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superuser.com/questions/1119788/weight-loss-tips-areas-the-easy SPAM you shouldn't have it for dinner because its SPAM.
Superuser isn't down. of course ISP providers are being attack apparently. SE spreads the love around, they use cloud services, if your ISP uses a route that's being attacked I tshould be fixed relalavetly soon.
@allquicatic OVH seems fine from here
My tunnel did disconnect a few times over the last week, but I think that's local
This article on this FBI agent is funny
@JourneymanGeek *fastly
He admits in the process up to his termination he knows that charging his covert Gov CC was a bad idea
> The load balancing card crashed and do not reboot, we are investigating
@Ramhound its back now
But now he argues that other people did similar things, but in those cases, most of them claim they didn't know
@arda i'd stand corrected but I'd rather lazy sit.
@Ramhound who?
yeah, they're having a few issues
> Page 1 of 74
GOV cc can be tricky. If you are living paycheck to paycheck and your job requires you to travel, you are suppose to in theory pay the balance off, if you are not reimbursed for the charges before they are due.
The thing is, if that was the case, he should have been honest.
sounds like the typical "but mooooooooom" defence
He could have been assigned different cases, allowing him to focus, on his personal debt instead of the debt he created attempting to prevent personal debt
More recently those polices changed though. The reimbursement policy goes directly to the CC company, except for your prediem, but you have complete control over those costs as a person.
@Ramhound hahahaha his wife replied in comment
@allquicatic Those are all old, though.
I still question how $10,000 on a Convert GOV CC went unnoticed....
really? I missed that
"Category: the whole network"
> The FBI employee had admitted to his supervisors that he made more than 200 personal charges during a four-year period, many of them for groceries at stores like Harris Teeter and Food Lion. He ran up a balance of $10,000, which he’d begun to pay back by the time he was called to headquarters; he blamed the charges on personal financial troubles.
> “What kind of name is Tahir?” she asked.

“It’s Turkish, ma’am.”
tahir is most definitely not a normal turkish name
his supervisors allowed a credit card of one of their employees, to go unaudited, for 4 years.
@Ramhound "though he did admit that he changed the address where the card’s statements were to be sent in order to hide his personal spending from supervisors. "
I know I read the story.
My point is, 4 years, his supervisor didn't even question the reason he was no longer getting balance statements
Its not like he didn't know the cover ideates of everyone that worked under them
furthermore: @arda - Does not matter. Race is one of those protected classes. By asking that question, the employee, likely has lost the case for the government.
Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701 (ICAO: FLG3701, IATA: 9E3701, or Flagship 3701) crashed on October 14, 2004, near Jefferson City, Missouri, United States. It was an overnight repositioning flight with no passengers from Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S. to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, U.S. Both crew members were killed. == Accident == Pinnacle Airlines (operating under the Northwest Airlink banner) Flight 3701 was an empty 50-seat Bombardier CRJ-200 ferrying from Little Rock, Arkansas (Little Rock National Airport) to Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, manned by two pilots, Captain...
@allquicatic ^
@allquicatic Better than a $7000 piece of shit
Can't. Sleep. Must. McDonald's. Help.
@Dog *slap* Don't do that!
Sleep and don't McDonald's
> Carrier: Amazon Logistics
Well that's new
Never knew they had their own delivery company... I wonder what their vans look like.
Maybe it's a drone.
@Dog Isn't it like 6 AM over there
hmm. quick dumb question
a bluetooth 4.1 transmitter will work with a BT 4.0 headset right?
ahh looks like it
@Bob Yes
It's 7am now. And I have learnt 3 things today.
1) You can't get McDonald's fries between 5am and 10:30am. Anywhere.
2) My local McD's is only 24-hours on the drive through, not the walk in
3) They don't like it when you drive through the drive through on a motorcycle
Farking health and safety bollocks. Back when I was a kid we used to ride through the drive-through on a bicycle or even walk it and nobody complained
@Dog you should try it on one of those mobility scooters old people use.
Then tell them you didn't fight the damned germans so you could be deprived fries by some snot nosed millenial.
@JourneymanGeek They're capped to 4 or 8 mph, and I don't have one
I seem to have misplaced my kindle
I seem to have misplaced my sleep
@Dog I may or may not be currently wiping tea off my keyboard.
@Bob poured or sprayed?
@JourneymanGeek yes
We are aware of issues that have briefly affected Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange QA sites, we are investigating.
@Bob you asked earlier how long these take... I'm producing right now if you'd like to tune in
The outage appears to have been caused by a routing issue with one or more of our ISP. Things are stable now, will investigate more tomorrow
@electronbeam not home yet :(
i thought gawker had gone bust
@Burgi it got bought
Their spell checker was bought by a different company though
s/bought/sued into oblivion/
@OliverSalzburg spellcheek? Who needs spellcheek. Real Journelists don't maek no misteaks.
@JourneymanGeek ya mispeled donut
@arda as a dyslexic who actually takes the effort... That was almost physically painful to write
@electronbeam "my boobs hurt now" wtf?
@Rahul2001 lol yes
@Rahul2001 deal with it
@electronbeam You're producing that?
@Rahul2001 yes.
Ooooh... Nice
You know you can easily gain fame on NCS, right?
proof is on the stream
what's NCS
@electronbeam record label
yeah but
That's how Alan walker became famous
Fade, force, and spectre all had NCS releases
Then faded went on to become an international hit
You think my stuff is good enough?
Work hard on a track, and when you think it's the best you can do, send it in...
maybe after I release my album I'll think about it
I'll do the beta-hearing :P
you're hearing it right now
I'm mastering my album right now
Ooooh... What's it gonna be called?
Distractions and Metaphors
do you like the music?>
I've put a few hundred hours worth of work into it
Yeah, I like it :)
Are you planning on getting a deal with a record label?
Scheduled to have a chat with monstercat soon
Ah, nice...
@electronbeam If I'm going to be honest to me the music sounds rather bland - elevator music. I like music that has an emotional content, and I don't feel that listening to your music.
@DavidPostill fair enough
My wifi is lagging :(
however I'm not sure 180bpm drum and bass bangers are considered elevator music
@electronbeam I'll be honest too, sometimes I feel your music gets kinda repetitive for rather long periods of time
See, what's playing right now is a nice tune
@electronbeam I don't consider twitch.tv/overnightexpress to be drum and bass.
you sure about that?
Well I don't hear much drums or bass. All I hear is synth melody.
@electronbeam depends on the elevator...
this track is like... entirely percussion
@JourneymanGeek I once take a ride in Willy wonka's elevator
"Lets see, here's a jato bottle, and a ramjet and... what do you mean liquifying the passengers is disallowed"
@JourneymanGeek I once took a ride in Willy wonka's elevator
@electronbeam Yeah well now that link is playing something else ... not what I heard before. Still no emotional content though.
@electronbeam Of course. I did say earlier "to me the music sounds"
music resonates with different people in different ways
This album is filled with overwhelming emotion for me. I poured my soul into it
@electronbeam I can understand that. But it doesn't come through for me.
Fair enough.
@electronbeam Why is your stream meant for "mature audiences"?
because sometimes I say naughty words and play t rated games
and M rated games
Headed to bed, goodnight.
*looks at time* good morning/night :P
@DavidPostill now I'm curious - examples?
I'm sure I've asked you this before :P
> Improved reliability of ... NTFS file system
@Bob I have to go out, but here are a couple of random samples from my playlist.
Alabina - Habibi De Mis Amores (Habibi Ya Nour El Ein)
Alexx Antaeus - Kyrie
Andrea Bocelli/ Celine Dion - The Prayer
Ashan - The Aramaic Lord's Prayer (Abwoon D'bashmaya)
B-Tribe - Hablame (Talk to Me)
Lisa Hordijk - Hallelujah
Is this what is called soulful music?
@jokerdino Music that has an emotional content.
I have 4000 tracks that I use when I'm teaching expressive dance.
I use about 15 - 20 or so in a typical 90 minute session.
I am going to listen to 'The Prayer' because the rest of them seem religious.
Back later ...
@jokerdino Alabina and B-Tribe are definitely not religious.
@DavidPostill thanks. I'' have to remember to listen to them in a bit :P
I would have liked a YT playlist that I can open.
> Lisa Hordijk - Hallelujah
Now I wonder what that could possibly be :P
Good cover of it though.
@Bob hallelujah
@jokerdino listening to music on youtube? Like a plebian? I DEMAND MY LOSSLESS SOUNDS! ;p
I don't have any other option :(
(I actually would do it more if youtube didn't make their music recommendations so hard to find)
Spotify? Nope. Torrent? Nope. Buying shit? Nope.
@DavidPostill though I think I prefer the vocals here => youtube.com/watch?v=y8AWFf7EAc4 :P
@JourneymanGeek some of the music I like is only on youtube :\
brb update reboot
if I'm not back in 10 mins MS broke something
I'm alive!
did you let MS reboot a server for you or something?
@Burgi he is tay.
@Burgi nah, just desktop
normal updates
@jokerdino it seems a bit speculative.
Also, the RA answer to this is "You did backup, right?"
and these seem to be third and 4th hand reports.
@JourneymanGeek the question seems all right but the answers may not be.
I'd be inclined to closevote the question if I was a normal user ._.
Currently sitting with 4 close votes and a flag asking for migration.
It's not going to get any useful answer in Ask Ubuntu.
There seemed to be a problem when Windows 10 had an update and OP wants to know if that is resolved.
lemme comment
there. Now you can blame me when you reject that flag ;)
I marked it as helpful and asked them to re-ask on SU if needed. :P
I'd be half tempted to break out the angry android dog for that one ;p
Man, Halo: Combat Evolved was way ahead of its time...
bungie's games were
We still play it at school and you wouldn't be able to guess that the game is as old as me by looking at it...
Why doesn't bungie release any more games?
I seriously thought that the game was two years old or something... I just looked at the Wikipedia article and my jaw dropped when I realized that it is as old as me...
marathon was stunning
@Rahul2001 MS bought them, and then they went independant. Most recent game they did was destiny
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, 2014, not for Windows
@Rahul2001 most of their games weren't
Marathon was for mac IIRC
it was
launched at the same time as doom hugely superior
And if memory serves me, halo was console first...
yeah it was an xbox launch title
the original idea was to be open world on the halo
So, did @Rahul2001 got unblocked?
I don't even know why he was blocked to begin with
Because. Er. Donno.
If this message gets ten stars I'll block Rahul
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse @dog didn't like all my cryptic questions
The contest ones?
yep :P
If this message gets 10 stars it will have 10 stars
Lol. I didn't like em either.
lol I should be blocking him too?
Yeah, well, the competitions are over...
i still think you cheated
@Burgi Asking non-participants for help was allowed
there is help and then there is getting us to solve the questions for you
@Burgi Well, I...
Wait, are we talking about the hacking questions he wrote, or was that another contest he was participating in?
@Burgi and some of them were awful
@Rahul2001 Well, If you had rubber ducked....
You guys only solved one question (The forint one)
(which unlike teacup, or pickles...)
@jokerdino I agree
@JourneymanGeek ??
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse Other contests
Even those, prolly belong on a seperate room
gtg, bye
Today's Google Doodle is about The Neverending Story. Man, I loved loved loved that book as a kid.
It's dearer to my heart than The Lord of the Rings
I think tolkien is one of the things that got me into geekdom
Even if I ended up falling into the space opera fandom hard.
I read it late, I think I was already 16 when I read the fellowship
I was prolly 13 or 14
I was 10 when I read the Neverending Story
used to hang out in the library... and picked up the first book, the second... and most of dune and...
For some reason the school had a REALLY good sci fi collection ;p
I was bed sick for a week. A friend of my parents lent me his copy. I read it in 3 days. The whole 300 pages.
wait. It ended?
It made my head explode.
The passage where the main character reads a book where HE is the main character and then wonders if his reality is also a book and maybe the reality of THE PERSON READING HIM is also a book
10yo me was OH MY GODDDD
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse /r/im14andthisisdeep
i watched the first 10 minutes of the film and never finished it
@Burgi Movie? What movie? I refuse to acknowledge any movie. Because there's none. Yeah.
i was 11 or 12 when i realised the sun would die
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse inb4 reddit bans everyone who contributes there for coppa
reminds me of my thing with starship troopers
I watched the movie first. Loved it. Started reading the book... I realised the director read half the book, lost interest and made shit up
(oh and bladerunner and do androids dream of electronic sheep. allegedly an adaptation, but VERY different stories with very different focuses)
i hate the book
I doubt the PKD book could ever really be made a movie
i was so disappointed
@Burgi SST or bladerunner?
@Burgi I was eleven when one day, suddenly I was walking down the streets and an epiphany hit me: "men are attracted to women with big hips and breasts because of evolutionary reasons, they have more chances of breeding offspring". The thought came out of the blue.
oh, I liked the book
No, there were no hot girls around.
BUT the book was people who lost their empathy. The movie was of androids who became more than what they were.
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse your brazilian, i think its genetic or something
that said, few of PKD's books would work as movies, despite all the 'adaptations'
@JourneymanGeek i probably need to reread it
Most of the impact is on how the reader interprets it
@Burgi I can entirely get people not getting it, or actively hating it.
@Burgi If that was the case, I'd have to be fanatic about big, ahem, derrieres. Which I'm not.
"I like enormous donkeys and cannot tell an untruth" ? ;p
@JourneymanGeek A Scanner Darkly makes absolutely no sense as a movie
I still have to read the book
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse that was actually a semi faithful adaptation IIRC
total recall works
minority report is totally different
iirc total recall was very different
i'm still amazed that they got a 2 hour film out of a 15 page short story
@Burgi minority report as a short story is the good sort of mind****
and the name of the story makes sense
i love PKD stories they are almost.... innocent.... does that make sense?
tho its kinda transitory between the 40-50s "happy" scifi
and later more serious sci fi
At some point I need to figure which of his books I actually have
I tend to pick up those and dune novels at random booksales ;p
I once wrote a short sci fi story. I'm actually quite proud of it, it got featured on a compilation book. A real world book. ;P
what was it about?
Even funnier if you're familiar with vexxar
hey all
I'm very excited for school
I got my 9th grade teachers again
Some of them, that is.
Get off my lawn.
(more seriously, have fun... as much as possible. Sensibly)
anyone know of a good powered USB 3.0 hub?
the two I have are... iffy
one is an amazonbasics one :\
@JourneymanGeek sr?
@Burgi Hard to say without giving spoilers. :P
@Bob da
It's about a scientist becoming depressed because his discovery is going to be used in a military campaign.
It's also a sci fi story that's deep down not a sci fi story.
God, I sound so pretentious.
@Bob That's not a bad version :)
@jokerdino I don't have one :/
My friend copy and pastes code from stackoverflow
Im going to beat him up now
HAHAHA busted him
@Dog your message got 10 stars
!! s/10/13/
@DavidPostill @Dog your message got 13 stars (source)
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse linky?
@JourneymanGeek Sensible=meth+weed :P
@GuitarShoeDave I thought everyone did that?

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