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when does the grand tour start?
I am
Actually I switched to computer engeneering
oh cool
I hope you figure out your computer issue
Yeah i hope too... I jist finished reistalling the mobo. Now I will check for errors
Or the error magically vanishes
Or the magic smoke escapes!
Still the same problem
There are no error LEDs
This Is so odd
@Daniele ahh there is often some BS like this that happens when you build, you forged-aboud-it later when you finnaly get it working.
So you don't think it's the mobo that's faulty... Cause it's stranger that the first time It booted up and I was also able to install Windows on one of my SSD s
More recently with everything built in china :-) i build in slower baby steps, on the "bench" first. then onlly add things after it is showing a pic on (thanks for that) the built in GPU that might be available.
So what should I do in your opinion? Should I return the mobo or do you think It Is something I did wrong?
by being out of the case itself, you reduce any issues that might exist, one time i had a board that didnt want one of the standoffs to be grounded ??? WTF found out later it was a known (but very rare) problem for that one board.
How old was your PSU when you started? or is it a PSU bought for that build?
at any rate, when you build on a (non-conductive) open surface, you can see things, check things, and get things running without destroying things putting them in and out.
many times people have put into a case that had standoffs placed already, by somone other than the builder :-) am i going to trust anyone else NO!
I i bought the psu Just for this build so it's brand new
I have 7800 bookmarks
and it's apparently breaking ff sync
what do o.O
anyone here have a preferred bookmark/link tracking method/service/program?
more like archiving than bookmarking
Save as HTML => Delete
@Dog but the whole point of keeping them is to not delete them -_-
incidentally, apparently at one point I had 2775 tabs
back in 2013, before I started periodically bookmarking them instead
get all crammed up in a case, and even the best of us (guilty) will forget one of the wires ,ooops. less is always better, there are only about 3 things needed on the motherboard to test operations. so if you have onboard or on-die GPU, prefer to not stuff powersucking gpus on until the thing already produces a picture, and you can get in the bios/uefi .
@Bob Delete them from Firefox, leave the HTML export
On exporting specific bookmark folders:
That sounds horribly convoluted
@Dog Yea, that was kinda my backup option.
Finally found the problem
Was looking for more of an active service, but I suppose that's not really useful. Oh well.
RAM Is not compatible with the mobo. Shit...
@Daniele uhh... what makes you think that?
@Bob I'm a cat
rule of thumb with RAM: if it fits, it works
@Bob Unless you're me
@Dog but that's because you're a cat
It's not listed in the manual and other people are having the same problem. Plus I got the RAM error LED on the mobo
or the ram is bad
So one stick, test. Two sticks, test...
@Daniele the manual would only list a tiny tiny subset of available RAM that they tested
try reseating the RAM
@Bob more likely the ram is bad than incompatible
if it worked the first time around, it must be compatible
and removcing and readding the ram is reseating, just by stealth
@Daniele i cant be sure, but we do know that large percentages of people who send back a failed motherboard, get another new one, and fail wit it too :-) so we do know that humans can have more possibility of error than motherboard fails .
@Daniele Also, what was the mobo, CPU and RAM model?
@Aibobot I'm not entirely sure @Daniele actually removed the RAM... it's perfectly possible to remove and check the mobo without taking the RAM (or CPU) out
Already tried a lot of times to reseat the ram. Actually it worked once.
I RMAd the RAM for my first build... Turns out I was putting it in the wrong slots. >.>
@Daniele Sounds almost like faulty contacts. Do you have another stick to test?
Could even be the contacts on the mobo failing.
Nope Just one
@Daniele What was the RAM and mobo model?
Gah stupid FTP dynamic port allocation
(and CPU)
I can only assume it's DDR4... you wouldn't happen to have another system you can steal a stick out of?
@Bob I had a friend lose a contact on a stick of RAM once... he managed to find it in the carpet, glue it back on, and then RMAd it for a replacement.
RAM Is crucial ballistix sport 16gb (1bank) mobo Is Asus z170 pro gaming
ugh. I put too much sugar in my tea :(
...I also usually don't add any sugar to it, so that might be why
@Bob you say your making Kool-Aid ? give it to me, thats the only way i like tea
@Bob I don't I have got another pc that still uses DDR2 lol. This Is the only ddr4 Stick i'va got
@Daniele do you have an actual model number for the RAM?
I can only find DDR3 with that description :\
mobo only lists 2133 without O.C. (overclocking?)
@Daniele asus probably has a RamOK button? that will low-clock high latency the ram so you can get funtinality, then you can get in the bios and tweak it to operation.
I wonder what it defaults to without additional config
does it apply 2400, or fall back to 2133?
I thought it should default to 2133 unless you explicitly overclock it
explicidly XMP profile it
@Aibobot that's what I first assumed, but I've never actually dealt with this specific situation :P
also, the Asus spec sheet is just plain wrong and I want to !!trout whoever wrote it
I cannot get to the bios at all
if your DDR4 RAM is actually running at "2133 MHz" you should grab a fire extinguisher
@Daniele Is there a CMOS/NVRAM reset button anywhere?
I'm amused that that's one of the few things that went from a header to a button, and not the other way around
@Bob no there Is no reset button
and.... I have a trolley of printers to move falls over
and I need to go to other office to pick up gear. Including printers.
Doggy don't like printers no more
"hey I forgot my iPad pin"

"Okay, just connect it to the computer you used to to set it up and it'll let you unlock it."

"oh, i don't have itunes"
@Aibobot whatever pays the dog food :-)
@MichaelFrank it is 4871, and write it down this time. :-)
@Daniele Look for reset instructions in the manual. Button, header, pull battery, etc..
@MichaelFrank "I don't have iTunes" is a perfectly understandable response
@Bob do you want to be a guinea pig and install that new S7 firmware?
@Bob It is, and I'm finding that nothing in this office is quite set up correctly.
@MichaelFrank sounds about right
Problem is now I have to tell her we need to wipe her iPad.
@Psycogeek Oh thats a sexy cpu cooler you got there! Looks a bit like mine ;)
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere like every 210 & 212 used in the universe, they musta sold hundreds of thousands of them, once they were good enough, and $20
cool so a standoff is a little leg you screw the screw in but it raises the mobo like a cm or 1.5cm off the case?
a standoff is a standoff
I really think what made the 212 popular, and good was 1 extra teaspoon of water in it :-) the diff between no and go.
@Bob The first time I read that I thought you wrote benchmarks! haha
@Dog Nope! :P
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere your thinking of a mexican standoff, the 'merican ones are 3/16th inch
I really don't have the time for another 5-hour debug & reinstall routine if it fails.
@Bob client/server?
Maybe around Christmas, though.
@Aibobot ?
one moment
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere how on earth would anyone have thousands of benchmarks o.O
Amazon: Final reminder to pick up your items from the locker!
@Aibobot oh, bookmarks? yea, client/server, cloud... local would be fine too if you had ideas
Me: Third reminder YOUR LOCKER IS BROKEN.
I could do the whole export thing @Dog mentioned but there's no easy way to export only one folder in Firefox
and I don't really want to manually edit an HTML file with >7k bookmark entries o.O
@Dog Locker?
@Dog ?
@MichaelFrank deliver to collection point
FF comes with pocket no?
aka "parcel locker"
oh, PO Box.
@Dog sounds like time for a CrowBar
@MichaelFrank I was running in single channel mode instead of dual channel mode for the first three months because it felt like each colour pair is a channel so dual channel would be having the ram in two different colours, but in reality I was supposed to have them both in the same colour
@Aibobot yea. funny story there, actually... I use it to track gravatar photos, and previously to track SU questions. got some 30 pages in there now..
anyway, it doesn't really mesh with bookmarks, and doesn't do folders... so not a great option
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Yea, that's exactly what I was doing when I RMAd the RAM. It was causing epic failures though.
@MichaelFrank not quite... well, depends. here PO Box is specifically at the post office and cannot be used by external services. then again auspost also does something similar with parcel lockers...
PO box is usually permanently rented
parcel locker is allocated temporarily when you receive something
Oh, we have one of these nearby actually. I get it now.
@Bob I'll get back to you when I get home. I am brainfarting over what its called
I think amazon has their own pickup/parcel locker contracts with a few local shops
@Aibobot lol. thanks
I didn't notice I was in single channel mode until I looked at cpu z from boredom one day
or maybe I was helping someone out and had to explain what part of cpu z meant, dont remember
come on there's no way a Z170 board has no reset button :o
my board has a Power Button right on top of it, a OC button, an Eco button. hmm
@Bob wallabag
Im sure the reset button is there let me check
Does anyone know if Airwatch can manage forgotten PIN codes?
so much crap on the case right now
@Aibobot deja vu... I swear we've had this exact conversation before :P
@MichaelFrank does anyone here use anything Apple, apart from @allquicatic? :P
its more of a pocket alternative tho
buuuut, it feels like a fun one day project if you're a cody sort
@Bob I don't wanna go to apple.se though :(
@Aibobot ah, looks like it's a page archiving thingo too
@Bob marginally
nice that it's self-hosted though
I came across it trying to find an alternative to err....
yeah the cmos reset button is right nxt to the power button it's just not as fancy
not nice that it's PHP
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere that sounds dangerous
could you believe I forgot what the other thing is called too?
I don't like CMOS reset buttons at all
it's something you should do maybe twice in the lifetime of the machine, at most... that's where jumpers are good
the power button on the motherboard, not an external power button in my case
oh, also MR's whole business model is to go cheap, and decent
they're planning a 60 dollar unlimited data plan
@Aibobot ...and the one I linked isn't? :P
@Bob on mobile
they already do one of the cheaper unlimited gigabit plans
Bob why is the combined virtual size greater than my PC's RAM capacity?
they only offer 3 plans IIRC. gigabit, low latency gigabit, and dual connection dual gigabit
if my pagefile is 0 bytes
@Bob It looks like Airwatch can wipe a passcode. Guess this is a case for enrolling all the iDevices... hmm.
WHY IS YOUR PAGEFILE 0 BYTES? No scooby snack for you
@MichaelFrank eww Airwatch
seriously,let windows manage it
and why is it called commit charge, what is the charge part of the phrase for
I won't allow windows to manage it or my updates for that matter
@Aibobot I don't choose the MDM
@MichaelFrank we use it on duty phones
it leaves GPS on all the time. Which is bad since we work in a basement
MASSIVE battery drain
I'm sure that's a policy thing though
@Aibobot because he has no idea how virtual memory works and thinks removing the page file is supposed to speed things up
when it does literally the exact opposite
or maybe it was some misguided attempt to 'protect' an SSD from the absolutely negligible writes
noo I didn't start this conversation to discuss the page file :(
yay cargo cult computing
not true because I have an HDD online
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere because. shared memory.
but I giggled at the attention I received
virtual != private
it is called commit charge, because the Microsoft idiot that invented it should be comitted, but instead he charged them for it.
From what I just read in a SO answer. So like the program is like alright I might use up to this much memory.. "states virtual size". I need this much of the memory available right now "private bytes" I'm really using this amount of my private bytes right now "working set" ?
Then everyone Abused, it forever and on and on, and so it will forever be that way.
@Aibobot I really would like to figure out who started this stupid "remove your page file" idea. If only so I can trout them. With a whale.
Okay I'll tell you why I removed my page file
@Psycogeek except Microsoft did not invent the concept of virtual memory, and is certainly not the only OS to use it.
What about whoever decided it was a good idea to write all your open FF tabs to the recovery file every 150 seconds?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere that sounds completely wrong, btw
virtual is private + shared
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere case you'd rather trust random internet people ragther than the people who WROTE THE OS?
even taking into account that your pagefile is small compared to even the puniest modern SSDs?
@Aibobot It's also fun to note that Linux has exactly the same problem if you don't have swap and disable overcommit.
If you don't have swap and leave overcommit enabled, you can avoid this problem... at the cost of programs getting randomly killed.
@Bob I wish linux had variable swap files... ;p
So in a computer, we have the CPU , CPU Cache (insanely fast), RAM (pretty fast!) , HDD (super slow :( ). Alright I just upgraded from 4GB to 16GB. The most commit charge I ever had on 4GB was like 6GB. You know what, I have such plentiful RAM, I can remove the slow page file on disk cache. Now all the pages can be in RAM even if they aren't currently in use, it's all good. I'm sure there's a tiny speed boost since nothing need be paged from the page file
@Bob i think once i figured, there was nothing wrong with it being "virtual" that allocations are not FIxed , but there was something wrong with extending it outside of the ram spaces, Instead of people being more carefull and optomised with thier use of it, AND applying thier own paging if thier progam is the type that needs so much ram, that it would run from fake ram.
@MichaelFrank it should be more often right?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere This is like leaving your toilet bowl in your car boot cause you just bought a bigger car.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere ...no, there's a massive speed loss because now frequently-accessed files must be fetched from disk every time because you no longer have any space for the disk space in RAM
I dont know what shared memory is :(
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Ok, perhaps I should start from the beginning.
@Aibobot I don't quite understand your analogy
Before a program can use memory, it must request an allocation from the OS.
That's with VirtualAlloc in Windows, usually abstracted via malloc etc
Now we STILL have out of memory errors , and insanely complex memory messes, and continual leaking and failures, BUT we have all the Fake ram anyone could ever want.
"Hey, can I have 10kB of memory?"
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Do you really need a backup of every tab you have open saved less than every three minutes?
The OS responds "Sure, you can use bytes 50 to 50+10kB, they're yours now."
That memory is now committed.
It belongs to the process.
The process can use this memory whenever it wants.
yes I do because when I exit ff I exit forcibly so I can re-open my tabs after cause I forgot where the option for starting up with your last tabs is
However, the process might not have actually written any data to this memory yet.
Windows assumes the process will use it, and will therefore reserve that amount of memory out of its total virtual memory pool.
so that's the program's private bytes so far?
Oh lord, now the user with a disabled ipad and without itunes is trying to install itunes on their own
A lot of the time, this committed memory goes completely unused.
The program might request 50 MB, but only use 25 MB of it.
(More practically, that's actually because malloc allocates a large chunk of contiguous memory because lots of small allocations is actually slower. Then it can chop up those chunks to use.)
But Windows doesn't care how much is used. Only how much has been allocated.
Say Firefox commits 1.5 GB. Windows will now have to reserve 1.5 GB of its total virtual memory for Firefox. Firefox might only ever use 1.0 GB. That's 500 MB reserved but never used.
@Bob which does not explain why MS themselves has said more than once that people should use the "Dynamic" allocations instead of Pigging out an allocation, because your program leaks like a seive :-) but not being a programmer , i still blame Microsoft for starting it .
Virtual memory in Windows is the sum of physical memory plus page file.
When you have no page file...
Ok, you have 16 GB of physical RAM.
what's the limit of virtual memory in windows? some absurd value like 2^64?
Say Firefox reserves 1.5 GB of virtual memory by committing.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere I'll get to your questions in a sec, want to finish writing this first.
Because Windows has no page file, that's directly 1.5 GB of physical memory reserved.
If 1.0 GB is used, that's 500 MB of your physical RAM locked up. It cannot be reserved by any other process.
There's a saying here: "unused RAM is wasted RAM"
Because physical memory that's not used by a process can be used by Windows to cache frequently-accessed files so you don't have to waste time on slow disk access.
I guess that saying is misleading. because it makes me want to put the page file into RAM
(That's why "free" memory should be nearly zero while "available" memory should be high - "available" is mostly disk cache that can be discarded and used for process memory very quickly.)
Now, consider the other situation, where you have a page file.
Say you have 16 GB of RAM and 16 GB of page file.
Firefox commits 1.5 GB. Firefox uses 1.0 GB.
dont forget , then they added One More process, to compress the endless abuse of pigging out on an allocation.
Now Windows can put 1.0 GB (used) into RAM, but reserve the completely unused 500 MB in the page file.
This unused memory is reserved, but not accessed. There's no delay from the page file, because it's never actually written to or read from. It's just Windows knowing it has this extra space, just in case a program actually decides to use all it allocates.
oh I can't find "free" in procexp, I only see it in task manager
what's the process psyco?
It's the idea that in the absolute worst case of processes trying to use all virtual memory it's better to lag from paging than to randomly kill processes.
That is why a page file should still be used.
In the past, yes, a page file was used to compensate for lack of physical RAM, and heavy paging (and lag) was common.
These days, it's used as extra commit space, and not relied on as a memory replacement.
now I can teach people on why not disabling the page file won't really affect performance too bad
Now, there is a bit of an additional case where Windows can decide that a program you have not accessed for a very long time (minimised, etc.) is taking up RAM that can be better used for disk cache, and will page it out. That can cause a second or two delay when you next use the program. The tradeoff is that everything else you're actively using will speed up because you have more disk cache now.
This is the slightly more questionable part that some people aren't happy with.
Some people prefer that all used process memory is prioritised above all disk cache.
imagine how much faster it would be to "run out of memory" if all this trash wasnt there. we got 25Gig memory speeds, and the OS handling and extensive managment and complexity of it probably brings the reality of that down to 2 . . . K :-)
And that's the somewhat arguable part.
But that's all very minor - the important part is that you don't lock out large chunks of your actual physical RAM to committed-but-not-used memory.
That wins above all other arguments.
so why is the system commit 15.6GB, and the physical memory 15.4 GB, and the virtual size even larger that system commit?
unless I missed it sorry
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Private bytes are those allocated from virtual memory that are not shared with other processes. Shared bytes are shared (e.g. shared libraries). Working set is the bytes actually in physical RAM. Private working set is the private bytes in RAM.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere RAMMap should tell you how much of your memory is private, how much is shared, and probably how much is wasted too.

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