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For example "ThatBrazilianImposter", ThatBrazilianCat" and "JourneymanCat"
16 mins ago, by Ben N
Q: Name changing rate limit can be circumvented in chat by changing parent site

Ben NWe in the Root Access chat room just noticed (ahem) that the rate limit on display name changes can be circumvented by changing the parent site. That is, a user can change names extremely quickly by doing something like this: Associate a new site account Modify the new per-site profile to have ...

Well, I'm more concerned about his impersonating mods and room owners at this point, which is outright abusive.
6 mins ago, by Ben N
I don't think it's acceptable, if user abuse it too much, he/she should be chat suspended. — Shadow Wizard 50 secs ago
@bwDraco Which is exactly what the three examples I just gave show.
The problem has stopped, right? Next time this is happening, either mod flag the message explaining the problem or ping one of the resident mods.
that's a odd way of dealing with a problem
'It's gone away, it's no longer an issue'
Yeah, because blaster.ms32 doesn't affect me anymore I'm fine?>
@djsmiley2k you can't call something disruptive if it is not happening.
@jokerdino Thy will be done :)
@jokerdino no, but it's still a problem
No one's launching nuclear weapons right now
are they not disruptive?
etc etc.
Anyway, my holiday was good, but now I need a holiday to get over it :D
Seems to be under control. The mods will take care of it.
It's odd how all these episodes only happen when @JourneymanGeek is asleep ...
@djsmiley2k eh some things don't need preemptive actions.
@DavidPostill Let's clone him.
@jokerdino lol. Someone just tried that and failed :)
Is becky either loosing it, or wanting to get banned?
On break as I get ready to deliver images after the game.
@jokerdino dude....
Did that go overboard.
@djsmiley2k When they appeared here they did say it was a matter of time before they got bored or people got annoyed enough with them.
That's at least six different names.
It seemed a little tasteless to me...
Might be a cultural difference. It's a popular jokey thing to say here.
@jokerdino It can be considered as gender offensive ...
No, not that cycle. OMG I see the problem now.
@jokerdino So now you know ...
Journeyman Cat
That Brazilian Imposter
Catty McCatFace
Potato Cat
Oh, I hadn't thought of that at all
@bwDraco You missed "ThatBrazilianCat" :)
Is lsass.exe running after I log out and I want to log in back to my user account?
LSASS is a critical system service and will run as long as the system is up
Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) is a process in Microsoft Windows operating systems that is responsible for enforcing the security policy on the system. It verifies users logging on to a Windows computer or server, handles password changes, and creates access tokens.[1] It also writes to the Windows Security Log.

Forcible termination of lsass.exe will result in the Welcome screen losing its account/s, prompting a restart of the machine.
(well, it's several services actually, but it is a critical system process)
@DavidPostill Yes, I read about that in Wikipedia. But didn't understand what it really means.
In the everyday computer use
Basically, if LSASS goes down, you will do no computing
@PichiWuana If it's not running you can't log on.
I'm pretty sure the computer will force a reboot if LSASS crashes, but I don't really want to test right now :)
@PichiWuana why do you care btw'?>
Ooh I get it
@djsmiley2k I was reading some stuff
I always wonder where questions liuke this come fro
It is classified information
howdy ya'll
I feel privileged. I am allowed to chat now...
Well, it is a privilege...
@archae0pteryx also, you might want to remove that email id from your profile...
@allquicatic Is the driver signed at least?
not email.
Well, whatever that is
my chess.com contact
because it contains a dirty word, which might offend some people
Noted. Thanks!
@allquicatic bluesoleil.com
@allquicatic That link seems to be hosting pirated software
I don't think most Chinese have a concept of software licenses
they don't recognize piracy as such
ahh, much better :P
BlueSoleil with that BT 4.0 dongle has quite good connectivity to my trackpoint keyboard now
mouse works \o/
@Rahul2001 People are allowed pretty much what they want in their profile (excepting the user name and avatar). There is a user (who I can't find now) who's profile is full of profanity.
@DavidPostill They are allowed, it is just not a very nice thing to do...
@archae0pteryx feel free to put it back in if you want
@Rahul2001 Of course. And the following is probably worth a read:
Q: Is it acceptable to insult god in a user profile?

HamZaLike always I hang around in Stack Overflow's chatrooms. Today, someone posted a link to his new "reloaded" user profile.demo Along the lines I read in Arabic "god is a pig". So I asked him to remove it: Me: I have a lot of respect towards you because of your knowledge but what you wrote the...

> Under no circumstances will Subscriber use the Network or the Service to [...] (c) create a false identity or to impersonate another person
@bwDraco You have to be careful about applying this. For example consider the number of users named "Dave" on Super User. There are 32 pages of them. We cannot assume they are all impersonating each other ...
True, but the evidence points to intentional impersonation, not a normal username collision.
@bwDraco It was a joke, don't take it too seriously?
@bwDraco Please leave it to the mods. We have been asked to flag if it happens again.
2 hours ago, by jokerdino
The problem has stopped, right? Next time this is happening, either mod flag the message explaining the problem or ping one of the resident mods.
Will do. I'll keep an eye out.
@bwDraco Technically the names are parody rather than outright impersonation, but hey....
oh god
that reminds me of a time, when working at the lan cafe
we used to run a CS league
few of the cafes involved, and we went up against a team at another cafe called clones
@djsmiley2k That made me cringe...
5 of them, all called ClOne, CIOne, CI0ne, CIOne and Cl0ne.....
it just psyched the team out
@djsmiley2k Would have been funnier if they changed their names to match the other team with 's clone at the end of their names, then spent the whole game shadowing their counterparts
thatd be impressive
It would be, especially if they then went on to constistantly win. Beaten by your own clone... now that would be a psych out.
@Mokubai @djsmiley2k You just gave me a really good idea for halo :D
@djsmiley2k Admittedly the same names would make it nearly impossible to say just who was attacking or defending at any one time. Difficult to then work out which players were better so you can adjust your strategy to weed out the weak and protect against the strong...
@Mokubai exactly
'clone is over here!' DOESNT HELP SO MUCH
From now, everyone in my halo team will be called pappa
whoops caps
@djsmiley2k That's fine, I imagined the shout to be the other team-mate replying with an expletive filled rant about not knowing which one
what have i missed?
should i be upset that i wasn't impersonated?
has said person been "dealt with"?
I am disappoint
I see the usual drama queens are kicking up a fuss with false accusations again
@PotatoCat you do have a tendency to push it too far
Apparently using the name "That Brazilian Imposter" is impersonating a mod.
Because, y'know, that'd totally convince people...
I believe "Journeyman Cat" was the one people were more concerned about
@BenN Journeyman Geek didn't seem concerned
Heh. (Note to everyone else, though, that JMG was almost certainly sleeping then and now)
He wasn't asleep when he made me Cat come up with the idea!
yesterday, by Journeyman Geek
sends @JourneymanCat off to be an apprentice
Ah, I see
i think it was the frequency that concerned people
@Burgi It's funny how it's only the usual (blocked) suspects that ever seem "concerned"
It's funny how people who are "concerned" get blocked :)
good point, well made
It's funny how the socks turn up so they can read the blocked posts :)
Usually for repetitive trolling
i noticed that too
People who are "concerned" don't get blocked
@PotatoCat Pot. Kettle. Black.
@PotatoCat do you alienate your colleagues and friends irl too?
But it's the people who get blocked who enjoy repeatedly feigning concern
@Burgi I don't have any
i rest my case
No surprise there then.
i have a lot of planets to catalogue...
I pick up your case and fling it at your forehead
if you need me, i'm on steam
The USENET post when it all began, 25 years ago: groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/comp.os.minix/dlNtH7RRrGA/…
@bwDraco Do keep up :)
Aug 23 at 9:37, by DavidPostill
From: [email protected] (Linus Benedict Torvalds)
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: What would you like to see most in minix?
Summary: small poll for my new operating system
Keywords: 386, preferences
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: 25 Aug 91 20:57:08 GMT
Organization: University of Helsinki
Lines: 20
Hello everybody out there using minix -

I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and
professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
Now Linux is everywhere: in our Android smartphones, on STBs, car infotainment systems, servers, supercomputers, and more.
In fact, Linux rose to prominence only because of the legal clash between USL and BSDi. If this didn't happen, Linux would have been abandoned.
Tanenbaum's controversial response on Usenet: "LINUX is obsolete"
> Tanenbaum's prediction that Linux would become outdated within a few years and replaced by GNU Hurd (which he considered to be more modern) proved incorrect. Linux has been ported to all major platforms and its open development model has led to an exemplary pace of development. In contrast, GNU Hurd has not yet reached the level of stability that would allow it to be used on a production server.
Even today, despite some bits of progress here and there (the last version was released three months ago), GNU Hurd is not production-ready and is pretty much a dead platform.
...but signs point to a slow revival.
how do you escape backticks in markdown?
If they're in the middle I think you can just add extra backticks on the outside: I have a ` here
` Backslash appeared to work
Note that GCM might handle them different from the main Markdown parser
i had to do double backticks at the start and end of the block
@Burgi It depends on whether it is in a question/answer body or in a comment.
@Burgi ah. where then?
it was on the internal wiki i set up
i fully expect to be fired for "reasons"
so i'm doing my bit and making sure everything is up-to-date and documented
leave things better than when i found them
despite the company being arseholes about it
@Burgi :/
Are you expecting a good reference from them?
i hope so
i've realised that they expect web development to be turned on and off like a tap
it doesn't work like that
they're current model for web development works brilliantly for just getting freelancers in to cover short one-off projects but not for a full time in house dev
they have too many competing, contrary projects and internal politics
big or little company?
Huh, Windows 10 introduced a new ADMX element type that isn't documented
Good morning!
Back to sitting and waiting...
@PotatoCat to be fair, I assumed you'd get bored and stop eventually
@DavidPostill this is why you guys get paid the big bucks get half the responsibility and some of the blame. I mean get anointed room owners.
Also, I strongly suggest annoying the shit out of anyone trying to impersonate me with the most trivial mod things you can. Especially non existent mod flags for deleted posts.
@Bob hurry up and wait? I hope you have a powerbank and entertainment material?
@JourneymanGeek Yea, powerbank and a full charge
I'd be surprised if the full charge runs out
Did forget the mobile wifi though :(
@JourneymanGeek funny you should use that phrase... I think I have a sailor sitting next to me
@Bob I was thinking book ;p
@JourneymanGeek book?
Q: Ahsoka Tano's Lightsaber Fighting Style

BurgiI've just finished watching the Clone Wars TV show and I was wondering why Ahsoka Tano holds her lightsabers blade down rather than the more traditional blade up method favoured by other lightsaber users? What advantages/disadvantages does this style of combat have? I am also interested in why...

a grown man watching cartoons!
move along now ;)
Lock stock and two smoking kittens
@JourneymanGeek I did
Paula: What's that?
Blank Reg: It's a book!
Paula: Well, what's that?
Blank Reg: It's a nonvolatile storage medium. It's very rare, you should have one.
Paula: Stuff it!
I need a home
Alternatively, I need a Skype shrink
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