What steps can I take to try to recover lost or inaccessible data from any storage device?
This applies to any main storage devices; eg. internal/external hard drive, USB stick, Flash memory.
The most important thing is to STOP using it, any type of I/O can ruin your chances of a reco...
It was with disbelief that I noticed Chromium has decided to remove backspace to navigate back in browser history, a shortcut which has been established almost universally across all browsers for decades.
This really, really irritates me as I navigate 'back' probably hundreds of times a day and...
Google has now published an official extension to reenable the backspace button as the hotkey for 'back'.
Web Store: https://goo.gl/L30YZ7
Source: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=608016
Still an effing pain, I have to relaunch my browser :-|
@DavidPostill No adjustments are possible due to ever increasing temperature thanks to global warming. There is tolerance threshold of adjustment until body's adaptive function fails.
They instruct to use soft bristle toothbrush with water on terminals. Common toothbrush will not qualify then... I have isoprophyl alcohol 99% so is it better than water?
@Dog That's not how baseball works. It's extremely common for foul balls to be hit into the stands (and home runs, but those are less frequent than foul balls). You see maybe 20 to 50 foul balls per game hit into the stands, and 0 to 5 home runs on average. And even the occasional "bat toss" (accidentally throwing the bat by losing control of it during a swing). People have gotten hit by both baseballs and bats and severely injured.
Catching a baseball with your hands isn't all that painful for most grown adults. It's riskier than catching a (UK or US) football, or basketball, but as long as you don't let it slam into your fingertips or something, it's usually OK. But you definitely don't want to get hit in the head with a baseball.
Kids (and some grown men acting like kids) take a baseball glove to the game. Others will take off their baseball cap and quickly use it as a makeshift glove.
Most people can go to 10-20 baseball games per year their whole life and never have the opportunity to catch (or be hurt by) an incoming foul ball. So it's not terribly likely (unless you sit in specific locations where it's relatively more likely).
Hey @DavidPostill, I've made serious progress in the "Group Policy on Home edition" department: Policy Plus works perfectly on all editions! The only difference on Home is that it takes a relog/reboot after changing policy settings, since userenv.dll!RefreshPolicyEx does nothing there
Sooooooooo 2.1 did have pyloric stenosis i've just got home for the first time in 36 hours i've had about 3 hours sleep in the last 36 too he';s had his op, is ok, and has started on fluids \o/ and I've got an interview at 9am o_O
Pyloric stenosis or pylorostenosis is narrowing (stenosis) of the opening from the stomach to the first part of the small intestine known as the duodenum, due to enlargement (hypertrophy) of the muscle surrounding this opening (the pylorus, meaning "gate"), which spasms when the stomach empties. This condition causes severe projectile non-bilious vomiting. It most often occurs in the first few months of life, when it may thus be more specifically labeled as infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. The thickened pylorus is felt classically as an olive-shaped mass in the middle upper part or right...