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That fucking Arcserve support...
@JourneymanGeek I was wondering why my Dell monitor was failing half the tests
Note to self: set Windows display scaling to 100% before testing monitor
After failing again to solve any of the open tickets, they now sent another package of hotpatched .jar files to replace on the system and asked me to turn the logging up to "insane gold plus" level
Gamma of P2715Q approx 2.2, great
Gamma of CB280HK approx 1.9, ow
@OliverSalzburg That's dev code for "I have NFI what's going on so I'm gonna throw everything at it and see what sticks."
I've had to do that before
I told them to go f themselves
Working on this problem has literally already cost thousands of Euros
Those Euros were transferred to our bank account, as it was our work time, but still :P
So angry right now!
eww, some funky "6-axis colour adjustment" option
Oooh, it might be the TN vs IPS, ut very obvious banding on the TN one. @JourneymanGeek, check your Crossover? lagom.nl/lcd-test/gradient.php
Lol when I get home.
@JourneymanGeek P2715Q is RGB subpixels. CB280HK is BGR subpixels...
@OliverSalzburg suggest customer moves to use rsync, call it a day?
@djsmiley2k Great idea. After we've already moved to Arcserve from the previous solution :P
@Bob try viewing angles.
@OliverSalzburg D:
@JourneymanGeek Yea, viewing angles are shit, as expected of TN
should of used rsync first :D
Normally I don't even notice all this
You've spoiled me with the P2715Q recommendation :P
@Bob That's very.... green?
@djsmiley2k The one on the right is 'correct'
@djsmiley2k Doesn't sound like a practical solution to back up a Hyper-V based environment
And that's mirrored.
Therefore the one on the left is stuffed.
Also it's "should have" :P
@Bob wow :O
@OliverSalzburg ah, yus
hmmmmmmmm Sounds like you've taken up work at my old place.
@Bob there's a reason I called it one of the best reasonably priced monitors
@JourneymanGeek Oh it comes with an ICC colour profile Windows can detect too... I never noticed that :P
So there's probably not much point trying to calibrate the P2715Q by eye
o_O wife saw a huge fox running down the road... fine
at 9:43am in daylight
I calibrated my secondary by eye so it was better
!!tell 33156962 foxyes
Cleartype defaults: 1, 2, 1, 2, 3
what does "lim kopi" mean?
the english seems really bad... is that normal for singapore?
Hah I want a bus uncle
It means to have a coffee.
Also it's exaggerated Singlish
@djsmiley2k you can have a bus uncle in the UK if you are willing to give up personal space and have a weird person follow you home
anyone got any ideas on this?
Q: Safari toggle scale image jerking

TommyKWhile working on a project in which it is required to zoom in on a really high res image (~6000px x 4000px) to discover highlighted parts in the image, I came across a Safari issue while scaling the image to a certain position (assigning top and left to specific values). The issue is that the s...

No Safari here
safari is the new IE :(
@Burgi both Safari and IE tbh
Edge is still doing some funny shit
but, less funny crap than Safari, and I can run it in a (free!) VM
IE is still IE for us. I have never heard anyone complaining about something not working on Safari, but I constantly get IE-based complaints
But the normal Safari user is also the kind of user that would use Apple Mail and can't really distinguish "working" from "not working"
Why do I have an E228WFP colour profile?
I use Chrome on my Mac, but you don't actually use anything but Safari (at least, its specific version of WebKit and JS) on an iPhone regardless of which "browser" you install. Still, after a year and a month of using Safari frequently on my iPhone with iOS 9 and 10, I've never had any issues.
I guess I don't visit Web 1.0 line of business sites based on SAP or Oracle Portlets or whatever other broken shit you guys have to maintain that's coded to be compatible with Netscape Navigator
because stuff like Google AMP pages render beautifully on iOS Safari
@allquicatic Congrats. All well and good for you as a user.
To be fair, other browsers (namely, Chrome) have had their share of issues. Including that scrollbar bug that's still open.
We did have a 'fun' bug with Safari on iPad with a random hovering misplaced cursor...
@Bob All I'm trying to say is, the web has always been a standards clusterfuck, and likely always will be, in terms of what feature-sets and behaviors actively-used browsers have and espouse. Even fairly standards-compliant browsers may simply not have caught up to the latest features for whatever reason because different browsers advance at different rates.
These pages render beautifully because some poor webdev somewhere has had to add special cases to fix the quirks for you -_-
@allquicatic I'm not talking new features - of course new features will have widely varying levels of support.
However, top of the line user experiences with great performance and zero rendering issues exist, for very complex and well laid-out webpages, that work ideally across all major desktop and mobile browsers. So there must be a way to code your pages that will work.
only with shims and special cases
@Bob Welcome to coding for the web. I've never heard of a single time in the history of the WWW where that wasn't true.
I'm talking about quirks in old, 'stable', features. I'm talking about bugs. I'm talking about regressions in new versions.
Like that SVG rendering bug that sent Firefox either crashing or OOMing or hanging on that one FOSS image website that I discovered a few years ago?
@allquicatic Most of the time, you can test and debug without spending thousands on new hardware.
That is my biggest gripe. And how shitty the devtools are.
They beat IE10 devtools, and that's about all.
I've accepted that quirks will exist, as much as I complain about it.
But "if you want to support our platform, you have to pay us!" -- Apple
That pisses me off.
!! s/support/test/
@allquicatic But "if you want to test our platform, you have to pay us!" -- Apple (source)
You can still support it as a webdev by basing your website as much as possible on well-tested frameworks like Angular which have already had 99.999% of the bugs worked out (and all the quirks added) so they work on all modern browsers on all platforms
Can't even pull the "Apple doesn't sell software like Microsoft does" here, considering Microsoft gives away VMs and licences for free.
@allquicatic There's no way any large company can rely on that. We use what should be a large, well-tested framework - and we still run into many bugs, often browser-specific.
And then there's the regressions in new browser releases.
Those are the worst.
Granted, they've mostly happened in Chrome so far, but that's far from a guarantee that Safari is immune.
@allquicatic The only way you can get way with that is by having very simple pages.
Which does work for the majority of websites, yes.
It does not work for more complex webapps.
@JourneymanGeek looks like it's a thing for Dell to include ICC profiles... my old secondary monitor, a Del E228WFP, installed one at some point o.O
@Bob Apparently, somehow, BrowseEmAll now supports mobile browsers right in the app... I'm not sure how they do it. It could be through very careful testing of features and an attempt to emulate a Firefox or Chrome or WebKit instance to behave exactly like that mobile browser (kinda like how RegexBuddy emulates the .NET, Java, etc. regex engines)
I'm downloading now to see if my do-gooder license key still works
@allquicatic The rendering engines are so incredibly complex that there's no way you'd catch all quirks like that
Dan Herken gave me a free license for all the code and SU answers I've contributed :P
could be something like BrowserStack? idk
Oh, local.
@allquicatic the issue i linked occurs on all versions of safari
At least that'd avoid the lag that makes BrowserStack unbearable between 10am-5pm...
who's dan herken?
author of BrowseEmAll
the license is fairly expensive, but I got a free license key in 2013 for linking to my Launchpad.net, SU, and Github accounts and he said I "more than qualify" for it :P
we use browserstack
@Bob as for "If you want to test for our platform, you have to pay us!" -- if you're working for an enterprise, that really shouldn't be surprising to the enterprise, nor should it be unaffordable, even for an enterprise with poor financials.
@allquicatic I think my old workplace had a pair of old mac minis for OS X VMs
(and an old xserv, which was what we really used)
@allquicatic It's still the only major browser that does that.
You can get a current-gen mobile device with the latest iOS for $400. And the Mac Mini starts at $500. Both of those prices exclude sales, discounts later in the release cycle, etc. -- and these older devices will be supported and updated for years to come.
@Bob In theory up to a point you could have run that monstrocity that was safari on windows
$900 per developer if you want each webdev to have both mobile and desktop Apple platforms to test on.
@JourneymanGeek That stopped at 5, and I don't think it ever supported a remote debugging connection to iOS
wow. Dat unannounced reboot
careful, if you install BrowseEmAll it reboots your system without asking
that's... dumb
ooh, I just got Skyrim Special Edition
what's so special about it?
(automatically, free, on Steam - apparently cause I already had Legendary)
@allquicatic Updated graphics
oh, you mean mods? :D
/me wibbles
huh... BrowseEmAll started Chrome 52 in a window of a specific size for its "iPhone 7" test
I can't tell if it's properly emulating Safari behavior or not
@allquicatic Mods don't make the game 64-bit! :D
Apparently some other minor engine improvements mods can't match, but mods are better in other areas.
@Bob holy shit, they made Skyrim 64-bit?
for serious?
@allquicatic Apparently!
these amd server chips, zen, any good?
@Bob awesome! and no more crashes to desktop due to running out of virtual address space
I guess it makes sense, in the context of Skyrim coming to the Nintendo Switch -- I mean if they're going to revive such a great game and port it to all new platforms in 2016, why not go all-out and fix bugs, make it look better, and port it to the latest Windows platform?
@allquicatic Run Javascript: console.log(2 ** 2)
Wow, Oliver's suggestion has got three votes already!
If this gets 10 votes I'll kill myself run a process called myself and kill -9 it.
Exponentiation operator. Should work in Chrome 54 but not iOS 10: kangax.github.io/compat-table/es2016plus/#test-exponentiation_(**)_operato‌​r
@ThatBrazilianGuy what suggestion?
@Bob yeah but it's Chrome 52 :S
21 hours ago, by Oliver Salzburg
In which case your only option is to kill yourself
@allquicatic ...get Chrome 54 and try again :P
@Bob it's not the system Chrome
my installed Chrome is 54
@allquicatic Chrome 52 should also support **
Good morning for whoever was waken up at 8am by three of their neighbors complaining of power loss. o/
Alternatively, iOS 10 supports String.prototype.padStart but Chrome 52 only supports it behind a flag.
Shutup autocucumber. Neighbours is a perfectly valid spelling.
@Bob it works :(
2 ** 2
@allquicatic So... not really a faithful emulation.
String.prototype.padStart returns undefined
not calling it, just getting the value of it on the console
@Bob didn't they already do that with the original macbook air?
So... It's friday. I'm taking my ---gaming laptop--- shitty laptop with Steam on it to work.
Last (and only other) time I did that it was fun.
@Bob turns out the surface studio has a vaguely adjustable screen. Looks like it'll work as something like a wacom
@ThatBrazilianGuy 6:45am by my daughters foot in my back
@JourneymanGeek Vaguely adjustable?
I wake up at 6.30 to reach work
@ThatBrazilianGuy bad news for you: today is thursday
@Bob no vertical, odd amount of tilt
my work is about a 10 min drive
@Burgi Only for you (and everyone else in this room).
I got jealous of @Bob and moved even further on the timezones. We don't work tomorrow.
Your Brazilian, I doubt you work most days ;)
@djsmiley2k My wife's work is a 5min trip. On foot.
She wins
tho that means she can't use snow as an excuse to not get to work :D
@djsmiley2k to be fair carnivals take a lot of planning!
@djsmiley2k Dude, I'm a Brazilian government worker. I doubt I work at all. [/jk, I swear]
@ThatBrazilianGuy if only your president...
does the brazilian government have something like the NSA/GCHQ?
'Brazilian Uncle'
@Bob not very surprising; but a bit disappointing that that's all it does
@allquicatic Which Chrome's built-in emulation already does -_-
@djsmiley2k Whoever uses snow as an excuse to getting late in Rio deserves a prize.
all that for more than a $300 license? !!no
@ThatBrazilianGuy you mean you think chaos wouldn't break out?
I remember in a old old job,
well, old old old old job
It was one city over
@djsmiley2k If only for the huge crowd gathering to admire snow in awe.
2-3 trains each way, depending how early I'd get the train
I'm starting the Skyrim SE pre-load now... probably going to play it a lot over the coming weeks
@allquicatic I just confirmed that padStart should work on iOS 10 but not Chrome 54
then a 10-15min quick walk
The snow began
the first day about half the office made it in
2nd day around 1/3
i used bad weather as an excuse when i had a motorcycle
3rd day was me, the guy who lived 5 min away and the HR director
she came in, went 'wtf are you doing here, most people couldn't drive outta their streets!' and sent us home
@Bob well, to be fair, to actually run Safari on an emulated MacOS or iOS would be illegal for a third party software distribution like BrowseEmAll
the only way it'd be legal is on Apple hardware
It really wasn't that bad, but as the people who drove in every day were being big wusses, she didn't think it fair that me who'd traveled the longest happen to come in and be there
@allquicatic They could've emulated the same set of supported JS, but that's far too hard :P
@Bob yeah, plus they'd have had to implement features that Chrome lacks that Safari has, like padStart
and that feature set would change from version to version
@allquicatic We still gaming on the weekends?
@djsmiley2k My minion-of-sorts never misses work and sometimes he shows up unexpected. He lives on campus.
I never did finish my Skyrim run o.O
@Bob sure, depends on RP schedule though, if I have an event I have an event
@allquicatic k, I'll poke you on Allo/SMS around time then
and see if you're free
@allquicatic The harder part is the rendering engine. Hi, undocumented quirks!
woo, LTE peaking at 30 Mbps right now
Better yet, I don't think Apple makes Safari's bugtracker public (?!)
Heck, even IE/Edge has apublic bugtracker!
Skyrim SE preloading
> bugreport.apple.com is the canonical bug reporting mechanism. Once you have submitted an issue, it will be given a "radar" number and you will be treated to possibly the most archaic customer-facing bug reporting interfaces on the planet.
that about describes the last time I tried to report a bug
openradar has some, but I htink they're user-submitted
@Bob well the basic membership into their developer program is free now, so you should be able to get an Apple account and a free developer membership so you can go report bugs without spending money
@allquicatic It's more that I couldn't find any way to search for an existing report
bugreport.apple.com's UI looks like Mac OS X Tiger running in my browser
Basically, it's so bad that someone created a site specifically for people to add their bug reports to, to make a searchable database
which only includes a tiny fraction of actual reports
I find Google's Monorail annoying, but at least it's public
Bugzilla is also a bit of a mess, though probably the most flexible
Microsoft Connect is... I've never actually tried to report a bug there actually. It's also not great, and they occasionally remove products (and associated bugs) from it, which sucks. Still marginally better than Apple's completely closed process.
> 2010
that looks an awful lot like a Jet Black iPhone 7 o_O
except for the headphone jack
“root” with the password “welc0me” (o = zero in welcome).
WD Cloud MyNas devices
wonder if they findable on the net...
long live the Woz!!!!
Oliver, what the crap is going on in that thread?
anyone wanna try and connect to the FTP with the root creds?
oi @Burgi you're into fun things, go crazy
site works locally, site works on staging...
put it live and EVERYTHING breaks
love it when staging doesn't match live.
then some dev goes 'oh yeah I changed that in live because....'
then they are fired outta a cannon for not testing changes in dev
i want to bin this site and start again
!! Caaaaat
seriously, this site is terrible
25 active plugins
40+ installed
the template is all over the place with content hard coded
then some features are in the database instead of being written into code
then to top it all off the freelancer that wrote it originally walked out halfway through so my company farmed it out to some dodgy indian coding house who inserted all their weird machine generated code into it
@Burgi Clearly he's moved to NZ or Fiji or somewhere
what are those islands that fall on the international dateline?
@ThatBrazilianGuy What? You don't have snow (Cocaine; heroin; amphetamine) in BR? :)
i didn't know that was the street name for those drugs...
@Burgi lol. You need to buy an A-Z ;p
@Burgi wasn't there that little street famous for drugs? Was between my way to UWE and bristol city centre
i have no idea
> Major Issue: Connectivity issue
We are currently investigating an issue which may be affecting multiple customers. An update will be posted within 15 minutes or when more information is available.
great all i need
@JourneymanGeek That was the car park at @Burgi's office ;p
@Boris_yo just for the record - aibobot is my secondary account. I use it on my work PC cause I don't actually trust the PC - I've taken into account SE rules (I don't really use it to vote, and rarely answer questions on it) and there's no malice in me using it. The alternative is really not really being able to look in on chat during downtime.
Its not against the rules, and pretty much no one would worry about me misusing it when its clear its me
@Burgi prtty sure i alk to you nightly on PSN and you just rage at me about how bad things are
surely there isn't 2 people in teh world with things this bad!
Hooooow weird
just knowing I can ssh into my server, has given me a weird sense of accomplishment at work
I'm not actually using it for anything right now, but knowing I can if I need to, makes me happy inside.
(and there's risk of account compromise—mod accounts require extra extra security)
@bwDraco meh, that computer's garbage
If I could get it reimaged, I'd be cool
Yeah, I've seen bad IT in quite a few places.
this thing's passed through multiple users, and there's something about it that feels dodgy
I want 2 factor auth then
tho i do have that on my google account, I think there's also a seperate but connected se account login somewhere...
@JourneymanGeek Why so o_O
it's the extra ssl certs you want to be mindful of.
@djsmiley2k amongst other things, copies of winvnc in randomly named folders
@JourneymanGeek that just sounds like someone had vnc and shouldn't have
but yah
I hide in plain sight
and meh, outside the occational person asking why...
no one notices the extra copy of putty on my desktop.
You know its me, You typically can ping either account and get an answer
I would rather not risk a compromise of the main account in situations like this.
I wouldn't do it if the machine is suspect.
and well
I do have a spare account
@djsmiley2k I wanted to allocate another laptop PC of mine specifically to access bank account and other information sensitive accounts when I travel but if I can subscribe to VPN services like VyprVPN, why would I make it complicated?
@bwDraco Do you know if surge protector for laptop exists?
@DavidPostill (1) very very much yes; (2) probably, but I suspect not quite a hit as the US media portraits it in the US; and (3) I think not
I don't see it on Amazon.
Amazon is so big they named a forest after them.
I need to protect my laptop when traveling and at home when there are storms.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Good one but wasn't it the other way around?
@Boris_yo Different laptop doesn't mean network separation. VPN subscription doesn't mean it's safe from local threats.
I only access my bank accounts from either a non-persistent Linux VM or a non-persistent Linux USB
@ThatBrazilianGuy Like thievery?
I referred to my laptop. I won't use public computer.
Not because I don't trust potential malware to interact with my bank info, but because I don't fucking trust the mandatory malware """""security suite"""" installed by the banks.
For instance: in WindowsXP (still a significative user base in 2015) it installs a new network adapter and redirects all traffic thru it.
I repeat: it installs a new network adapter and redirects all traffic thru it.
(The "redirect" part is me inferring, but what other cause would be for the internet being down once I removed this extra network adapter that shows up and coincidentally is named the same as the malw...oops, security suite?)
Banks install security suites? That's new to me.
@Boris_yo Brazilian banks do, at least the 2 I use do and I suspect more do the same
It's all variations of the same suite by Diebold / warsaw.
I am aware of virtual network adapter. Some VPNs make it a requirement.
Diebold was an American financial self-service, security and services corporation. A part of Diebold Nixdorf since August 2016, the entity is internationally engaged primarily in the sale, manufacture, installation and service of self-service transaction systems (such as ATMs), electronic and physical security products (including vaults and currency processing systems), software and related services for global financial and commercial markets. Founded in 1859 in Cincinnati, Ohio as the Diebold Bahmann Safe Company, after becoming incorporated in Ohio in 1876 the company changed its name to Diebold...
@ThatBrazilianGuy: Probably a government regulation. Can you point to any relevant statutes?
@JourneymanGeek Ditto
These names give me PTSD. No, wait, it's just pure vile hatred.
@ThatBrazilianGuy mine just uses a OTP generator
Me, I do it in private browsing.
but here's the funny thing.
The thing I'd rather not have on my office PC isn't my SE account
@bwDraco I could, but between profesional fullfillment, winning the lottery, getting a terminal disease and being impaled, browsing legal government documents is quite low on my list.
Its my google account since many things are linked to it
and that's secure
@JourneymanGeek Oh my, a sane and relatively non-cumbersome security requirement by a bank!
See, banks of Brazil! Why not be like that?
But nooooooooooo, let's "authenticate your computer". I USE A VM FOR FUCKS SAKE. YOU FORCE ME TO DO IT.
I believe that or sms OTPs are mandatory
They also force you to use either SMS of phone apps.
Physical tokens have been phased out.
What if I don't have a phone?
Paypal takes the cake on that: "looks like you've never used this PC before. we're calling your home number to verify"
That's a potential situation because I'm too broke to travel but it infuriates me the same.
@Boris_yo openvpn is making things simplier for me
and using someone elses vpn != running your own
I encrypted my own, with keys only I know. Who encrypted yours?
@Boris_yo 24/7 or just while the storm rages? A large battery and unplug the charger is best bet. A surge protector won't stop a direct hit from a lightning strike.
Also, carry cash.

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