@JourneymanGeek These headphones had six different conductors and the plug I connected them to only had four so there was a lot of solder => test => more solder => more test => broke something => rinse => repeat
I tend to find that the coating just about melts itself off when I'm soldering it, and enough of it is exposed at the end that tapping my multimeter probe against the top repeatedly eventually gets a reading
I'm a bit concerned about the Denuvo protection that many newer games are using. It's proving highly effective but I have some reservations about the way it handles hardware changes.
It's not a showstopper and it likely won't be a reason not to buy a particular game, but it needs to reactivate on every hardware change, including playing on a different machine (requiring Internet access), and reactivations are capped at 5 per day.
It's meant to protect existing DRM solutions from getting disabled or circumvented. While it claims it's not itself a DRM solution, it adds extra restrictions, which raises some serious question marks about the "not DRM" claim.
@HackToHell The idea is that the hypervisor provides a virtual environment for applications to run. It mimics, in software, hardware devices like the display and hard disk, and reinterprets certain low-level instructions (or uses hardware assistance like VT-x) to allow them to run safely in the virtual environment.
I wonder how virtualization software such as VirtualBox or VMWare Workstation works? How can they create a virtual environment that is taken as a separate computer by operating systems? I'm almost sure the answer to this question is very deep, but I'd be well satisfied with basic theory.
Ironically despite being super thin, flimsy and cheap feeling, it's outlasted the thick expensive super flexible one I stole from work by a factor of 5
One thing I really like about that plug I used, the matte/brushed aluminium look fits perfectly with the surround on my phone which it spends most of its time plugged into
And I've kinda moved towards treating earbuds as disposable too, after breaking a $500 set by running it over with a chair, losing its replacement in a seedy nightclub, breaking my subsequent $150 set and now breaking a second $100 set.
I don't get panic attacks but I do use them for comfort sometimes, just to isolate myself into my own little world so I don't have to pay attention to what's going on around me
Anyhow, a mile away and around several blocks of buildings, so not even "ideal" conditions. Granted, a literally empty cell with zero other users is required...
It's a Nexus 5X running CyanogenMod, which doesn't provide the sorts of diagnostics available on Samsung's phones.
It's supposed to (and the radio on the Snapdragon 808 is capable of doing up to Cat.9 LTE with 3x20 MHz CA), but I have no way of actually seeing whether I'm getting CA.
Your thoughts, @Bob? Any way I can get technical information about the radio on a device running CM13?
...and yes, I do try to keep the baseband up to date.
That's why I kinda-sorta ditched plans for a ZenFone 3 (which has great band support and does CA) to probably getting a second S7, grey import this time, next time there's a sale.
We're doing stuff like hetnet (and small cheap base stations arn't a new idea - we had a system which only worked right next to the base station when GSM was new). Its also geography. Its probably easier to stick cell base stations in the middle of nowhere where there's no NIMBY. Or do what the telcos here did and seemingly stuck one atop the next building...
@JourneymanGeek David Postill caught a one-character typo error that I made editing a tag on this link:superuser.com/review/suggested-edits/572167 Please correct the typo error for me.
Although you can use at no. of times you wish and most of users do it. But it results in only one space at a time and for more spacing we've to use it no. of times i.e ..... (example facing such condition while posting this answer).
So,I am here discussing about three more en...
@JourneymanGeek It is another question that How do I add link to code and It is another question that how to "Convert my white-spaces to proper html-entities or proper unicode character"
@DavidPostill Thanks for fixing it. Now if only there was a way to add Geolocation to the Metadata tags defined in the Exif standard section of the exif tag info...
How to tell if Firefox is 32-bit or 64-bit
Mozilla published the Windows 64-bit installer for Firefox to the
Download page with yesterday’s release of Firefox 43.0. You must have
a 64-bit version of Windows to take advantage of the new version of
the browser.
There are two cosmetic...
@bwDraco I guess Bob's just sick of all the talk about @kerbalspacecat... Let's just leave her/him to do whatever (s)he likes to do. We have seen in the past that talking about what (s)he does doesn't help, so it is best if you just get a blocker and forget about it
@bwDraco I'm pretty sure part of the reason is to get attention. By bringing attention to minor things, you're basically feeding that need for attention. Then we have a echo chamber.