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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@Bob I'm about to ask a stackoverflow question about the MSVC++15 compiler crashing when trying to include some protobuf-3.0 headers in my build
clang on macos works fine
It's not easy to build all the deps on Windows but I'll be providing a download (hosted on github if they let me) with a build including all the binaries and headers
Just to save someone a headache if they want to build on what I did or compile from source for some reason
@allquixotic O_O
want me to give it a shot?
where can I get said headers?
@allquixotic, did you see the Ryzen announcement?
@bwDraco ya
Finally, we have a competitive AMD \o/
Intel needs the Fear of Market Share Loss as a motivator again :)
Oh, hell yes
if they're afraid enough they may end the Tick Tock Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit cycle and go back to Tick Tock again
@allquixotic 'cept they physically can't do the ticks every two years anymore
so it's either release a minor filler some years, or go a year without a release
they'll almost certainly stick with the former
@allquixotic I was more thinking "cheaper enthusiast parts"
I do want to build either a new pc or storage box in a year or so ;p
did AMD announce a higher-clocked lower-core-count chip?
8c really is overkill for most things, but a fast/competitive 4c chip would be nice
Not yet
it really feels like they just announced their 'halo' chip
> As expected, there will be several SKUs in the brand, although AMD is not releasing many details aside from the cache arrangement of the 8-core, thread chip (which we already knew was 4MB of L2 + [8+8] MB of L3 victim-cache), and that the base clock for the high-end SKU will be at least 3.4+ GHz.
@JourneymanGeek yeah, but with about a decade of AMD irrelevance, none of the modern compilers or libraries are really significantly optimized for AMD CPUs
@allquixotic >_>
The coffee hasn't sunk in yet, but I'm not entirely seeing where that's relevant ._.
all I'm saying is, you can build a great CPU, but you can't just waltz in at the 11th hour with a good chip and expect to win -- the real world perf will struggle if stuff isn't optimized for your CPU
but what I was trying to say is "there's a lower end chip, but they haven't released details" ;p
the costs of various CPU instructions in most performance-sensitive code (like v8) is probably tuned to expect the performance profile of a modernish (Nehalem or later) Intel CPU
AMD may support the same instructions but I doubt they'll be able to mimic Intel's performance profile exactly without stealing their IP
some stuff will be faster, some slower
Or licencing it. Say in exchange for video card IP? ;p
and in a performance sensitive library you have to select instructions out of multiple ways of coding something
@allquixotic eh, I'm not even thinking performance yet ;p
@JourneymanGeek one can dream
future Core i7-????R with an on-chip Polaris IGP and a gig of eDRAM
yes please
I do hope this is AMD's near pentium M moment
Even if they get caught less offguard by it.
Sorry, was AFK.
Yeah, they're still going to need quite a bit of optimization work.
It does look like they finally have a competitve solution, in terms of performance and efficiency.
!!> 36 * 1024
Uh, what?
I should change that to 42
Unfreeze this, please

 Bot Overflow

Room for chatbot-related clutter from Root Access. The bot is ...
@bwDraco That feature was stubbed out after people froze it with infinite loops
Hmm. I thought it was fixed?
Room unfrozen
Great, thanks.
@BenN in theory they were run in a service worker and never should've caused issues in the first place
but... yea.
I blame pjs
Hmhm, I think I could throw up a bot that can do arbitrary arithmetic safely
@BenN 1000!
anyway, service worker had a timeout that didn't work, probably cause pjs sucks
and the correct fix is to run a proper browser via xvfb
I swear my mom pops in within 30 seconds of me putting on my headphones to ask me something.
@JourneymanGeek YUP
ah, its a mom thing ;p
My mother is just like this.
@BenN I appear to have that open in a tab :P
it's still the default in a library project in vs2015
tho, a petabyte isn't really all that much these days
Woooo, the bus lanes in Cities Skylines finally work
Having being completely broken for the first six months...
At the beginning if you built a road with a bus lane, literally all traffic except busses tried to pile into the one bus lane leaving the rest of the road empty
Which was so ludicrously broken it wasn't even funny
You say broken, I say realistic
Most people here don't drive in bus lanes, even when they're supposed to
Instead, most traffic including busses use the main non-bus lane
@JourneymanGeek welp.
a petabyte, though? methinks someone was storing porn on it and accidentally rm -rf'd a bit too much
speaking of petabytes
everybody go around and say what is the largest computer system you guys have been on (storage wise)?
if you are so inclined
Half a petabyte
Something like 9 36 disk arrays
A bit of a bizarre experiment regarding my external SSD: I've been playing around with using it as swap space for my tablet (using root, of course). It works, but performance isn't great (not unexpected) and the power consumption (SoC load + USB) is very high, hence the Y-cable order.
I know disconnecting the SSD without removing it correctly (swapoff and eject) will crash the system so I'm trying to be very careful.
An experiment with how many apps I can open at once without least recently used apps closing automatically.
Seems to choke when an app fails to suspend properly, hogging RAM (I'm looking at you, Farm Heroes Saga, continuing to play music even after switching to another app), but it's surprisingly effective (managed to put 1.3 GB into the swapfile with 20+ apps in Recents).
Alright then. Good night/$TIME_OF_DAY.
@JourneymanGeek not bad not bad
9.7 petabytes here
excluding whatever they have on tape of course
speaking of storage guys, i have an ssd ive left alone for a few years, friend forgot to pick it up so i figured ill just reformat it. Since he broke id lent him the laptop the ssd was in I figured its fair. But so far that disk has not been able to properly install an OS on the other laptops I've tried it on
how could i test to see if the ssd is kapput
@Skyler oh, we had a giant tape ... thing
that was just 'in use' storage, and we weren't the main studio
@JourneymanGeek what type of work was this cluster used for?\
@Skyler lots of nfs shares, mix of centralised application storage, and video
I used to work for a fairly medium sized VFX studio
how to find out no. of physical and logical cores in GPU along with its frequency?
CPU-Z doesn't show these stats
there's no concept of "physical and logical cores"...
@JourneymanGeek thats exactly the type of place i was picturing given the storage
@AlanWatch wmic get caption,NumberofCores,NumberofLogicalProcessors,CurrentClockSpeed
Well not really caption but meh
play around with WMIC
@allquixotic That's men in a rocking chair.
@JourneymanGeek he said GPU
"CPU-Z dosen't show these stats"
the whole idea of having different numbers of physical and logical "cores" (HT, etc.) is very much a CPU thing...
in which case he's using the wrong tool?
@JourneymanGeek he's looking for the wrong information
no tool will tell him what he wants because what he wants doesn't exist
That too
and it's really a better idea to just treat a GPU as a black box anyway
Quick question, I encountered this on a arduino sketch: // Replace [0x@@,0x@@] with your open port (e.g. 65535 = 0xFF,0xFF). How did 0xFF,0xFF become 65535, or is it 0xFF*0xFF = 65,025?
it's not consistent across manufacturers. not necessarily even across different generations from the same manufacturer
@KleoBercero 0xFF is one byte. 0xFF,0xFF probably refers to a pair (array, list, tuple, etc.) of bytes.
the thing about data is it has no intrinsic structure
if you read it as a pair of bytes (two 8-bit values), you get 0xFF, 0xFF
if you read it as a single 16-bit value, you get 0xFFFF
if you read it as a single 32-bit value, you get 0x0000FFFF or 0xFFFF0000 depending on endianness
in C, uint8_t foo[2] = { 0xFF, 0xFF }; would store the exact same data in memory that uint16_t foo = 0xFFFF; would
Here is the line on the sketch:
I don't do arduino code *shrug*
I can explain the generic concept to you, but Arduino code specifically gets a big *shrug* from me
@KleoBercero you might get a better answer from a more specialist chat or site
@JourneymanGeek well, if the question is "how might 0xFF, 0xFF be interpreted as 65535?", I've already explained... if the question is "what does this arduino code do?", that's entirely different -_-
@Bob Also, er. my usual grumpiness about random questions.
oh, fyi, 0xFFFF unsigned is equal to 65535 in base 10. bleh.
and that ;p
#error "This code is not designed to be compiled with a C++ compiler."
@JourneymanGeek and @Bob thank you for your time and suggestions guys :*
@allquixotic so I have statically linked libsox working only to find out it requires fmemopen to use memory sources and destinations. fmemopen is a posix thing. urk.
there is a nasty "solution" of using a named pipe :P
Hi Bob, how are you
1 hour later…
hi folks
quick question
I did the following script
for dos
set timestamp=%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-4,4%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%

echo %timestamp%

rename D:\costing\log\*.log *.

rename D:\costing\log\* *_%timestamp%.log
yesterday, it was working fine
this part rename D:\costing\log\* *_%timestamp%.log is no longer working
I have the error
Syntax command is incorrect.
how come?
Starting a question with dear stackoverflow users is not a good idea on superuser ;p
I found out my issue
most likely an issue with the hour
I changed my script to pad a zero with the hour digit is singe 9AM
if "%time:~0,1%" == " "  (set hour=0%time:~1,1%) else (set hour=%time:~0,2%)
set timestamp=%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-4,4%_%hour%%time:~3,2%
Please give me single line answer: askubuntu.com/questions/860511/…
@rgg this is not the ubuntu chat
@AndyK This not a forum :)
@Dave not bad, not bad. you?
yeah chat, I mean chat @DavidPostill ;)))
(Also, if people keep coming here just for quick questions, I'll get crotchety. I would very much like to avoid the worst aspects of tech IRC)
lmao @JourneymanGeek
for some odd reason I have had this stuck in my head the past few days youtube.com/…
MaSu's a band I like so, its not that bad
@JourneymanGeek bit different, but I like this one :P youtube.com/watch?v=JPRPOL5OFSA
also I don't think I've ever seen "MaSu" before but the guy who posted that video called them that too o.O
so that's twice in 10 mins
@Bob This would be a more obvious choice for being stuck in my head youtube.com/watch?v=h14onw54dgw
I once had will smith's tv' programs theme tune in my head
i refuse to tname it because for some odd reason i can never recall the name
Fresh Prince?
and by stuck in my head, i mean every time i wasn't thinking of something inperticular, for 3 months, it'd just start playing
yes, that
Those are not the worst things to be stuck in my head.
Oh, that's exactly what I mean by stuck in my head
i would wake up in the morning, and instantly .... in west philiadalphia, born and raised...
in the end I sat on youtube and put it on repeat for about an hour
that fixed it.
Yeah, that's typically what I do
Other than a few songs which I'd rather shoot myself in the head than listen to
for example, I once heard the ketchup song in carrefour....
Its the glitter of earworms
cept i seem to have broken it
it won't actually stay in my had now
the name of hte program
weird eh
Ketchup song? :O
I'm pretty sure if you're the hair shirt and bed of broken glass sort and actually love pain, it's trivial to find
@Bob It would be a start to not crop the image like that :\
we won the quiz last night! :)
pub quiz?
@djsmiley2k yes, that terrible thing
pub quizzes aren't terrible
@Burgi yey
@Burgi what @djsmiley2k linked.
If you value your sanity, don't listen to it
what sanity?
im already broken
Its the music I would play when fighting an eidritch monstrocity, since its probably more sanity-breaking.
ugh.... i've delayed long enough
afk to get my hair cut :(
anyone ever used codereview.stackexchange.com?
@allquixotic as an answerer? yup. asker? uhhh.
yay. capped ;p
Nice ;p
That CPU id HNQ right?
Yep. Was already answered in the question ... weird - I just confirmed it with a source ...
HNQs are odd ;p
@Bob trying to understand if it'd be on-topic to ask for a code review of kynnaugh-cc
but before I do, I'm going to add some comments and documentation to the code (already added licensing) and more unit tests
that way people don't just complain "NO TESTS!" and run away
imagines "run away" spoken in JMG's accent from our Sins games
@allquixotic is their chat any active?
I do not have an accent. ;p
I apparently have MANY accents.
I'm freezing the blog room.
I have no idea why people keep going in there to ask questions 0_0
@JourneymanGeek it's about 50% as active as RA, which isn't too good
@allquixotic I think they prefer more limited snippets
@allquixotic we're pretty active no? ;p
@Bob my four .cpp files that I coded by hand are just around 500 SLOC (counting whitespace and lines with just a { or })
@JourneymanGeek we are, but half as active as RA isn't good
@allquixotic other than AUGR, this is the most active public room I'm in.
@JourneymanGeek agreed, same, the only really active chat that isn't RA is probably on chat.stackoverflow
@allquixotic sorry, I only drop by now and then... don't really know their rules too well :\
from the asking side anyway
they're active enough on their meta
@allquixotic they won't complain about lack of tests
@allquixotic afaict they tend to review code, not the system
i.e. code correctness, style, etc.
That's a !!caat moment right there :P
turns out that barbers shut on wednesday afternoons...
i've been to 4 or 5 and they were all shut
i remember finding like 3 chinese resturants I liked were all closed on a tuesday
that was a sad tuesday
!!giphy cat
thats not going to get annoying...
> this one's probably worth a shot, since it seems to have already passed the Furiosa test.
what is the furiosa test?
Dammit changing my mods to fix the game made my savegame unloadable
This is probably one of the biggest downsides to games like Cities and KSP, where there's a huge modding community and the game keeps getting aweseome free updates
oh you became a dog again
Things keep breaking because of mods not being maintained or new features coming around :-(
Every time a new update/DLC comes along I basically have to start again from scratch
Named after Furiosa, a character (and arguably the main character) of 2015's Mad Max: Fury Road, the Furiosa Test is a simple standard for to judge a piece of media's feminist qualities. It passes if:

It causes misogynists to boycott it
@Burgi What do you mean, I've always been a dog cat
heh ;)
A media test, also known as a critique test, is a means by which reviewers of media works may test the relevance or utility of a film or other narrative work.

Many of the tests here are meant to critique the prevalence or bias of writers to standard tropes involving suspect classes of society, such as gender, skin color, ablement or sexual orientation.

In the case of feminist media tests, the goal is to evaluate perceived imbalances in the depiction of women and gender relations in both fiction and nonfiction creative works.
Funny how mods work better when they're not disabled
Nonetheless mods still crash your game even if they are disabled, heck some do even if they're uninstalled
Gdarn it
Might the problems have something to do with the .NET GAC?
Sometimes the exception you got yesterday can be caused by things going on with the GAC, says Stack Overflow
So, let's have a look at the implications of AMD's Ryzen announcement yesterday.
It looks like AMD is delivering 95-110% of the performance of i7-6900K with their new 8C/16T part running at 3.4 GHz, boost disabled.
Consider that this is an engineering sample and that Lisa Su has stated that engineers are still working on optimizing it.
Coupled with small process improvements at GloFo, I suspect the chips will launch at 3.5-3.6 GHz base, with Precision Boost going up to 3.7-3.8 GHz on all cores and 3.9-4.2 GHz on one or two cores.
AMD is already hitting some very good clock speeds, and given that AMD has completely redesigned their uarch while Intel's has stagnated (zero IPC improvement going from Skylake to Kaby Lake), AMD's Zen architecture probably has more room to grow.
I think Intel will respond with a revised version of the i7-6900K (i7-6910K?) with a clock speed bump and possibly a slight drop in price. I doubt Intel will want to price it below $800, while AMD will probably be happily selling these chips at $500-600.
!!doge looks like, consider, suspect, probably, I think, I doubt
                 many looks like
                        very  consider
so  suspect
               such  probably
                        much  I think
many  I doubt
In other words all guessing games :)
It's really speculation at this point, but all signs point to a bright future for AMD.
Q: Raw PCM to FLAC conversion using QtGstreamer in C++

allquixoticThis is part of my kynnaugh-cc TeamSpeak 3 plugin implementing speech recognition for deaf/hearing-impaired users. One of the self-contained classes in my code has the job of converting incoming PCM samples from TeamSpeak into FLAC format for transmission to the Google Cloud Speech API. The Cloud...

Hang on. I'm dealing with a phishing scam email, trying to report it.
This is the most realistic phishing attempt I've seen so far.
Email was sent through Dynect; following the instructions at dyn.com/reporting-abuse
> The address [email protected] has been successfully unsubscribed
(testing a random email address on the unsubscribe site; there doesn't seem to be any directly malicious content on the site as it consists of no JS, inline or otherwise, according to my browser's dev tools)
@bwDraco Taken bloody long enough, might still be too little too late though. AMD have languished so long that in the gaming arena at least Intel and Nvidia are thoroughly dominating.
I've just bought a machine and I didn't even consider AMD to be vaguely viable for a high performance rig
Their console market has given them some breathing space and comfort to do a lot of work in the background without really needing to compete on the desktop.
Though as everyone keeps saying, "the desktop is dead"...
@bwDraco Not that realistic. It's not https for a start. What did the original spam look like?
I would rather not load the images into the email.
@Mokubai The desktop (or at least, the full-fat, x86, workstation or 15" size laptop) isn't going anywhere. Not until knowledge workers in businesses can do their work on an iPad or Android device. And that may never happen.
The market just isn't growing. The same companies that replace their machines every 4-5 years will continue doing so.
Companies with shareholders like to service growing markets. But there's a lot of existing revenue to be captured in the desktop space.
Some (idiots) conflate "not growing" to "dead".
Hell, it's even extremely profitable. It's just that your profits are only going to increase approximately at the same rate as the GDP.
@allquixotic Well, yeah. In the enterprise where you need CAD, Data mangling and complex tasks the desktop is king, but in the home market it's necessity has largely been removed.
I like my console, but for gaming that looks good and fluid and fast nothing can beat a well kitted desktop.
@Mokubai In the Brazilian home market, PC is dying because of the smartphone. Ar least according to news reports
@Mokubai but how many people are actual gamers
who have room for a desktop
20 somethings can't afford a house
and 40 somethings can't afford the desktop XD
@djsmiley2k In that case it's awesome that I'm in between those two groups.
Not only room, but $. Specially in Brazil
@Mokubai Most of this room is.
@Rahul2001and @BenN should get off our collective lawn, and then we all should get off @DavidPostill's lawn.
@DavidPostill Abuse reported to Dyn (appears to be sent through their email delivery service).
@Mokubai Yup.
@Mokubai I've actually been doing more web browsing on my phone and tablet than before.
I should probably get a decent monitor at some point, but 4k seems so.... unnecessary...
@ThatBrazilianGuy Hehe. I don't have a lawn. But if I did you would all be welcome on it! :)
@bwDraco Well yeah, in the morning before work I check the internet on phone/tablet because to fire up the PC would be an insane 500+W monster when a 3W phone does the job.
@Mokubai Not exactly, but an office desktop can easily use 20-50W for day-to-day use (including monitor).
Gaming PCs in a lightly loaded state can still use close to 100W (also including monitor).
It's still a sledgehammer to drive in a nail when a toffee-hammer would do the job.
Use the right tool for the job.
My gaming laptop needs about 20W idle and 40-50W with my usual peripherals attached for everyday productivity and web browsing use.
I have no idea what the idle draw of this thing is. Probably better than the old machine.
My tablet, on the other hand, needs only 2-6W (occasionally more due to load) for everyday use.
Besides, you don't need a PC to even print any more. Most major printer manufacturers provide some means to print from mobile devices. I've successfully printed to HP and Epson printers from both my phone and tablet.
@bwDraco When the stupid printer actually decides to use the Wifi. I regularly have to reset that damn thing.
@Mokubai My HP Officejet Pro 8630 doesn't have any issues with wireless printing.
I routinely send print jobs to it over the network. The only time I've had to hook up a USB cable was when we moved in our new home and did not have a working home network yet (had to tether from my phone).
I think the few replacement routers over the last year have made it a bit... quirky.
@Mokubai I have a NETGEAR Nighthawk X4S (R7800). Thankfully, it doesn't seem to have this vuln (but will take any firmware update to improve security).
Hmmm. Now that I don't need it the thing is sitting there, happily on the network, saying "Who? Me?"
@Rahul2001 Did you post your ssh public key ? I think I might have missed it
@DavidPostill Yay free BBQ on account of @DavidPostill!
whoa, count me in @ThatBrazilianGuy
@HackToHell I know a girl who posted her private key...
@HackToHell I don't have one xD
I've never used SSH
@XKCD i love how he's wearing the french hat
@bwDraco "I only run benchmarks because I don't actually want to use the things I pay money for and don't care if they have some algorithm that means that they need time to recover after running days of nothing but benchmarks"
It was fast, then you basically made it run 500km in an hour you git.
People don't understand the limitations of SLC-buffered TLC NAND.
People don't understand that technology is a whole raft of compromises and intelligent design.
@bwDraco You'd know where to find this: what type of NAND is in a PM951 SSD?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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