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Contacts in its charging cradle... You see 2 in the middle are recessed? I wonder why...
> I'm a junior PHP dev. It's quite good if it's the only language you use.
> I'm sorry for what's happened to you


Also Rwanda is quite good it's the only country you know.


This is what's known as Stockholm Syndrome.
@Bob I am thinking of not using Intel's clone tool (Acronis base) and just use standalone Acronis 11 or Veeam Backup...
@Boris_yo Eh, I've made my suggestions before. Up to you which one you end up using...
@Boris_yo If you want to be able to factory recover, just make the recovery DVDs or ISO
makes more sense than a recovery partition you would almost never use
@JourneymanGeek Ah you mean throw branded recovery partition away and create Windows 10 recovery media?
That would be good too
@Rahul2001 You can also tell by Infinite Waters channel dude - Ralph Smart.
@JourneymanGeek I actually now think to start with SSD to save time than I would if I did on old HDD.
but I meant using the recovery software lenovo's provided to make restore DVD/USBs (which are essentially what's on that partition), then doing as clean an install as possible
@Rahul2001 Infinite Water - YouTube channel. The guy is always high.
@Boris_yo well, I just had a backup process in place
then never thought about it cause I know I can roll back/restore at any time
@JourneymanGeek Hmmm I think I did that years ago and its on DVD.
@Psycogeek Forgot to ping you for Walkman headphones I mentioned above if you scroll up.
@JourneymanGeek o.O
@Boris_yo recessed contacts mean the non resessed ones make contact first
its pretty common sense, and also keeps you from accidentally sending power into data
which would be potentially bad
@Boris_yo i donno, but tiny spring loaded stuff of that type be it plunger spring, or just bent wires dont hold up well over time and abuse. how old is the system? knowing sony and if it is a japonese model not a china one, they probably have full battery protection. and likely on anything old the battery needs replace .
@JourneymanGeek ?
@Bob autocomplete fail
@Burgi My statement is based on years of experience I have no sources to provide — Ramhound 2 mins ago
Why is that person getting attention these days?
@Boris_yo What suck?
@Bob lololol
@Boris_yo No, copy branded recovery partition to DVDs
@jokerdino Because we are all annoyed at the quality of his postings ...
<citation needed> . Quite frankly, in situations like this, it might be a good idea to treat statements like this as you would an answer. If you're going to say something that seems authoritative, it really should be backed up. Comments shouldn't be a space for half-cooked answers in potentia. — Journeyman Geek ♦ 7 mins ago
"Comments shouldn't be a space for half-cooked answers in potentia." - Very well put
3 hours ago, by DavidPostill
@Burgi Yeah, he has a habit of saying "there is an answer on this site" and then doesn't bother with a linky or flagging as dupe. That habit really annoys me. If you know the answer have the decency to tell the OP where it is instead of teasing them.
@jokerdino ^^^
btw, the user is in the chatroom now
@Burgi shudder
@Burgi nothing wrong with that
Err... I mean... Hisssss
sticks a patch kit on @cat
Makes popcorn :)
just don't want to be seen as maybe bullying @JourneymanGeek
My wiki is finally taking shape!
@Burgi that's the sorta thing I'd like to prevent, but whispering about people like that's not cool too
@JeffTeoh hi
@JeffTeoh Hi!
@DavidPostill yeah, that would have an effort on me too
fair enough
@JeffTeoh hey!
@cat linky?
@Rahul2001 No linky for you!
Actually I haven't filed the go-live RFC yet so it's not externally accessible
WoohhoOO! MS advisor just gave me wrong ISO file download which just wasted 4 hours~
@cat looks clean and professional.
I still need to set up the external user registration mechanism(s). First I need to figure out what the external user registration mechanism(s) are going to be.
"ms advisor" ?
@JourneymanGeek Thanks, that's what I was going for :-P
@cat It does look pretty neat
@Rahul2001 there is a wiki somewhere but I can't find it for you just yet.
wiki.abdn.ac.uk - request timed out
1 min ago, by cat
Actually I haven't filed the go-live RFC yet so it's not externally accessible
Microsoft Advisor
@cat 504 Gateway Time-out
Actually the DNS shouldn't even exist yet, so you should be getting server not found not request timed out
@cat maybe someone seekritly created the DNS. To mess with you. And they would have gotten away with it if not for those pesky kids.
@JourneymanGeek lol
It points at the network management server page
Which belongs to the person who looks after the DNS. So not very secret. -_-
@allquixotic your american ISPs suck
@JourneymanGeek We don't have ultimate plans in India either... :/
@JourneymanGeek Eh, UK ISPs have been pulling unlimited data plans out from under people's feet for years too
They do exist, but with like 2mbps speed
@cat not just that
our fixed lines are all unlimited. Telcos have been cutting back data, then adding it back, but in theory I can get unlimited 4g in august for about 70 dollars\
American ISPs suck.
@allquixotic i was wandering about there just this week trying to find out how to (in so much) upload youtubes while on the road. ATT certannly not an option (~250$) Verizon just came out with a plan that just becomes horribly slow 128k speed when it runs out of paid bandwidth.
now how long would it take to upload a 2gig video at 128k , if you have all the time in the world :-)
(something would have to support resume)
@Psycogeek Experience tells me that you wouldn't be able to, because, you know, network faliure
old grandfathered unlimited verizon plans being bought, sell for like $2000-3000 with no guarentee they will stay that way.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah I did mention that yesterday
rvmobileinternet.com/… this one. which i believe only works with the Xtra large and XXl plans, but not being cut off completely is a huge advantage over paying exhorbedent per gig fees.
Wow I clicked a youtube ad. First time I've ever received an ad thats relevant and interesting!
yesterday, by cat
@allquixotic Not surprising. All the big US providers have a worldwide reputation for crappy service and not being responsive to coverage requests.
per gig fees , like "$20 for 3GB" really? what i could do with $20. say you download one of them 36Gig (with DLC) games off of steam. you pay $59 for the game and $260 to download it , when on mobile.
Looks like I have to find a new solution for the family's Internet connectivity
Verizon has just been teasing with the reels of fiber cable being plunked around the neighborhood then left to rot for months... we're not actually getting FiOS to the premises; we're just getting Fiber Reels to the Neighborhood (FRTTN)
same with ATT , fiber in Marketing terms only. FIMTO :-)
@allquixotic ?
@allquixotic LOL
I don't even have FRTTN yet :\
> Departed Facility in HONG KONG - HONG KONG
@allquixotic ...ow.
guys ..I am learning iptables .
@allquixotic how "extraordinary" is your data usage ?
KAT is down for good...
@Rahul2001 There are plenty of alternatives ...
@DavidPostill ;)
lunch finally
@Psycogeek Depends on who you ask. According to Fran Scammo, the CFO of Verizon, if I'm not paying at least $10 per GB of data I use, it's pretty extraordinary.
@Rahul2001 "Artem Vaulin, the alleged owner, faces up to 20 years in jail for copyright infringement and money laundering conspiracy. The 30-year-old from Ukraine was arrested in Poland and the United States is seeking extradition."
So, he started it when he was just 22?
have you heard about the campaign to get jousting into the olympics?
@Burgi, is there a point to this?
:D :D :D
Not even a groan??? From any one?
@Rahul2001 14 apparently "Artem Vaulin, 30, is from the Ukraine. The complaint alleges that he has been the owner and operator of KAT since November 2008."
@allquixotic yea well that is the only extraordinary thing. but what is your average data use for a month? mine is around 200-250g.
@DavidPostill 14?
it would be an easy gold for team GB... ;)
@Rahul2001 I can't subtract :/
This Artem Vaulin fella seems to have done some stuff
What is KAT
Gah took nearly half an hour to find a spurious display: block; in a crappy style inherited 3 levels that was making my lines wrap when they shouldn't
@Dave KickAssTorrents
Oh. Thanks
KickassTorrents (commonly abbreviated KAT) was a website, founded in 2008, that provided a directory for torrent files and magnet links to facilitate peer-to-peer file sharing using the BitTorrent protocol. As of November 2014, KAT became the most visited BitTorrent directory in the world, overtaking The Pirate Bay, according to the site's Alexa ranking. On 20 July 2016, the domain was seized by the United States government and was subsequently shut down. == Blocking and censorship == KickassTorrents says that it complies with the DMCA and it removes infringing torrents reported by content owners...
KAT doesn't have cloudflare proxies like TPB does
@allquixotic Scammo is trying to scam you. Badumtsss
@ThatBrazilianGuy that isn't his real name; I (and many other Verizon users) change it to that as a way of giving him the finger
@Psycogeek Same
@DavidPostill WAS? But... but... I mean, yeah, nasty pirates! They're awful, the only way to watch GoT is on HBO.
we don't have HBO in the UK
So, no GOT at all?
@ThatBrazilianGuy It had some pretty useful (and legal) stuff...
@ThatBrazilianGuy Don't you know? People who don't live in the US (and are thus able to get HBO) have no reason or need to watch Game of Thrones. If you can't access it legally, then you aren't the target market obviously. Accept the wisdom of our paternalistic overlords and find something else to watch in your native language, citizen.
@ThatBrazilianGuy @Burgi It was broadcast on Sky Atlantic
pay per view...
i hate giving money to murdoch
We get the Origami channel.... that's also pay per view
:D :D :D
@allquixotic Well, there is HBO in Brazil. But get your point.
It was free in NL with Ziggo ... I haven't seen the last 2 series so no spoilers please
Fortunately I'm not even interested in watching Game of Thrones. I can watch porn for free online.
@allquixotic it's hard to find good porn with midgets, animals and dead people
Oh look @OliverSalzburg pushes to strider :D
hacked server update: it was unauthorised internal access
!!xkcd the IP came from the 192.168 range
@ThatBrazilianGuy Something went on fire; status 403
but searches don't
I'd much rather not.
It's all about profit. Why can't they license content to anyone who can legally distribute it?
Exclusivity deals and region locking isn't the best idea.
@Rahul2001 I kinda don't think actual links to mirrors is a good idea.
I understand the need to tailor prices to the market, and I understand that distributors demand exclusivity for a guaranteed revenue stream, but this is just wrong.
"guaranteed revenue stream": Sadly, it seems the economics of the market aren't helping.
!!bing better than google?
@Burgi That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ping
nope, no i didn't
@JourneymanGeek Can you please remove it (as it was addressed to me). I don't need such links ;)
!!is bing better than Google
@allquixotic Probably
@HackToHell This week is Strider-week ;)
@allquixotic how do i go about adding a !!bing command to replace the !!google one?
@Burgi Step one: get bing api credits (free up to X searches per month, needs api key)
step 2: copy google plugin and modify it to use the bing api
step 3: pull request
got a link to the repo?
@Boris_yo suck because of bloatware. When I buy a machine, I want an OS. I might want Office. And I want all the latest drivers. I don't need trials of Office, McAfee, Norton, etc.
@tombull89 I want an OS. Anything else I wanna install myself.
@Bob what's the default domain for azure vms .-.
Can't connect from remina for some reason, is empty domain a bad idea?
@HackToHell I don't think there is one?
none of mine are domain-joined
I haven't set up AD in there
@Bob ah so then it's not a domain issue
Okay it was a password issue
Azure UI allowed a weaker password(no special chars, numbers)
Windows didn't allow rdp with that password
Changed it to a complex password and it works
I think that's the issue
@HackToHell Azure increased their password req far above Windows recently
@Bob That's a good thing (stronger password) even if it is annoying, right?
@DavidPostill depends on whether you use a password manager or not
and IMO strong passwords are an education thing - very strong passwords are useless if you have them in a post it, or in your email with a weak password cause you can't remember them
!!/learn bearhello <>https://i.sstatic.net/WLfhB.gif
@bwDraco Command bearhello learned
@DavidPostill Eh, not for me. Min length is 12 chars.
I only spin up the VM for maybe an hour or two for testing.
The chance of anyone brute-forcing it in that time is laughably small.
@cat That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: caaaaat, caaaat
Hmm, we seem to be missing one
@allquixotic help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, ahhfire, apumpkin, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, bearhello
beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific, boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I love the little hiss at the end
So many 4 cat piles but I need a 6 cat pile :-/
!!learn caaaaaat <>http://i.imgur.com/pZarha3.jpg
@cat Command caaaaaat learned
anyone got a link to the USB gif?
which one?
the one where it doesn't go in both ways round
Why is it that specifically four cat piles are so common?
4 is the average kitten litter size
Wow that simple huh
@Burgi I'm confoozled
because it is symmetricat
@cat in mammals the average litter size is exactly half the number of nipples the mother has
@Burgi fascinating
So, I just found out I was supposed to be an effective employee but somehow my trial status was never formally updated
Theoretically, I could be fired at will
@JourneymanGeek What's that? Fanart about @Bob?
@ThatBrazilianGuy O_O
@ThatBrazilianGuy you were fired last week, they just werent going to tell you until you actually quit working.
@ThatBrazilianGuy this is plausible yes
@cat Copy + paste them to DVD or make them bootable from DVD? The latter I have no idea how to do...
@Psycogeek Made in Malaysia
@Psycogeek Well, if they keep paying me, they can fire me as much as they want
@JourneymanGeek Sounds like something by design and not recessed by abuse...
@Boris_yo yup
@Bob So what does it say about those crazy cat ladies with 10+ cats?
in all probability it would be a bad idea to marry her.
@ThatBrazilianGuy helsinki stockholm syndrome
found one!
user image
My voice is sooo sore
I did some amateur voice acting last night and pushed my voice wayyyy below its natural range
yesterday, by allquixotic
one of my coworkers on Skype for Business put in her comment, "Gotta catch 'em all!"
@allquixotic Yesterday a coworker here was in the shared kitchen, eating something when she suddenly started singing the Pokemon theme. She then proceeded to repeat the Pikachu sound a few times ("Pika pikaaaa").
here's some of my lines for anyone interested
(Pokemon/Rick and Morty Crossover Spoof)
@electronbeam I have no idea what you sound like, but I can tell why you're sore.
@Burgi I have a USB cable that works both ways.
@JourneymanGeek I'll share a recording of my natural voice in a while for you lol
(also, blah, I have my NFC tags now, but I need to work out how to bend them to my will)
ahh, vaguely got it working

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