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@Bob : sorry for the delay, but this would cost money as the certificate would need to be signed by a trusted ca.
and I went in the wrong room
@Bob : no this for finding security bugs in open source products in order to write patches.
what is it like 10 dollars a year?
damn 399$ a year now through symantec wtf
@user2284570 what about letsencrypt.org?
there you go
free as it should be
and trusted
@Burgi : this is for a command line tool. I need a hostname.
@user2284570 I kinda meant with a private root - there's fundamentally no difference between your own root CA you add as trusted vs. one of the many default trusted lists
Anyway David's link had a few.
@Bob : there's no relaible to add customs ca with the target tools (for example libxml2). They tend to use hard coded stores only
They were sdfeu.org some months ago, but it got it's certificate updated.
@user2284570 Really? You sure? More typically, they'll use the OS stores.
Hardcoded trusted roots... that's just insane.
And also counts as insecure, if you want to report that.
4 hours ago, by DavidPostill
A: Example websites that have invalid certificates

StefanOBadSSL has examples of all these things https://badssl.com/

@Bob : yep, the rule for such tool is don’t forget to update. Basically, establishing network connections isn’t their primary targets.
@Bob : thank you for expired.badssl.com.
@user2284570 You should be thanking @DavidPostill. Who also replied to you when you asked earlier.
And I maintain that having an opaque list you can't see, modify nor update is inherently insecure. Not to mention wasted effort, when OS stores are so easy to use. Occam's razor - unless there was specific need for a separate store, implementing one is a weird decision.
@Bob : those list are frequently updated by their maintainers, so as long as you up to date with upstream, there’s shoudn’t be any problems.
@Bob : there’s no cross os methods for accessing systems certificate stores.
But there’s a standard c99 api.
@user2284570 And, what? Is the crypto code custom as well? (which is another general no-no unless there's good reason for it)
More typically, a program would link to an external library, like openssl or nss. Which would also include the platform-specific wrappers to check cert trust...
Hm. Actually nss does prefer its own cert db format. Bleh.
Yay interop.
I just don't get why this Anker PowerPort 5 wound up on clearance at Staples.
Anker tries to sell products at B&M stores, seems to be failing.
$12.50 for a product that normally sells for $24 on Amazon.
(this package seems to predate Anker's Power branding, but the product is for all intents and purposes a PowerPort 5 desktop USB charger)
Sweet deal no matter.
i.sstatic.net/ugKlW.jpg I'm not professional repairer, but I've got there, and I've watched a few videos with similar laptops, but the motherboard is well stuck
(I can't remove the fan without removing the motherboard)
@caub ha, looks a lot like my old HP
check for screws on the other side
also it looks like you haven't removed the HDD?!
@caub Have you unplugged the power connector and that flat cable on the right?
iirc you need to unplug those, then lift the mobo from the right, and tug it towards the right to get the ports on the left to come out
if you can't lift it, feel where there's resistance and check for screws around there
Your thoughts?
...I'm off to sleep. Good luck.
@bwDraco "I have too many chargers."
@Bob Yes I did remove HDD and also RAM
hehe, but there's a little thing near RAM, a small card, I kept it
ok, I see
@caub That's probably the wireless NIC.
Jay Hanlon on October 11, 2016
If you write code, you know that you’re more than a list of places where you worked or went to school. However you got to where you are now, what should matter is what you’ve built, and what you can do. Whether you're currently looking for new opportunities or not — and whether you're active on Stack Overflow or not — your Developer Story is the best way to share whatever it is that you take pride in.
@bwDraco ah ok, thanks
@Bob quick question, if I replace the fan, I'll need thermal paste also I guess? or can I change it while keeping the old thermal paste (if there's still some)
@caub If you take the fan off the CPU, you should clean both surfaces (with 90+% isopropanol) and use new paste. I like the cross-shaped application method but there's many and they're all similarly effective.
that laptop has really a fan issue (the bios even give an alert sometimes)
ah ok, thanks
If you want to avoid the hassle, you don't even need to take the motherboart. Use (curved) tweezers to extract dust from the fan.
Pay special attention to the exhaust housing, especially any nooks in there.
there's not really dust , I already did that ^
What was your problem again? :P
it's just that the fan makes a lot of noise, like it's broken, but I didn't find why
Bearing could be wearing out...
In which case, the fan might eventually stop altogether and you'd need to replace with a new one.
ok, thanks
I had that happen to a GPU fan. urk.
anyway, actually sleeping now
will be back in 5 or so hours if you need me
@caub In my experience, unless you're very good with changing JUST fans on laptops, most laptops I've had to deal with required an entire "Heat Exchange Assembly", which would also come with new thermal paste and the fans. Just something to look into
Damn it PowerShell :) I just installed PsReadLine. It changed my prompt to be yellow on white! Why can't it just leave my colors alone? Fixed after some gargling.
@CanadianLuke Ok, thanks, it's risky yes. I know well how to disassemble it now at least, except the last step :) and I've seen video on how to change the thermal paste.
Excellent. Good luck! You'll feel better when it's back together! And even happier when it works better!
thanks, ok:)
@Bob : openssl is portable…
gog are doing that connect thing again: gog.com/mix/games_on_gog_connect
Ugh. New pendrive (kingston hyper X).
Performance on USB2: 37MB/sec
Performance on USB3.1: 127MB/sec
Performance on USB3.0: First minute at 112Kb/sec. (K not M)
Can we please just go back to the stabke eSATA pendrives ?
something seems broken on usb3.0 tbh
I would prefer something reliable. Part of that might be me not ramming USB 3 devices into ports with overwhelming force.
And sometimes they connect, sometimes they do not connect, sometimes ABD3 to USB3 connects as USB2 (stable!), sometimes it just does not work.
I would love a reliable USB 3 (or 3.1 gen 2) device which simply just always worked. Preferably with the -C connector.
Alternatively, eSATA pendrives or thunderbolt-3 pendrives
The nuclear starred option.
@Hennes so what came before Hi-bombs was the A-bombs?
The G-bombs, obviously.
Or the the TSbomb, since T becomes before the T (See Teller-Ulam)
I hope it is not wrong to have practical hydrogen bombs bookmarked.
I win!
Smile, you are on candid stars!
I say, unstar me right this minute!
What's going on?
@bwDraco I said hi and it triggered a discussion about nuclear weapons.
!! Taytaytay
Her hands look weird but her face is so cute
Her hands look iridescent. She's becoming a ghost.
That's why she's screaming in shock
the more i see it the weirder it looks
her left hand (right of the picture) looks like she has broken her wrist at one point
so i know american politics is very polarising and binary, but what happens now that the republican party have withdrawn support for trump? does he get to stand as an independent? can the republicans introduce a new candidate to stand at this late stage?
The republican party never supported trump in the first place
And yes they can
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by djsmiley2k
'If at first you don't succeed {
 try again:

Teaching kids to program isn't anything new.
yes? no?
I'm horny. Horny for spaceships.
Quantum tunnelling or tunneling (see spelling differences) refers to the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle tunnels through a barrier that it classically could not surmount. This plays an essential role in several physical phenomena, such as the nuclear fusion that occurs in main sequence stars like the Sun. It has important applications to modern devices such as the tunnel diode, quantum computing, and the scanning tunnelling microscope. The effect was predicted in the early 20th century and its acceptance as a general physical phenomenon came mid-century. Tunnelling is often explained...
Better add "unnecessary apostrophes" to the list :p
clown's terrorizing the street's
evil billionaire's running for president
wheres batman when we need him
(yes, I intentionally omitted an apostrophe where it's needed; those people tend to reverse the two all the time)
Now that I think about it, it could go either way as long as it's consistent: "evil billionaire is running for president"
are either of you able to answer my question trump from earlier or should i post it on Politics?
Which question?
@BenN also ?!, not !?
2 hours ago, by Burgi
so i know american politics is very polarising and binary, but what happens now that the republican party have withdrawn support for trump? does he get to stand as an independent? can the republicans introduce a new candidate to stand at this late stage?
Pence continues afaik
or they simply can't remove support
@arda the shifted interrobang
Wait a second, did they actually take the nomination away from Trump?
If so, I totally missed something
@BenN nope
thats what the BBC was reporting at dinner time
I know a lot of high-up people are saying negative things about him, but I'm pretty sure it's just business as usual still
I haven't been following it too closely though
Interesting fact: the Republican Party has its own TLD, .gop
the leader of the senate or something said he was removing total support for trump
i'll find the article
Oh, I see now
Paul Ryan (the Speaker of the House) is just giving up on defending all the weird stuff Trump's done
That doesn't actually affect Trump in terms of the political process
> For all Republicans out there longing to boot Donald Trump off the presidential ticket even at this late stage, there are four key words.

**Death, declination, or otherwise.**
@allquicatic evil billionaire's running for pres'ident
hmmm, that didn't work
I think the > quoting obliterates all other Markdown
But Mr Trump could sue if the "otherwise" path were taken against him.

By the way, even if he did commit a criminal act, it would not bar him from running for the presidency. He could possibly pardon himself after winning.
> This is a test
Huh, it works for links though
> Bold, italic
Hmhm, it's probably the line breaks then?
points to the potentially offensive name in the room FYI @BenN
> Line 1
> **Line 2**
@Burgi Wait, which?


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@BenN the one that starts with "saudi", likely.
next to @allquicatic now
@Burgi They move as people post ...
i noticed
Hmm, that user's been around a while, evidently without problems
<looks up guidelines on user names>
@Burgi I think it's intendend as political activism rather than being offensive
I won't pretend to understand middle eastern politics to even try to have a better understanding.
I also am woefully ignorant of the things going on there
Therefore, I'm leaving this one alone. If anyone wants to raise a flag, I'll let a different mod handle it
was just giving you the heads up
Thanks! :)
@ThatBrazilianGuy middle eastern here, I don't understand it either
it's just weird.
which bit of the middle east are you from @arda?
@arda Well, I follow Brazilian politics since the 80's and I can't shake the constant feeling I'm living in some sort of Monty Python dystopia.
@Burgi The one with all the birds.
The birds who are always from other places.
i was sat here thinking "all the birds? what birds? migratory paths....?"
@Burgi the bit that's sometimes considered in middle east and sometimes isn't.
yeah i would say it straddles the "border"
yeah i saw your profile
Well a lot of stuff considers it as a part of middle east, hell, the best uni in turkey is called "Middle East Technical University", but people likes to consider themselves as non-middle easterners.
@Burgi It's funny you understood the reference. Oh, you didn't. You cheated.
@ThatBrazilianGuy sorry :(
@arda Most Brazilians wouldn't consider themselves Latin American (as in a sens of latin american "unity") and our culture and customs nearly ignores surrounding and/or Spanish speaking countries
I actually wrote a blog post about how turkey was a part of middle east once. Didn't publish it because the backlash would be crazy, lol.
@Burgi Maybe they just want some pocket change?
Do you guys have any free open-source software to mirror my android screen on my Windows 7 PC?
android SDK
teamviewer is not open source
> free open-source
i just saw free
if you have a chromecast i think you can cast your screen to a TV....
> mirror my android screen on my Windows 7 PC
I want to keep my phone charging and use it on my PC
i know, i was giving alternatives!
@Freedo You can use vysor.io - the free version has terribly low res, tho
I'm only using open-source software to mirror my screen because I don't trust other parties to have that data
I'm going to try using the android SDK
I've found some tutorials but they all assume I'm with the phone plugged on my PC, but I want to left it charging on a standard jack
I would probably have to use wireless adb
or...I could pay for one IF and only all data are encrypted and stored locally
win10 doesn't meet my privacy requirements unfortunately :(
meh, your problem
it's worse to microsoft lol
not really
you did buy win7 at some point
it came with my PC
I never bought it to reinstall it when I wanted
so you bought it
For extra paranoia: Windows Update sometimes updates itself before it's able to download some updates
Therefore, Microsoft could run arbitrary code on your machine without your consent, even if they didn't have a direct path for that before
Extra paranoia: sometimes your cat plots your demise
there are millions of hackers that study every windows update
if they didn't find anything until now
I can sleep
I'm a happy Windows user myself
they haven't found anything.... THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT!!!!!
@Burgi heck, even the premise is wrong because lots of vulns have been found
and exploited.
Again, though, MS could conceivably push a WU update that does something entirely horrible
windows is getting obsolete already... as soon linux can play games without problems or virtualize windows in real time with no delay to intensive applications
there will be no reason to use windows
whenever there's a security patch, the original vuln is easily found by seeing what the patch changes/fixes
then why are you?
this applies equally for every OS
I can virtualize Linux on my Windows machine
In fact, I can use PowerShell to accomplish that
I play games sometimes
@BenN chain of trust has to end somewhere... Canonical could push a backdoored package
and to be frankly I don't feel like using a command line to every fucking thing I do on my PC
that's the only reason I still use windows
good for you.
@Bob Yep :) No matter what you choose, somebody is in control
didn't canonical make a deal with amazon when they went to the unity desktop?
@BenN heck, even, say, gentoo
I use Windows, cause it just works with the hardware. I use Linux for servers (where I expect to just SSH everything), and for my Raspberry Pis (since Windows 10 IoT is not really for regular users)
yea, you're building all from source
but who's auditing the source?
do you trust the auditors?
would they catch a 'bug' like if ((uid = 0))?
look. you live in a world where there are just 2 possibilities
@Burgi yea, searches were sent there and fetched ad results by default, iirc
A ) The government doesn't stop terrorism because it doesn't want ( conspiracy theory ) or B ) The government can't afford to follow every person and etc
You just have to a degree of anonymity and you'll be fine
i remember you now @Freedo you were trolling the other night
@Freedo that sound's like variation on "when did you stop beating your wife?"
because of course the world is black and white
@Bob Not really, it looks black and white because you're a fox.
@Bob michael jackson told us so...
Fark fark farkedy fark fark
Pasta raviolli canelonni lasagna!
Was barely manage to sleep more than four hours a night
took one sleeping pill, been sleeping 18 hours a day for three days straight
I'm pretty insensitive to the normal stuff as it is, aka I usually take 2-3 and it knocks me out for 4-5 hours
The only sleeping pills I take are mabe of herbs.
This shit on the other hand, this shit is strooooong
No, not those herbs.
Basically passionfruit, chamomile and some other stuff.
Meh, herbal stuff has never worked for me tbh
@qasdfdsaq you dont need more pills .. instead you need less stress
Being a biochemist and all, i believe in synthetic drug more than plant powah
@qasdfdsaq weren't melatonin pills a thing?
@tereško a) I thought I was blocked, and b) I don't really have any stress, just sharing a room with annoying weirdos who make moaning noises and shaking the bed for 3 hours straight
@qasdfdsaq So you're down with power plants, huh?
pills are all fine, but you are just fixing the secondary symptoms
@tereško Well, anxiety is an issue for me in general
@qasdfdsaq oh .. dorms ... then, just deal with it
@tereško sometimes insomnia just doesn't have an identifiable cause, y'know
But what's really surprising is like I say, usually I'll take one or two, and I'll be fine for a night, heck I've not taken any for about 6 months now
@Bob I have a degree in programming and not medicine
But this new stuff I got off the internet... it goes waaaaay beyond that
have you tried weed?
@tereško Eh, I've moved rooms now, so annoying twat is no longer an issue
Instead I get another very strange person though this one is the opposite, being awkwardly silent 24/7
@tereško Ermm, well... funny story that
get a fucking apartment :P
First few times I tried weed (at about 12) it didn't do much for me, a little gigidy, but mostly just nauseous. Ended up puking under the eiffel tower.
Hadn't really touched it for about 10 years, aside from the one or two random tokes
Then a friend of mine introduced me to his bong and some weird funky weed that basically had me thinking I was a ladder for three hours
@qasdfdsaq did you per chance mix it with tobacco ?
@tereško Yeah, well it wasn't mine, it was just rolled up with tobacco in a rollie
yeah, those things are crap
Anyhow, this weird stuff, one toke, and I was gone psycho for half the evening. I can barely remember how I got home, but I do remember being carried onto the train, and thinking the conductor was a potato when he asked for my ticket
but, TBH, delusions might indicate that you have some underlying neurological issues
It wasn't a bad experience in any case, just wholly unexpected and totally different to anything I'd experiecned before, weed or othwerise
not sure we have the technology to diagnose & fix those, but from pure weed you shouldn't be getting hallucinations
@tereško Hm, I've always wanted an excuse for an MRI
maybe the weed was spiked with some shit
It wasn't a visual hallucination per say, just very distorted and incoherent thinking
Maybe. I should probably ask what the fuck he put in that stuff
(S)He did spend about an hour apologizing before carrying me onto the train
But yeah, my experiences with weed generally boil down to: No effect or going completely insane.
Oh I remember there was a girl at the train station. She wasn't that hot but I tried to hug her randomly anyway
only time I got any type of delusions from weed was when I managed to smoke about half a gram on my own (I developed a limp in one of my legs, when I was not concentrating)
Maybe it was just extra strong stuff I got given?
I dunno how much it was, but I did manage to burn my throat on the bong since I'm an inexperienced twat
At my mate's house, I remember feeling so stoned i was part of the couch. Between my mate's house and the train station, I remember absolutely nothing at all
After getting on the train and the potato conductor, I also remember nothing at all
can't relate ... then again, I have been having issues with both narcosis and sedation (surgical) ... I have a tendency to "regain all my faculties" when it's not expected
I guess weed is just not my kinda thing
Narcosis... that sounds about right
then again, last time it was a good thing, because I managed to tell the dentist that they were bout to start pulling the wisdom teeth on the wrong side ... for what the dentist was really embarrassed about
That sorta happened to me too, well, not the dentist fucking up but rather randomly waking up and screaming in pain in the middle of a procedure when I was supposed to be sedated
of course, it was about the time when anesthesiologist panicked and knock me the fuck out
@tereško Should have let him continue and then sue for damages! $$$Profit
it doesn't work that way in Latvia
Oh, latvia, not america, oops
btw, have you tried drinking peppermint tea before sleep? (with real leaves, not the powder shit)
@qasdfdsaq Latvia uses civil law. Their justice system doesn't work the way US and UK common law systems work.
No, I've only tried fanta
We don't have a kitchen here and no mugs either. :-<
That was unexpected.
Well, since it's gone, only mods can see it so it's not an issue. Somehow uploaded the wrong file :\
8 hours ago, by bwDraco
user image
Managed to get this at a brick-and-mortar store. For some reason, it wasn't selling, which is a real surprise. This isn't the first time I've seen my local Staples have Anker products on clearance, though.
I won't have to worry about running out of charging ports again 😃
brb, rebooting for Patch Tuesday (Windows rudely reminded me :\)
Heh. I've never smoked weed but was visiting a friend with a more relaxed approach to such things and was exposed to second hand smoke. Did not care for it. Shit makes me waaaaay to laid back
How do you like this?
(5 port charger)
I dunno. I'm essentially at 2 devices that need charging at the moment :p
How often do you folks here need to charge lots of devices at once?
@JourneymanGeek I dont think human weed doses are optimized for small dogs
TBH the only thing I need to charge on a regular basis is my phone, so I never have more than one thing on at once
Max 2.4A/12W per port, 8A/40W aggregate.
I have a six-port 90w quick charge charger, and sometimes even that runs out of ports
I did manage to pull close to maximum power during an earlier test. The unit got very warm very quickly but never truly excessive.
Not so much because I have to charge 7 things at a time (though sometimes it's as many as 5) but cause of permanantly wired cables, such as one that goes to my bed, one that powers my speakers, and one that goes to my phone's wireless charger
Hopefully I'll get a decent USB-C tablet and a 6-port USB charger with a USB-C PD port so I only ever need to take one charger when travelling
This isn't QC-capable (that's expensive to implement) but it is smart sensing (PowerIQ).
@BenN phone and smartwatch for me
Oh and headphones
Wait.... Your bed does usb?
Went through the trouble of getting an Amazon UK link just for you :)
US product page:
@qasdfdsaq yeah. I ended up hanging out with his giant dogs
@JourneymanGeek My bed is USB
Universal Sleeping Bed
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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