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That retailers are, ahem, forced to do this shows how sick our economy is.
I wouldn't care even I was making $20m+ a year. Most of that money goes back to those who need it.
...mayhaps that mindset will change if and when this happens. It may seem easy for Jonh Q. Public to say this, but once you're used to a
...lavish lifestyle, you won't want to go back.
I just found out a certain US head neck of state visited my workplace while I was already hired here.
if they cared would they outsource every job they can, every job you could possibly do, to the lowest common denominator?
A typical layperson making, say, $50k/year can easily say that a CEO making $20m+ a year ought to give some of this money back or accept a lower salary, but someone used to living in luxury will find it very difficult in practice to transition to a more ordinary lifestyle.
they destroy thier own economy and thier own funds in the greed process, bleed everything dry, kill the golden goose, and leave a wake of misery , then go live a "lavish lifestyle"
@bwDraco Just like traffic grows when more traffic lanes are created, one's expenses will grow accordingly to one's earnings.
@ThatBrazilianGuy btw I meant nothing creepy just cheking profiles :)
@PotatoCat for me it's like 1.5x the cost for a huge 40-90ms less
If I showed my paycheck to a local minimum-wage worker, or someone who makes less than that
(let's say the cleaning lady who once or twice went for multiple months without salary at my workplace -- yeah, that's shitty and rage inducing)
If I showed them my paycheck they'd regard me as filthy rich, I suppose upper class.
However, I have a legitimate hard time making aends meet and have been without health plan for a year or so, as it was eating up 25% of my salary.
I have a friend who's a MD on duty on 2 or 3 hospitals and earns 4~5x what I make.
He also complains about his costs, about trying to make ends meet, about not being able to give up one of his *really* demanding jobs...
80% of the health care doller is spent on people who are dead in a year. this is why i plan on being eaten by wolves instead.
Point is, you reach a new earning level, you acquire new expenses
They then become part of your life, and budget.
I bet those CEO who earn millions would say "oh, you have no idea how much I spend, the majority of my salary is spent before the month ends bla blah"
@allquicatic Course, though for you OVH is the only company that's actually "local" aka stateside aka not in a different continent
Whereas for us European folk, they're pretty much all local.
I think Leaseweb is the only other one that has US datacenters
Anyway, a lot of the providers have cheap stuff but charge 2-3x the cost of the server just to allow customization and add two SSDs. FFS.
@NULL No worries. I did meant something silly writing mine.
No idea who Webtropia are, but they seem to allow endless customization with no extra charge, and are overall reasonably priced. Approx 105 euro for my minimum requirements but for 10 euros more I get 128GB RAM which I don't need, but won't complain about
Or do you really think I live in the jungle, ride monkeys and speak spanish? ;p
you're looking for high end stuff. Check azure
@PotatoCat Shouldn't you be making shopping lists of housing instead of servers? ;p
@PotatoCat Yeah - I think OVH is the best deal in North America, at least, in terms of value for what you get on your server.
Happiness is always around the next corner
@arda I'm looking for really low-end and cheap stuff. I currently use BuyVM.

1 Core @ 2.00+ GHz
128 MB Memory
15 GB SATA III Storage
500 GB Bandwidth
1 IPv4 Address
$15.00 per year
@ThatBrazilianGuy Home is where the server is. Or accessible from. I can live anywhere in the world as long as I have a server online I can call my home.
@ThatBrazilianGuy i think @PotatoCat is hoping to get access to the data centre and curl up in a nest of ethernet cables
@PotatoCat was my earlier link any use?
@Burgi I used to do that at my old work. Well, not sleep, but sit in the datacentre, turn the lights off and curl up in a chair just to admire all the blinking lights surrounding me
@ThatBrazilianGuy hey, i didnt give permission to distribute my picture :-)
@Burgi Well, who needs more than a couch, a bathroom with a shower, a coffee nearby and 100Gbps local Ethernet?
you are odd ;)
i've just got in from observing
I pay 3 eur for 2gb ram, 4 core arm, 50gb ssd (I also pay 2 eur more for 100gb ssd extra), 300mbps unlimited internet
@Burgi Yeah, although I haven't managed to get the sign-up page to work in my browser yet :-/
there appeared to be two in aberdeenshire starting next week
@arda 3 eur / month?
It's nearly 3x what I pay for my shitty server tiny tiny containter
I use it only for OpenVPN
I use this for openvpn and my server stuff, also torrent seedbox (only for linux distros though).
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere i bought my minion a rubber duck for that very reason
Yeah. I was thinking about a seedbox too. There's lots of Linux distros I'd download.
My seedbox needs 3 CPU cores and 16GB of RAM :-/
my seed box, just needed a few 8" boards , soil and water.
Dammit the processor I want at Webtropia comes with a minimum of double the RAM and double the SSD I need :-/
@Burgi I was trying to use the "Sign up with Facebook" button so I could avoid having to type
ah lol
Seeing as typing is difficult with potato covered cat paws
> the cat, Betsy, just needs food, company and lots of hugs.She is so friendly and as soon as you sit down will come looking for hugs. She is longhaired so does need to be brushed every few days. We have a new addition- Teeny- who is a 4 month old kitten and lots of fun! The rabbits, Lewis and Zooey, live inside in the house in the winter and outside in the summer. lewis is very cuddly, Zooey is a bit more shy. They love cuddling up together and adore handfuls of dandelion leaves.
If only it wasn't 100 miles away
with respect, you don't have a job so distance shouldn't be an issue...
Six months of free housing to take care of a cat! O_o
why would anyone need to sit on a cat?
@Psycogeek I could answer, but then I'd have to flag and kick myself.
@Psycogeek to stop them from attacking the potatos?
@Burgi They don't attack the potatos. They are the potatos!
ah! i see!
deep fried with a bit of salt and vinager
@Burgi Like couch potato chip cat :)
@Burgi eeeew vinegar on potato.
cheese on potato
cheese on sausage on potato
@ThatBrazilianGuy a deep fried one.... aka chips
what's the difference between regular fries and deep fried fries?
cheese cat
Erf. Prices jumping by 20% when you get to the checkout page... not going to be using those guys then.
pizza cat
@PotatoCat only slightly better than processing the payment, and finding a higher charge on your credit/debit card bill later.
@PotatoCat thats VAT
this chat has gone to the dogs cats.
@Burgi "Prices include VAT"...
@Psycogeek Eh, when that happens my credit card company just gives me an instant refund
Also when they charged me twice, and charged me more than they should have, I got both charges refunded
gads it is no wonder why people ignore e-mails most times, the quantity of useless ones. Bank: Your account is overdrawn , PayPal: your password, address and phone have been changed again , Amazon : Your shipment of a case of tampons is arriving. Like WTF do i care. Just leave me alone until it is something important, like hair restoration , or Skin care , or something.
it annoys me that the bank emails me to tell me my CC statement is ready, its prime for phishing
they find a tool that dont cost them nothing, and suddenly it is time to FILL the BOX with poop
if we gave them free postal stamps , i would need a truck to get the mail.
Huh. Random Webtropia company has 2ms lower latency than Hetzner, and equal to my current provider
I just found out I can make free phonecalls to the US and Canada
...I don't know anyone in the US or Canada -.-
You know allquicatic!
He's in the US or Canada!
And @CanadianLuke
I just used it to call the tech support of a ThemeForest-like marketplace. And spend 30+ minutes waiting for them to pick up the phone.
And a few more ...
you cant call me, i specifically told the phone company i wasnt paying thier international ocean shark abatement cable fees, because i dont call overseas, so if anyone actually did . . .
@DavidPostill Okay, I don't know anyone in the US or Canada well enough to justify an unexpected random call.
And I have a sudden craving for chocolate
@Psycogeek Wait, you have to pay when people call you?!?!?!
@PotatoCat Are there people who don't have a constant craving for chocolate?
@ThatBrazilianGuy it is a telecom you pay for everything :-)
heck i have to pay for the NSA (the cia , the fbi, local police, vice squad, swat, and highway patrol because of road tolls) to tap my lines
NSA doesnt tap lines thats oldschool:)
they have more sophistcated methods
That's why all the l33t h4x0rz use typewriters!
No one's expecting typewriters!
> An employee walked up to me one morning to tell me there was a raccoon in the dumpster.

Employee: "Hey, there's a raccoon in the dumpster."
Me: "Ok"
Employee: "Well?"
Me: "Well, what?"
Employee: "Aren't you going to do something?"
Me: "Does the raccoon require internet access?"
Employee: "No!"
Me: "Does the raccoon plug into the wall?"
Employee: "NO!"
Me: "Failed to meet the IT responsibility test, not my problem."
@ThatBrazilianGuy lol
the employee just didnt want IT missing out on a meal (tastes like chicken)
<img src="https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&u‌​act=8&ved=0ahUKEwjRro76yr_PAhVF_R4KHcTECoEQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.quickmeme.‌​com%2FDumpster-Racoon&bvm=bv.134495766,d.dmo&psig=AFQjCNHQYUUcXvRC1WIFgL_qX6W9dN3‌​jdQ&ust=1475616724019364" alt="coons" height="42" width="42">
dumb question how do you post images :p
@NULL It's really complicated.
Go get pen and paper, we'll wait!
got it:)
Now leave it wheverver and just paste the img URL here ;p
@NULL The image URL...
Yeah, that one ;)
haha ok cool
Works for Wikipedia, Youtube, Amazon and a few other sites IIRC
And Stack Exchange questions too, in fact!
Ok i was getting to complicated with html and all:D
@ThatBrazilianGuy works for all images iirc
@Burgi Yes, I mean it works for wikipedia articles, youtube videos, amazon products...
we should make one for ars technica articles too
And facebook! And Buzzfeed!
a guy at work got that new fifa game at the weekend and he was saying today that he is really annoyed with it.
Urgh need to buy a new license plate
he is of indian descent and you can make your own character in the game
apparently they don't have a skin tone anywhere close to indian
Fifa is overrated
it goes white, tanned white, black
Somebody stole mine
I thought Indian was tanned white
Just heavily tanned
off your bike?
Or bleached black
@Burgi Yeah
have you reported it?
@Burgi Yeah, sorta
they are probably stealing fuel with your plate on
Maybe. But that's far less likely with a bike plate, I mean bikes only have 10 litre tanks....'
it happened to my parents at the m/way services
its square though so they can throw it on a taxi or something
Taxi maybe, wouldn't fit on most normal cars...
its worth reporting
then your insurance company will replace it for free
Also if they used it on a taxi it would be pretty obvious soon as they looked up the vehicle type it was a fraudulent/stolen plate
Meh, 300 quid excess on insurance, 15 quid for a new plate...
only after they've driven off with £60 of diesel
the petrol station only makes sure they have logged the number, they don't query the DVLA until after the theft
Petrol station can't prove it was me though, they can get the details from the plate but that doesn't prove who dunnit
hence why its worth reporting it
It'd be pretty easy to prove "It wasn't me" just by pointing at the fact the cab looks nothing like a motorbike
Well I did, the cops said they'd call me back to get more details later, but never did
damn the fifty
Apparently bike thieves around here tend to nick the plates in advance of nicking the bike
what on earth for?
No idea, my guess was because it'd be technically illegal to drive it away from the parking spot with the plates missing so more likely the owner will leave it there for longer?
> let's alert the owner to the fact we plan to steal their bike soon
> oh crap they've fitted extra chains
Just what I was told by random bikers who passed me by the other day
I wouldn't have had a clue if they hadn't told me though
So I guess it's not common knowledge?
God dammit why are people still releasing laptops with Kaby Lake CPUs and GeForce 940M(X) graphics...
Ignoring the fact we're already well into the GeForce 10xx cycle, the 940 was barely faster than the Skylake IGP let alone the improved Kaby Lake IGP and uses four times as much power...
whats for supper?
ask the server
@PotatoCat because dGPU == good to most people?
@ThatBrazilianGuy @DavidPostill With all due respect... I'd prefer keeping online friendships online. Introducing my awkward voice would not help matters
@Psycogeek SERVER REPLIED WITH HTTP STATUS 418. Addditionally, no soup was returned with the server response.
@PotatoCat Shutup I have a GeForce GT 740M.
@CanadianLuke I listened to my own voice today in English.
Either my accent is 500 times worse when I'm under stress, or it's terrible all the time but I only noticed this time.
Does chrome remote desktop only allow you to connect to PC's vinculated to your account ?
Is this question good for SU?
Q: Trouble connecting MySQL database to Dreamweaver Error 404

user3553260The error that I get from testing the connection is: HTTP Error Code 404 File Not Found. Here are some possible reasons for the problem: 1) There is no testing server running on the server machine. 2) The testing server specified for this site does not map to the http://www.intrinsiceye.com/_mm...

Has been posted at dba.se but seems off-topic there
TIL shift+right click also gives you a "run as different user" option
@Bob you talking to me?
@Freedo what makes you think that?
@Bob I was asking about using different google accounts wth chrome remote desktop
@ypercubeᵀᴹ I wouldn't know about 'good' but I suppose it looks technically on-topic. It's also on-topic on SO ("software tools commonly used by programmers") and might be a better fit there.
@Freedo Eh, I have no idea about that. I'm just commenting on a general Windows thing I didn't know about.
Okay no problem
@Bob OK, thnx, Seemed more than a config issue than a programming one, that's why I asked here. I;ll flag and let the mods decide,
@Freedo I just use RDP. Never used CRD. That's @JourneymanGeek's thing.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ It's a bit of overlap between the two sites.
Some SO users (who don't read their own on-topic list...) will VtC it.
But IMO it's the kind of question that is more likely to get a good answer on SO than SU (being on-topic on both, of course).
It's a fairly specific topic of setting up a dev environment. A lot of SUers are also devs, but not nearly as many as SOers.
@Freedo Nevet tried that.
Autocucumber failure o0
I have 2 pc's at the office I want to control
but they are signed-in on my business google account
and I use my personal account at my pc
i can launch the CRD with a different user but then I get the message
" this computer is currently shared under a different account "
Train breakdown on my line Oo
@Freedo never tried that use case.
I have enabled the remote sharing on the PC's offices but they don't appear on my CRD app signed in with my account to enter the PIN
@Freedo Sounds like a good fit for a SU question.
Oops. Forgot to turn on my PC this morning....
I'll ask later then
Nope. Ask on the main site. If you're entirely here to ask questions you might end up annoying folk. Root access is not a place to ask questions for most part, especially not things on topic. It's a space to discuss things.
@bwDraco 😵

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