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@Bob uhh i guess, I just thought more like if EVERYONE with a consumer PC uses the same patterns, then if i am different, they wont make a piece of hacker lameware kiddiescript , that works as easily on my computer.
When i wondered why MS didnt mix it up and allow personalisation on install, i then remembered that were all idiots , and none of us would know how to follow any directions for fixing it.
as far as security, i am sooo far behind, that somone should be hacking this computer , right now. well at least they are trying :-)
I should have looked at how large GTA:V was before buying it...
66gigs... going to be downloading for a while.
you could always order the floppy disk set :-)
1 day shipping
@Psycogeek I wonder if I could get it on Amazon Prime
and it would only take 77 days to load the floppies in
+ another day for the USB floppy drive to turn up
I haven't had a machine with a floppy drive in at least 8 years...
Maybe there should be a Steam game download service where you pay a couple of quid for someone with a fast connection to download it for you and bring over a USB3 drive...
what is interesting, and Just like the MS OS, much of the Fat Pigedness and multitude of files is all the Languages. I have some repacks of things that are my language Only, they half as big. While that would be a hassle to make different packages, and insure the right people get them. the gaming community could probably save 845 Petabytes in 2 years (yea i made that up) save 30% of all bandwidth, reduce global warming, and save millions on servers.
but the f-- devs cant even keep up with the problems already facing them.
we could hire them efficency experts , to finish the packaging , and have another person to blame for the failures
I suspect Steam (and other content providers) don't want the headache of either detecting the user preference and giving them a localisation or they don't want the annoyance of streaming the language packs as needed. Easier all around just to give the user the lot and let them decide
which worked out much better when it fit on a CD :-)
I would say they could supply it on blu-ray, but I don't have a drive for that either
bbiab, gotta go disconnect a car battery
@Mokubai wolfram alpha :P
"will send you a replacement unit once we receive the product and the product is proven to have the problem as you described. Thanks for your patience!"
@JourneymanGeek wgat;s tgus?
@Bob the smartwatch
ah, nice
yay ? since when would the problem be repeatable at thier location, with them testing it, with the stupid test robot,
@Psycogeek cracked screen...
PRETTY sure it would take magic to uncrack a screen
oh, yea they will just say user error
out of each 100 bad reviews for products, how many have said "shipped it back, they fixed it, i am happy now 5 stars" ?
98times out of 100, it is , talked to tech, shipped it back, wasted my f---ing time
Usually its frustrating but I manage to get things fixed
which should be providing a clue to all of us, that if it dont work out of the box, RUN
Oh. This worked out of the box
i am working on my next kickstarters. what are humans most repetitive activities in the home? the ones that are never done, and endlessly repetitive? laundry, dishes.
Dish Drone: detects dirty dishes and puts them in the dish cleaning drone.
Clothes Bot, discovers all clothing on the floor that smells like a locker room, and moves it into the laundry.
@Psycogeek the most common tasks are breathing and staring mindlessly at a box of magic lights.
take about 20 minutes to whip up a fake video , i mean Prototype , collect like 2 million dollers, send 150k to shezwan to have it made in china. ignore 47 pages of comments about it not working, and rolling in it
ahh breathing. hmm china has some nice new pumps for air that are very small, very powerfull, and run for at least 2-3 hours before failing.
we should correlate the process of breathing with aquiring hundreds of viruses and bacteria, add a filter on the product, then scare the whole planet into buying it
Soon the new england journal of medicine will have multiple articles in it about how people who continue to breathe for themselves are dying off in droves. that without the Breath Alive assisted breathing device, and complimentry bluetooth application the chances of dying are .0000100% higher
for the few holdouts, we will provide the first one FREE (like the many other addictive drugs pharmicudical companies push on greedy doctors) a few days later thier diaphram muscles are useless for breathing anymore and OWNED.
that still leaves 45billion dollers for the lawsuits , class action medical malpractice suits , and for the 30 lawyers needed to protect the patent
is taylor swift on topic
when applied to cucumbers (of course)
how to gain root access to taylor swift?
the black roots or the blonde ones?
i dunno does the carpet match the drapes
room topic changed to Root Access: For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right? Current topics: E̷RROŖ:̀͞ TOP͟͡҉I͏Ć ̀͟N̢Ó́͘T̛ ̛҉FO̷͟UN̷͟͝D̶̡̨ [computers]
hmm, let me find out, i just need to open this attachment in the "Taylor Swift nakid pictures please click" e-mail, and find out for sure.
psst, if the topic change wasn't a clue: let's keep this room PG, yea?
Yes please!
Yes pls
psycogeek, bit too far mate
yes i think your right, those pictures were fake, who woulda known :-)
@Bob I suspect that may have been a bit too subtle... do we have a backup of the old topic?
@Mokubai grabbed it off the transcript
room topic changed to Root Access: room topic changed to Root Access: For all you Super Users out there. Current topics: Technology, Taylor Swift, Haggis and Cucumbers. You have backups, right? [computers]
Wasn't meaning to change it back, I just thought the "ERROR: TOPIC NOT FOUND" worked well with the "you do have backups?" line
ah ;p
room topic changed to Root Access: Root Access: For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right? Current topics: E̷RROŖ:̀͞ TOP͟͡҉I͏Ć ̀͟N̢Ó́͘T̛ ̛҉FO̷͟UN̷͟͝D̶̡̨ [computers]
Hmmm. Days off without wife are weird.
When she's around I/we just play games, but when she's not here I don't know what to do...
play games?
Do I watch a film? Play a game? Browse the internet mindlessly? What?!?! I don't know....
Urgh. And MS made "Libraries" annoying to find in Win10
hang out on chat works
Answer questions on Super User. ;)
but then again I do that and answer questions ;p
i have a detection that you have no direction
but I got 2 goals ;p
@JourneymanGeek I don't like football :P
How are they hard to find?
I mean, I did google on how to disable them since they keep showing and wasting space
@Mokubai 10K on MSE and 100K on SU ;p
In Win10 they went back to the old "plain" folders by default for videos, I got a new computer and can't find the damn libraries again
@JourneymanGeek in your USB answer did you mean "splicing"?
@Burgi this is almost certain
Ha. Found the "Show Libraries" button
@JourneymanGeek fixed
I still think that would have been better as a sarcastic aibobot answer tho ;p
i was sat here for ages trying to work out how you "spicing" a USB cable
@Burgi Allspice works well, much flavour
@Mokubai is that compatible with Win10? ;)
Sure. Cinnamon goes well with apple...
@Burgi Depends if you got the ProFoods Edition
(I'm a dog dyslexic. And I rely far too much on spellcheck)
@JourneymanGeek It'd be nice to hit 40k before the new year, but I'm not too fussed...
i just assumed it was super fast typing and your fingers paws just missed a key
@Mokubai not really got a fixed goal, but I figure I'd make the most of being unemployed ;p
You're three months older than me
tho I think magicandre is right at my heels.
@JourneymanGeek Oooh, 9 points behind... one strategic upvote could ruin everything... ;)
I do have 3x the answers ;p
@Mokubai eh, Not fussed ;p
I'm looking at the bigger picture
What, like at a cinema?
I thought you weren't allowed to take laptops in there
And they probably need that screen to show films rather than SU chat...
I do actually have a projector...
Do you use your SU profile as part of your CV?
eh, not really
Singaporean employers mostly don't care about that sort of thing
Yeah, I kinda suspect the same here.
IF I'm applying to places that are famous for that sorta thing
but rivercorp didn't seem to care at all.
Next place is basically another bodyshop like my last one if I get this
but I do get government funded sysadmin training
(and government covers a year of my pay, so... eh)
Very nice
for them ;p
If it works out,2 year bond, then we see
Also, I can find out what the heck my mom is plotting ;p
Remind me not to route my emails through Singapore
So, my mom's mentioned at least two nice young ladies in my community, at least one of whim I have met who are a fair bit younger than me as "oh, I was thinking of asking them if they're interested in an alliance"
so clearly she has someone in mind
(alliance = oldfashioned term for matchmakey things)
She's trying to get you hooked up and out the door huh?
Which I'm entirely fine with
If both parties are fine with it then I've not got a problem with arranged marriages, but I don't think that they should be decided at birth
we're all modern and stuff
Well, no
but its vaguely like speed dating ;p
You do at least need a chance to get to know the person
eh. Totally the same way internet dating works. ;p
I'm not actually sure what's the protocol if she's local
But you can hide so much on the internet
@JourneymanGeek No stalking.
@Mokubai We're very much the last bits of victorian culture left ;p
Nothing wrong with the victorian culture
Not sure that car battery is charging
Its the easiest way to 'get' us
But the funny thing is 'my' generation seems to be vaguely americanising...
There's no culture on this side of the world... not any more.
(me? I'm a geek)
Hold on to it while you can
You'd be suprised
Most people don't think about it though
especially outside the superficial things
Heck, I wouldn't have if not for my own odd little rebellious phase ;p
Oh I know there are all the little oddities that you get from groups that are all from the same area, that sort of culture, but cultures in general seem to have become "less cultured" and more insular.
That's vaguely what I mean by victorian ;p
Extremely externally concervative, somewhat rootless
People can and should be proud of where they are from, but not so much so that they actively hate other cultures
unsure of what we really ought to be in the modern world, but vaguely tenously holding on to vestiges of old ways ;p
I honestly don't know if I'm conservative or something else
I keep trying to figure out the labels but they're all kinda meaningless
Personal/cultural concervatism. There's a whole load of things that simply arn't done
then they get done anyway, with much tsk tsking
Just be happy to be you and celebrate your heritage
I love what I see it as
which isn't really what my parents see it as.
Hmmm. Battery charger says 4ADC, and it's been on for a little over two hours, so the 40AH battery should be (maybe) 1/4 charged
don't want to leave it on too long tho
@JourneymanGeek it very rarely is
So I'm open to this. I just want to know what she's up to ;p
Fair enough, hope it works out for you :)
Job first ;)
i'll be honest, i'd take the girl first
@Burgi Depends on the girl, does she have money or does her dad own a brewery?
Also, being employed is pretty essential to be " in the market"
This is true.
that is a fair point
You said you had something coming up though didn't you @JourneymanGeek?
@Mokubai hopefully
Long term, or contract?
I'm supposed to get a call some time soon from a prospective employer
2 year bond
Could be worse, gives you a time to get comfortable and plenty of warning for the next one...
I'm assuming a bond is better than a contract in that it's a bit more secure?
It sounds it
So, here's how it works
Government pays for part of a year of my salary + training
the employer has to keep me for 2 years, and I can't quit without paying a penalty
so almost an enforced contract?
but my last contract has a early termination clause that was pretty terrible too
and I'd rather the security
in some ways better, as you get more security, but you have less choice about moving on
I could deal with that
@JourneymanGeek you should set up a dog walking and tech support company
and free training is good
The security feels attractive
and improves my marketability
Byte The Hand
and of course, networking chances
Aye, I much prefer job security.
I actually suspect the last place would love to have me back if I wasn't so expensive
Well, cheap and experienced is the best kind of labour
(the body shop contracting us out made an opening offer that was significantly more than I expected, I accepted. Turned out it was roughly the same as someone 2 grades above me)
But experienced people need more money
doggy needs his chewtoys hardware ;p
though doggy had his shiney hardware
all the latest doggy toys
Yeah, actually I'm pretty happy with my current setup.
I've finally caught up with this decade
Also, I'm almost old enough to be able to be eligible for a public housing flat as a single
My old rig is due for pillaging as soon as I copy off the last bits
actually no, 2 years away
You get free housing?
or just reduced rent?
public housing is somewhat cheaper
Are they trying to keep people single?
and if you're smart you can save a bit through grants
naw, they want people getting married ;p
the UK needs to build 300,000 homes a year for the next 5 years
@Burgi most people here live in apartment blocks
@Burgi not anymore they don't, I've finally got mine.
I doubt I can find anything near enough and new (which is cheaper) to get a grant for living near my parents
i don't think i am ever going to be able to afford a house
but there's grants for being a first time home owner, + part of it is paid off from the mandatory retirement fund + some other things.
@Burgi We only managed it through one of those shared ownership schemes
@Burgi moving out as soon as possible is totally going to be essential for my sanity ;p
Renting a house is like pouring money down a drain
@Mokubai I can live with my parents semi indefinately, until I can get a place of my own
but personal space would be nice
forget this HS2 crap, they need to build houses/flats and limit their sale to first time buyers
@Burgi that's roughly how it works here
though they build according to current demand rather than planning ahead to a large extent
and my current area's unlikely to have 'new' public housing
@Mokubai ha, that was actually completely unintended
and resale is pricy
they sold off all the public housing in the 90s
I'm mildly disappointed no one starred it though :P
@Burgi and spent the next 20 years complaining that there's no public housing
@Mokubai the public housing system here, least until the last decade was the shining jewel of singapore public policy
Its still alright, though too many folks are treating it as an investment vehicle, rather than as "a home"
We've lived here... 25 years?
and I wouldn't upgrade from whereever I live unless I needed more space for potential child processes.
you mean puppies
Yes. Puppies.
Kittens are better than puppies. Puppies make mess.
eww. Kittens.
With their beady eyes, and beaks and quacking...
mod war!
(actually, my local kittens have grown quite a bit from when I last saw em)
OMG! they should totally have a mod top trumps!
@Mokubai @JourneymanGeek If we are going to brag :)
@DavidPostill Oh, I didn't bring it up ;p
@DavidPostill don't forget the hats one....
@DavidPostill Wait, you're only 2 and a half years old?!?!
@Mokubai thats why he doesn't have any hair
Well, that explains a lot. Though not the hat...
@Rahul2001 You can't deny, I've posted photographic evidence!
@ThatBrazilianGuy clearly to distract everyone else. You're Elvis arn't you?
i'm going to spend £40 on games...
@Burgi You mean this one? :)
loving the monocle btw
@Burgi thx :)
@JourneymanGeek I will neither confirm nor deny that I'm actually a Brazilian rocker from the 70's who was suspiciously fond of performing Elvis covers and even more suspiciously named Raul...
Raul Santos Seixas (Portuguese pronunciation: [ɦaˈuː ˈsejʃɐs]; 28 June 1945 – 21 August 1989) was a Brazilian rock composer, singer, songwriter and producer. He is sometimes called the "Father of Brazilian Rock" and "Maluco Beleza", the last one roughly translated as "Cool Crazy". He was born in Salvador (Bahia), Brazil, and died of pancreatitis in São Paulo. Every year on Seixas' birthday, legions of fans, including hundreds of impersonators (many even changing their last name to Seixas as a sign of idolatry), throw a parade in his honor in downtown São Paulo. His body of work consists of 21 albums...
@ThatBrazilianGuy You died of pancreatitis?
@Mokubai Elvis died and is still alive, why can't I do the same? No, that'd be silly!
euro truck sim... do i buy it or not?
@Burgi Is that a trick question?
If you need to ask then it is not a "clear YES".
And in this season most people spent more than intended. So my answer is a simple one. Nope. DO not buy.
good argument
@Burgi You totally should buy this one, 12k positive reviews, and it's 50% off!
AFK - possibler 14-ish hours of board games starting in 20 minutes
@ThatBrazilianGuy its only 40pence
i might as well
Dude, it was a joke...
It's probably not even worth 50 cents
oh ok
Don't, it's not worth it @Burgi
hangs head in shame
you bought it?
many many many moons ago (2,374 to be exact)
i have about £3 left to spend, any suggestions?
What types of games you like?
How did you find Remember Me?
some nice ideas poorly executed
Awesome, pretty much what I thought. Glorious well executed world, crappy QTE based hallways and crap music based combat.
its like the turn of the century oni (by bungie) but not as good
mark of the ninja looks good
same link...?
Oh wow, Dishonoured is only £2.50. That one was quite good
i own that
i think
yeah, it was part of the ID/bethesda pack
fixed links, dang copy/paste
bit pricier: Tomb Raider
i got that too, not played it yet
I'm pondering watchdogs 2
@Burgi Worth playing, I'd recommend using a controller though
i have a steam controller
Is that any good? I've just got an Xbox controller...
its alright, i means i don't have to do the magic 3rd party driver dance to get the PS3 controller working
that said i can't get the steam controller to work on my macpple top
TBH, that's why I got the Xbox 360 controller
Little to no faffing around
i find the xbox controller enormous
i got the controller 50% off over quakecon weekend
but playing FPS games with a controller is the evil
Totally, but for over the shoulder nearly-platform games like Tomb Raider it is much better
that and racing games is why i bought it
I played/liked tomb raider with keyboard and mouse
i should have bought the tomb raider mega pack last summer in the summer sale
ah. Going to wait for summer/lower prices ;p
all the tomb raiders for a fiver
Oh, I bought ryse
lovely game, but really not worth list price. For a fiver though, its probably a good solid weekend's entertainment
fracking sun is blinding me
@Burgi you clearly need a giant satillite to blot out the sun locally.
well my mum is being kept in for another day
shes up and about making a nusance of herself
@Burgi That's a good sign she is feeling better ;p
'm a cat with a buggy PulseAudio implementation in a VM that drops the first few playback/capture samples
ee that the room topic has changed to Zalgo...
a question about 200 reputation reached achievement..will I get +100 for every site I've joined?
yay remote troubleshooting a friend's pc
decent chance his gpu just up and died o.O

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