Tried to create a guest account on my laptop. The system malfunctions badly, to the point where the USB subsystem goes belly-up (the system fails to recognize any devices plugged into the system, Device Manager reports no drivers installed)
Looks like Windows 10 is just not designed for guest accounts.
@bwDraco On my Windows 8.1 partition, there's an admin account I use just for installing stuff. I use a non-admin account and when the UAC popup shows up I insert the admin account password.
Well, couldn't get the NOOBS isntaller to recognize my USB ethernet -- despite it working on a CLI raspbian on the zero; so I'm using my non-zero pi to download and install the latest Raspbian on a sd card and then will test it on both pis
I've owned a non-zero for a bit more than a year, IIRC, and I've never tested a GUI distro on it.
So far I've just ran OpenELEC / XBMC, RetroPie and PiHole.