLF

The origination date specifies the date and time at which the creator
of the message indicated that the message was complete and ready to
enter the mail delivery system.
Nah. I guess most peoiple will ge the reference it you states 'shared with adult sites'
@Burgi I'd leave it at that unless asked.
though personally, the fact that they are adult should matter less than what risks that brings.
And that's what you should probably focus on.
the trump fanboy is a freelance contract
this is work work ;)
what is really scary is the fact there are NHS and school websites also on the server, alongside the VERY hardcore porn
stuff that made even me blush
i fail to see the issue
my internet bits go though pipes with other peoples bits!
@Burgi Is making you blush difficult?
Why did a bot just join this room?
@HenryWHHackv2.0 isn't a bot. He clearly does not reflect at least half of artificial intelligence.
@Rahul2001 can we have a welcoming bot back plz
it was far nicer XD
@djsmiley2k the powers that be have decreed a pleasure palace that not be done ;p
or you could just greet people manually
Like a peasant.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I have been 15 since the second of may 2016
@Rahul2001 we can't talk about it, you are underage and its VERY off-topic
@Burgi xD
the mighty banhammer of rolled up newspaperness will lay down the ultimate smiting upon me
yeah. I'd even get... the classifieds
It just causes me to raise eyebrows
did you not hear the dog man?!?! He is going to fetch... the classifieds if we keep talking about it
I wonder if you can roll up a phone book ;p
only the thin business pages
(only on root access, where users get threatened with rolled up newspapers for not behaving) :p
Seems to work though
@Rahul2001 Heh, most of being able to do interesting things with PowerShell comes from familiarity with the TechNet docs (so I can find relevant cmdlets) and knowing a .NET language (since PS can use any of those functions too)
@Bob :D I figured out how to vastly improve the responsiveness of kynnaugh-cc
what was happening before was, TeamSpeak would give me a thread (from its internal workings, apparently), which was also responsible for playback and delivery of audio for the particular user who was speaking; I was using TeamSpeak's thread to synchronously convert the audio and hit gcloud, which can take several seconds
during that time, no audio samples were being delivered to the audio playback device for that user, and everything was blocked, basically... even several timer expirations checking whether the user has a buffer worth submitting
so I just gather up all the data I need into another wrapper class, spawn a thread, and pass control back to TS in a couple of milliseconds
@Rahul2001 So, your age is reversing? Are you Benjamin Button?
bluefeet on January 9, 2017
Another year has ended, and with that it's time to put all the hats back in their boxes, Winter Bash 2016 has come to an end! Over past three weeks, we have had ups and downs (err bugs) with hats, but overall it was a massive success. It appeared that there was fun to be had, and, wow, the hats looked hat-tastic on everyone.
@Bob Here's a Kanban board of what's left to do with kynnaugh-cc (it's a fair bit): github.com/allquixotic/kynnaugh-cc/projects/1
sup @ThatBrazilianGuy long time no see
@allquixotic nice! you've been coding that all by yourself?
lol. My hat appeared as a "Fashionable User" in the blog post :)
@PatoSáinz Hey!
@ThatBrazilianGuy how was your year? It seems 2016 was a hell of a ride there in Brazil
@PatoSáinz Oh, you know, a plane with an entire football team crashed, our economy crashed [citation needed], our politics crashed, "president" froze health and education budget for 20 years...
Nothing big, just the usual
@ThatBrazilianGuy well, don't you impeach your presidents like once every 20 years?
@PatoSáinz That's a little tiny itsy bitsy slightly difficult to do under a dictatorship.
So, 20 years ago, yes. 20yrs prior to that, not so much
Brazilian politics are... complex.
politics everywhere are complex
There was an amazing AD for a newspaper that showed just photos of ex presidents and went like
(it took a while to get rid of mi general's legacy, and there's still work to do)
"There was that guy who [bizarre stuff]... and then that other guy who... what'shisname... the one who [other bizarre stuff]... no no that happened to that other guy..."
oh I didn't tell you guys
I got a cheap widescreen monitor
I freakin' love this aspect ratio, it's like poor man's multitasking for those who don't have 4k
@ThatBrazilianGuy I thought Brazil was a democracy since 1985?
and there's no more letterbox in movies
5 mins ago, by That Brazilian Guy
So, 20 years ago, yes. 20yrs prior to that, not so much
21:9 ftw
of course I went with the cheaper 1080p vertical model rather than 1440p
is anybody else using 21:9 monitors here?
No, only 4:3 (aka 16:12) and 16:10.
Plenty wide, but not tall/high enough.
i had a feeling there were 42 hats
I'm running 16:9. I don't often see letter box ...
@Burgi 42 is always the answer.
I swear my productivity has boosted 100x with getting a wide monitor
I'm using one 21:9, then one 1080p and an old monitor in portrait as kind of a "reminders" dashboard
@PatoSáinz What's wrong with full screen apps and alt+tab? ;p
also, dat FOV in games
@DavidPostill context switching
I like having everything I need in my peripheral vision
ah figured out my AO HA issue.. The issue was that microsoft sucks.
evidentally when you fail over with AO seeded identity values MAGICALLY change and increment by 1000 for new inserted values.
How do I kill this post?
Q: Configuring Gizmo5 account on n900

Walter WhiteI have a gizmo account which I would like to use on my n900. So far, I really like the device, the wifi/3g connection seems to be reliable albeit weaker than the n810. Despite it having a weaker signal strength, call quality (with Skype) has been superb so far. I would like to get gizmo up and...

Or rather, not kill, just remove the last tag [nokia]
Usually I would just flag it
flag for moderator attention
then explain they need to nuke it
That question should be closed instead of locked
Usually we have share edit close flag
This question only has share
You can flag any post then
Oh wait, there's a SU mod here
@OliverSalzburg Could you unlock and close that question please? It's blocking the removal of a bad tag
Oh, flag a wrong post and reference the right one? Yeah, that would work.
Feels like a kludge/workaround though
@BenN The Nokia one?
Asking an active mod will do it.
Learning hwo to work as intended around it is even better though.
Almost 7 now.
@OliverSalzburg Yes please
How about I just delete it?
@OliverSalzburg Works for me :)
Even better. It might have been quite nice in 2012. I doubt is is today
(said the person who still has a working 10+ years old smartphone)
@DavidPostill And it's gone!
@BenN : COuld you help me out in an issue?
My Redmi Note 4G has only 8 GB internal memory. And I GB sohave 64 GB SD card. Is there in any possible way I get to have an internal memory of 64+8 GB to install apps and stuff?
I don't know anything about phones, sorry :/
Anybody you know could help me out with this :3
How about I ask @OliverSalzburg
Soemtimes you can install Apps on the SD part.
NOt always though. And no idea about that specific phone
If it runs Android, you might ask on Android Enthusiasts
@AnimeshAshish Not as far as I know, but it's been quite some time since I had SD on a phone
@OliverSalzburg : Quite of an Iphone guy you are I believe (Iphone7 128GB) :P
@AnimeshAshish Nope. Never owned an iOS device
Just checked your SE profile. The real superuser :)
Ah, a new old mans war book (end off all things). Orders
Back when I had a Galaxy S2, I had SD but considered it mostly useless, due to the same problem you seem to be experiencing right now ;P
@OliverSalzburg : What do you have , now? S7?
@AnimeshAshish Nexus 6
Not a fan though
@OliverSalzburg : And when are you going for the brand new Pixel?
@AnimeshAshish Probably never. When I saw the price I was like "WTF"
@OliverSalzburg : The same happened to me, but, then I though I am talking to a CTO ;)
I'd probably go with a OnePlus again in the future. The OnePlus 1 I used to have was the best device I had so far, even though I also had some gripes with it
@AnimeshAshish I'd rather invest the money in a more powerful desktop. Sinking 1000 € into a phone seems ridiculous to me
@OliverSalzburg : Man with a plan B)
One of my friends keeps telling me that all the problems I ever had with my phones basically come down to not using a custom ROM :P
I am so "newbie" I have to google "custom ROM"
Well, just installing a different flavor of Android than the one that came with the phone
Like cyanogen mod?
Which is something I liked about the OnePlus 1, as it came with CyanogenOS, which I consider a pretty good OS
@AnimeshAshish Exactly
Now we are talking.
My Redmi got a Cyanogen mod which supports Nougat. But on their website its written Its not well tested. Could you take a look and guide me if I should proceed?
Well, I'd probably just go for it :P
Google Drive is working for you? i.e. you can list/view your files.
If you've never flashed a custom ROM, it's a good idea to start practicing backup and restore procedures first
@AnimeshAshish The best place to ask this question is android.se. We are not your personal support site ...
"this is a production environment" Oh dear. You should be doing this a test environment then releasing to prod. What company do you work for? I really want to avoid working for them :) — DavidPostill 14 mins ago
Also, get a copy of your original firmware before you flash a custom ROM. Once you know how to recover from a messed up state and how to restore your data, you'll be much more comfortable
For me: "The server encountered an error. Please try again later."
@PaulVargas #worksforme
@DavidPostill : Why do you hate me so much :(
I thought Cyanogen is effectively dead?
@AnimeshAshish I don't. I'm just telling you there a better places to ask your question ...
@DavidPostill : To be honest, There is nobody in the android chatroom :(
@OliverSalzburg Really? Not for me. :'(
@DavidPostill Yes. Apparently this is the fork: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LineageOS
@AnimeshAshish I guess there are only electric sheep.
@AnimeshAshish That's why I said android.se
According to yall, whats the best website for free cloud storage?
Mediafire also has a limit these days, you know.
@AnimeshAshish Define best and you might get an answer.
I pay 60€ for Amazon Drive, which has unlimited cloud storage. So if you divide 60 € by "unlimited", then it's basically free
I don't earn, I am still planning to go to college this year. :(
Internet can teach you alot but it can't ever pay you for your needs.
The internet can teach you a lot if you learn how to use google.
€60/year/ I might need to look into that. It would be cheaper than to keep buying locak backups disks.
(though local restoration speed will be a lot faster)
i woudln't trust them with your only copy :O
I also had a query. This website named "one true media" was online a few years ago. But then something tragic happens and the whole website shuts down. Now, its sole purpose which it was best at isnt compensated by any other websites (Animoto/Vivo etc) and then one day I discover this website called "wayback machine" . Does this website capable enough to make "onetruemedia" live again?
@DavidPostill : To be honest, I asked to get an experienced "david" view into this which I consider better than those I could find on google.
@Hennes I use that storage exclusively for archival purposes. I have never read anything from it :P
I still got 4x 1TB spare and two spare HW RAID card.
That is alocal backups (so not any use when there is a fire or similar)
@AnimeshAshish The "Wayback Machine" is a (not always complete) snapshot of crawled websites. It does not give you the full functionality of any website that is more than just html/css/js. It does not bring websites back to life.
@DavidPostill : Fair enough, so onetruemedia is gone and I am done with life </3
@Hennes I am constantly annoyed with the noise and constant blinking on the two 1TB WD My Books I have on my desk. They are pretty old. So this weekend I finally looked up what a USB 3 2 TB drive costs and instantly bought one :P
I use those for on-site backup mostly
No idea why I didn't get a replacement sooner
I planned to use a separate system as backup.
A Dell R300 with DRAC. Power up via DRAC when needed. Rsync, shutdown.
No USB. Nothing but bad experience with USB.
eSAT works, SAS works. USB means lost connections over and over. Speeds of tens of KB/sec.
Well, I primarily rely on CrashPlan for the backup and I use their cloud storage. But I also have two local targets, in case I would need to restore large amounts quickly (which I never did)
Esp USB3 is a disaster.
@Hennes ehh it's standarising now
I got a backup (as of dec 2015) at my parents
the past few years have been a mess
And the goal is ot make one off-site backup of my data (and vice versa) yearly
@PatoSáinz Woah. Fullscreen Epson ads
"superspeed USB3, type-a/c 3.0/3.1 with alternate hdmi mode, etc"
without thunderbolt
just too many variables. But it's gonna be sane now with type-C thunderbolt 3
@Hennes That's a bit old. Are you sure you didn't mean 2016? ;p
I've also looked at TB3 drives as backup (to expensive)
and encrypted cloud storage (way way to expensive)
@OliverSalzburg uBlock didn't show that to me
No last year xmas. I still need to do this years xmas bqackup
@Hennes what about Amazon Glacier?
I got more recent local backups, but those will be lost if these is a fire
@PatoSáinz Yeah, I got that disabled right now
@ThatBrazilianGuy what on earth are you doing on Drupal
@PatoSáinz Waiting to get hacked?
> Sustained Transfer Rate 255 MB/s
That is near max SATA-II speeds
And I do not have any eSATA which is faster
for an hdd.
@PatoSáinz I question that myself everyday.
You know Drupal is bad when it makes you miss working with of WordPress.
(just kidding, I love WP, ok)
@ThatBrazilianGuy I hope it's a legacy site
and that you're not setting drupal up in 2017
12TB? Yes plz.
Amazon glacier does not look bad, but I will still need to make a local encrypted archive
@Dog and 14 TB
And F'no they will not get my unencrpted stuff.
@Hennes is that an issue?
Yes, on principle.
Backups are locally encrypted before uploading.
@PatoSáinz Oh, no, I'm not setting up a Drupal site in 2017. I'm setting up three.
In fact, I've heard via watercooler radio that new org-wide policies, and even govmt policies, mandate Drupal to be used everywhere.
At least, it's an improvement from the literally hundreds of very outdated, vulnerable and oftentimes defaced Joomla installs.
And it could be worse, for some time, Plone was considered (that is a rabbit hole I do no want to go back into)
Also turns out most of the games I play will in fact run on a 6-year-old laptop with integrated graphics.
Albeit at single digit framerates if you are bold enough to set any setting above minimum.
you can ythank consoles
In practice that means maybe I don't need a gaming laptop after all, a 2015 Iris Pro might just suffice
@ThatBrazilianGuy gov't policies
@PatoSáinz yes, gov't policies
It's working now!
@allquixotic I wanted one, until I realised it isn't even that good...
There's 15" laptops with a socketed, upgradeable 90w desktop 7700K which can be converted to 6-cores down the line, yet their "ridiculous over the top" 21" only has an option for a 45w cut-down mobile processor
if an attacker copies facebook cookies from victim's PC and paste it in his PC, will he get access to victim's fb account without login?
@Bob Well, if running Prime95 or CPUBurn is your primary use for a laptop...
Even my overclocked desktop 4690K averages about 55w while gaming
@Bob Everything I want except touchscreen. Basically I'm now after a desktop replacement since I literally carry a desktop around, but don't need to unpack a screen and keyboard every time I want to use it.
That new Razer concept with 3 fold-out displays has me very interested however.
Because I've been wanting a laptop with multiple displays for years and was pretty intent on getting two of those clip-on external USB/HDMI displays
@Bob "Iris Plus" in a 15w TDP that can't even power a non-Iris-minus iGP
lol at this answer
A: Can I clean my Macbook Pro keyboard with vodka?

Jyoti KumariThis is not a great or useful ideal to clean keyboard. Just choose another option like Petrol with cotton, you will get better result.

Checks out!
@Bob Who what where why when
@MichaelHampton Well that was obvious
@DavidPostill : Do you have any ideas about earphones and how to select them?
@AnimeshAshish No. Please stop treating me as your personal support guru.
@OliverSalzburg : Do you own earphones, I currently own a Sony MDRXB70AP. These are inear. What dou you prefer? ANy ideas?\
@AnimeshAshish Please stop treating this chat room as your personal support chat room.
I just like discussing about stuff that interests me and I happen to learn from them. Few hours ago a discussion about "wallpapers" and customization seem to impart a lot into my knowledge/learning ability.
@DavidPostill : I may not represent it in the way I genuinely need to. But I must say, I am a keen observer of things who likes being curious. People SO experienced having an amazing level of "selection" for gadgets/information sources are beyond just "useful"
That's nice but you are asking a series of really broad questions with opinion based answers. In addition pinging random people with random questions is rude.
If me asking curious questions about earphones seem to sound "personal support chat room" and everybody discussing about their "Display screen" isn't then I must object your opinion to be biased.
As far as I remember, this group's motto was about"don't ask to ask, and just ask" waasn't it?
@AnimeshAshish The issue isn't the questions you ask, it's how you ping random people.
@ThatBrazilianGuy : I am sorry, I'd consider that as a fault and promise not to repeat them.
Just drop a question or comment. If people are online and interested, it might evolve into a discussion. Or cat pictures
It wasn't just random people. I was talking to @Oliver Salz (not tagging him) about smartphones and the custom ROM that could be useful. So, I happened to continue it into a different discussion about earphones.
@AnimeshAshish And you pinged me. As far as I can remember I've never posted anything to say I'm an earphones expert ...
@DavidPostill : My Apologies. THought you'd be helpful enough :)
step 1. Google headphone reviews
step 2. start reading
ahh, insured all my data is (backup) onto my external drives, now all i have to do is push the button to wipe out the internal drives, so i can (eventually) switch them out.
But i cant push the button , cause then the data is only in one place.
I wonder if there is a Button pressing Service, for the squemish.
I could go on the web and tell people it is the button that will end the world, half of them would push it , on purpose :-) the other half to see what would happen.
user image
@Psycogeek lol
@Psycogeek according to recent votes in both the UK and US, MORE than half would do it ;)
just to see what would happen, or because they didn't think it'd happen, or because they didn't know what they were doing...
I have pushed more than once the Bait "Download" buttons, in america buttons like that are FTC (federal trade commission) violations.
Looks like the ISS could do with some Noctua fans
@Psycogeek You're so stupid you can't spell you're?
How do you cool a computer in the vaccume of space? no air to move the heat
Anyway, one last desperate attempt to make "portable gaming with a miniatur desktop" remotely practical before I just give up and buy a desktop replacement laptop
@Psycogeek The ISS contains air, how else do the humans breathe?
Also, using radiators, which ironically don't really work by radiating on earth, but do in space.
In some respects, using the same method the sun uses to "cool" itself.
yea cause the sun uses cold fusion right ? :-)
@Psycogeek Radiation
Black-body radiation is the type of electromagnetic radiation within or surrounding a body in thermodynamic equilibrium with its environment, or emitted by a black body (an opaque and non-reflective body), assumed for the sake of calculations and theory to be held at constant, uniform temperature. The radiation has a specific spectrum and intensity that depends only on the temperature of the body. The thermal radiation spontaneously emitted by many ordinary objects can be approximated as blackbody radiation. A perfectly insulated enclosure that is in thermal equilibrium internally contains black...
Any body in space emits thermal energy as electromagnetic radiation, losing energy until it achieves equilibrium. The principal wavelength of that radiation increases as the temperature falls.
IR radiation
they could just fire a laser at earth?
energy on board goes down, hopefully faster than the sun heats it up? XD
@djsmiley2k Well in the sun's sense pretty much all radiation. But for technological uses, yeah, mostly IR
First photo I've taken of 2017.
Obviously, it's of a pair of dogs
@Dog You are aware you get free sight tests when you are unemployed? ;p
so passive IR emmission cooling of a cpu in a vaccume , would probably take quite a bit of square area? beings passive air based heatsinks (way more transfer) are either massive or just not enough and are often helped by the smallest of air movements. AKA no mater how large your heatsink is, tiny ammounts of fan can improve the cooling vastly.
so they make a clear cpu, and use light emitting semiconductos for the transisters, all we need to achive that is something better than 10-15% output efficency?
@Psycogeek Why do you think the space station has such huge radiators?
perfect examle of another place where a duality of the spaces used for solar collection, would benefit.
Like home solar boxes that collect light for making power 15%, and to convert the other 80% heat from all that into something useful.
But then why doesnt anyone convert the heat from a combustion engine into usefull energy now?
it heats your car

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