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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

OMG I want this day to be over already
@JourneymanGeek That was quick with the long path tool :)
How did you know it was me? ;p
I just flagged it through smokey and saw you had deleted it :)
yeah, was dealing with the low hanging fruit
@DavidPostill where is the NSFW tag!!!!!!! ;P
@Burgi you broke it :(
@Burgi lol
could a room owner clear those stars?
!!say hi
I wouldn't say no to some help
@Burgi Why? It sounds like an abuse of room owners privileges.
@DavidPostill It is pretty silly ;p
@JourneymanGeek The world is silly
You're silly... ;p
@JourneymanGeek The same can be said about anyone who spends hours everyday moderating strangers on the internet for fun :P
@Rahul2001 .... You might have a point there. But technically I don't do it for fun
@JourneymanGeek Why do you do it?
Clearly the T Shirt?
(I actually answer questions for fun, when I can. Moderation is a side effect)
@allquicatic @PotatoCat Looks like a giant chunk of Squad (KSP)'s dev team just left. reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/55vozd/…
@JourneymanGeek Silly? Maybe. But it wouldn't be the first time we've done this, and it's not like the starwall is particularly useful for anything.
(what actually got starred? I wasn't watching :P)
@Bob The "Hi!" series
Everyone saying Hi
Personally, I'd prefer just leaving the stars, if only for fun.
I don't routinely browse the site any more. I just answer questions that are interesting as I come across them.
@Bob yeah, they get paid 200usd/mo apparently
Heh. I started doing that a couple years ago, probably.
I've been doing more canonical Q&As over the last year or so, having written several new questions while "blessing" at least one more as such.
"because Google liked the number"
See the number of views on that video
@Rahul2001 vsauce did a video on that years ago
also its no longer true
@Rahul2001 I lıke the youtube easter eggs
like that video is stuck on 301 views
I also know of one more video: Check "Too Many Cooks" video's title
check on youtube web
@Bob holy cow
@Bob o_0
Huh good number of those look like community recruits too
@arda Whoa
@Burgi Yep
@Rahul2001 watch the video. It's amazing
@arda ;D
@PotatoCat think the comments say they're all the telecommuters
Hi, guys! Does anyone know how do I delete a chatroom?
@Anubioz A chatroom will be automatically locked if there's no activity in it for a few weeks
@BenN Thanks, it's just that we resolved serverfault.com/questions/807385/… via skype, so I thought I should delete the room so it won't clutter in the list :)
It's alright, it'll only show up if somebody looks at the "created" tab on Chat.SE; there are plenty of other tiny rooms there too. The default view is "active", so no worries :)
@JourneymanGeek I am so confused right now. cgw has given me a dhl tracking code, which lists two packages and the full weight (info received, package not picked up) while the cgw site still only acknowledges a single package
this is so broken
they'd better not try to charge me for shipping the second one
What are you getting?
@PotatoCat USB-PD charger
except cgw thought it was a powerbank so they stuffed up the shipment cause they thought it had batteries in it
it's a whole goddamn mess
first, amazon decided to create two shipments for a single order
first one with two chargers and three cables, second one with a single cable
then cgw decided the chargers had lithium batteries and removed the big package from the shipment
then I had to try to convince their support that the bloody things are wall chargers only
now apparently they're gonna ship something out and I have no idea if they're including the big package
gonna ring up the warehouse and hope someone there'll be willing to help
or at least not hang up on me...
godammit. nope. they won't take it. fml.
ok, 7 AM singapore time is... 10 AM here
and by then it'll probably be too late. dammit.
Is anyone else not able to load more than three comments here? youtube.com/watch?v=vOHXGNx-E7E
Only if I switch to "newest first"
annnnd home
I can't load any comments
not just a single one
ah! our hosting provider's generator suffered a malfunction last week
they've just sent me the incident report
@Bob o_0
This from Amazon?
@PotatoCat the original stuff, yea, but won't ship to au so I used comGateway
bad idea.
last time I used Shipito. If I ever do this again, I'll go back to them.
At least they don't pull this braindead rubbish, and their support team is actually awake at the same time as their warehouse staff.
Joe Humphries on October 6, 2016
Our salary calculator now covers international rates, and a couple of new roles.
I always get a chuckle from WOOT...
These days there are many "HOW TO" videos.
How to tie a shoe laces...
How to tie a tie...
How to wash you hands...
Eight year Windows Phone user switches to Android. Here's why.
Windows phone is 8 yrs old?
Or the user is? XD
well 8 years was an overexaggeration. I used WP for 4 years tho
I'm 16 so that's like 1/4 of my life, welp.
@Burgi feeling cold? Just open a game! Perfect solution!
@arda I actually wrote an OpenCL program for Windows a few years ago at work and had like 8 people run it on their desktop Nvidia single-slot GPUs (low-end "business" models) to try and dissipate heat and warm up our freezing office
it basically grabbed pseudorandom numbers from an unlocked RNG (like /dev/urandom, but on Windows 7) and did matrix multiplication on them
in an infinite loop
epic hahaha
it was written in C# and I forget which OpenCL binding for C# I used
but it was only like a 76 KB .exe that people would run and it'd use about 1 out of the 4 CPU cores, so not a big hit CPU-wise, and maybe 100 MB of RAM
on Sandy Bridge i3 desktop CPUs with 4 gigs of RAM
so it didn't really impact regular work
also, it did no I/O to disk
did it get the office hot enoug?
@arda nope, not appreciably
these were like GT 245 cards or something, not 1080s :P
my gpu literally gets my room hot
and bearable in winter
I have a gt820 on my laptop tho, nothing too good anyways
@Rahul2001 "German secret societies ran into a group of Nordic-looking beings..."
That's the advertisement I keep seeing between YouTube videos. Anyone else?
not i
tho i pay no attention to thev ads
@arda mine too, but it's a 1080
one of the girls at work signed off an email today with "totes haps to chat with you about this"
totes haps.... wtf?
no ;) at the end?
which is admittedly rare
you still need to chat with her about this
Blargh. Just ordered a SYS/OVH server. Took like five days, and it's not even the one I want
@Bob Ah, I see, now it all makes sense
@Bob Yeah, I'm more excited by the prospect of post-recall Note 7's continuing to explode tbh
@djsmiley2k Eh?
@Bob I've seen some good ones. They do exist, though I'm finding them to be increasingly rare.
@Boris_yo That was basically it. And I didn't really like the look of it as much as 2
@allquicatic: Now I'm beginning to see the attraction of OVH's ridiculous number of free IPs...
As it turns out my current provider charges €5 setup and €2.50 per month each
@PotatoCat Yeah, I have two /27s, one from each of my servers and I've held on to the one from my Sandy Bridge's server perpetually long after canceling it and migrating to my Haswell-EP box
It also makes it ridiculously easy to do a side by side transition from one box to the other during a generation upgrade
I have four /32's with Online, and yeah, one big reason I wanted to stay with them is cause I could just live-migrate my VM's then flip the IP over
Course, Online's ordering system is currently down for maintenance, which kinda forced my choice over to OVH :-P
(Same system as OVH with the 'floating' IPs and such)
I see OVH has a nice new control panel and VPS and cloud services, which support floating IPs, vRack and floating block storage, shame the buggers capped the VPS to 100Mbps. -_-
One huge annoying factor though... you can't migrate IPs between SYS and OVH proper I don't think, and most of the cool services are in the latter.
Oh wait, you can, nvm.
yeah I wouldn't do SYS unless I needed the cost savings
That sucks, Linode starts at 125 Mbps upstream bandwidth with their most basic plan (and scales with instance size).
I'm only doing it to shut myself up, or rather, so I would stop spending 12 hours a day pulling my hair out trying to decide what server to rent (which is what I've been doing for the past 5 days now :-/)
Analysis paralysis or paralysis by analysis is the state of over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome. A decision can be treated as over-complicated, with too many detailed options, so that a choice is never made, rather than try something and change if a major problem arises. A person might be seeking the optimal or "perfect" solution upfront, and fear making any decision which could lead to erroneous results, while on the way to a better solution. The phrase describes a situation in which the opportunity cost of...
(Oh and I hacked the SYS website to allocate my server in a specific DC, I wonder if it'll work...)
@PotatoCat ouch
@PotatoCat rofl
scaleway costs 1eur/mo per ip
@arda funny thing is... Same company
I'm using some scaleway vps boxes instead of SSDs cause they won't let me add SSDs to <€100 boxes
@arda yup
Dammit gimme my server already
any of you know yum?
Who's yum?
package management on CentOS
Yum is yummy!
I'll eat that
I don't what means the groups here: # yum -y groups install "GNOME Desktop"
You probably mean groupinstall
groups install is invalid
Q: How to install Desktop Environments on CentOS 7?

KasiyAI have recently installed CentOS 7 (Minimal Install without GUI) and now I want to install a GUI environment in it. How can I install Desktop Environments on previously installed CentOS7 without reinstalling it?

look at that post
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens It looks like a mistake.
so.. it works for me
if I execute my VM install GNOME Desktop
"Also, the instructions have "yum groups install", which is not correct either."
1. Download the epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm from here
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL#How ... ackages.3F
2. yum localinstall epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
3. yum groupinstall mate-desktop
How can I add a package download with my windows in order that yum see it?
But if that command is a mistake.. Why does it work for me?
I have my desktop install after excute it
<shrug> Maybe there are different version of yum. I haven't a clue. You don't tell us what distro you are using ...
Run man yum on your distro
Ups Im sorry, Im using CentOS 7
After executing that I use startx and my Desktop works
@PotatoCat wow
@allquicatic Huh it even works in the thumbnail, sorta. Wasn't expecting that at all
I think I give too much money to charity
@PotatoCat There are many more here
Op­ti­cal Il­lu­sions & Vi­sual Phe­nom­ena - michaelbach.de/ot/index.html
hmmm... windows 10 has started doing odd bings and stuff, seemingly at random
@Burgi virus? AutoHotkey? Windows Task Scheduler? motherboard manufacturer "driver" apps (Gigabyte, I'm looking at you!)?
it did sound a little like an alert
it was gmail
@Burgi lol
i never really use the desktop version so i wasn't expecting it
from linkedin:
> In return from my side I am offering a Raspberry Pi for any successful referral if you are not interested in the role yourself.
oooooOOooooOooooohh! a £30 computer for free!
@Burgi Cheapskate. Most recruiters offer a couple of hundred squids.
thats what i was thinking
@Burgi "£500 in vouchers for new referrals which we place" in the most recent email I looked at.
Another one "We offer up to £1500 in vouchers for successful referrals."
"We offer a generous referral scheme; it could be the easiest €250 you will ever earn."
vouchers for where?
@Burgi No idea. I've never referred anybody ...
i got a linkedin friend request thing from the guy my company trialled for 4 days before they hired me
and a friend request for someoneone who is an:
> Academy Scout at Accrington Stanley
might need your almost scouseness on this one @DavidPostill.... ;)
"Accrington Stanley? Who are they?"
@Burgi lol. Never heard of them. But I'm no football fan ...
i feel i should share the advert....
i'll be honest i don't know who ian rush is either
In the weekly football show, Soccer A.M., the phrase "Accrington Stanley, who are they?" is said every time a fixture is read out that has the club in it, referring to the milk advert.
@Burgi Apparently LFC's leading all-time goal scorer
as a millennial that advert is burnt into my pyske
And Wales record goal scorer ...
i guess in the late 80s you were doing something amazing in an exotic location
I worked in London throughout the '80s
Did spend 3 months in Kuwait on assignment if that counts as exotic ...
you should have seen the advert at least
Don't remember it.
although it was probably scheduled to show during kids shows
And maybe NW only.
"The original script should have read Tottenham Hotspur but they objected"
it would explain the highly regional accents
there was also an advert for cider where a giant hedgehog squashed a line of cars
it was a woodpecker advert
its not as good as i remember it
Girls. Everywhere. So much fun.
We had a giant group hug/huddle outside McDonalds in lederhosen.
Yeah. o.O
I used to occasionally wear lederhosen when I was a little boy - part of my 1/2 Swiss heritage ...
Anyone here trust Software Informer? integrade-pro.software.informer.com
Site seems quite sketchy, but a staff member wants that software
I consider it super sketchy
That's what I thought. I can't find anything specifically saying it's crap, except comments that seem buried by robot comments
@DavidPostill finally I have installed EPEL
Hopefully, the tech at the school she used to work at has a SAFE installer I can use... I don't trust that software, and I don't trust that I can't find its homepage
but if I do yum search <package name>
it searches also in EPEL repository?
@CanadianLuke what does it do? I don't feel like clicking that link...
btw, it's one of those dodgy search-engine-boosted sites
Apparently, it's a better gradebook program than the one that the rest of the entire effing district uses
Q: Why not to implement a Keyboard Shortcut feature?

Chinggis6Often I find myself manually typing <kbd></kbd> tags to define a shortcut inside the editor. Shortcuts are very essential in "Super User" context, and I think, as a formatting feature, at least in SuperUser branch of Stack Exchange should be included inside the editor's toolbar. It's neat and l...

@CanadianLuke It's by Pearson School Systems
Assuming you want a legal copy, you'd probably contact them.
I'm looking for information on their site... Not going too well
@CanadianLuke It might be discontinued and superseded.
I just tried emailing them. Hopefully I get an answer
@Bob PowerShell cmdlets for managing students and grades? Sign me up
Also, it amuses me that the dubious site in question states "The downloadable file is original. It has not been modified in any way." and serves it over unsecure HTTP
@BenN I use BASH for managing students and teachers... :P
@CanadianLuke BASHing students and teachers sounds mildly illegal.
@Bob Only when caught... <shifty eyes>
@BenN The listed website seems to be some random school they scraped it from...
> Live Chat is currently unavailable.

Hours: Monday - Friday 7am-6pm(GMT+8)
Can someone do a sanity check for me - it's after 7am there right now, isn't it?
Not a freakin' clue. I'm too tired
@DavidPostill Then - THEY LIE
hm. I wonder if I need to change my local time...
Where are you calling?
Countries in GMT+8 Time Zone

The following countries use GMT+8 as their Time Zone. NB No Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time is used.

Brunei Darussalam , China (includes Hong Kong ), Indonesia (Bali, Nusa Tenggara, South & East Kalimantan, Sulawesi only), Malaysia , Mongolia , Philippines , Singapore , Taiwan , Western Australia
@DavidPostill I can only assume Singapore
but not really sure
if only we knew someone in singapore who could do some sniffing about....
@Bob quarter past here
@Burgi I wasn't sure if @JourneymanGeek was awake :P
OK, all updated. I'm off for now (it's late in England!). I'll be back to answer any other questions tomorrow. Good luck! — Dave Jan 12 at 1:27
Another UK @Dave/@GuitarShoeDave! :P
i think @GuitarShoeDave is american
ok NOW i'm going to bed
@Burgi Wait, he is? crap..
Another dead microsd card
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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