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Sorry for bothering you. Thank you all
It now works as expected
so on this win10 laptop the hdd in 2 partitions, both too large to copy over to the over and delete...
is there some online way to merge?
@djsmiley2k VTC as unclear what you are asking :)
@DavidPostill :D
can i merge 2 partitions when they both contain data?
not as far as I recall
@AmirHossein it was done because you had asked for it to be added to the post, which isn't possible, as mentioned in my flag reply. Put on gist.github because I've lost count of how many posts containing shortened links, let alone OneDrive links have been lost
@Sathya: Thank you, I have no problem with github. My script was wrapped by gist and that was my problem. Uploaded to repo and everything is fine now.
Not sure if this is a terrible or brilliant idea theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2016/8/7/12381664/…
heh. that's my monthly answer done
you on a quota eh @bob :D
Happy friendship day everybody!! :D
Man, mhtml files are so messy...
there's a wikipedia page
'living people'
=== Related categories === Category:Year of birth missing (living people) / Category:Year of birth unknown Category:Date of birth missing (living people) / Category:Date of birth unknown Category:Place of birth missing (living people) / Category:Place of birth unknown Category:Year of death missing / Category:Year of death unknown Category:Date of death missing / Category:Date of death unknown Category:Place of death missing / Category:Place of death unknown Category:Missing middle or first names Possibly living people, missing people, and dead people are not included here, including the recently...
@djsmiley2k If you write an article, on say, me, you're supposed to put it in the category of living people.
just funny
It should be called 'Articles about Living People'
But if I die next year or something, you would put it in 'Died in 2017'
Or if I just disappeared, it would be in an 'unknown' category
This helps keep the whole encyclopedia organised
i just feel like the meta stuff like this, shouldn't be part of the actual content
ya know?
@djsmiley2k It isn't actually part of the main stuff...
hence the prefix
but I get what you mean
it can be really useful though
For example, if you are reading an article on ebola
You can go to the category at the end of the page and see all major disease outbreaks in 2014
oh yeah
Fun Fact: Linus Torvalds's father is featured on the main page of wikipedia today...
Is his father notable? /me goes to look
yep, he's an MP
MEP too
@Burgi writing the blog has turned out to be harder than expected
I originally didn't want to use SQL, but think I'll have to now...
I... just don't like sql
you writing blog software?
@djsmiley2k yep
in the 2 weeks since my son is born, i've managed to get pretty much nothing done
yeah i've stained the door at least
@djsmiley2k why?
and installed a turtle, but still. So much more I wanted to get done.
Because babies == even less free time
No, why is writing blogging software ew?
I find it fun
but really frustrating...
I need to sit at my PC and make this SVG so I can display something on my kindle
i guess it's not really, just feels like reinventing the wheel some what?
but then again, I reguarly have to try and hash together something in nagios, as none of the existing plugins do the job quite right
Lord I hope I get this new jorb
Writing software is like being in a relationship... Super fun, but sometimes it can be so frustrating, you just wanna dump it... :P
hehe yus
I'm not a programmer, slowly learning more, maybe by my 90's I'll be able to concider myself one.
@djsmiley2k It's not tough at all...
@Rahul2001 more a case of me finding something to work on
and the time to learn
I can do just enough with bash and php to be passible as a hobbist XD
@Rahul2001 told you!
how do you expect to store data without a database?
flat text files...
but that isn't working out so great
I bet I can still manage it though
thats a really old school and inefficient way of storing your data
@Burgi yeah...
it won't be indexed and there won't be any auditting
you could edit the files outside of the CMS
@Burgi ??? Even if you have a CMS you can edit files outside of the CMS!
That's what command line SQL is for ... :)
@DavidPostill what i mean is the content is seperated out of the logic
@Burgi I know. I was winding you up :)
i'm tired i missed it
plus you are very very very good at pretending to be serious
@Burgi You can tell I'm not serious when I put a smiley after something :P
your first one didn't have a smiley!
I reserved it for the second line ;P
it was too late then, i was already rallying my defenses
@Burgi Yes.
Q: Manufacturer & Company tags are back. Again

RobotnikWe don't like company-only tags, and there's been various crusades in the past to purge them: Can we get rid of the company tags? Company tag necromancy: The zombie apocalypse! What should the [microsoft] tag be used for? Lotus tag cleanup Retagging [microsoft] questions Retagging [google] que...

@Burgi You can delete it but don't do it all at once as it will bump the questions
it was on a live question
is bumping the questions a bad thing?
@Burgi If you do too many old questions at once it will annoy people who sit on https://superuser.com/questions?sort=active and you may get complaints
i like ruffling feathers
And don't forget to do a thorough edit and not just the tag ...
i will
i probably won't do all of them
i have irl things to do
In the past @JourneymanGeek has mentioned tag cleanup days but I haven't seen one for ages.
I thought was OK because it's about the hardware, while is bad
@BenN Good point. I didn't think of that.
luckily i haven't started
i've only done the one that came up on review
Previous cleaning work on left on the questions
ah ok
Interesting that there is no tag for some laptops, eg my Sony VAIO - there is no tag and includes both laptops and desktops.
i may have accidentally outted my new sister in law :S
@Burgi new SIL?
I thought you were single.
i am
my sister's husband's sister.....
must be your sibling's SO.
oh ok
not OK.
so i got the terminology wrong
that one I can agree on.
though it's all right to call them SIL.
or maybe your sister's SIL.
Noun: co-sister-in-law ‎(plural co-sisters-in-law)
  1. One's husband's brother's wife; or more generally one's spouse's sister-in-law, the sister of one spouse in relation to the siblings of the other spouse.
  2. (in the plural) The relationship between women who marry brothers
  3. One's brother-in-law or sister-in-law's sister; that is, one's sibling's spouse's sister (one's sister's husband's sister or one's brother's wife's sister).
  4. (in the plural) The relationship between women whose brother and sister are married to each other
no wait
not that
getting terrible now
whatever it is, that person is an eligible candidate.
no-one explains the terminology
> One's brother-in-law or sister-in-law's sister; that is, one's sibling's spouse's sister (one's sister's husband's sister or one's brother's wife's sister).
I think you are right.
your sister's husband's sister.
so this person is a co SIL for you.
meh, just call them by name.
is it too late to back out of this conversation?
we are pretty much done by now.
heh :)
was just gonna suggest marrying her so the relationship is easier to refer to in future.
yeah might not work...
I see. Already married.. oops.
the other kind?
@Burgi oops
i am the wrong gender for her
@Burgi And you mentioned something to the wrong person, I assume?
yeah, that's what I meant
Then oops is correct :/
Better luck next time.
she said had been to berlin with her partner and really enjoyed it
@jokerdino i wasn't hitting on her
I hope it's not too disastrous ...
I don't even know how that works.
it was polite dinner conversation
Actually, I wanted to know about the coffee lady.
@Burgi So what was your reply?
@DavidPostill i mentioned that i would like to visit the wall and then she kept refering to her partner with gender neutral terms which is indictive of someone who is gay but hasn't told everyone yet
so i left it
until today
ah, I ignored that part of your earlier mention of this person.
my mother started asking if she had a boyfriend
ah. now I understand. that is a very difficult question to answer without giving something away.
I empathize.
What would have happened if you said "I don't know?"
I think he accidentally.
that would have probably been the correct response
my sisters husband said "i don't think she has one"
i said "oh she went to berlin with her partner"
I am sorry @Burgi.
my sister husband said "but she only went to berlin with that girl..."
insert awkward pause
I thought you wanted to move on.
i was explaining it
I take it the lady in question was not present?
correct @DavidPostill
if you didn't directly out someone, it doesn't count.
so i think the news has been contained to the people who don't care
the only one present who is likely to blab is my mother
I can't think of any way to get out of that without making things even worse ...
any plans for Sunday?
it is already sunday
do you guys plan before the day?
You could ask your Mum to keep it secret (assuming she even got everything ...)
that's a surprise to me
@DavidPostill Mums are good in putting things together
@DavidPostill i suspect mentioning it again to her might make her more likely to blab
in other news my sister and husband ordered too many wedding favours so i have a healthy stockpile of grasmere gingerbread
which is the greatest foodstuff known to man
@Burgi That sounds delicious (and fattening) ...
have you ever had the original grasmere gingerbread?
@Burgi I don't think so ...
I have heard of gingerbeard.
Probably had a few with spaghetti too I think.
you can order it off the internet but it is better fresh from the shop
Im just looking at grasmeregingerbread.co.uk/recipes and drooling :)
thats the website
@Burgi I.. what? Do they do international shipping?
@jokerdino certainly to europe and the US not sure about out to india but i don't see why not
maybe they make some somewhere in the country
@jokerdino What? With spaghetti!?
@DavidPostill i was ignoring that
I suppose "gingerbeard" might go with spaghetti! :)
Not sure but think that's what was served in my school days.
my first job after university was with the university of cumbria i had to go into small businesses and advise them on their it infrastructure
spaghetti + chicken sauce on top + gingerbread
And so begins the addiction
one of my companies was the grassmere gingerbread shop
either of you in London?
they would give me a HUGE bag of the broken bits for free
sadly the university went bust and i lost my job
I think it might have been garlic bread.
my memory failed me
Ah, it's a real thing droolworthydaily.com/blog/… but the gingerbread is for desert!
it ruined me financially (i had to buy myself out of my rental house) and seriously knocked my confidence
Although I'm sure with some school meals they just mix it all up anyway :)
@DavidPostill dessert?
@DavidPostill Garlic beard I think.
gingerbread looks like a sweet.
garlic bread makes more sense with spaghetti
@jokerdino Exactly
you could understand where I got confused.
The only gingerbread I've ever come in contact with is as the android one ;P
@Burgi not to India! Damn.
no harm in trying
they do it to pakistan
My cousin is coming over to London for a fast track course. Might get him to bring me one. Yum
@Burgi that's not good. Why do they hate us?
@jokerdino Ginger is very versatile. It can be used in all kinds of dishes. Both sweet and savoury.
We use ginger in food.
maybe you should mend relations so they can channel gingerbread into india
@DavidPostill also a drink or two
ginger beer, ginger wine
but I remember to take the ginger out of my food.
@Burgi along with a friendly bomb package?
mend relations
just because they are better at cricket than you.... ducks
Yeah, NO!
I thought we were good friends.
I drink ginger tea ;)
What about Iced Milo without ice?
Man, this ISP really sucks...
ooo ginger ale!
Isn't tea imported into UK?
I can sense my mind wandering from one topic to another.
time for sleep I suppose.
mainly from east africa
we are a nation of tea drinkers appently
(I really don't enjoy hot drinks)
tea seems like a modern addition to your culture.
only around 17th century or so
didn't it come over shortly after discovering america?
actually maybe before
and we were looking for a faster way to get it back from India...?
My history isn't great at all :/
Chinese were first in drinking tea.
that's what the wiki told me.
@Burgi That really surprised me.
The wiki is not always right...
I will read up on tea history and we can discuss it tomorrow.
I doubt we will remember to...
adds a reminder.
is it china which do the tea festivals and stuff, or is that Japan?
@jokerdino What is your profession? Just curious...
@djsmiley2k both
@Rahul2001 UG student.
@DavidPostill paywall
UG? Ultimate Gaming? :D
@jokerdino oh, nice...
@djsmiley2k Under Grad
@djsmiley2k undergraduate lol
@jokerdino What are you studying?
@Burgi ? I can read it.
@Rahul2001 finished my B. Comm
@DavidPostill Paywall here to
haven't figured what to do after that.
@Burgi @DavidPostill banner can be removed from dev tools
but the data is missing @Rahul2001
@DavidPostill That imgur URL though...
@Burgi oh, yeah... just noticed
africa is cheaper and less hostile to the UK than india
@Burgi We still hold some grudges...
we got our own tea drinkers.
@jokerdino Wah Taj! :P
!! Caaaaat
@Rahul2001 Darjeeling and so on.
<3 porkchat for the burn function
@Burgi dont think our government is hostile to yours.
I think UK managed to source cheaper tea elsewhere rather.
We (The UK) didn't really do enough when shutting up shop on the empire to ensure long term friendlyness
there are unfavourable trade agreements in place
@Burgi EU
India could benefit from #Brexit.
Ok. This is not paywalled trademap.org/tradestat/…
Singapore how?
I can't tell if that is originating market.
Presumably Singapore imported it and then sold it to the UK at a good price ...
Man, I really need a whiteboard to help out with designing software...
I had one, but my mom gave it away... It was never used
@DavidPostill that's most likely
since Singapore is known for entrepot business
TWG Tea is a brand of tea which was established in Singapore in 2008. The company promotes itself as a luxury brand. TWG stands for The Wellbeing Group. == History == TWG Tea's parent company, The Wellness Group, was founded by Manoj M. Murjani in 2003. TWG Tea was established in 2008 by Murjani, Taha Bouqdib, and Maranda Barnes. The company opened its first tea outlet in Raffles Place's Republic Plaza. In 2008, during its first year of operations, TWG Tea products were sold at Dean & Deluca, in New York. In 2010 the brand opened its first overseas store in Jiyūgaoka, Tokyo. Within a span of six...
looks like a value adding service.
Tea production is one of the main sources of foreign exchange for Sri Lanka (formerly called Ceylon), and accounts for 2% of GDP, contributing over US $1.5 billion in 2013 to the economy of Sri Lanka. It employs, directly or indirectly, over 1 million people, and in 1995 directly employed 215,338 on tea plantations and estates. Sri Lanka is the world's fourth-largest producer of tea. In 1995, it was the world's leading exporter of tea (rather than producer), with 23% of the total world export, but it has since been surpassed by Kenya. The highest production of 340 million kg was recorded in 2013...
My bucket list:
1. Get a Wikipedia page on myself.
2. Get a girlfriend.
3. Get drunk.
4. Scuba Dive.
5. Build a gaming PC.
6. Get famous.
7. Get 1M+ followers on twitter.
etc, etc...
Pretty naive, I know... :P
1. sleep
2. Food
3. sleep
4. money
I will be working on my #1 now.
2 and 3 look like good plans
i suggest doing 5 before 2 because you won't have enough time after getting 2
@Burgi lol
@jokerdino goodnight!
Anyone watching the olympics?
@djsmiley2k No.
@djsmiley2k nah...
@DavidPostill Even with access, don't post the full data. Doing so is likely to result in a DMCA takedown from the site.
If the content is paywalled, republishing it is likely to get you in trouble.
@bwDraco What? I didn't post any paywalled data.
Just a reminder.
@bwDraco Not needed thank you. I'm not stupid :)
Just an FYI to the community.
In cases like this, even a single number can be considered infringement (the quote exception likely will not apply here); the US fair use test is likely to fail in court because it would directly and adversely affect the market for the product from the standpoint of the copyright holder.
> - the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
- the nature of the copyrighted work;
- the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
- the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The key here is that access is contingent on payment, making the fair use test much harder to pass.
This is one of the few situations where I have reason to believe that the use of even a single, minimal piece of data would not constitute fair use.
Unless you can source the data elsewhere (and prove that it came from that source, e.g. with a link), I would advise against posting it. (This is to the community as a whole.)
@bwDraco Make this a Meta post for everyone?
It's a corner case and isn't common enough a scenario to warrant a Meta post.
Do we really need a meta post on how not to plagiarise or copy content you shouldnt?
We have a proper help page, we don't need a meta to rehash something that anyone who's been here more than 5 minutes should already know.
@bwDraco The image I snapshot was not paywalled data, but freely visible after dismissing a dialog that said "You need a Premium membership to access this statistic" and invited me to sign up. I dismissed this dialog and was able to see the graph and snapshot it.
I was talking about the number behind the "Exclusive Content" star.
In case someone did have access to the data, I wanted to make sure that nobody posted it.
@bwDraco Which was also visible just by moving the mouse around on the graph...
I'm inclined to think that this might be a "technological protection measure" under the DMCA even if trivial and circumventing it might be illegal.
I'm sure someone with a good lawyer can argue against this successfully, but you know how lawyers can present things in ways you may not expect...
In any case, enough copyright talk.
Pointless legalese is pointless.
@bwDraco If you want something taken down then tell us and give us a reason. Don't go schooling the adults if they're already happy not to do anything wrong
I'm just concerned someone (certainly not a mod or room owner) would go ahead and attempt to post the full content when that content is restricted.
I think I overreacted. My apologies for any disruption.
If David thought he was doing wrong I'm sure he'd be happy to take it down. As it is all it takes is one small scroll away from their "warning" and it's freely available. Anyone using that as a protection should probably go help the Pentagon with using Adobe Reader to "redact" their confidential PDFs
The issue is the text hidden behind the "Exclusive content" star, not the plainly visible content behind the message.
@Mokubai Please remove it just to keep @bwDraco happy.
Again, sorry for overreacting.
@bwDraco Which is visible if you mouse around.
!!s/If David/If Uncle/
@Rahul2001 If Uncle thought he was doing wrong I'm sure he'd be happy to take it down. As it is all it takes is one small scroll away from their "warning" and it's freely available. Anyone using that as a protection should probably go help the Pentagon with using Adobe Reader to "redact" their confidential PDFs (source)
@Rahul2001 David is your uncle?
@Mokubai reference to this:
Jun 18 at 19:07, by DavidPostill
@CisNOTthatGOODbutISOisTHATBAD Please tell Uncle David all about your problem ...
@Mokubai Lol. @Rahul2001 Tried to make that single comment into a meme (and failed) ;P
I see.... :)
While we're digging up old proto-memes, can I just mention file_get_contents? :p
Jul 10 at 23:47, by Ben N
I'm kinda sad that "Uncle David" didn't stick; it was hilarious
@BenN lol
Jul 10 at 23:51, by DavidPostill
@BenN Yeah. I had just seen "Dr Phil" on the TV the other side of the room (I suppose my mum was channel hopping) and "Uncle David" just popped out :)
Goodnight everyone...
Sleep tight
Also thank fuck for having a brain.
This whole time the "automatic time/timezone" function has had me in a timezone an hour ahead of where I actually was because although I'm in Spain its part of Spain that shares the exact same timezone as the UK
And to be fair, Spain is further west than the UK anyway so why the hell it has a +1 timezone to begin with is just stupid.
@BenN gtfo with chmod already
Admittedly I still haven't rebooted or migrated that server...
@Dog "the time zone was changed to Central European Time during the war and has remained so since then, meaning that Spain does not use its "natural" time zone under the coordinated time zone system. Some observers believe that this time zone shift plays a role in the country's relatively unusual daily schedule (late meals and sleep times)."
Spain has two time zones and observes daylight saving time. Spain mainly uses Central European Time (UTC+01:00) and Central European Summer Time (UTC+02:00) in Peninsular Spain, the Balearic Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and plazas de soberanía. In the Canary Islands, the time zone is Western European Time (UTC±00:00) and Western European Summer Time (UTC+01:00). Daylight saving time is observed from the last Sunday in March (01:00 UTC) to the last Sunday in October (01:00 UTC) throughout Spain. Spain used Greenwich Mean Time (UTC±00:00) before the Second World War (except for the Canary Islands which...
"In 1940, Francisco Franco changed the time zone [4] by changing 16 March 1940 23:00 Greenwich Mean Time to 17 March 1940 00:00 Central European Time during World War II. This was made permanent in 1942 in order to be in line with German occupied Europe.[5] Several western European countries, including France, Belgium, and the Netherlands stayed on German time after the war in addition to Spain."
In September 2013 the subcommittee to study the Rationalisation of Hours, the Reconciliation of Personal, Family Life and Professional Life and Responsibility (subcomisión para el estudio de la Racionalización de Horarios, la Conciliación de la Vida Personal, Familiar y Laboral y la Corresponsabilidad) of the Congress of Deputies made a report to the Government of Spain proposing, among other things, a return to Greenwich Mean Time.[10] [11]

The subcommittee considered that this time zone change would have a favourable effect, allowing more time for family, training, personal life, leisure
@Dog All seems perfectly logical to me :)
Hmm. Why the hell did the canaries switch from -1 anyway

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