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@CattyMcCatFace I find LO handles CSV/TSV imports/exports better....
Crap. Im a huge nerd.
Yes you are.
So my network only uses 1,3,5,7,9 as the least significant digit of their LTE eNB IDs, but otherwise they seem exactly sequential.
By deduction, the first 4G transmitter in Edinburgh was also their 454'th, and currently they're on 6500-ish
Except at exactly the 3000th 4G mast they switched from using odd numbers only to even numbers :-/ eh?
Dis makes no sense
I'm too sexy for my face.
@CattyMcCatFace You know, I once used an Android app to generate data and build a similar map
Because I'm also such a nerd too
I must be a nerd, you must be a nerd, or else we'd not be here. We're all nerdy here.
@CattyMcCatFace Oh yeah, as I was saying. I didn't need to mangle data for displaying it on a map
I don't remember which service I used. IIRC the app produced a KML file and I just sent it to google maps.
Eh. Our new work PCs are pretty nice. Core i7 6700 sff o0
And no SSDs... :(
@JourneymanGeek Dude. I've been using a Phenom II for 4 years. Took me all this time to update from 4GB to 8GB RAM.
Yeah. :p. Not mine tho. This is user side.
(My coworker uses an even worse machine. You can see the browser refreshing the screen.)
@JourneymanGeek Aaaaaaaaaaaah. That's a tiny little difference.
IT uses Pentium III machines? :P
I have a thin client.....
Which we are phasing out
In favor of?
These things for everyone else.
Error: brain can't parse English syntax.
You mean IT will get these i7s too?
It contractors get whatever is scrounged up....
I know the feel, bro.
So, how does it feel to be Hotel IT? Any stories worth of being noted?
Are you internal IT, end-user IT, or both?
Am I bothering you? =/
late visite
*looks at clock*
Well, if you call 12:30 PM late... :P
@Bob For breakfast it sure is.
well i am saying i have visited here after a long time @Bob
don't mind me, just cracking a timezone joke
I don't think that's what a "late visit" means, but I could be wrong, non-native English speaker here.
bla bla bla
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse projects so mostly moving stuff around
So internal and all internal customers.
@microbuster That's actually kinda disturbing...
It's kinda boring tbh.
@Bob Hellkitty wants your soul
"Come play with us, @Bob"
1 hour later…
@CattyMcCatFace Managed to hit 95 down with Voda. Also, I think they cap at 30 up.
Voda seems to have the worstperformance down but best up of the lot. And lots more poor coverage/congestion that affects down.
So any thoughts on why my data connection performs so poorly?
20 hours ago, by bwDraco
user image
This is the best I've gotten.
I suppose congestion is really bad here in NYC...
Again, T-Mobile is generally the fastest network here (and it will only get faster as they're the first to deploy Cat.12/13 LTE-A), but I don't like the direction they've been going lately.
AT&T is the farthest behind at this point as Verizon and Sprint now have Cat.6. AT&T is still on Cat.4.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. My phone's official specs state it can do Cat.6 but the SD808 is capable of Cat.9.
@bwDraco Eh, that's about par for the course depending on where you are.
I only manage the higher speeds when I go running around for optimal locations for testing.
None of my usual places can hit those :\
I've seen it go from 15 to 70 Mbps by walking 5m.
looks pretty good to me, what did you want tesla wireless :-)
AT&T melted the face off 34 new yorkers friday when testing a wireless system that actually works.
The company press managment team assured everyone it was thier fault for standing to close to the tower.
Eh. Office system is giving me eye strain :(
BYOM (bring your own monitor)?
Not a very long contract. I don't even have my own work system yet.
2 hours later…
And issued an old L412 o0
@JourneymanGeek that's... not terribad
With fde.... And I have no account so I can't reboot the system without getting someone to unlock it for me...
@Psycogeek lol
@JourneymanGeek lol
@Bob lol
@Bob 30 up is the max you'll get on a 10Mhz channel as well btw - there's no upstream CA atm
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse It can do something like that (I just deleted ~3GB of its exported KML files) but that doesn't contain all the additional information I need in a searchable format (signal, SNR, node, cell ID, etc.)
That's what the web service does, you can filter by node, colour by cell ID, etc. and click on each data point to see more details. I think KML only stores like one or two stats per point. Same with google My Maps - can only do description and name.
@CattyMcCatFace I haven't figured out how to check yet, but thanks for the info
Forgot to book accomodation yesterday and now everything's full up for this weekend
No idea why... must be some stupid event on again.
Guess I could go into a council homeless shelter
They tend to not have wifi though
Also I might not be eligible cause I left my last home "voluntarily"
Urgh if only I'd have fuckin booked yesterday like I was supposed to
Oh well lets procrastinate some more and distract myself by trolling SU questions
Hm. Hit 150 down with Voda. Yay.
If I stand on one specific brick and point my phone at one specific building.
Oh god fascist pig is ranting about america's holyness again
"They want america's attention but they're gonna get american bombs!"
"You realise it was an American that bombed NYC right?"
@CattyMcCatFace linky? :)
"Trump is going to make America strong again!"
"There's going to be an uprising. A civil war. We can't have foreigners in the US trying to change our culture. Fuck no."
@DavidPostill this is irl.
"Without American help, world war 2... you'd be speaking German right now"
My god he even speaks like trump
Aaaand he's gone. Thank fuck. Off to Austria, of all places.
@JourneymanGeek Oh. Not very obvious though ...
Apparently it's by a 10 year old, and the original youtube video is less awkwardly sped up
@CattyMcCatFace Animator => reddit.com/user/BenZaugg
Baby version of the cat in the gifv apparently
Also slow the Youtube version down to 0.25x and watch the look on the cartoon cat's face! :-D
@DavidPostill they were complaining about that guy earlier
Ah. Missed that.
Blah. Headphone parts have been stuck in st Petersburg for 2 days.
That or no one updated the shipping status...
Hm that's new. Seems that there's another new bus company.... And they have their own livery.
@JourneymanGeek sr tonight?
Seems plausible. :p
So... my throat is still aching and I suspect I might be getting sick. As my healthcare plan was eating up 25% of my salary I had to ditch it and just not get sick.
Last time I got a heavy fever I had to wait for nearly six goddam hours to a doctor give me a formal statement for me to give to my boss. I don't want this bullshit again.
I'm thinking about calling a doctor friend of mine and asking which medication should I take, but I feel guilty about it because that's exactly what a user would do.
I've got a throat ache too, I just take strepsils
Generic painkillers are basically the only medication for generic throat ache. Unless you have something serious like pneumonia or something it's not worth seeing a doctor
> Over the weekend games developer Digital Homicide seemingly committed financial digital suicide. The games maker was suing critics of its games on Steam forums to the tune of $18 million (£14 million). However, Valve stepped in to terminate distribution of all Digital Homicide produced games titles, as it doesn't like companies being 'hostile' to Steam users.
Hah. How not to treat your customers...
@Bob probably good to go in 15 minutes or so
hi @Rahul2001
@Rahul2001 lol
Damnit, I need to get my rabies vaccination now and I have a 3-hour long written exam tomorrow :/
@Rahul2001 Have you been bitten by something with rabies?
Rabies. Rabbits. Rabbis. Ribbits. Hobbits.
Philosophical question: I've never fully understood the need for things like AMBER Alerts. To what degree is the general public responsible for the safety and well-being of children?
I'm asking because my upbringing in a secular family that did not reinforce things like the idea that children are innocent has left me out of the loop. I realize that this question may seem silly or even offensive but bear with me.
Is the general public's accountability for children serious enough to warrant emergency push notifications for child abduction events?
That's not about accountability. That's about making it easier to locate a missing person. If more people are aware of a missing person's description, they can call the police. Just like a missing pet poster helps.
Other people are not responsible or accountable, but yet they can help. And in cases like that, every action counts and the sooner the better.
Haha, Trump's skittles analogy...
If I took a hundred American citizens, and said one or two of them were criminals, would you jail them all?
and some people might take advantage of children specifically cause they are children
Okay, I get it.
Oh god you just made me think of an even worse analogy
Those who use VPN services for hiding IP etc. do you prefer VPN providers who have Chrome, Firefox browser app or Windows app?
I found that having VPN as browser extension is better, faster and more resource saving.
VPN as Windows software requires install, sits on taskbar and probably has some background service running.
So when choosing between those who offer app for browser versus those who only have Windows software I think it makes sense to go with former.
Woohoo. Have to move twice, but I now have accomodation for the next 7 days, I can finally relax for a bit.
Tea or coffee A few caaaats anyone?
hmm. I'd like a second opinion.... superuser.com/questions/1126321/… hardware rec?
@CattyMcCatFace not thinking would be a good idea... that's pretty offensive
@JourneymanGeek Also, not as offensive as comparing Syrian refugees to skittles.
@CattyMcCatFace if Mr Trump showed up here with his toupee... and said that, I'd kick him, maybe even suspend him.
@JourneymanGeek Borderline... seems more of a "Will this work with my PC" (and the answer is no because it's completely different type of device) but needs to be edited to actually fit that mould
@JourneymanGeek It was the toupee-free Trump Jr. that came up with that
Well, he's get the same
point being, that's not appropriate for here
Eh, it's just a step away from "WHat's the difference between an NVME and SATA SSD"
they're both m.2
ahh no
@JourneymanGeek m.2 can be both SATA or NVMe
see, this is the problem with mod-hood
Heck m.2 could be USB
Or serial port
I'd vtc in a heartbeat if I was a muggle ;p
But I don't think anyone makes any USB or serial M.2 SSDs
this feels like "hey, I wanted this, but they have this. WHAT SHOULD I BUY???"
@JourneymanGeek True, that's probably a more realistic view, I'm kinda seeing it from an optimistic viewpoint
Which is friggin weird since I'm usually the super-cynical VTC ALL THE THINGS guy
yeah, oh well
Urgh I wish you could just draw a map or route on Google Maps and make it give you driving directions
Rather than having to set "destinations" or "waypoints" which are limited in number and you need on like, every second corner
@Bob I managed to complete that bit ._.
Its a lot easier when the game isn't glitching out and insta-killing your co-op partner
@JourneymanGeek I can still hear the song -_-
And letting you revive them is both in the game mechanics and a simple fix for the glitch
@Bob I can draw it, but I can't see any way of getting turn-by-turn navigation from it on mobile?
@CattyMcCatFace ah. Damn
(Google's My Maps is pretty decent for that as it stands, but routes drawn in My Maps get hidden in driving mode so you can't even follow them manually)
Q: Howto design a route in Google Maps on the pc and navigate on the android device

user1344545I would like to do the following: Create a route in Google Maps on the pc and save it under my account Set Start and Target and let google maps create a route for my bycicle. Change the route and insert vaipoints to optimize the route. ( Avoid ways with a lot of cars ) Save the route under m...

@Bob Yeah I seem to be finding cycling websites with a ton of different recommendations.
Seems like apps to follow a given bike trail seem to be the closest thing to what I need
I could sorta fudge it with the "Send to phone thing" but last I tried that it was super unreliable, if you went off-route in any way (wrong turn, diversion, etc.) it would completely reset and be unable to start or resume navigating any part of the route.
Lol. If you use the "Add destination" to change your route, it disallows you to share/send to phone, if you click and drag to change the route, which shows the exact same icons on each waypoint, it works fine
Yeats broken
...the hell is a Yeats
Autocorrect pls
Nup, doesn't even work anymore
(Actually that's fine)
Oh well, seems like while there's no way to create a custom route on google maps on desktop then transfer to phone, you can now "save" a route created on your phone to the home screen, if by no other means -_-
It uses some Google short URL where maps downloads the saved route from the cloud.
Hah, basically you can create a custom route on MOBILE and send it to a desktop but not the other way round
Which I NEVER WANT TO DO. Thanks Google. Removing perfectly good functionality with "updates" as usual. Go die in a fire.
@Bob my brother got an s7 edge
he likes it
Also, my whole "hey, get a wireless charging thing for your S3. You won't need to worry about the USB port being borked, and you can use it with the S7" was totally good advice
@JourneymanGeek o.O
@Bob basically the USB port on his S3 would only work if the phone was propped up, OR with a very specific daiso phone dock
so I picked up a pixe qi wireless upgrade kit and installed it
works with the S7 too
3 hours later…
k my S4 with cyanogen mod on it seems to be 'unrooted'
sedmnd halp plz
ahhhhhhh seems i never needed to root it
Theres some Firefox extension that makes Trello and Slack stop working. I disable all extensions and it works fine. I re-enable all extensions and it... works fine!
It's the third time it happens and it's so annoying!
Don't wanna give up mah esstenchuns
welll my chat doesnt scroll :(
damnit Apple
Q: Downloads hang indefinitely around 55-60%

allquicatic My situation: Have been using iPhone 6S Plus for around a year Just got my iPhone 7 Plus today Phones are on the same carrier with different phone numbers (VZW) I have iCloud configured on both to sync everything and store backups in iCloud I told my new iPhone 7 Plus to restore from a backup...

2 hours later…
This roundabout smells like girl hair.
And it's not me because I'm not a roundabout.
2 hours later…
So I keep calling this "IRS" scam line, VOIP with Block Your Caller ID 4tw, they have stopped answering lol
I got one of their agents to take "Yor Mama" has my name
only if I could mute the ringing :$
would be perfect.
I am getting bored
they stopped answering ;-(
1 hour later…
I hate this part of my commute.
the long part?
@JourneymanGeek The part where you're stuck in traffic?
Single stop too short to do anything. Then long confusing walk to switch trains I always get wrong.
that wont last, train/bus commuters know everyfreaking thing about that . . . eventually even which line is always late. Me i get there and go how the f--- did you expect anybody to understand this system, or how to get where i am going, and why does it take hours.
It is some kind of (can you say Public transportation) insider secret.

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