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2 hours later…
That looks safe.
hey, anyone around? is this an alright place to get some advice on ransomware... i'm sure i'm one of many to stop in here with that questions :P
btw, there are backups. but they are now locally encrypted backups. (this is not for myself but family)
it is screwed, find out the exact variant of it, because there are a few copycat , and cheapo versions of it where the "key" to decode might be more accessable than you think. then there are programs out there that attempt decrypt. the backups would have needed to be disconnected, or under different users and stuff like that that somehow seperates them.
oops switch that to the key used to encode (pretty much the same thing)
@Psycogeek thanks. what is a good way to find it? i'm going to connect via vpn and ssh tomorrow. i've got all the oses to work with, windows, linux, mac. i know that it was installed on a desktop on the network and then spread to all the other comps and i believe the server.
you dont have to believe anything that a scammer or spammer tells you, but you could spend a day or 2 researching and trying stuff, before you give up
what do you mean?
whos the scammer? or spammer?
I mean thier job is to lie, many of the warnings or flags or whatever you call them that tell you what happened and wht happens next were simply BS to get your money.
oh yeah, the diagnostics so far came from "our" companies on site IT person.
Did the "program" or virus itself spread, or did the access TO the other computers allow the one program to encode other files ?
but the company is thinking about another company to "crack" it. which my intuition told me was a mistake, and you seem to be confirming that.
Look at the ransom note; you can usually use it to uniquely identify the program
Specifically, you can Google for misspellings or weird phrases
one person opened the email, and downloaded the file. it was a fed-ex phish
then it spread
if that helps. i don't have many details
i think it must have traversed network file systems or something.
@wgwz how it spread would be interesting to know, and could be more clues on the variant.
@BenN Thanks, I will definitely do that.
the fed-ex phish is a great clue on the variant
so this brings me back to my question, how can i find it? lets say i ssh into the computer where it all started
I think I have seen that one here, to bad we dont allow attachments to open, that would have been fun NOT!
do you know off hand which variant? i tried googling but couldn't find anything too specific
Could be CryptoLocker based on this article, though that's from 2013 and ransomware changes fairly quick
The ransom note is probably the best bet for identifying it
iirc 2013 cryptolocker can be cracked which would be great.
one would assume patient zero , is still in the e-mail? or out on an e-mail server still, assuming the e-mail was set up proper to begin with.
Sadly I doubt they're still distributing a 2013 version
true. i will try to get a copy of the email.
Ah, CTB-Locker has been known to claim to be from FedEx, though its name is very obvious in the ransom note
it got sent to 2 people. it was in junk for both. 1 person failed. miserable :|
This is why users should run with least privilege, so they can only mess up the minimum amount of stuff
Yeah, i'm just a family member with some programming/web knowledge. trying to see if i can't save a couple thousand for the business....
The network is obviously in need of a lot of work. But the plan for the company, after this is over is to pay for network services.
Please don't pay the ransom even if you can't get your documents back. Paying up supports their business model :(
The thing is it's all business documents and some of it super important.
The ransom is only $300usd
Well, at least do some serious research on the possibility of breaking it first
sometimes the server will have already be shut down which holds the key,, even if the digital wallet will still accept coin.
@Psycogeek not sure i follow. what do you mean?
because these scams do not last, if one was going to pay, they probably would have to do it in a timely way.
oh, you mean their server. not anything on our network. gotcha.
the police and cybercrime divisions get on something like this very strong, vrses say hacking your facebook pictures :-)
so that would mean game over, if it's indeed that type of ransomware
i'll pass that info along. would this be the place: fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/cyber
and it can be reported locally to, at regular police from what i understand.
but contact with any one of the locations would assist you in how to proceed.
Thanks for the help everyone.
I will likely be back tomorrow, with questions and ... evidence, hopefully. ;P
claims on the internet are that the AMD480 4gig can be bios hacked to an 8Gig, while interesting, I remember how many people were going to get thier disabled AMD cores going, and how most of them were bad cores, or bad hacks to get them working. just wasting time trying to save a few bucks.
Same with that WD my book 8G , claims were people cracked them open and found gold (helium drives) . Now if one thinks for a second OF COURSE the reviewers got gold :-)
Of course the first few people vocally informing the rest of the public got bait items , perfect for conning the rest of us saps into trying the same thing :-)
hack a bios to make believe there is more memory, is also a Flash stick trick. works great till the controller starts writing to empty spaces, and then (in that case) you lose everything, even the stuff that did fit. I will believe a 480 4G has 8G of memory on it, If i see the ram chips themselves
@Psycogeek People HAVE seen the RAM chips themselves, that's where the whole idea came from.
amazon.com/HGST-Deskstar-3-5-Inch-Internal-0S03839/… Oh no , relabeled hard disks now, like 3 people there one order from amazon itself another order from a %100 feedback seller, got Fake drives .
some creative criminal either distributing to dealers pallets of junk with new labels and boxes, or someone is putting crap in a box on a return, and they are not properly checking the return. with printed clone labels.
I would almost rather have a box of rocks sent, at least that takes a lot less time.
Apparently IBM was very popular in the 1820s: books.google.com/ngrams/…
but back then it stood for Ink Blotter Marker
good call
scientific american, an 1815 issue
hey that's not me trolling, that's google trolling
Anyway I compiled Aseprite but I wanted to go further so I tried to cross-compile Aseprite
It did not go well.
The compiler grew legs, took a sword from the -Wall and tried to (f)stab me.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
you guys seem oddly quiet today
it is the weekend
happily they are all following the no posting while drinking rule :-)
or the zombie apocalypse is happening, and the infection hasn't made it to our buildings yet.
@Bob apparently singpost is super bad at updating their tracking info.
@JourneymanGeek it arrived?
its still at the same status
but there's a ton of complaints about it not updating
and I'm doubtful Singpost does sat afternoon deliveries
While talking on my phone: "where did I put my phone?"
@Bob That's what happens when you have more than one ... ;)
Warning: Riders of Icarus game modifies base TCP stack settings in the Windows registry that can seriously fuck with your connection depending on the type of connection, modem/router, other apps, etc.
it's effectively malware-type behavior; if the TCP tweak you want to implement can't be done on a per-application / per-socket basis, you probably shouldn't be fucking with peoples' systems.
if this was 100% uncontroversial and harmless and actually improved games with no downsides, you'd think it'd be the default or that more games would do it
@allquixotic o.O
> As some of you may know, Minecraft uses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). By default TCP tries to delay messages to combine them into one packet (Read more here). For real time gaming this is actually a bad thing and makes the game less smooth, especially when your latency is already high.
there's this thing
it's called UDP
is there suppoosed to be one post there and no replies?
@JourneymanGeek quite a few replies
@JourneymanGeek umart.com.au/umart1/pro/… <== probably getting that next Sun :)
Well, the other option was a 144Hz G-SYNC monitor, but... IPS
Most frequently starred message on Root Access:
@JourneymanGeek: woof
@JourneymanGeek: woof
@JourneymanGeek: woof
@JourneymanGeek: woof
@JourneymanGeek: woof
@JourneymanGeek: woof
@JourneymanGeek: woof
@JourneymanGeek: woof
IPS + factory colour caliberation and
@Rahul2001 but but its me saying different things! Text dosen't quite capture the accents when I say woof
I just cut up a micro sim to a nano sim. For science.
I'm however a scardy cat dog so I did it with my old sim card
@DavidPostill spam? What spam? sneaks it into the catfood
you shouldn't leave your dogs in the car anyway ._.
!! Caat
@Bob you can get 120/144HZ IPS monitors with G-Stink these days...
@qwertyuiop Example? :P
This one's only 1440p
Oh maybe PG27AQ but that's $1350
And here I thought $800 for the Dell one was expensive :P
I'll live with 60Hz :P
@Psycogeek funny how the only person complaining of fair drives is also the only one star review that isn't a verified purchase. I smell troll.
@Bob oh you want 144Hz and 4k? well your other option wasn't 4K either.
There's only one announced display that does 4K120 and that's that Dell OLED I've been wanting to get my hands on since January
@qwertyuiop Yea there's a few 4k ones around the same price but TN of course
@qwertyuiop ?
oh wait
I think I misread
> The certificate expired on Saturday, 9 July 2016 10:18 AM. The current time is Saturday, 9 July 2016 7:11 PM.
... did I outsmart the fox? :-o
Eh, our certificate expired 11th March 2016 and it's still not been fixed -_-
@DavidPostill Can you please help me debug a batch file?
@Rahul2001 I can try ... ;)
thanks :D
set arch=AD

If %arch%==AD (
If %processor_architecture%==x86 (
set PATH=%~dp0bin\32;%PATH%
If %processor_architecture%==AMD64 (
set PATH=%~dp0bin\64;%PATH%
That's my code, which works on most computers...
However, on some PCs, I get this error:
\Intel\iCLS was unexpected at this time.
Here's what I get if I run path.bat >> error.txt
G:\batchcode> set PATH=G:\expiscor\bin\32;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;c:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;c:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\windows\System32\Wbem;C:\windows\Syste‌​m32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT
@DavidPostill I think I get the error because the Intel paths have spaces in them...
@Rahul2001 No. It's because of the (
You need "s
set PATH="%~dp0bin\64;%PATH%"
set PATH="%~dp0bin\32;%PATH%"
syntax-brackets - Using parenthesis/brackets to group expressions
@DavidPostill I still get the error :(
Hmm. What is the output of path before you try and change it?
Why do you have bin a in your output?
@DavidPostill Yeah, that was a typo, but I get the error even after fixing it...
@DavidPostill C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;c:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;c:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows;C:\windows\System32\Wbem;C:\windows\Syste‌​m32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT
I just applied for a data center engineer job at fruitco.
@DavidPostill the folder gets added? 0_o
and why am I getting that error the first time saying 'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
@JourneymanGeek HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!!
@Rahul2001 well, most of the tech they mention in their job ad isn't dogfooded
Probably because the file was originally broken and the path was wrong. I would exit the cmd shell, open a new one and retest with the corrected `path.bat`.

Note: It's not a good idea to name batch files with the same name as an existing command. I don't think it hurts this time (as path is an internal command) but imagine the batch file was called dir.bat and it called dir. What do you think would happen?
@DavidPostill okay, I'll try it out...
By the way, the correct way to get the "bitness" is the following:

rem get bitness
for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic OS get OSArchitecture ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do (
  set "_bits=%%i"
@DavidPostill oooh, thanks...
Or even better:

rem get bitness
for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic OS get OSArchitecture ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do (
  set "_bits=%%i"
  set _bits=!_bits:~0,2!
Output is 64. Previous code said 64-bits. This version removes the -bits
@echo off
rem get bitness
for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic OS get OSArchitecture ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do (
  set "_bits=%%i"
  set _bits=!_bits:~0,2!
		set PATH="%~dp0bin\%_bits%;%PATH%"

@DavidPostill New code^
But... I still get the error :(
@Rahul2001 Hmm. I'm stumped for the moment. I will take a short break :)
@Rahul2001 Did you delete path.bat?
Ooh I think I fixed my S4
Please delete path.bat, close all cmd windows. Open a new one and run the following getpath.cmd:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem get bitness
for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic OS get OSArchitecture ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do (
  set "_bits=%%i"
  set _bits=!_bits:~0,2!
set PATH="%~dp0bin\%_bits%;%PATH%"
@Rahul2001 Note I always call my scripts foo.cmd not foo.bat. There are some subtle differences in errorlevel behaviour ...
@DavidPostill I've had to go out for a while... 😞 I'll get back to you once I reach home...
@Rahul2001 np. I'm here all day :)
I make one frivolous comment, and it gets upvoted 25 times
A: Why can't we write over a CD/DVD after it's been burned/finalized?

Hennes I understand that read-only mode prevents further writes, but can't a burner just ignore that and burn over the original data anyway? Yes, if you modify the firmware on the burner then you could do that. That means either having access to the firmware's source in the first place (read: su...

The Even cooler would be to toss the CD into a pool with sharks with laser mounted on their forehead. :) part
that makes perfect sense
@JourneymanGeek for one of my hotspots I cut a micro card down to nano, then for a later gen device I had to put a micro "holder" (little piece of plastic) back on the same sim card and put it in a new device :D
@allquixotic cutting down seems a bit scary
my old card was a mini cut down to micro, but that was using a punch at the pjone store
@allquixotic I've done the same
this is zero risk to me ;p
Apart from my newest nano SIM everything else has been cut down from a larger SIM, and either gets put into my S7 as a nano SIM or into a micro-SIM adapter/shim for every other phone
I don't think I have any mini-SIM devices left. The last one was my GS2, which didn't have a SIM tray so much as a retainer band behind which you could just insert any size of SIM
My old HTC One V, my mom's redmi and my dad's samsung ace II are mini
and our indian sim cards are all full mini, and I doubt I can talk my dad into letting me cut them down ;p
I'm stuck with "Big brother duty" D:
@JourneymanGeek in India when you buy a sim now, it's nano, with plastic adapters for micro and full...
@Rahul2001 and that's why I have a new sim.
Fun morning
I spent an hour trying to determine how to download the Visual Studio .iSO files
which is ridiculous that I had to spend an hour trying to do that....
Man this $500 Nintendo NES sounds amazing...
The aluminium one?
I am still surprised my SIM works after cutting.
The manual said I needed a microsim, so I cut it down to micro
The actual device needed mini
i'm not saying impostor syndrome is over in the uk, but it's hard to look at the government and not think "well, i feel competent at my job"
At least some good has come out of it
@Rahul2001 but but. You guys only got rid of those darn pesky immigrants 70 years ago ;p
and they left quite a mess to boot
@JourneymanGeek - No; Some custom job that uses original parts but, for example, modified it to have an HDMI port.
The original port has unused pins that were originally grounded.
(sense lines ) by using those lines there is no delay in the up-conversion
still same resolution though obviously.
@DavidPostill I'm back home... finally
@Rahul2001 :)
RX 480 vs GTX 1060. My gut tells me that GTX 1060 will outperform RX 480 by a slight margin overall, but that compute-heavy workloads will favor the AMD part. It's going to be a close match.
@Rahul2001 Can you try again with:
set "PATH=%~dp0bin\%_bits%;%PATH%"
And with no quotes as well
@DavidPostill um... okay...
@Rahul2001 Something weird is happening with the quoting.
@DavidPostill wait... I think it worked...
have you seen the latest steam survey?
@Rahul2001 Which version?
@DavidPostill This worked!
@DavidPostill THANK YOU!!!
@Rahul2001 Great!. Next time ask a question so I can get some imaginary rep :)
@DavidPostill If you want, I'll this as a question right now, and Iaccept your answer ;)
@Rahul2001 It's OK I'm joking.
@Rahul2001 By the way did you know that the way you are setting the path is temporary? It will revert when you exit cmd
@DavidPostill I know... That's what I want
@Rahul2001 Good. That's OK then ;)
It's a portable tool I'm going to run from my flash drive... It's almost done, I'll share it with you :D
@bwDraco - RX 480 has power management issues out of the box. I wouldn't trust hardware that draws more power then the standard calls for even if it was solved by software.
@Ramhound NVIDIA's consumer chips are tuned almost purely for geometry. AMD puts more compute resources on their GPUs but that seems to hurt efficiency.
A: there is not updates in my WSUS for window server 2012

Green YiIs your WSUS server configured to replicated with an upstream WSUS server? If so, you need to check if the upstream server has the same products and classifications settings, also have approved the Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 related updates.

Am I off based for calling out the comment in this "answer"?
Pascal does FP64 at 1/32 of FP32 and FP16 at 1/64 of FP32.
Polaris does FP64 at 1/16 of FP32 and FP16 at 2x of FP32.
This is not free.
If it explained how to check the upstream server, or classification settings, <shrug>
AMD consumer cards have always had more compute resources than NVIDIA consumer cards at the expensive of geometry performance and power efficiency.
@Ramhound No. It is a comment as he is asking a question to the OP.
I think the comment he made towards me is because
I fixed one of his answers and literally told him
AMD cards usually have have more compute GFLOPS for similar geometry performance.
"write better answers"
Just different ways of using the transistor budget.
He didn't quote some information from a link, he thought was important enough to include, which backed up his statement.
Usually I just make a silent -_- face, disengage, and let the LQP reviewers handle it
So I quoted for him, but also indicated, I wouldn't in the future...
I sometimes like pulling the pin and throwing the grenade....I regoncgise the fault...so is it ok i have it :-)

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