I'd kind of like it to be an "everything that can go wrong with chm files" reference to save people some searching, so let me know if there's something I can do to make it easier to find / read.
I have two types of document: CHM and PDF, but I'd rather like it if they all were in PDF format.
I am looking for some good way to change it. Has anyone good ideas? I'll appreciate it.
Thanks for eveyone who helped me. :)
@DavidPostill thanks, that might be the direction I'll recommend
the thing is, though, I can't find anything that says .chm files are depreciated
.hlp is, but not .chm
I have 3 brand new software packages (that we bought) that are still being shipped with .chm format documentation -- they advertise Win7, 8, and 10 support, are they dropping the ball?
@Burgi people need to stop being such dicks with drones.
Knocking on the door, introducing themselves, letting the house owner see the drone, and asking them if its ok to use their space, and if anything needs to be videoed would be just so... much more civilised.
Welcome to The Stack Overflow (yes Overflow, listen to last week!) Podcast #89, recorded September 27 at Stack Overflow headquarters in NYC. This week's installment is brought to you by Inuktitut, the premiere language of the arctic and one of Nunavut's three official languages (Umiaryuap Publimaaqpaga tattaurniq ammayaq!) as well as National Voter Registration Day. Go to www.voteplz.org for the easiest way to register! "Every individual regardless of wealth or heritage has the same opportunity to vote and create real honest change."
**The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck.**
@Bob so I have a friend in the UK that experiences 200ms ping to a server in NJ, while I experience 70ms and Im, let's say in north america. Is there any way he can find a better route?
Reviewing proposed edits I've found this one:
I've rejected it as "no improvement whatsoever", but also the question seemed poor quality and I've opened that too. It's closed as too broad, so it shouldn't have been edited just to make it a bit more beautiful.
Should users with low reputatio...
if a drone flies into your property without authentication, throw an authentication exception with the unique hash of the object's signature to your security defense robot, and it'll take care of shooting the plane down with its precise bbgun shooters.
poor alex got a downvote
Jess Pardue is amazing, he made me realize it's already october the 3rd.
Occam's razor (also written as Ockham's razor, and lex parsimoniae in Latin, which means law of parsimony) is a problem-solving principle attributed to William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347), who was an English Franciscan friar, scholastic philosopher and theologian. The principle can be interpreted as stating Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
In science, Occam's razor is used as a heuristic technique (discovery tool) to guide scientists in the development of theoretical models, rather than as an arbiter between published models. In the scientific method...
But regardless, if not 100% secure reset to factory default. Update firmware if needed (preferably on a different network!). Reset again. Load config from a saved config file.
Under certain conditions, laser light or other bright lights (spotlights, searchlights) directed at aircraft can be a hazard. The most likely scenario is when a bright visible laser light causes distraction or temporary flash blindness to a pilot, during a critical phase of flight such as landing or takeoff. It is far less likely, though still possible, that a visible or invisible beam could cause permanent harm to a pilot's eyes. Although laser weapons are under development by the military, these are so specialized, expensive and controlled that it is improbable for non-military lasers to cause...
I rarely see helis around here but there are usually planes that are on landing/takeoff stage (I live around 40km away from esenboga airport and 20km away from military airbase).
@ThatBrazilianGuy what if they asked: "which of the formulas on the blackboard using a cartesian plane system the origin at the center of the black board and each unit being equal to 1 inch and the formula being located at point...?"
@allquicatic While everyone else has Xeon v4 servers and are introducing v5's right now, OVH only have Xeon v3's and are pushing "new" Xeon v2 boxes...
I hate that retail is relying on breakage of rebates (non-redemption) to try to drive sales and extract extra dollars from consumers.
However, with the incredible pressure of today's economy forcing the retail sector to operate on razor-thin margins, there's good reason to believe that if retailers went back to more consumer-friendly approaches to promotions like sending out checks instead of rebate cards, their profits would turn into losses.
we're really employing all the economic tricks we can spare just to keep corporations afloat, while consumer budgets exhibit less buying power than normal because of all the debt we have racked up
@bwDraco you mean the tax collector doesnt realise how many loopholes, and tax management strategies are used that display a 3% profit margin while the CEO rolls around on his bed in wads of cash? Meaning as a company you cant display a large profit, or you will be paying everyone, taxes galore, spiffs for the cities your residing in or thinking of putting a store in, investors dividends etc.
If, for instance, a price difference of just $10 is enough to meaningfully affect sales of a PC, then it's clear that consumer spending power is so absurdly low to the point that the retail sector is just barely hanging on for dear life.
how did many of these tech companies display they were running at a loss, yet the employees all driving around in BMWs , the management driving around in Porches , and the CEO has enough money to feed 1/2 of africa, for EVER.
oh yea like they care about the well-being of you right? they dont care if they put you in the poor house, surrounded by broken cheap crap from china, and legalese documents that absolve them of everything.