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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Given how intense the fire is, I'm curious about whether it's generating harmful amounts of UV radiation... (ignore the fumes)
flash is super laggy
@allquicatic naw. Anyone that smart would work for Googlezonbookitterin
Call centres are invariably the dregs.
it really gives me a huge boner when i first start working for my company and r clusters are running 70% cpu alll day long, and now between 5%-10%
5k+ transactions a second
@allquicatic Eh, plenty of us have enough old PCs lying around that are not doing much, could easily substitute for VMs
@noitsbecky this is likely true.
Did you know... I like cats.
!! Taytaytay
You know who else likes cats?
That's right! It's Saylor Twift!
@noitsbecky No, it's Becky
is it?
@JourneymanGeek @allquicatic I'll be 30 mins
@Bob k
I should be good, unless yanno
@JourneymanGeek I'm gonna grab something to eat but it looks like quix quic won't be here today...
Almost might not have made it today
roomie apparently had an upset tummy
He's fine but had a few accidents last night sleeping with the parents.
Dad was like "Find a 24 hour vet". Roomie was "I'm fine, lets go to the dog park"
2 hours later…
theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2016/9/3/12777952/… funny thing is that's pretty similar to how the model Ms worked
with a buckling spring insteed of a thing that made the click tho
2 hours later…
Writer day
Writer day today
Quiet day today
Yup. How would you react if a shirtless man waved a cucumber at your face?
@Bob @JourneymanGeek @electronbeam sorry I missed gaming night >_< laid down for a "nap" and was kinda expecting a text from either Bob or eb and didn't get one so I just slept through the night. GAH
hopefully y'all played something anyway
@allquicatic twas late. @Bob and I were SRing
I think everyone had a bit of a tiring day.
@allquicatic ahhh I kinda assume you don't want to be tested unless you say otherwise
I'm still being cucumbered
being cucumbered seems like something that would happen in safe word
@JourneymanGeek ... Teacup!
Hm... firefox is weird
Surprisingly, my sister's music collection is actually pretty good
Steal it.
I did, back in the day ;p
@Rahul2001 how
@arda It keeps lagging, and the keyboard shortcuts are messed up...
What branch are you on?
I'm on experimental branch / developer edition, and it is pretty fast
the keyboard shortcuts are a bit different than chrome, but they aren't that bad.
@arda I'm using the standard Firefox Developer Edition
And there isn't a shortcut for new private window?
ctrl shift p
@Rahul2001 hmm. Try disabling e10s maybe?
@arda Oh, thanks!
how to disable e10s: about:preferences -> untick enable multi-process firefox developer edition
FFDE is Firefox Alpha
that's not "standard"; that's really bleeding-edge
commits that landed days or hours ago... untested crap
if you want something that works use Firefox stable or ESR
@allquicatic oh, lol, but I thought it was for webdevs?
it's "for webdevs" only in the sense that it has the latest features and a few extra developer-specific extensions, many of which you can install in Firefox Stable anyway
@Rahul2001 it is packed with some cool stuff which you can install on stable too
but yeah it's basically their alpha build so don't expect stability or functionality when using it as a general driver
if you're not actively developing a website I'd say don't run it
okay :)
I just thought the blue color looked cooler :P
"the blue colour... themes"
erf. I'm trying to turn a video on youtube, its been processing for most of the day
@JourneymanGeek Please wait while others who are more important make Youtube more money than you submitted their videos first are processed
@allquicatic I MIGHT have rotated it locally so I'll try that again
roughly a minute in VLC
I like big cats and I cannot lie
joy. Now the rotated video is on 360p
@JourneymanGeek Beasts of questionable intelligence.
@allquicatic beagles? Certainly
@allquicatic dat face
I like birds more than dogs
especially because they taste like chicken and are a nice backup plan in case the humans forget to feed me
Chicken tastes like chicken!
@JourneymanGeek that video is loading EXTREMELY slowly here -- I think it's being streamed to me from a Singaporean part of the Youtube CDN because it hasn't been transferred to the US CDN yet
@allquicatic there's a chance it might be cause its 4k. Check the resoolution
or that
Loads at 30Mbps for me. In HD
I see you running around sniffing other people's butts
@allquicatic Yes!
Hi everyone
I'm getting some problems with running and debugging my mex files
I've written them in stackoverflow
they've baffled me since last time
but they're getting so little attention
I think that there may be PC issues rather than programming issues.
Would you please have a look at them/
maybe they should be migrated and answered on this site?
Q: dependency walker: system could not find the file specified. libmx.dll, libmmd.dll, libifcoremdd.dll

sepidehI am writing MATLAB Mex files using Visual Studio 2013 and MATLAB R2015a on a Win8.1 x64 machine. The code for the mx_minimum_power.cpp file is as follow: #include <math.h> #include <complex> #include "mex.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "cvm.h" #include "blas.h" #include "cfun.h" using...

this is the most important problem.
liifcoremdd.dll is missing from my win8.1 x64 machine and I don't know why?
Even if I download the file from the net
I don't know where should I put it
The second question is:
Q: Unable to attach matlab.exe process to visual studio 2013 for debugging mex files?

sepidehI am writing some mex files to run in my matlab program using visual studio 2013 compiler. In order to be able to debug your mex files, you should follow these steps Everything was right just some minutes ago and I was doing my project without any problem. Today I have typed the code mex -g m...

this problem gets fixed whenever I restart the machine
But it occasionally shows up again and forces me to restart the computer
@sepideh 1) don't download from those shady download-dll websites
@sepideh 2) usually system32
the third question:
Q: Which of these packages should I download to use CVM class library for compiling Matlab Mex files with Visual Studio 2013?

sepidehHere is the download page for CVM class library, as I remember from opencv each precompiled library should come with some .h files, .lib files and .dll files. I've downloaded and extracted all the packages but seems there are no .h files included. Generally: Which package should I use, if I'm...

@arda Me either. But how should I fix this problem generally?
@sepideh :32106388 Hmm.

Invalid MEX-file 'H:\Implementation\ALOS-PALSAR\ALOS-PALSAR 12x2\San Francisco L
12x2\mx_minimum_power.mexw64': The specified module could not be found.

And every else in the question you refer to `mx_minimum_powe.mexw64`

Ie "powe" **not** power
@sepideh no idea, but I'd recommend bountying those questions
@arda I will. But there's no time. I can start a bounty after two days and I should submit the project as soon as possible
@DavidPostill Do you mean a typo?
I've named the .cpp and so .mexw64 file "mx_minimum_power"
"there's no time" >_>
@sepideh If it's a typo it's in a least two places ...
and a lot of these seem to definately feel like SO questions
and you've asked these in the last two days so...
@JourneymanGeek so what?
@sepideh Where does libifcoremdd.dd come from? Why do you think it's missing?
And well @sepideh as I often tell people, using chat purely as a way to get attention for a question, especially on another site, is impolite (I've not seen you around), and if you've asked these in the last two days, and you're getting close to a deadline, well, Its the nature of asking questions on the internet.
@sepideh He trying to politely say that they don't appear to be on-topic for Super User.
@DavidPostill I'm actually trying to caliberate my politeness level here for "gruff"
@DavidPostill and not really on 'topic' in its current form for the chat.
@JourneymanGeek :)
And these things are deep specific issues that someone in the field might know. Have you talked to someone senior or your TA, who might have the environment already setup?
100 free rep for whoever can tell me why the spacex rocket exploded!
@JourneymanGeek ok, maybe I asked the question in a wrong place. But this project has a long history and I'm not doing it in two days. It starts from here
@sepideh Probably should be libifcoremdd.dll
@sepideh the project, no. But "i'm running out of time" should never be the reason for not doing things the 'right' way
and well, this isn't really a programming site chat room
Let alone matlab.
@DavidPostill I've explained in the question. I can't find it in the c drive
@noitsbecky elon musk: Loss of Falcon vehicle today during propellant fill operation. Originated around upper stage oxygen tank. Cause still unknown. More soon
@noitsbecky it deflagrated
as opposed to exploded
in scientific terms it WHOOSHED very fast, rather than kaboomed
@sepideh But why is it looking for a dd file?
@JourneymanGeek *deflagrated
It didn't explode:

Update 9/2 4:48 p.m. EDT: SpaceX founder Elon Musk has said that the incident was not an explosion, but rather a very fast fire.
@JourneymanGeek The who the huh the were de-whatted?
@noitsbecky go WHOOOOSH
Deflagration (Lat: de + flagrare, "to burn down") is a term describing subsonic combustion propagating through heat transfer; hot burning material heats the next layer of cold material and ignites it. Most "fire" found in daily life, from flames to explosions, is deflagration. Deflagration is different from detonation, which propagates supersonically through shock waves. This means that when a substance deflagrates, it burns extremely quickly instead of detonating. Black powder is an example of a substance that deflagrates; when it is ignited, black powder burns extremely quickly (so fast in fact...
of course its not in my spellcheck so @arda got to fix my speeling misteaks ;p
ok, maybe its better to start chatting on stackoverflow. But missing .dll files that should be on C drive, was the reason that I thought maybe I'm dealing with a pc issue rather than a programming one
@JourneymanGeek your welcame
it hurts just to type that, lol
@DavidPostill I don't know why. But ok, I'll ask these questions on SO chat
@JourneymanGeek Behind every good deflagration there's a strong explosion
@arda I know ;p
How could a dog miss a steak
usually with a dramatic slide, and a crash.
> - This was part of a standard pre-launch static fire to demonstrate the health of the vehicle prior to an eventual launch.
Well it wasn't very healthy then was it
This is how they weed out the weak and frail.
> there was an anomaly on the pad resulting in the loss of the vehicle
Loss? how could you lose a huge bright ball of flame? IT'S RIGHT THERE, THE WHOLE WORLD CAN SEE IT
@DavidPostill oh, ok. that was a typo just when typing the question. I've searched a .dll file and that is missing
I wonder if they mean they couldn't find the vehicle again after the anomaly, that sounds plausible
@sepideh It's important to get your question right. That means no typos, especially for code and file names you are referring to.
@DavidPostill ok, you told me about an another typo. where was that?
@sepideh And it's still wrong after your edit "libifcoremdd.ddl". And you haven't fixed "mx_minimum_powe.mexw64" either. In two places like I already told you.
@DavidPostill yes corrected again
@DavidPostill ok, thanks a lot. I found and corrected that too
@sepideh libifcoremdd.dll is a debug library. Try compiling without debug.
Oh The Correctormeister
now now. You mean "Dictatorial Spell Checker for Life"
self-appointed benevolent dictatorial spell checker for life.
(The fruits, not the trashcans)
I just want to sleep :(
@Bob sleep
@Bob power nap? ;p
Alright, folks. First game of the season. Camera's ready to shoot.
Game begins in 15 minutes.
I'm a sports photographer for my college and it's the first game of the season. Wish me luck :-)
@bwDraco May your pictures be sharp, your angles be right and your clicking be fast. May Nikon bless your soul and keep you from broken memory cards.
Pentax user here.
Nikon frowns upon you.
@bwDraco BTW How is Hermine?
Urgh Nikon
That reminds me, I haven't upgraded my photography kit for like six years
Used to read about digital photography news every day, but haven't been keeping up for a few years (mainly because all the advancements got boring). Boy have I missed a lot...
Hmm looks like the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV finally stops sucking in the way the Mk II should have done four years ago... woohoo! Bit late there Canon!
So @noitsbecky, you got tired of being housepets?
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse What? I don't know what you're talking about.
Hey qwertyuiop could you please not impersonate me? Thanks.
@ThatBrazilianCat @ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse There are too many ThatBrazilians in this room ...
I sense a "he's the fake one", "no, HE'S the fake one" moment coming near...
Fortunately the RO italics disambiguate them pretty good :)
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse You're sloping they're straight :)
I'm not qwertyuiop
@BenN ?
@ThatBrazilianImposter it is getting ridiculous now...
@DavidPostill They're straight? But I think it was stated otherwise before. ;p
@Rahul2001 Room owners' names appear in italics. The actual TBG is a room owner, while Dog is not
@Rahul2001 I'm not qwertyuiop
@Rahul2001 Don't worry, she can only do it 159 times per month.
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse At least I have a head
And hey, you were the one who taught me this :-P
If it weren't for you I'd never have figured it out
@ThatBrazilianImposter You are a declining soccer celebrity, I am a timeless immortal folklore ghost.
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse That may be true, but at least I have a head
@ThatBrazilianImposter I never taught you. It'a not my fault you're smart, crazy and got a weird sense of humour.
I wonder how many different names it is now?

potato cat

Have I missed any?
> These look like impressive tools, and they come with a price tag to match. The EOS C700 and C700 PL are expected to go on sale in December with a list price of $35,000, while the EOS C700 GS PL should be available in January (2017) with a list price of $38,000.
Dangit, something I want, but can't afford
@DavidPostill You missed six
@ThatBrazilianImposter Welcome to being Brazilian. Remember, it was your choice.
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse True. Unlike being a dog, which was not my choice.
I have a fan an an impersonator, I think I'm a bit of an online subcelebrity now ;p
@ThatBrazilianImposter You can't even remember yourself :)
@DavidPostill cat
@Rahul2001 Yeah, got that one.
When the mods arrive they might get a bit confused.
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse The transcript shows the names used at the time.
@JourneymanCat Now impersonating a Mod - living dangerously :)
So David forgot
yesterday, by kerbalspacecat
None at all.
@JourneymanCat No I didn't.
yesterday, by Catty McCatFace
I wonder what other interesting tidbits of carrier information Android 7 provides
7 mins ago, by DavidPostill
I wonder how many different names it is now?

potato cat

Have I missed any?
2 mins ago, by Journeyman Cat
So David forgot
@JourneymanCat Followed by a deleted post of a name that was in my list. Stop trying to bend the truth.
I didn't forget the one you deleted. The others, yes.
2 days ago, by Potatocat
@4-K No.
And several more I shall not reveal! Mwahahaha
@DavidPostill How can I bend the truth when you are the truth?!
@DavidPostill is bendgate proof!
Someone here really loves cucumbers...
Yay that message got the response I wanted and I didn't even have to ask!
Journeyman Cat?
32 mins ago, by That Brazilian Headless Horse
When the mods arrive they might get a bit confused.
@Rahul2001 Remove remove that please. It's borderline offensive.
@jokerdino Someone is changing their name every few minutes ...
That shouldn't be possible unless they are changing their parent site. Hmm
@jokerdino That's exactly what they're doing.
On it.
Disclaimer: I was doing that too, but not that often. And not half-impersonating others.
In this instance, it's non-malicious, but it opens precedents.
Someone should write a meta question asking to limit the ability to change parent sites for chat
@DavidPostill oh, yeah, sorry...
Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet, but how is that offensive?
Chat isn't letting me flag
@BenN It could be perceived as offensive, because some persons see the need for therapy as a "flaw" in others who are "obvisouly" "insanse" and "less worthy".
@Rahul2001 Nooooooo don't flag stuff here. It'll be overflowing with mods once again.
Just ask @jokerdino to delete it.
Ah, right
Is all I'm going to say.
@jokerdino please delete?
@DavidPostill Very valid point. My bad
Easy there. No need to flag if you got me sitting here.
Also note that a standard spam/offensive flag being approved results in a short ban for the flagee
@jokerdino Thanks
Should I write up an MSE on fast chat renames via site switching, or is someone else on it, or should I not bother?
Someone should write it. I'd do it, but I'm busy right now.
@BenN Go for it :)
sc \\BenN start MseWriting
If nothing else it's disruptive behaviour.
Well, I was wondering what was going on with those name changes.
I have better things to do than deal with this, but one moment it's "noitsbecky", another it's "Potato Cat"...
Q: Name changing rate limit can be circumvented in chat by changing parent site

Ben NWe in the Root Access chat room just noticed (ahem) that the rate limit on display name changes can be circumvented by changing the parent site. That is, a user can change names extremely quickly by doing something like this: Associate a new site account Modify the new per-site profile to have ...

...and now it's "Journeyman Cat". Impersonating a mod is not okay.
He's just actively mocking others here.
I'm in the middle of a job, pulling out my phone to check things briefly and I find drama. 😥
@bwDraco Don't worry, it's under control :)
Thanks. I'll try to tend to this in a bit when I get off duty.
@bwDraco You don't need to do anything ... we have mods in the room
I don't think it's acceptable, if user abuse it too much, he/she should be chat suspended. — Shadow Wizard 50 secs ago
WoooooooI'm home
I don't want to be dishing out candies because I am not a parent mod here.
@jokerdino @mokubai is though. And room owners can kick-mute ...
What'd I miss?
@Mokubai @PotatoCat is changing their name frequently (several times in the last hour or so). Some of those names look the same as others in the room in the chat sidebar (where names are truncated).
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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