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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

... aaaaand I just bricked a phone.
@Hennes Where? I want some! Can I have some?
Nope. I already ate all of them (8 pieces).
4 with cucumber, 4 with tuna.
The tuna was a disappointment.
Lots of small pieces. When I make my own sushi (as opposed to buying it read made) I always use a single piece of tuna.
I often skip tuna though. That fish is not doing to well. Esp. the blue fin one.
Tuna, sushi and disappointment in the same phrase? .--.
You don't like tuna, or the restaurant wasn't that good?
And what happened to the pizza?
In the oven atm
Want out around 18:30 for blood donation. Took over an hour (was busy) so grabbed some food on the way back
Oh that's really nice to hear you donate blood
Sushi was to large (full mouth when you put the piece in).
Cucumber one tasted nice.
Cushi was like ground meat (well, ground fish). Not as good as a soloid 2x1x1 cm3 piece. Structure was wrong
I've donated before, but not as nearly as much as I would've likes
I've made "pseudo-pizza" at home. Instead of pizza dough I use pita bread. The result is delicious! I think I've posted photos here.
I only donate 3 to 4 times per year.
I think it's the shortest time span, you can't donate much more than that
Ive only donated about 5 times, ever
Do you get your day off at work when you donate blood?
@ThatBrazilianGuy wat phone?!
@allquicatic See my last messages in this room ;P
Specially this one:
5 hours ago, by That Brazilian Guy
Found some unoficcial CM11/KitKat for this old phone, with nightlies still being built! I'll see if it works.
Normal is 5 times per year.
At least, in NL. 5x year for male.
Women get asked 3x per year.
And no, never got a day off.
In the past (decades ago) you got an hour or two work time and a stink (sherry etc).
But no more.
IIRC the employers here are required by law to give you the day off when you donate blood.
And you get a nice fruit beverage and sandwich.
you get nothing like that here
Once I was going to donate, somthing happened and I ended up not donating, but still kept the sandwich \o/
I think the most you get is a sugar-loaded fruit pop
@ThatBrazilianGuy You used to get a can of Guinness in the UK (supposedly to replace the Fe).
@ThatBrazilianGuy math.se chat used to be like, a daily source of false flags
seems it's still rolling just at a slower rate
in Ten fold, 2 mins ago, by Zacharee1
why are those messages flagged?
in Ten fold, 1 min ago, by Sycorax
they are not chat items -- they are on-topic statistics questions which ought to be asked on the main site
yeah, that guy has no idea what he's doing
@allquicatic Do you know if they get stop you from donating blood in the US if you're gay?
Because here they do. Or if you get a piercing or a tatoo. =/
Temporarily not if you are ill, have an open wound, a recent visit to the dentist, a recent tattoo (I think 3 weeks on all of those).
4 days free of painkillers.
Those kind of things
@Hennes Yeah, those things are reasonable. Banning on sexual orientation is not reasonable at all.
"Oh but it's a group of risk" Nig$@ please married woman is a group of risk because they trust their husbands and don't use protection.
Uhm. Not 100% sure on that last. MOst people I know do want to time when they get children.
And twice protection is safer.
Not that I got trusted statistics on that.
I heard (quite a few years ago, I admit) that in Brazil, married woman was the group where AIDS was spreading more.
Rosetta comet landing burn at 20:50 UTC
I don't remember if I read it on the news or if it was just hearsay. The fact just stuck.
Risk question: Have you been outside the EU in the last three years?
@Hennes Wait! What? Comet? What comet? Is it visible at naked eye or binoculars?
Not anymore. You know, rosetta, we send a probe down there a while back?
Bounced off it, landed in the shadow?
Nopw the mothership is going to land.
I... must admit I was inexcusably ignorant of such matters.
I took time off work so I could follow the landing. Exiting times.
Just like the moon landings were in the sixties.
Granted, the last is only hearsay for me
> Rosetta Grand Finale
Event starts Fri, Sep 30 2016 4:50 AM BRT
4:50am... +_+"
I remember staying up really late as a kid to watch eclipses, and beaing really excited about it
Harpooning a comet was also fun.
@ThatBrazilianGuy solar?!
at night?
@Hennes sadly we missed
whats 4:50 BRT in a real time?
I just try to mentioned everything in the one common time everybody shares: UTC
And to which (hopefully) all servers are configured.
@Burgi Go to esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Rosetta it will show the times in UK times :)
UTC Offset: UTC -3
Rosetta is set to complete its historic mission in a controlled descent to the surface of its comet on 30 September, with the end of mission confirmation predicted to be within 20 minutes of 11:20 GMT (13:20 CEST).
we aren't on GMT at the moment...
so 12:20 BST
are they going for the high speed impact or the "controlled" landing?
@Burgi ^^^ "controlled descent" isn't clear for you?
i've had a beer and a nap ;)
@Burgi lol
I was copying a .ISO file to my phone, when I had a error possibly because of mal contact on the cable... The file doesn't show up in Windows, but apps can see it on my phone. I did a MD5 hash of the file on phone and compared to the MD5 of the file on my PC and they match.
Can I be sure it's not corrupted?
No. But you can also win the lottery
It is possible corrected in the 1 in $very large number here chance which will give you the same MD5
Which is pretty unlikely
@Freedo ugh I had same happen on linux when moving stuff to external drive
If you want to feel safer also check the SHA checksum.
I could open the file but couldn't remove or move it
ok which one is the actual live stream D:
If both are the same and it was corrupted then buy a few winning lotto tickets.
(but it was on both external drive and my ssd)
buys lottery tickets
I think my phone will need 20min to make a SHA of a 4gb file lol
@djsmiley2k Rosetta? It's not live yet. livestream.com/ESA/rosettagrandfinale
Fri, Sep 30 2016 8:50 AM GMT — Fri, Sep 30 2016 2:40 PM GMT
You just need a new phone with watercooling.
0d 11h 20m 19s
@esaoperations on twitter is nice to follow.
(also following NASA, spaceX etc etc)
@Hennes technically that would work on my phone
(it is waterproof, like most new android phones. AND IT HAS A HEADPHONE JACK)
I now use speakerphone 90% of the time. Most of the time I do not I end up pressing buttons when I keep it next to my ear.
Often hanging up, muting etc.
Bloody smartphones should lock the screen when in a call
smartphones should do a lot of stuff
I personally would be very happy if my phone vibrated or flashed screen or whatever when someone picked up while I'm calling them if my phone is not on my ear (use the lux sensor dammit)
the only time i saw was 12:30 on the 239th
which is today :D
@Hennes errrrr most do o_O
mine does at least :D
Ah. my S5 does not, nor did my older one
HTC something 2005-ish
But that one needed a pen for the touch screen.
lol. someone is asking for downvotes
Who are the imbeciles who added a negative vote to this question without an explanation? — user1580348 1 min ago
If you run the program it will tell you what files are missing ... — DavidPostill 16 mins ago
not always
but I guess that's why you didn't post that as an answer
Hello people
"If you drink a liter of pure alcohol it might rasie your intelligence"
(from negatiove to 0 is an increase, right? :) )
dat rage
i like how tom scott explains stuff
its neutral and informative
@Hennes "The fatal dose of pure alcohol in an average adult is 300-400 mL" so drinking a litre is probably not possible :)
I trust a stomach will object in case anyone tries.
Having said that, I still need to go to belgimum some day for some 99% alcohol.
I got some hops in the house and I intend to make hop-tea.
(Take a jar with pure alcohol, soak the hop in it for a week. Add to beer)
@Hennes You need 99% alcohol to make tea?
It the way a belgian colleage makde beer. Brew the traditional way, bottle, a a little bit of hop-tea,
It tasted very nice.
I have no intention of brewing beer myself (just making mead is enough experimenting).
But I can add it to regular beer and play with flavours.
And 100% is indeed not needed. JUst no other tastes
I just want a solutant.
So very fine (and sadly expensive) vodka should also work.
But apparently 0.5 liter 99% to 100% alsochol is Eur 20 in belgium
And from that I can brew several things.
BRB, rebooting for a Windows 10 cumulative update.
See you in a few hours.
...and I'm back. Took less than five minutes to complete.
High-performance SSD and Core i7 processor really helped here.
IMFT 3D MLC NAND isn't ready for prime time if SSD vendors insist on using LDPC ECC (normally only needed for TLC) with it.
Samsung was there two years ago and had none of these teething issues.
The transition to 3D NAND has taken far longer than expected.
128 GB: 1000 MB/s read, 300 MB/s write. Not exactly great, could use some SLC buffering.
If I have a super fast internet and get myself a VPS and kinda run my whole laptop at cloud would be possible to get the performance improvements in old machines?
run a laptop at cloud? But what if it rains?
lol you got what I said, I'm a little high but I think it makes sense of what I'm thinking
Which is shorthand for: First tell my what you think that cloud means, since everybody has her/his own different oppinion.
And please do not use 'personal cloud;' I got a personal cloud. It is my normal desktop with a new label on it
In not so good laptops and with a super fast internet, running programs at a VPS with server-grade hardware and transmit it via internet to the PC
@Freedo Depends on your cloud provider. Some will make periodic upgrades and it's a quick migration to the new host to take advantage of them. Others will require you to create new instances and manually transfer data.
will probably be faster no?
So this already exists?
Mightr be faster. Latencyt might be worse.
As in, decrypting/unzipping/encoding whatever might go a lot faster.
Playing a game might feel a lot laggier
I can download things much faster than my HD can read, or my processor can process so why not use it just as a mirror to my "real" pc which is a VPS with good hardware for cheap
@Freedo You're not going to get the best experience with graphically intensive applications. Office applications, sure.
Most of what these days is labeled 'cloud' already existed in the 1960's. We just added a new label and called it shniny, new and improved.
I've actually been operating a cloud desktop with cloud hosting provider Linode for quite a while.
VNC is a huge bandwidth hog, though. You need a very fast link to make the most out of it.
Can you give me things to google about this ?
VNC can also be very demanding on the server CPU; two cores or more may be needed for an optimal experience.
I can rent a VPS in my own country too so latency won't be a issue
How fast is your connection?
My vps is also more likely to have a better latency with other servers around the world than my ISP
What cloud provider do you intend to use?
None, I didn't' even know that those solutions existed ready to use like that
It can be complicated to set up. You need to deploy the Linux distribution of your choice, then you need to install the desktop environment and applications you use.
You need a VNC server.
I was just thinking about doing each things at one step like downloading things, using plex on it...
You also need to do extra security work. Unlike consumer PCs, servers are subject to very frequent attacks and need more stringent security. You should set up and use public-key authentication to log into the server; do not use password authentication.
I've had it pretty easy because I've had quite a bit of experience with my servers as well as the distro I use (openSUSE).
It can be very daunting to some not experienced with Linux.
but would I get improved performance on old machines? Not really playing games in HD, but those machines struggle to use chrome and a bit of more stuff at same time
There's no GPU acceleration at all.
I'm good with google and following tutorials lol
Also, these servers generally run Linux, which means many of your existing apps will need to be replaced.
Good news though: They will feel familar unlike windows apps.
Oh wait. I am considering my own setup. :)
But and if I wanted to play games too? Like I said my VPS would probable have better latency with other servers around the world.
Again, no GPU acceleration. You're not going to get good performance.
you can always virtualize a windows version inside linux fortunately
But I could get hardware with that
I doubt this will come cheap.
Besides, streaming the display from the server to your computer requires lots of bandwidth.
Enough to be a problem on ac networks? If not it doesn't really matter
It's not viable for anything other than very simple, 2D gaming.
I mean if I can watch netflix in 4k why my network wouldn't stream a game at 4k too?
@Freedo VNC isn't all that efficient.
Again, there's no GPU acceleration.
I just need to rent a GPU server
I've been running the desktop tiles version of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup on my cloud desktop server which requires very little in the way of graphical rendering capabilities, but even that taxes the server's CPU.
@Freedo These are meant for GPGPU compute. I doubt they can actually render graphics.
Oh that's new to me
So what about business who want to compute 4k at cloud? I doubt they aren't doing this at this moment
You would need to have a dedicated server with a gaming GPU installed (very unusual configuration) or colocate in a datacenter with your own server hardware in order to do stuff like this. Both are very, very expensive.
@Freedo Most simpler productivity apps will run perfectly fine in the cloud.
LibreOffice, etc. will run fine on a VPS. I can personally attest to this. You just can't do anything graphically intensive without a specialized and expensive setup.
Again, I've run very light 2D games on my server but that's just about it.
But will I be able to stream 4k content stored on my VPS to my chromecast?
That's all that matter anyway lol
Streaming video, probably yes, but you might need a lot of CPU performance, which could force you to get a large and expensive instance.
Wait, you already got 4k content?
I thought we just had players and short demo recordings. No actual content yet.
@Hennes some yt vids in 4k but the bitrate is insane
lots of buffering
geek linked one a while back. slomoguys coloured flame I think
bluray can be 4k but I think they're largely 1080p for now
modern phones can often record 4k at 30fps
Here's a story of someone replacing their laptop with an iPad and a Linode VPS: yieldthought.com/post/12239282034/…
@Bob Mine (Nexus 5X) does.
Remember that servers are primarily meant to act as plaforms for business and web applications. You can do all sorts of interesting things with them, but gaming (except for running a dedicated game server, e.g. Minecraft) is not a primary use case for cloud servers.
Netflix does 4k
And I am told torrents exist of 4k rips.
@Bob. I consider that flame video the best way to show off a nice screen.
I just don't have the funds to do this :\
@Freedo 4K in general is massively taxing. Pretty sure dp has much higher bandwidth than Ethernet....
!! s/dp/DisplayPort/
@bwDraco @Freedo 4K in general is massively taxing. Pretty sure DisplayPort has much higher bandwidth than Ethernet.... (source)
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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