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@BenN I'm interested in your technical answer here :)

very clear and informative answer @potatocat I learned something about windows 10 and slipstreaming updates :)
http://superuser.com/a/990286/596755 +10 reputation for you :D
@PotatoCat Are you sure? Check again ;p
okay you're all set with your 4k monitor, I mean ... the other thing
dreaming never killed anyone, did it?
Wait does that mean @JourneymanGeek's got 20 4K displays?
yup he has those in his work place.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere It depends, where they on the wheel while doing it?
@ThatBrazilianGuy if you trade them in you go back to zero
i think @JourneymanGeek is saving up for a yacht
Im eating a candy with rum flavour but it doesnt list the ingredients.. what am I really ingesting..
But @JourneymanGeek doesn't need a yacht! He's already got a boat on his hotel's top floor!
honestly it tastes like rubbing alcohol
who wants rubbing alcohol in their candy? bleh
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere How do you know the taste of... Nevermind.
I know
Ill have a drink of water
ah delicious I have respirated it
LOL my name takes up almost half the user bar in root access
@ThatBrazilianGuy o_0
Why thank you
Thank @CausingUnderflowsEverywhere too
no need to if it's painful..
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Thanks!
I think we can argue that I took over potato cat's profile image as well!
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Your screen is biiiiiiiiiiig
by that do you mean I have a low resolution?
mine is bigger...
Mine is 1440 x 900
it's only 2000 pixels wide
it's not like 4k or anything
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere ?
I had my pointer over your image and my name popped up instead
you can try you need to be on the edge of the persons image
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere That's because your internet is broken and not displaying the avatars correctly.
oh multiple monitors huh? I can play that war too but Im not inclined to pull out my 2nd monitor
oh yeah?!
I'm addicted to stack chat
good bye
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere so addicted you can't actually leave?
Hmm, nobody's starred me since I came back
Wait no, one thing got starred, nvm.
Oh noes @PotatoCat is addicted to stars!
@Burgi See how cats are with lazer pointers? Imagine a cat alone in the dark, surrounded by thousands of blinking laser pointers!
@ThatBrazilianGuy Am not
as a room owner he can remove the stars
That's just not something I do.
@PotatoCat I am addicted to stars.
@PotatoCat laser overload! no wonder you've melted
I could theoretically star a few messages and then unstar it afterwards, just because I love Cat to annoy Cat. Theoretically, that is. Not that I ever do that.
@arda I am addicted to potato cats
she does look hot in that picture...
shit was that out loud?
What do I know, I'm a happily married man
hi @ThatBrazilianGuysWife
in other news i find out if they are firing me tomorrow
@Burgi Damn.
Good luck with your job search.
@Burgi ...wait, aren't they required to give you a two week notice or the like?
only a week and i'm in an "extended probation"
@Burgi A week? Did you change jobs?
in may, yes
i'm still in the job that had all the hacked crap and the crazy technical directors
The one you were contemplating quitting just about every other day? :-P
come to coventry and maybe you can work with me?
@PotatoCat Your desk is a mess and... People still use Windows Live Messenger?!?!?!?
@ThatBrazilianGuy that still has servers working? wow
@ThatBrazilianGuy That was five years ago
I have more screens now
i thought u were homeless?
Hence why I can't take a picture of my screens now
Some people can't take a hint. Read the comments and look at the revision history.
A: Can you clone a larger drive onto a smaller drive (used space fits on the smaller)

user1793120Gratefully using DriveImage XML 2.50 I was finally able to clone the data on a Windows-10-containing partition of an internal Hard-Disk Drive (HDD) with a capacity of about 500 GigaBytes (GB) onto an external HDD with half that capacity, or about 250 GB, of the internal HDD. To do that in DriveI...

that monkey thing... its brilliant
If the answer is in here its hidden in all the verbosity. Please see How to Answer. While long answers are good, clear and concise ones are better. — Burgi 42 secs ago
this is great
Q: Help! My home PC has been infected by a virus! What do I do now?

Anders This is an attempt to ask a canonical question as discussed in this old meta post. The goal is to create something helpful that can be used as a duplicate when non experts ask about virus infections. Let's say that I have determined beyond doubt that my home PC is infected by a virus. If ne...

Do we have a similar one?
@Burgi Of course. It's even mentioned in the comments under that question.
Q: How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC?

GnoupiWhat should I do if my Windows computer seems to be infected with a virus or malware? What are the symptoms of an infection? What should I do after noticing an infection? What can I do to get rid of it? This question comes up frequently, and the suggested solutions are usually the same. Th...

cheers i missed that
As far as I can tell, design of the Google Pixel is entirely in-house despite HTC being its OEM.
Total vertical integration, at last.
Anyone here uses google cloud print?
Tried it several times. Fails to provide the functionality I need.
I can't select paper cassettes on a printer with two of them.
Not too sure, but I don't think I can print duplex, either.
I always try to load and print from cassette 2 because in most printers with multiple cassettes, specialty papers can only be loaded in cassette 1.
I try to keep cassette 1 empty (or put just a few sheets of plain paper inside in case something must print from cassette 1) so that I can easily load photo and other specialty papers without having to remove up to 250 sheets of plain paper.
It works very well for me
But I have to access my town hall website and I need to use internet explorer. And I can't print to google cloud print from internet explorer
I really wish this browser died a long time ago
(printers can only handle specialty papers in the first paper tray because the paper path is longer when printing from the other trays; attempting to feed papers substantially smaller than US Letter or A4 from trays other than the first one can lead to paper jams.)
I hate internet explorer so much
is so useless. So difficult to do anything
Why banks and gov still uses internet explorer over google chrome?
Because it's proven to work with the specific applications in question. Any change risks something failing, even if the new browser is more secure/faster/more stable/etc.
Moving to a new browser could, in some cases, require a total rewrite of entire web applications, with all the costs that doing so entails.
That's really not my problem
I wish Microsoft would just kill the internet explorer at once and for all
IE6, in particular, had lots of nonstandard behavior which many enterprise web applications extensively relied on (and continue to rely on).
@Freedo That's why there's Edge.
I will never use anything other than google chrome
unless those ancient sites force me
The move to IE7 broke lots of web applications.
that's good
nothing should use internet explorer in 2016
like I said microsoft should find a way to disable internet explorer forever in all windows versions
That's what Software Restriction Policies are for
Google is always forcing people to upgrade to better standards and so on. Why microsoft still allow banks and gov to force people to use this ancient junk software
Doing so would hurt enterprises more than it helps.
who cares
adapt or die
it's the internet
You realize how expensive it is to rewrite and revalidate an enterprise application?
@Freedo Heh, evidently not all businesses share that mindset
it's not like you spend millions of dollars to make a website that works in google chrome
I can make a wix site for free. God is not that difficult to support google chrome in 2016
@BenN people can complain when google force then to upgrade, but they still adapt so...and that's better for users so I'm 100% with google on this
I'm really considering switching my bank to one more modern that works 100% with google chrome
Thanks god
It's past time to internet explorer to die
you what is worse? safari
even fewer updates/fixes than IE had
@Freedo Wrong.
I'm a webdev. We support Chrome as first-class (heck, it's the main dev environment).
There's a lot of dodgy quirks.
And a lot of bugs and brokenness even in "stable".
and wix doesn't follow anything close to web standard code
This week, it was random scrollbars appearing when they shouldn't. Which got much worse in 53 apparently. And has been reported as a bug for 1-2 months, with an earlier unfixed bug from 2013.
Oh, that's a Chrome thing? I was wondering why a certain site had weird unnecessary scrollbars
i'm having the argument with my minion at the moment about him wanting to use bleeding edge CSS things
It finally had some activity just last night actually.
There was also a long-standing flexbox bug.
Which worked perfectly in Firefox. And Edge. And IE11. And IE10.
i wonder when valve will update their version of chromium
IE10 doesn't even support the current Flexbox standard!
that was what my argument with my minion was about
our client runs IE9
so we have to code our sites to work in IE9.... he doesn't seem to grasp it
IE10 actually does support the previous flexbox pre-standard.
And it works without the bug Chrome exhibits :P
@Burgi Eh, I'm that guy here. I push for more modern code whenever possible.
whatever flexbox thing he was using didn't work in IE11
@Burgi Odd. IE11 flex support is pretty complete. Still a couple quirks here and there that need to be worked around, though.
@Bob are you in an agency or internal dev team?
@Burgi Depends how you define "internal dev" :P
making sites for internal use or limited external interaction
It's our product but it's not only used internally if that's what you meant.
ah yeah
@Burgi Ok, then "neither"
i forgot about the 3rd option :)
we go down to IE9
@Burgi IE9 is in the weird position of not being absolutely insanely quirky, but not really up-to-date anymore either :\
our main customers site gets hit with 1% IE7 traffic
@bwDraco eh. HTC comes full circle in a sense
the customer uses IE9 so thats what we develop for
or atleast support
@Burgi Too bad we can't just !!dave them :P
heh :)
I think modern.ie even had IE5.5 up till recently. I really feel sorry for people stuck supporting that.
i made the decision that if the customers site was hit with ~5% IE8 or below traffic, we should atleast attempt to support it
4.8% combined :P
@Burgi lucky!
i make the minion chuck modernizr on the frontend just to cover our bases
anyone forcing their users to use IE5.5 should be taken outside and shot
we've got a crazy issue with safari at the moment
the zoom transform is really chunky
@Burgi Oh, that's always fun.
Can't even test it without a mac
@JourneymanGeek Back to just being an OEM making phones with none of its own branding.
And the devtools are about as useless as the ones in IE
@Burgi Browserstack gets laggy as all hell, unfortunately.
Probably worse cause I'm in AU
true but its the best we can do
HTC is playing a role no different than Foxconn is in the manufacturing of iPhones.
> The servers are spread across 11 locations in the United States, Brazil, Ireland, The Netherlands, Singapore and Australia. You are automatically directed to the nearest location based on your IP.
we probably hit the irish and dutch ones
@Burgi *shrug* then the question becomes how much capacity they have at each site
Speaking of HTC, mine today decided to fully discharge its half-full battery in only a couple hours despite me not doing anything at all with it
@BenN lol
@Bob i guess so
I've had similar odd things happen on my Nexus 5X and Nexus 9.
Sep 29 at 17:56, by bwDraco
My Nexus 9 decided to hang and get hot on me :\
...while in my handbag and otherwise idle (although Android Doze would not have triggered because the device was in motion).
Just a light messenger bag for that trip
dude call it a satchel, you will get fewer raised eyebrows
It was also in a Keyboard Folio, which has a magnet to tell the tablet to lock when closed.
what do you guys think
i can hear a dog barking in the distance
about U.S transferring the ICAAN to UN?
Sorry, I disagree in this case. Author asked "Has anybody else been able to solve this problem?" I specifically answered that question, and gave the OS+version in which I had resolved it with the solution provided. Further, I'd looked for confirmation from another reader that the method had solved the problem. Had there been voted-up of the answer, it would have shown appreciation for the answer, but not confirmed whether it had been tried and validated or not. (I voted-up the answer and hadn't enough votes for it to be displayed as indication) Validation has always been part of documentation. — tsuchan 1 hour ago
its been barking that slightly distressed "i've been left in the rain" bark for about 40 minutes
@Ramhound have you got the review link?
nvm found it
Please don't add "thank you" as an answer. Once you have sufficient reputation, you will be able to vote up questions and answers that you found helpful. - From ReviewBurgi 36 secs ago
do you guys think that gov like China could abuse the ICAAN now it's not controlled by US anymore?
abuse it how?
abuse it more then the US has by gaining control of websites like megaupload or whatever it was called?
My understand is that very little will change. Instead of a 2-party validation process it will be a single party.
The 2nd party has wanted out of the validation process for awhile, I forget which agency, was handling it.
But at the end of the day Verisign was the primary validator
china has better things to do than allocate TLDs
I don't think the internet should be controlled by anyone
nice idea
@Freedo - Tell that to China with it's "Great Firewall", 90% of the middle east with its aggressive stance on VPNs and Proxie, the US that takes ownership of a website before the owner is even convicted of anything in a court of law.
Internet is controlled. If it wasn't then it wouldn't exist.
that's why we need a web 2.0
with some kind of mesh
and who will pay for it?
I believe you are looking for I2P
who would actively remove child porn and other undesirable sites?
So you want the actual internet to function like the black web does?
something that can't be abused
the black web is abused daily
and how would you prevent abuse?
or even define it?
Your living in a fantasy world if you don't understand that.
So you want somebody to be able to submit a bomb threat to your work, cause you to lose money because you can't work, and nobody could trace said threat because nobody has control.
I don't care if you can't remove porn child if also can't censor things just because you can
how old are you @Freedo?
that's not how the internet should work
And I'm worried that the internet as I love will be dead in 5-10 years
Because of abuse of governments
Who said anything about child porn, 70 years ago, it was common for 30 year old men to marry 15 year olds. Child porn is a creation of the evolution of society.
I am talking about people threating your way of life, without being able to track them, because nobody has control
That how it should be
bear in mind you just justified and legitimised the existance of child porn in your previous statement....
internet will never be dead. It makes people to much money
Who guarantees that the gov will only remove child porn?
and not the news of it's own corruption?
@Freedo - The citizens of that government
you can't
That's not how it works in real life
Or do you expect people to fight civil wars?
are you american?
the only way I can see the corruption being fought in US would be with a 2nd civil wars
and that apply to almost every country
no. but thanks to internet the whole world can see the corruption
for now
just a matter of time until the whole internet looks like middle east
you have a very naive and misguided world view
that's why the experts should be developing a new internet who can't be abused
@Burgi - I didn't legitimize child porn. I simply said that most of the world, has determined that children have rights, and I suppose I should have clarified there is different between my example and the exploitation of children that often is connected to that topic.
@Freedo - Yes, I do expect people to fight civil wars,
@Freedo Freenet is another thing you might like
If we had another civil wars today
@Ramhound you statement had the misfortune of appeared inbetween the one i was refering to
it would be much uglier than the first war
My country did it when were tired of being tax without represented......
actually the war occured after the tax was abolished
I don't think US would ever recover from a 2nd civil war
@Burgi - Alright; Have to understand my father is significantly older then my mother. While she was legal age, most people, thought it was weird.
@Freedo - Sure it would.
I think you have too much faith in humanity
All we need to burn this planet is a little spark of fire that makes lot of people hate each other
@Freedo - I think you are extremely naive, inexperienced, and likely don't have more then a decade and half on this planet.
@Freedo you are starting to sound very trollish
Be nice, guys :)
didn't you know? even children does suicide attacks nowadays
and you think that giving internet control to the UN is a good ideia
@BenN does your recent promotion give you special powers here?
It does, but hopefully that's irrelevant
Yes, but limited to chat outside of the site.
because they will only ever remove child porn from the internet and not just use it to keep themselves in power
@BenN just checking :)
@Freedo - That already happens though. So why not give the UN a chance, they can't possibly do more harm, then the US has already done with its control over the ICANN
Like I said nobody should have any kind of control over the internet
If nobody had control then the internet wouldn't exist
but who will decide on the TLDs?????????
Those that wanted control would not allow it without putting controls in place. Perfect Example: China and most of the middle eastern countries.
let them in the dark
so anyway
I hope a new internet will appear soon. One that doesn't bend to the people in power
Troll Ignore Mode: Enabled
they should only have the option of having a free-open internet or no internet at all
comrade, no one cares
the revolution was stillborn
Heh. Freedom exists in spite of, not because of governance. The flags change but life goes on.
@Ramhound: The first thing to realise about USB-C is that it's not a new USB standard in the same way as USB 1.1, USB 2.0, USB 3.0 or the very latest USB 3.1 are. Those upgrades focus on defining what the connection can do in terms of speed and feature improvements, whereas USB-C is all about the physical connection, like with microUSB and miniUSB. Read more at trustedreviews.com/opinions/…testing 2 mins ago
my head hurts.....
> The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
so anyway
we plan to break my minion tomorrow with uber hot sauce
he claims that he can't taste or feel hot sauces
your minion?
@Ramhound feels like a disguised hardware recs.
so we've found a local one called "Santa Slayer"
@Ramhound yes, my minion
"is that unlike micro and miniUSB, USB-C is aimed at being a replacement for both ends of the cable." - Yeah Type-C is a standard, the other 2 are connectors, never seen more stupid at a single website then this so called trustreviews website.
he is young, naive and not tainted by cynicism
@Burgi - Its not cynicism, its just called life :-)
he's like a cute and fluffy puppy
don't connect fluffy puppies to naïve people, fluffy puppies at least have a reason, for being the way they are. They are puppies :-)
@Ramhound Uh... wrong.
There's specs for Mini-, Micro- and Type-C. They're all 'standard'.
that said, this morning he didn't greet everyone with his normal ultra happy enthusiasm
it was only slightly happy
although the difference was enough that 4 different people asked him what was wrong
Yes; the connectors do have specifications. But Type-C is its own version of the USB specification.
i plan to film him dying on hot sauce and share it with the intertubes
nn all
@Ramhound In what way is it different from, say, Micro-USB?
But perhaps I am wrong. The article sure doesn't help my brain not hurt, since it appears to have not been written by an engineer, or enen somebody that read the Type-C specification whitepaper.
@Ramhound The Type-C spec appears under both the USB 2.0 and 3.1 collections. Not sure whether you can really draw any conclusions from that, but it doesn't exactly appear separately I think.
I keep doing that.
So my PC was acting weird, it was so slow that it wouldnt let me type the password for like 5min after login screen showed...and I clicked Refresh My PC...little did I know it meant **** up my PC .Now every file I click says access denied and PC settings wont open :(
I think it's the same Type-C spec for both, but I'm not sure. Haven't compared the two side-by-side. So, to an extent, it is developed independently I guess...

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