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I have a sudden craving for cake
hexus.net/tech/reviews/laptop/98779-razer-blade-stealth Yay another Razer Blade Stealth review
@Dog do people look at you funny when you lick your phone?
@Dog heh. Might order one soonish
Esc should cancel the typed message, not close the entire bloody conversation. >:I
i'm interested to see what crazy shit has happened at work while i've been ill
i know my minion had to do a rollback tuesday morning because he phoned me in a panic
A groin attack is a deliberate attempt to cause pain to the groin area of one's opponent. Often used in self-defense, the technique can be quickly debilitating, due to the large number of sensitive nerve endings in the penis and testicles of males, as well as the highly innervated vulva and ovaries of females. A sufficiently powerful blow may fracture the pubic bone of the victim, resulting in physical disability. This technique has been popularized as a comedic device in various forms of media. == Low blow == An attack to the groin is considered to be a "low blow" not only in the literal sense...
Today's Patch Tuesday, gotta reboot.
Oh boy, get ready for a 45 minute reboot loop.
Followed by a notification stating "We installed updates, click here for more info."
That actually just does nothing.
Oh yeah, patch tuesday
Is that still a thing on Windows 10?
Election results LIVE on Google (assuming you're in the US): google.com/search?q=election
If you're not in the US, but you still care, there's a "Use Google.com" link at the very bottom of the page.
Ehhhhh. I'm actively trying to avoid election talk :p
I'm not going to discuss the election itself, just how to get information.
(we generally want to avoid political discussions in chat because they tend to be very, very disruptive)
My lack of community building experience and "street sense" is getting to me again. :(
I've been going out more often, hopefully to become better prepared to move forward, both here on Stack Exchange and in the outside world.
Ugh. iSeries uninstall takes ages.
@JourneymanGeek, any tips? I'm still very naive on things like this, having seen little contact with the outside world.
ö is the most surprised letter ever
Aug 15 at 23:59, by bwDraco
My parents are rather overprotective of me and that has stunted my development of soft skills.
@bwDraco it's not a big deal.
quite literally the most important soft skill is to know when to drop something
Again, lack of social interaction.
@Bob ha !
Trump seems to be leading google.co.in/…
... :/
Ping me if I'm needed ;)
@HackToHell meh, "leading" doesn't mean much either way. We'll see once everything is fully counted.
The states that favor Clinton tend to close their polls later.
Well, I suppose leading means the places where people voted for him also counted first/faster :P
Actually. @bwDraco, any idea how long the final count usually takes?
So I know when I should bother checking.
Though I'm sure it'll be front-page news.
5 hours ago, by DavidPostill
First results expected from 1900 / midnight GMT.
A final result is expected towards midnight / 0500 GMT"
I'd rather not discuss too much politics here. It would be a shame for an RO or mod to have to lock the room because the discussion has spun out of control.
@bwDraco So... about two more hours?
Whee, new firmware for my router:
@bwDraco no room locking unless people start being mean
> [New Feature and Enhancement] Adds WiFi 5G band support for FCC DFS channels 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140.
[New Feature and Enhancement] Upgrades OpenSSL cryptography library from V1.0.0 to v1.0.2h.
[Bug Fix] Fixes security issue in which TCP port 80 and port 443 were always opened in IPv6 environment.
[Bug Fix] Fixes security issue in which remote management interface still could be accessed even it was disabled if request packet using 1723 as source port.
y'all know better
@bwDraco Eh. If anything this is just talking about the election process, not politics.
Political discussion would be more on who's better, policies, etc. etc..
> Fixes security issue in which R7800 reboots when using $(reboot) as user name to register ReadyCLOUD.
> Fixes security issue in which TCP port 80 and port 443 were always opened in IPv6 environment.
Wait, what?
@JourneymanGeek Eh. I know full well how deep it goes, and it's not that bad. I've scanned through the spec, and read a fair bit of the charging spec. It's not that bad if you don't horribly oversimplify it as many blogs seem to -_-
I'll be right back as I apply the update.
@Bob threw it there so I can find it later to read at home XD
@bwDraco s/exploit/vuln/
My security engineering lecturer would be severely disappointed in you.
though, I'm currently in the store-room at b4 with my own laptop soooooo
@Bob Yeah, should have checked my words.
Sorry, everyone. That was embarrassing. I seriously need to spend some time in industry—this is not learnable on own time!
He had a bit of a rant about people confusing vulns, exploits and threats :P
@bwDraco ...don't take it too seriously, the "disappointed" bit was a joke...
Oh, boy. Something went wrong and I need to step out of the room. (This is a personal issue; the router is working fine.)
"Back in a bit, the fridge caught fire."
Okay, I'm ready (but may need to step out at a moment's notice).
It's a personal emotional issue I'm trying to prevent from spilling into chat.
@Dog Cat, because ZenBook is a piece of shit
@allquicatic same
@Bob cool feature because you don't have to have different entire windows to separate out your cookie sessions - something I've been asking for for years
but they don't let you customize the container tabs :( you get 4, and they name them for you
@allquicatic They do, actually.
@Bob how?
@allquicatic Settings. They just added customisation in the last build.
Still Nightly-only, though. Dunno when containers will end up in release.
@Bob they're in 50b11
not by default tho
no container prefs
@allquicatic Yea, the code exists in beta, but it won't be riding to release AFAIK.
And the recommendation is along the lines of "very unpolished, please only use Nightly for now as older versions won't have fixes"
@allquicatic That'd be because they only merged those prefs into Nightly last night :P
Next step would be enabling them in Aurora
and it looks like Trump will be President... GFDI
Commiserations @allquicatic
Jun 24 at 4:31, by Bob
Welp. World's going to hell in a handbasket.
Jun 24 at 4:33, by Psycogeek
what is making it faster? trump isnt president YET ? :-)
Blame @Psycogeek :P
Results were supposed to be in at 5 but numbers haven't changed for over 40 minutes
Bear in mind that impeachment is always a possibility. Trump has been on record as willing to violate the Constitution. If he actually does, he's broken the oath of office, which is a federal crime and grounds for impeachment.
This will, at a minimum, keep his actions in check.
Are those real lxc containers ?
@Dog it's all based on "projections", which have been wrong before (even today they've been horribly wrong)
foxnews.com, cnn.com and bbc all have vastly different numbers
buzzfeed has yet different numbers
what each news organization considers to be "definitive" is totally arbitrary
@bwDraco he can still issue executive orders with extremely wide-reaching implications
The American people are filled with discontent over the current regime. Trump appeals to this.
@HackToHell the firefox thing? no, not even remotely related; lxc is Linux-specific whereas those Firefox "containers" are platform-independent
@HackToHell ?
the "containers" there are just isolated cookie/html5 storage namespaces
@arda I haven't used xposed in a while... The repo has some pretty cool stuff though
basically each container is like its own (independent) Private Window
Ah, counldn't find any info on the wiki page
How is it different from profiles?
@allquicatic yeah I sorta figured after 20 minutes of trying to understand the numbers
But ABC/CNN/NBC/BBC all have Clinton on 215
@HackToHell a Firefox Profile pulls along EVERYTHING with it: your bookmarks; your screen layout; your extensions; your cookies; your saved passwords; your Firefox Sync login; etc.
Trump on 238 or 244 depending on the site but that's all fairly similar
any given Firefox parent process can only have one profile running at any given time
but a container can run inside a tab, in a window with other containers, and it doesn't have any state about your bookmarks, screen layout, UI customizations, etc.
a container separates out just the bits of information that remote webservers can actually see about you, like cookies and HTML5 storage
so if a site has a facebook widget on it that tells the site what user you're logged in as, one container can't see your facebook cookies from another container so it wouldn't know what facebook account you're logged in as, unless you login independently in both containers
I don't get it... Why are Clinton's emails such a big deal?
So when are we going to see the actual final results?
The timing of the second FBI probe is also questionable and may be partly to blame. There might be indications of electoral fraud...
@Rahul2001 I don't think they're as big of a deal as Donald Trump makes them appear to be, but the fact is that classified information -- that is, government-owned, controlled information -- in the US, has to be safeguarded and taken care of in very specific ways, that explicitly precludes sending it through regular email to a private, individual-owned, unapproved server on the public Internet
if it's not safeguarded according to the rules, it's a crime
and you can't just self-certify some random server you yourself stood up, like you can with PCI compliance for credit cards
@allquicatic but the FBI found no evidence of criminality no?
to actually use a system to communicate or handle any classified information, the government actually has to approve it
@Dog I'm really dubious about that, and that's coming from someone who is deeply entrenched within the US public sector
if anyone who wasn't running for public office committed offenses such as what Clinton is shown to have done, they would be behind bars for decades to life
she is literally getting a free pass because she's an important person
of that I am 100.0% positive
does that mean I in any way support Trump? fuck no
but I know what the rules of the system are, and she broke the rules, and breaking the rules doesn't just earn you a slap on the wrist; it puts you in prison
if you're a little person, that is.
(I've ended up in the wrong chat lol) Hate to vein on the parade, but allquicatic is right. Clinton is dodging about 10 years of jail simply for being important
The fact of the matter is that classified information is typically classified because it can be used by bad actors against us. That's the concern. People don't want to vote for Clinton because people fear that she may be aiding terrorists.
@bwDraco I haven't heard very much concern that she is actively aiding and abetting terrorists willingly; that, in my opinion, is a rather fringe idea and very unsubstantiated
the clearest, most obvious motivation for what she did? convenience
to communicate through officially approved systems that are approved for classified data transmission is extraordinarily inconvenient because of the level of security and authenticity and integrity around those systems, making them inaccessible, slow, outdated, rigid, unconfigurable, and limited in availability.
she clearly wanted to have something more convenient that was less rigid, less outdated, more configurable, and/or more available, so she decided to skirt the rules to get what she wanted
it's something that is literally the wet dream of everyone who handles classified data, because doing it right is a royal pain in the goddamn ass
@allquicatic Well, we already know she stores information in a seive, and wants to declare WW3, so may as well help the terrorists too!
but MOST of us don't do that, because it would land us in jail if we were bold enough to actually do it
actually, the best/most amusing thing that would happen is both parties gang up on trump
so he ends up a lame duck president
Could work
@Aibobot a lot of his own party doesn't agree with every other word that comes out of his mouth, but they'll probably support most of it, at least at first, in an effort to appear like they're "unified" as a party
An hour later still not a single point change in any of the predicted results :-/
I'm getting bored and tired. I think I'll sleep and wake up to a new world... Of... Fuck knows.
@allquicatic ooh got it
@Dog A new world of nuclear winter
funnily enough, the chances of a nuclear war with Russia might go down under Trump, because it's pretty clear that Moscow/Putin's preferred US President is Trump
they're buddies, they'll unite the world's super-elite together
Ah us, I meant walls. Clinton ants war.
Hm... has anyone here watched Stranger Things?
I have to
No one wants to come along
Might just go alone ...
There go PA and MI. Was nice knowing you all :P
I wonder how this will affect the US economy.
@Dog Hm. 20% off Gear S3 for S7 owners...
But that's still a good $450+ after discount
Sensex is aleady down a lot
> Mixed Content: The page at 'https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3348' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
https://www.projectwonderful.com/pwa.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
Dear Google... I know you love to mess with others' privacy and stuff, but please don't break https for me.
215-264. Trump has won the election.
The remaining margin is too small for this to go any other way.
Well, when the hearts of Americans are sown with discontent, this is what happens.
@bwDraco What
Oh no
I was just about to post a funny gif of trump building a wall
As much as we rational folks hate Trump, America has spoken.
The fact of the matter is, people are voting for Trump because his approach to the campaign appeals to authoritarians who want to see control in a world of chaos.
People hate the way America is going.
Man, the lives of everyone who spoke against him will be hell
Also, I probably won't be able to go to the US for further studies
Campaigns and actual policies may not line up. I am staying in the US.
Appears to be framed content.
What's next for the US?
loser.com used to redirect to Trump's wikipedia page, now it's Clinton
The same as the UK. Isolationism and economic crash.
The system is broken.
The economy has not meaningfully recovered since the Great Recession.
People feel America has been taken away by foreigners.
Wait, so there's no chance of Trump losing?
All while the 1% continue to pull away.
Trump provides a glimmer of hope to the substantial number of Americans who are suffering from this.
That's ultimately why.
Rationality has nothing to do with things any more. Old people don't want "ferreners steeleng er jerbs" and the reality TV crowd are too easily swayed by noise and loud lies. The result is where the world is now.
I'm disgusted with this world.
Trump has won. Let the apocalypse begin.
There will be protests and investigations. The people will still be discontented.
Real accurate, IMDB
Man, stranger things is good
oh god america what have you done D:
@djsmiley2k the same thing we did.
The news says it's the millennials that are to blame.
@Mokubai Yeah cept we haven't actually done it yet
@djsmiley2k Not that I actually want it to happen, but the government is trying to make it happen.
People are stalling it any way they can.
I can't say I blame them, but we need to get on and get out of this quagmire of painful uncertainty
yup agree
I do wonder if we took a vote now, what the decision would end up being
It's hard not to see parallels between Brexit and the US election. The disaffected are in the majority and in a world where all they want is a change from the status quo this is what we end up with.
@djsmiley2k aye. I wonder if it might actually be a stronger support for leaving though...
@Mokubai 'We've already screwed everything, lets get on with it' ?
Funny tho the change is minimal
in brexit, we go from 'The EU telling us what to do and not listening to us'
to 'T May telling us what to do and not listening to us'
And america went from electing millionires, to .... well electing millionires
@djsmiley2k pretty much. The economy is already boned, so now the worst that can happen already has happened. Now it could actually be marketed honestly by those who want to leave rather than posting flashy lies and false promises on buses.
@arda youtube.com/watch?v=SSqSDYcJOvo : featuring you
Our system contains numerous protections against rogue government officials, ranging from federal courts' ability to rule laws unconstitutional to the impeachment process. I'm confident these measures will work as designed.
@Mokubai Nod
then it'd be someting I could get behind
Why can't politicans see we'd prefer the truth, even when it's crappy
than the unbelievable lies they come out with
£450 million a second for the nhs if we leave!
@Rahul2001 you're a monster
That song makes me cry. Every. Single. Time.
a fitting track for this morning
@Mokubai and yet, the status quo is exactly what they'll get. What they WANT is more buying power, more (and more secure) jobs, higher wages, lower cost of living, lower taxes, cheaper education and healthcare, better infrastructure and government help, and protection from threats like terrorism. What they'll GET is the exact opposite of all that except for maybe slightly lower taxes.
They literally just voted in one of the most pro business candidates since Reagan. And businesses most definitely do not have the lower 99%'s interests at heart.
@allquicatic are you moving to canada?
i've also just noticed its 9/11...
@arda We don't get that show here
In India we have currency in denominations of ₹10 ($0.15), ₹20 ($0.3), ₹50 ($0.7), ₹100 ($1.5), ₹500 ($7.5) and ₹1000 ($15)
In a crackdown on black money, from today, no ₹500 and ₹1000 notes can be used by the public, except in medical emergencies
This means that if you have cash hidden anywhere, you'll have to deposit it into a bank and get notes of smaller denominations.
This is a brilliant plan, and yet the opposition parties are making a huge mess out of it
Bernie would've won
@Rahul2001 and issuing new notes in the future.
@Aibobot yep
@Rahul2001 eh. BJP's actually halfway competant.
@Aibobot Here's the thing. The opposition should oppose decisions which are bad for the country and the people, not every decision just because they're the opposition.
That said, people hardly ever do the things that they should
@Rahul2001 Congress ... well. I donno, when did they last have a decent leader? ;p
@Aibobot What're your thoughts on AAP?
the Nehru-Gandi (no relation to the other Gandi) dynasty's pretty much rotten to the core...
@Rahul2001 eh. They have some decent ideas, but they're a odd mix of idealism
and tbh, I'm not a gandi (the famous one) or nehru fan
@Aibobot yep
@Aibobot Kejriwal has a habit of making wild accusations and not doing what he said he would
This video is not available.
Sorry about that.
@JourneymanGeek somehow my monitor got set as my default audio output
@Bob might be a licensing thing
Stranger things is scary
I've seen stranger.
(or: Stranger things are scary. Grammar, people!)
@Bob It's a TV show
@Bob My grammar is always on point
I know. It's also pun bait.
@Bob :0
> Australian dollar hits its highest in six months.
...Thanks Trump?
it means your imports are cheaper but your exports are more expensive
not sure what the global commodities market is like for kangaroos though
oh shit
@Burgi never had kangaroo meat?
@Bob Uh
no, but i have seen it on menus
@Burgi Wait, you're not kidding? There's actually kangaroo meat?
@Rahul2001 like a politican you mean?
@Rahul2001 yes
@djsmiley2k Kejriwal is a politician, yes
@Burgi @_@
its like beef but healthier apparently
its also kosher
I don't take beef either
@Rahul2001 yes
and boar
and buffalo
and ostrich and crocodile
buffalo is amazing
Rabbit also apparently
(all those stocked in a local butchers here) kinda funny as none of those animals are native.
@Rahul2001 It's what they build kangaroos out of
there is a farm shop in mid wales that has buffalo burgers
@OliverSalzburg I figured
Hmmmm there is a farm in mid wales that has buffalo's
I recall driving past it, built like a huge american ranch - I think it's a farm + resturant
@djsmiley2k might be the same place
thats the one
Pretty sure this is the one
Shit, it's actually down
It just gave me a 504
@Burgi bit, ah... gamey? idk how to describe it
@Rahul2001 that surprises me seeing that most of america is still asleep
<{[< FISH >]}>
<-{-[-< DEAD FISH SKELETON >-]-}->

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