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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

ahh. At work. Only slightly late, but nothing gets done in the first hour anyway....
Ok, how dumb does this sound. Our office systems use AD and store files locally. I need to create an account on a system for a user on a domain, without the user's password. I presume I'd have domain admin, and I don't actually need to log into that account - just prepopulate it and copy some files as local admin into it
I might make it an SF question
You can use PowerShell!
There's a script somewhere that lets you enable SeTcbPrivilege (I wrote an answer on this I think) and then you can impersonate people with the WindowsIdentity class
If the user profile needs to exist, there's some Windows API function that does that; I'm pretty sure it starts with Net
ahh, its doable then
I'll go ask a SF question when I'm free then ping you if you want to answer
tho that assumes I'm allowed to do that here
@Aibobot AFAIK technically you only ever create a local profile - the account still only exists on AD (with local cached but nonauthoritative copies)
Where "account" means info like user name, description, mail address, password, etc..
Q: Is it possible to preload a user profile from a domain on a workstation that will be disconnected from the DC?

qrobertsI have a few laptops here that need to have some users profiles preloaded onto them before sending them out in the field so that they can log into them without needing to be connected to the domain controller. I have done some research on Spiceworks and some Google'ing with no luck. Is there a ...

@BenN LoadUserProfile actually, but NetUserGetInfo to check for a roaming profile first. stackoverflow.com/questions/5521431/… But that was a good guess :P
Hm, might need to fetch a SID from AD o.O reddit.com/r/PowerShell/comments/10mdx0/…
@BenN Does impersonation create the user profile? For some reason I get the feeling it only changes your access token.
@Bob kinda the reverse of what I want to do ;p
I do have AD access. I want to preload the userprofile from it, but not log in ;p
But yeah, I'll just ask on SF
@JourneymanGeek (this needs mod action): Can you delete this and this? Turns out this is confidential.
(it's the date information that's the issue)
(sorry if I'm interrupting work you're doing)
I don't have access to a PC. Flag it
Flagged for mod attention.
Confidentiality is one of those things I can't seem to get right.
Jun 2 '15 at 19:05, by Mokubai
You know about social engineering attacks. Get the right person to leak enough seemingly minor details and you can gather a rather worrying amount of information about most places.
These days, I try to take a pragmatic approach ("how might an adversary benefit from this information or use it against me?") in additional to recognizing specific classes of information as confidential but I'm not sure if it's enough.
@Bob No, it doesn't; I was trying to avoid that unless JMG needs the profile created in advance (which is what the other function is for)
@Aibobot How is it the opposite?
"Is there a way to initialize these accounts on the laptops so that when they go out in the field they are able to login? I do not want to ask all the users to log into each laptop once as that is an inconvenience. "
That's exactly what you were asking for.
He also has AD access at the time of "preloading".
The profile is the "user folder" you want to copy your local files onto.
He specifically wants to avoid logging in (or asking the user to do so)
Sounds exactly like what you're asking here.
TBF it's actually asking for a bit extra, namely the cached credentials bit, but the answers address the profile part you're after anyway.
@allquicatic On Mac font rendering, this is interesting: github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues/… -- might explain the font differences you've noticed? *shrug*
Yeah. Aibobot is clearly inferior :p
Now the whole issue of testing and seeing who the hell is actually in charge....
1 hour later…
@Bob I think it's just because I've never calibrated fonts to my display on Windows, but it comes pre-calibrated on Mac
@allquicatic I usually don't need to calibrate. Unless it's one of the funky displays with a weird pixel layout.
Though personal preference does matter.
@allquicatic Actually, now I'm curious - any chance you can grab a photo sometime of Windows rendering text?
A lot of the poorly-antialiased text issues are pretty distinct and easy to spot.
But the different ways they use type hinting, mixed with web fonts becoming more common, could make a difference. If what that guy said is right. And that would be somewhat distinct from typical aliasing.
TIL there's an apt binary too now
@Bob when I get a chance
Q: How many bits in the Apple Logo?

JohnyNichSorry in advance if this is a bit easy or if it breaks any rules, but it's the best I can think of. The Question: If there are 16 bits in a picture of an apple, how many bits in the Apple Logo?

@allquicatic cool, thanks. I just wanted to compare :P
I don't think I've actually done much with a retina mac in person
the one I use for safari testing is older, I think
and fonts there aren't really much different from my main win7/firefox/dell-ultrasharp-ips machine
2 hours later…
Hmmmm on the IRC channels i hang out in, one of hte gentoo channels has a lot of people moaning about fonts, it's smoething that comes up every 3 months or so, but when they sent photos, I can't see what's wrong :/
cake spam!
The cake is a lie....
@JourneymanGeek is there a post age limit after which it can't be flagged as low quality?
I have no idea @Burgi
i wish i could trade my flags
i've got 82 and i'll only use about 20 of them
@Burgi "2016-06-21: VLQ flag is no longer available on posts older than 7 days. This does not impact low-quality auto-flagging."
A: Unable to flag as 'very-low-quality' (for answers)

Shog9bluefeet's been doing a bit of analysis and soul-searching with regard to the Very Low Quality flag lately: When flagging questions as VLQ, we're inadvertently sending too much noise to the moderators to handle. ... Problem 1: Currently, when a question is older than 7 days and it recei...

Q: Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange

devinbThis is an unofficial list of new features and various changes to Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. It is maintained by the community, but a Stack Exchange developer changes the Accepted Answer to ensure that the latest changes remain on top (given default user settings). To see th...

Q: What would have happened if Neo had taken the red pill and blue pill at the same time?

nine9What would have happened, within the canon of The Matrix, if Neo had taken both the blue pill and the red pill at the same time? Let's assume Morpheus wasn't quick enough to stop him.

this is amazing: lnkd.in/dXzKME3
2 hours later…
All the spams
Eh. I need to nuke those oneboxen when I get home
oh err sry
I could flag em?
and how do I link without 1boxing?
put a dot after the link
with a space?
link .
Ah, also thanks for nuking
easiest part
Oh there's one more involving cake. Also need to nuke the users. Nuke em all!
nooo dont nuke the cats
@arda I'm still playing non-stop D:
tho with a big break so I'm only level 25
@Bob Oh
I dont understand
anyone used pipelines in bitbucket yet?
@Bob I want one!
we have to endure africa by toto about 6 times a day
I love that song
You in a shop now @Burgi?
I've never actually experienced an office with music playing
too much 'this music sucks change it!' happens
but we lost the war of the radio
Also, licencing for public performance
@Burgi your...
we have bought (at great expense) two sonos speakers because "the music on the radio is crap"
so now the same 12 songs are played to death
as opposed to a random old computer, some speakers from the store room...
and they are all shit
or plugging someones ipod into the aux port of the radio
@Burgi heh. kotaku.com/…
the music or the speakers?
the music
for some reason I hear Taylor Swift a lot at work
apparently there is a 3 hour beyonce medeley on the playlist
we aren't allowed to add to the playlist or control the volume
who sets the playlist then?
@Burgi Go to HR and invoke the Health and Safety Act :)
And what blackmail material can you dig up?
@Burgi what country are you located in?
the greatest nation on earth
@JourneymanGeek the very girly account management team
@Burgi DPRK?
@Burgi so the solution is to sing along
So, where?
In your most inappropriately camp voice
i'm in the UK @djsmiley2k
Seriously tho, if you're in the EU it's likely illegal and not licenced.
Then it's DEFINATELY illegal, and most likely not licenced.
its on spotify
The Sun set on the british empire quite a while back ;p
it's 'public proformance'
@JourneymanGeek not yet it hasn't
Ah, but only now the pound is sinking.
Oh it will. Soon
(as a reference to marmiteGate)
Down beteen 15% and 20% compared to US $ and EUR since the brexit vote.
marmite gate is all about tesco finding out they aren't as powerful as they used to be.
@Burgi Wait, what. The swamp?
> April of 2432
we are going to hack the sonos this afternoon and add in 100 hours of death metal
fill that in, print it out, hand it to Financial director
and walk away
'You’ll probably need a PRS for Music licence if you play recorded music in public, eg a radio, CD or music channel on your business premises'
'You need to be licensed even if customers don’t generally visit your premises (employees count as members of the public for these purposes).'
@Burgi hehehehe
I'd personally rather switch it to wierd foreign rock...
but up to yer ;p
if you can make it go 'wrong' in a funny but awful way
that's the best way of getting it turned off
rather than '@burgi did something to it!'
so, Random porn sounds?
@JourneymanGeek I don't see the difference
if it's playing pop
there's good pop
and good metal
@JourneymanGeek heh. I like a lot of pop, but others... "random porn sounds" describe those pretty well
@JourneymanGeek exactly
Now I'm trying to remember if anything I have heard sounds like random porn sounds
tho I know one of the muse music videos...
@JourneymanGeek muse? O_O
I... don't remember that
@JourneymanGeek some have literal clips of suspicious moaning
"Knights of Cydonia" is a song by English alternative rock band Muse and is the closing track on their 2006 album Black Holes and Revelations. The song's title comes in part from the region of Mars named Cydonia, famous for the "face on Mars". Cydonia or Kydonia is an ancient part of Chania on the Greek island of Crete. == History == The radio edit version was first aired on KROQ-FM radio on 6 June 2006, and released to other radio stations in the United States on 12 June 2006. The song was released as the third single from Black Holes & Revelations in the UK on 27 November 2006, debuting at No...
What was that song called
i might see if sonos have an API and write something to randomly change the song and volume
you'd need a password tho?
21 mins ago, by Burgi
@JourneymanGeek the very girly account management team
I can't imagine the passwords are particularly good.
Though my route is at least legal
This came to my attention
This folks. Is the. ABSOLUTE GREATEST mod nomination on the history of stackexchange, IMO
> If you're elected, will you promise to write all your mod messages in verse too?
you've got to up your game @JourneymanGeek ;)
@Burgi Actually my nomination is probably the worst in the history of the network, for someone who won
It went something like "I'm on vacation, but yes I'm standing"
@JourneymanGeek deja vu
@JourneymanGeek Rory is nominating O_O
2 hours later…
My nomination for Arqade was so good, someone drew a picture of it
<<--- see
I put on it something like 'I play games, I'll make things great... I guess?'
@djsmiley2k can we call you..... tim...?
yas that is me
i wish the UK had the honorific(sp?) "Engineer" like they do in germany
@Burgi You could legally change your name to ENGINEER BURGI THE ENGINEER THE FIRST!!!!
the problem is that shortens to "arsehole" quite easily
I want to get this game partially for the sound track
It seems the king of thailand is dead
i didn't know they had a king
They don't
Not any more, no
Sorry, too soon ¬_¬
They might get one again soonish
Thailand is a kingdom, kind of hard without any royality...
i thought it was a military dictatorship
didn't they have a coup a couple of years ago?
On 22 May 2014, the Royal Thai Armed Forces, led by General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Commander of the Royal Thai Army (RTA), launched a coup d'état, the 12th since the country's first coup in 1932, against the caretaker government of Thailand, following six months of political crisis. The military established a junta called the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to govern the nation. After dissolving the government and the Senate, the NCPO vested executive and legislative powers in its leader and ordered the judicial branch to operate under its directives. In addition, it partially repealed...
is the military just going to dissolve the monarchy?
hmmm maybe?
I don't really understand politics
the militatry claims its legitimacy from the monarchy
essentially en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra this guy won an election, he got diposed. Then his sister won an election...
he's vaguely non monarchist
and certainly not part of the establishment
this form we got a freelancer to build is not as robust as he claimed it was
@Burgi what else is new?
@Bob i've recently discovered the sky is blue
bob dylan has won the nobel prize for literature
Strangely, I have been using multiple downloaders for this video (youtube.com/watch?v=KDcMLI4o1-E) but none of them work, they all give me a non-usable mp4 file, yet the video can easily be viewed online!
Does anybody have any idea why?
I've tried using bookmarklets, extensions, software, online apps, yet they all don't work.
do you own the copyright on the video?
@Turbo did you try using youtube-dl?
@allquicatic Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it out
I mean, it's basically the best youtube downloader that exists, so I don't know why you'd even consider or think of using anything else
if it doesn't work then maybe there's something borked about the video file
any WSL users getting random AptPackgingIndexUpdate windows pop up? is it some kind of cron job?
new rogue one trailer is out
@Turbo Video DownloadHelper works for me with your link.
@DavidPostill that thingo's shady and I'm really not sure I trust it
it fails my slightly more paranoid than typical sniff test
maybe because I don't have a nose... Wawawawawawao.
@allquicatic Hmmph. I've used it for a couple of years or so. Never had any problems. Here is the official FF add-on page addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper
@DavidPostill I used it a lot too
but yeah it looks and feels shady
oh good, then it wasn't just me
@allquicatic @arda Now I'm curious. I'm normally pretty paranoid. What exactly triggers your distrust?
Mostly instincts
I can't find any bad reviews.
Video DownloadHelper is an extension for the Firefox web browser. It allows the user to download videos from sites that stream videos through HTTP, such as YouTube. The extension was developed by Michel Gutierrez. == History == Since version 4.9, Video DownloadHelper has introduced an additional video capture method through direct grabbing on the screen. This feature relies on CamStudio when running on the Windows platform and on RecordMyDesktop when on Linux, Video DownloadHelper providing a one-click capture start capability, without the need to manually specify the region of the screen to be...
The icon is weird, the name is weird, the design is weird
the homepage is weird and lacks any info about the developer
and has a sleazy J-Lo pic and a movie being downloaded
yeah also those
"Today’s post comes from Michel Gutierrez (mig), the developer of Video DownloadHelper, among other add-ons. He shares his story about the process of modernizing his XUL add-on to make it compatible with multiprocess Firefox (e10s)."
good find
I guess he really is pretty much just a developer, not an artist/marketing guy so he doesn't care to make his project look more than amateurish
Connection issues in Latin America, parts of North America and some other countries due to a hardware issue; engineers are on it. Hang on!
Yay, centralization! \o/
Repeat, citizens. Centralization is good. Decentralization is bad.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'd like to centralise $INCUMBENT_UK_TELCO$ then nuke the site from orbit.
@Mokubai you better be in orbit, depending on the yield... a single nuke could obliterate England
yesterday, by Hennes
I hope it is not wrong to have practical hydrogen bombs bookmarked.
Ohai NSA!
@allquicatic Mmmmmm, mushroom clouds... tasty
Missing cat. Has anyone here eaten a cat recently that may not have been yours?
If you did that could you please return it?
@qasdfdsaq no, the cat just struck out on its own
@allquicatic There are alternate theories about the cat's whereabouts
!!tell 32900717 no
@qasdfdsaq You should rename yourself to Ms. Independent and set your gravatar to a cropped version of that cat walking on the snow :D
since you don't have a home yet
@allquicatic You're spreading misinformation on purpose! What are you trying to hide?
Did you ate the cat?!?!?!?!
@ThatBrazilianGuy no
I fed the cat
(he was complaining that second dinner hadn't happened)
@Mokubai to whom?
@ThatBrazilianGuy to the grue
You fed it to a crane?
OMG you fed the cat to a bird
poor, poor cat
only a few twigs are left of it.
@allquicatic Hmm
I'm an independent street cat, I don't need no home.
@ThatBrazilianGuy One of the cats I used to live with last year always meaowed back. We had great conversations
@qasdfdsaq reminds me of...
@qasdfdsaq I've had great catversations too! I just don't have any idea what they were about...
@arda I prefer the book series.
Oh, so US presidents are dark beasts from hellish realms who feed on the souls of the innocent?
In other words, nothing new...
@ThatBrazilianGuy: should read "The New World Order" by A. Ralph Epperson about it. Its free on internet archives... Its a good read
Heres a quote "... we can look on all the evils of the world, and see that it is only the hour before sunrise, and that the light is coming"
@WHATEVERDave Oh, so it means I can walk on bad neighborhoods with lots of money and nothing bad will happen, as long as it is daytime?
read the book. ;)
You can page backwards to read the TOC
last 2 pages of the introduction are pretty good
@WHATEVERDave archive.org is blocked here :(
opens vpn
Proxy blocks that link for ""Abortion;Religion;Extreme""
Tempted to change the room description to Conspiracy, Cucumbers and Cats-on-a-stick
Right on
@WHATEVERDave its indeed religious. and it also has extremely explicit pictures of abortion.
lol wow thanks @DavidPostill :P
Says choice is important on abortion Doesn't give a choice for me to see or not see that picture
There you go that should work
@arda one of those should work for you :)
@DavidPostill thanks for helping, but
6 mins ago, by arda
opens vpn
Already have it on calibre. Will copy to reader soon.
Fuck yaaay
Finally. Took me like three hours to hack my mobiile provider's website to show hidden coverage maps
Just shows how weak my javascript-fu has become
@DavidPostill holy shit that site is weird as hell
Its that side of internet
@arda Yup. There are some seriously disturbed people publishing some strange books on the net ... :)
@DavidPostill no, like I mean the main page of that website
@arda Yes, that's where I just looked ...
"This website is here for one reason, and one reason only, to glorify the God of the Bible." says it all ...
"This website has been created to help people learn THE TRUTH. That is my heart's desire. I am a born-again Christian. This website is a place of resources for those who want to know THE TRUTH. It is an ongoing project from my heart, a passion, a contribution to mankind. I give you the dots, you draw the lines. I teach as I learn, and every man is my teacher. The sky is falling, the fierce storm clouds are gathering. The satanic New World Order is here!"
Teething is fun
did @burgi win against the spotify
1 hour later…
Got a $40 USD ff coupon for the Remix Mini, down to USD 49.99
Do I buy it? On one hand... It's so superfluous and it's nearly 7% my salary
On the other hand... It's a cool tech toy droll
@ThatBrazilianGuy what's so "cool" about 2011 era system on chip technology?
just install Remix OS on an actually capable system and away you go
that Allwinner, even the model with 2 GB of RAM, is obsolete out of the box.
it benches about 20% as fast as current flagship Android devices, and far behind the base model iPhone 7
@allquicatic Where can I get a "decent, capable" (for your standards) system that wil cost me USD 49 + zero shipping?
@ThatBrazilianGuy you already have one; the system you're using now
^ This advice just cost you $49.99 @ThatBrazilianGuy
It's also a bit of a pity that Android sucks balls for actual PC-like tasks
unless your desktop/laptop Windows box has 2 GB or less of RAM and 16 GB or less of disk space, and an Intel CPU from 2005 or earlier, your current specs are far above what they're selling you for $49.99
Multitasking is an afterthought, and not much is optimised for tablets let alone PC-like stuff
@Mokubai the whole point of their Remix OS -- a fork of Android -- is to enable multitasking and make it not suck
actual window management and stuff
@allquicatic it looks like Windows 10, except they forgot the "desktop" apps
Well, I bought a Raspberry Pi for nearly USD 75 a couple years ago.
I doubt the Remix Mini is much worse (or even comparable) to that.
@Mokubai yay?
@ThatBrazilianGuy the original RPi? definitely much worse than the Remix Mini's SoC, yeah
might be closer compared to the latest RPi release
Aye, I'll leave it up to your discretion as to whether that's a good thing
actually it's still a ways faster than the Pi 3
I mean, to its credit, an Allwinner A53 is faster than a Rockchip, which is (marginally) faster than a rock
Urgh mobbed by German teenage girls again
why did this user pick accept & edit?
and not reject and edit? or just reject?
Human error, missing the title?
One of the main downsides of being an independent street cat...girls love cats and just won't leave you alone.
I mean "Replacing inappropriate text with the original wording." is correct.
Read that, look at the text, press OK.
It is not as if everyone read the titles.
And you can't hide under the sofa because there aren't any sofas in the street
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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