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I've seen the stories of massive property damage (entire houses have been burned down) and serious injuries resulting from battery fires. That's why I have to put it out there. Better safe than sorry.
I guess that means LiPo batteries are a potential danger for children to.
lets ban all of them! Think if the children!
@bwDraco eh, usually the bigger rc lipos
which also don't have all the safeties
@Hennes the bumped question thing happens to me a lot
@Bob also usually slapped together ?
that too :P
Same here. I should be used to that by now.
too true larger RC li-poly dont have anything but the cells tied together with amp wiring, highly dependant on the charger, and totally absent of low cutoff, or high cutoffs on the pack itself.
And heat shrink. Lots of heat shrink.
a phone battery should have 3 protections, unless its from china :-)
Oh, brilliant.. — Ahmed Metwally 3 mins ago
I am using wirelss and it is slow. I also have wired.
me: then used wired.
Oh, brilliant. :)
On the same level as the LiPo joke:
Pokemon go is dangerous. Children go outside. They could be moilested when outside.
(Sadly not a joke, real petition to ban it)
the government would rather keep them in thier cages, playing on the glowing buzy box.
(I dont even treat my dog like that :-)
> And in this age of lone-wolf terrorism, an extremist could easily buy a "Lure" to draw players into a low-security zone before launching a mass-casualty attack.
@Hennes Children are alive. When they are alive they can be molested. We have to do something about this!
Oh, we can purchase lures. Now who do I hate?
so the game has children as microtransactions?
I guess the big question is: How do I weaponise pokemon?
Android GPS drones
> a person could harass someone else by placing a Lure near the victim's home or workplace to attract disruptive crowds.
I'm like whaaaaaat?
I could harass someone by writing their phone number on a bathroom stall. Let's ban phones!
Let ban bathrooms. That way people never will leave their homes.
welp. The battery question has hit HNQ.
Chances are good I'll repcap today...
@JourneymanGeek I'm pretty sure Niantic has been through similar issues with Ingress...
@bwDraco this person is excessively paranoid.
However, Ingress is nowhere near as popular as Pokémon GO and so some new issues are cropping up.
I'm at 125 today over 2 questions.
> This is important. Throwing potentially inflammable materials in regular trash is bad. Only you can stop fires
You clearly have a sense of humor and this is showing.
I just can't write good answers :(
Okay, answer restored. No reason to delete it.
I just happen to be bad at writing answers that actually entertain the audience. In aiming for absolute technical accuracy, my answers have a mechanical and overly technical tone to them. This really hurts more than it helps.
I'm still learning and I have every intention of mastering the soft skills you've mentioned needed to be a good community leader.
@bwDraco You don't have to feel it compulsory to be funny
It's OK to be concise, precise and direct.
Relax ;p
Oct 14 '15 at 4:58, by DragonLord
However, there's probably thousands of points of untapped reputation simply because of my answer style.
Oct 14 '15 at 4:59, by Journeyman Geek
I write the answers I want to read
@bwDraco None of my answers containing anything remotely funny, but I still have a very healthy reputation.
@ThatBrazilianGuy hey now
@jokerdino hey there
It's an ongoing research.
I started my answer with an attention-grabbing "This is a fire hazard!" headline and a battery on fire.
meh, I don't want to poke fun.
Hey, diddle, diddle,
I also used an H2 header, rather than my usual H3, because I felt safety was the highest priority.
Why not use H1 header?
!! s/fun/people, because I'm a dino and my arms are tiny/
@ThatBrazilianGuy meh, I don't want to poke people, because I'm a dino and my arms are tiny. (source)
@bwDraco That doesn't make it a bad answer.
I felt H1 would look bad because it's usually too large.
bacon it
@ThatBrazilianGuy please~
@bwDraco You have same number of votes as @JourneymanGeek at the moment
I'm not at all upset with my answer. I'm just jealous of JMG's sense of humor and skills.
@bwDraco How could I pass up referring to smokey the bear? ;)
Again, I promised major changes and I'm working on them.
That one is straight outta a politician's mouth.
@bwDraco I actually added that cause of the comments, cause I think folks thought I went into a lot of trouble to drop off the battery
@bwDraco I think we all are jealous of JMG.
Fluffy, witty, cutesy, loved by the ladies, and with the powers of a mod!
@ThatBrazilianGuy wait till you see his other half.
@ThatBrazilianGuy You have to have someone to serve as a role model to have a clear path up...
@ThatBrazilianGuy Speak for yourself :) I don't do jealousy. Causes nothing but pain and heartache...
no regrats
@ThatBrazilianGuy this is my mod face ;p
@bwDraco sometimes I feel like that too
I've tried to be more casual in tone, and this is reflected in some of my newer answers.
>I immediately regret typing that out.
My answering philosophy is to deliver the information readers need as accurately and clearly as possible.
@jokerdino His "other half" as in... Miss JMG? Or as in... other meaning?
Because I'm not looking forward of meeting the bottom half of a schnauzer in any way >_<"
Precise, thorough, and easy-to-understand writing. That's what I care about.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I believe that's in jest, since I'm not aware of this person ;p
@bwDraco that has value in many cases - I just tend to wrap that in narrative cause it often makes it easier to read.
(same reason I try very hard to use short paragraphs, and fairly minimalist formatting outside bold/italic)
I've always tried not to clump text together. A few of my older answers have long paragraphs; this has been addressed in my current answering style.
Wall-of-text answers are the fastest way to get readers to lose track of what they're reading.
This was a major motivation behind my current answering style.
I also try to use more images especially in longer answers to keep readers engaged.
@bwDraco Oh boy. It reminds me of a friend (and now customer) of mine. He runs a business and sends out a newsletter by email. The newsletter is usually one or zero photos and a long, long wall of text about a few different subjects without clear separation.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I have trouble reading WOTs.
Dyslexia + block reading I guess
I once was at a bar table with common friends and the subject arised of who reads his newsletter. Each and every person said "I actually don't".
me too
Oct 14 '15 at 5:07, by DragonLord
I made the change precisely because answers like this, as detailed as they may be, are walls of text that are difficult to read.
Dec 19 '14 at 8:36, by DragonLord
I promise: No more walls of text!
ROTFL as I looked back.
The guy is my age and a heavy luddist. He runs a business and once said: "social media is bullshit".
@ThatBrazilianGuy social media is bullshit ;p
His facebook page is used to tell people to call his business number.
@JourneymanGeek He meant it as "there's no way social media can help my business sell more / be more known / etc"
@ThatBrazilianGuy One of my favourite hardware stores only has a facebook page...
and never mentioned that they moved.
I agree it is 99.9% bullshit. The soul of social media is those emails our aunts and granmas used to mass send....
granted, the building they were in being redeveloped was a giveaway...
@ThatBrazilianGuy precisely
I use it for purposes.
@ThatBrazilianGuy This is stupid. Social media must not be overlooked as a business tool. Just setting up a Twitter account for your business can make a big difference. It gives people an easy way to connect with you and your products.
However, when it's MASSIVELY used by 99% of the population, some interesting scenarios arise.
You can gauge politics, see different insights from a point of view different than the news on TV, find niches of alternative culture, etc etc
Although the bubble effect is strong, very strong
And I hate, hate, hate, hate how everyone in Brazil seems to have given up on email for informing stuff
Let's all just use a social network that might or might not show our information to an always smaller fraction of our userbase!
@ThatBrazilianGuy I use it as a secondary feed reader ._.
for places not cool enough to have RSS
oh, and a main account where I post stuff... like every year so no one assumes I'm dead.
I don't have the patience to keep up with checking fb dozens of times a day, but OTOH, I'm fed up when I miss some interesting stuff because it was hidden in a sea of expired notifications.
So I'm thinking on hooking it up on inoreader
I tried theolreader but don't remember why I didn't like it, for this specific purpose
TBH, my usage of RSS diminished A LOT over the years.
is that a inoreader thing or does FB have feeds for your feeds?
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'm an addict ;p
But I'm so fed up with not having control of my streams, I think I'll get back tto it
I run my own TTRSS instance after The Old Reader caught fire
Added this text:
> (You probably remember from chemistry class that oxygen is one part of the fire triangle, so guess what happens if the cell vents and there's a spark or open flame nearby...)
(They got flooded with google reader refugees, and basically cut off all their users at short notice)
@ThatBrazilianGuy the only issue I have with ttrss is I can't find a desktop client I like with integration
@JourneymanGeek It used to. I'm not finding it anymore =/
@bwDraco I still maintain that the primary reason for the big bursts of flame is from the volatile solvents, btw. The oxygen definitely helps with ignition, especially before breach, but the actual burning is mostly from the solvents. (that little bit of extra oxygen? doesn't effect the external environment all that much)
The fuel is the battery itself.
the oxygen just lets it ignite even without a breach
If you have a spark, open flame, or other heat source nearby, a fire will likely result.
This is why a lithium-ion battery can just burn up on its own in elevated temperatures.
It goes into thermal runaway, starts to generate oxygen, and catches fire.
@JourneymanGeek There used to be an RSS link on facebook.com/notifications but they turned it off, it seems =/
you're correct in that it produces O (as I learned, so thanks :P) but I don't think it's the primary concern here
There's fbrss.com but I never tried it
*goes back to hunting for games*
A Li-ion battery shouldn't be exposed to temperatures above 60-70 °C.
Toxic gases (HF, PF 6 ) will be formed if cells or battery are involved in a fire. Cells or battery
may flame or leak potentially hazardous organic vapors if exposed to excessive heat, fire or
over-voltage conditions. Damaged or opened cells or batteries may result in rapid heat and
the release of flammable vapors.
@JourneymanGeek Yup, HF is a somewhat-obscure risk
burns your lungs
and your eyes
and your skin
and if enough gets into your bloodstream it leeches calcium out of your bones which then travels to your heart and kills you
at which point do I die?
Aug 21 '15 at 18:08, by Bob
@DragonLord From what I can find, yes, li-ion can generate (some amount of) HF in the worst case.
@jokerdino somewhere around "kills you"
@Bob between kills and you?
@jokerdino if you're lucky, after you pass out from the pain
the actual amounts from burning batteries are more likely to just (irreparably) burn your lungs, if bad happens
Yeah, salt water is a terrible idea
@JourneymanGeek that's an acceptable deal
If you're not after you wished it would kill you already.
don't think it would be in the top 10 ways of dying..
My number one is "painlessly, of old age, in my sleep"
I'll never live to regret it.
any one of those?
@jokerdino all of those
tough bargain
though I'll take the first and third. Or at least the first.
@JourneymanGeek first?
@Bob Painlessly is nice.
@JourneymanGeek I wanna die as my granpa: "painlessly, of old age, in my sleep". Not in pain, as the passengers of the bus he was driving. ;p
@Bob ...well, atleast I know what my nightmare tonight is going to be.
Its pretty hard to die painfully in your sleep tho
> Symptoms of HF exposure include irritation of the eyes, skin, nose, and throat, eye and skin burns, rhinitis, bronchitis, pulmonary edema (fluid buildup in the lungs), and bone damage. Once absorbed into blood through the skin, it reacts with blood calcium and may cause cardiac arrest.
@JourneymanGeek Depends on what you're dreaming, donit?
Perfect timing, Cavil. As always.
@ChatBotJohnCavil goddamn you thing.
This and the clippy annoys me a lot.
@Bob Beautiful -_-
@jokerdino The world is annoying, get used to it.
My server crashed hard :(
@Nick why should I?
@CanadianLuke As opposed to crashing softly?
@jokerdino good question. I don't have the answer.
I'm pretty sure the boot drive is toast... And my last backup was over a month ago :-(
@Bob gently fluttering down, like a flaming thermonuclear snowflake..
I was running it off a USB3 drive for almost 5 full years
So, my websites and configurations are gone. Everything else is still there though. Silver lining...?
@ChatBotJohnCavil I suspect from the randomness of your timing that you don't actually know when Hammertime really is.
> This series ventures into some of the darkest thematic territory you’ll ever see, and when the final curtain closes, you’ll likely need a forklift to pick your jaw up off the floor.
@Nick on the contrary, there's no stopping him.
I thought we needed the !! for him
translate: malleus tempus
Not for those commands.
@jokerdino That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@jokerdino mallet period!
translate: sistite
(from English) sistite
@CanadianLuke He's evolved. One day he'll be as stout as Asimov's Bicentennial man.
@JourneymanGeek they're not commands, they're listeners
You callin him fat?
@ChatBotJohnCavil wait how did he repeat that twice without chat.SE stopping him o.O
translate: stop
(from English) stop
It doesn't understand French!
... Show off
translate es: stop
(from English) parada
@JourneymanGeek No, right now, he's so thin, he's virtual.
no speaky espanol?
translate jp: stop
translate jap: stop
translate ja: stop
translate zh: stop
translate c++: stop
shouldn't we be abusing bots in BO?
move them to there
translate fr: stop
@JourneymanGeek well, I'm more abusing the translation thing? :P
(from English) arrêter
Who voted and... Oh...
actually I have no idea how the translation thing works
translate fr: test
@Bob Neither do I. Its a SEchat builtin tho
no, it's a mod feature
@ChatBotJohnCavil Why won't you stop? did I start this?
I thought it only worked in the seekrit mod rooms.
who knows
does wiki: work for you @bob?
Blah, Blah Blah or Blah Blah Blah may refer to: == Music == Blah Blah Blah (Iggy Pop album), 1986 (or its title song, see below) Blah Blah Blah (Blahzay Blahzay album), 1996 Blah Blah (album), a 2006 EP and song by Lady Sovereign Blah...Blah...Blah...Love Songs for the New Millennium, a 2004 album by Scum of the Earth "Blah Blah Blah" (Gershwin song), 1931 "Blah Blah Blah" (Kesha song), 2010 "Blah Blah Blah" by Nicola Paone, 1959 "Blah Blah Blah", 1986 song by Iggy Pop "Blah Blah Blah" Longpigs B-side 1996 "Blah Blah Blah" by Heinz Erhardt == Other media == Bla Bla, a 2011 National Film Board of...
Foxes are small-to-medium-sized, omnivorous mammals belonging to several genera of the family Canidae. Foxes are slightly smaller than a medium-size domestic dog, with a flattened skull, upright triangular ears, a pointed, slightly upturned snout, and a long bushy tail (or brush). Twelve species belong to the monophyletic group of Vulpes genus of "true foxes". Approximately another 25 current or extinct species are always or sometimes called foxes; these foxes are either part of the paraphyletic group of the South American foxes, or of the outlying group, which consists of bat-eared fox, gray fox...
Shog knows. Shog knows what lint lurks in the pokets of men.
huh, so it does
so much for !!wiki :P
google: blah
Westie, or Westy may refer to: West Highland White Terrier, a breed of dog Westfield Sportscars Westie (person) or Westy, someone who comes from the Western suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand or Sydney, Australia "Westy Gals", a single by Auckland singer Jan Hellriegel The Westies, an Irish American gang from New York City, United States The Westies, an Irish gang from Blanchardstown in Dublin, Ireland Westy, a suburban district in Warrington, England Rock of the Westies, an album by Elton John West Adelaide Football Club, an Australian rules football club from Adelaide, South Australia Westie,...
@JourneymanGeek that I am not sure. I accidentally ran translate in a normal room and realized it works.
Bob confirmed it's a mod diddly.
@Bob alas, no google: blahing
@jokerdino ah. close enough
never really had to use translate before though.
I can't find any games I want to play :(
@JourneymanGeek Why are you looking up Westie?
> Saints Row IV Game of the Century Upgrade Pack
Only SR would do that.
@Bob play "Fix Luke's Server"! It's going to be fun!
@CanadianLuke does defenestration count?
@FaheemMitha cause I can never spell schnauzer
@JourneymanGeek Oh. The dog?
@Bob Defenestration should be an official sport for the Olympics
@ThatBrazilianGuy Nice weather we're having.
@Nick Huh?
@Nick Huh pt.2
@JourneymanGeek The term Westie to me mostly mean someone who dances West Coast Swing.
The Defenestrations of Prague (Czech: Pražská defenestrace, German: Prager Fenstersturz, Latin: Defenestratio Pragensis) were two incidents in the history of Bohemia in which multiple people were defenestrated (i.e., thrown out a window). The first occurred in 1419, and the second in 1618, although the term "Defenestration of Prague" more commonly refers to the second. Each helped to trigger prolonged conflict, within Bohemia and beyond. == First Defenestration of Prague == The First Defenestration of Prague involved the killing of seven members of the city council by a crowd of radical Czech...
@FaheemMitha also, the third coolest kinda dog ;p
well maybe second.
@JourneymanGeek If you say so.
@JourneymanGeek I know what defenestration means, I just don't know what it's got to do with penguins or the weather
there's no penguins in prague ._.
So that's why Prague never won any defenestration medal
I can control Cavil!!!!!
BTW, what's wrong with your chat bot? Is it having a fit?
!froget $all
@ThatBrazilianGuy If you make a mess for me to clean up, I will be... annoyed.
That includes purging bot memory.
@Bob The fact it is clearly totally mispelled means it's a joke.
@Bob I saw a hamster wheel at daiso
Wasn't quite expecting that

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