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It's just what most people use for short term finance.
@qwertyuiop huh, I think to get that kind of card in the US you have to have a certain level of proven income or credit history
but they'll offer these $1500 - $3000 credit limit (max.) Store Cards with zero interest in monthly installments between 6 and 12 months to just about anyone
@allquixotic Well over here, you need that for just about any card
@allquixotic Ahh
That sounds very handy. I'll check with Amazon and newegg right away if it's available here
That's different I guess
Here you'll get a max £500 card if you're a student and have no credit history and/or no proven income
generally when you get a credit card in the US, and just start making purchases at the mall or restaurants, you immediately start incurring interest unless you pay it off within the same pay period
there's no such thing as "zero interest if paid off in 3 years" that I've heard of, at least not at my pay grade
And if you're not a student and have no proven income or credit history... you'll get nada
so it's a special thing to be able to get zero interest for 6 or 12 months here
@allquixotic They tend to be introductory deals or balance transfer deals
Though my card gives me an "introductory" deal every month. -_-
my credit has been very good because I've used a lot of credit (successfully, without missing payments) lately, and then reduced my debt later
> Sainsbury's* has upped the length on its 0% spending card (from 25 months), meaning you can now get a massive 27 months interest-free on new purchases, the joint-longest offer we've seen. You'll also earn Nectar points on all spending.
it's been kind of like a roller coaster: incur debt, work it down, incur it back, etc.
that process, as long as there's no missed payments or delinquency, builds good credit
OK 3 years might be pushing it in this economic climate but 27 months is readily availble
Balance transfer offers 0% for 40 months
gah, is there any way to find what dll a CLSID is associated with besides doing a find in regedit? this is taking forever
Yeah, my credit rating is pretty decent also because I've had periods in the past where I relied heavily on it but also paid it back consistently
Indeed, never having had any credit looks worse on your record than having a lot of debt but also a reliable repayment history
The latter screams profit.
My credit is probably OK. I pay everything with my credit card and pay it back without paying interest.
@qwertyuiop a huge proportion of the credit bureaus' rating of you in the US is based on how well you've managed actual credit lines you've been given in the past -- which is why, even if you have decent income and few expenses, it can be very hard to get credit if you've never been indebted to any lender before
^^ that's basically what I just said :-P
I had a horrid interest rate on my first car.
they didn't trust me ;p
I've never had a first car >_>
I got a very good rate on my second car after holding down the payment on my first one for 3.5 years (traded it in)
I was lucky enough to get a crapton of credit when I was a student, just before the government limits came in limiting students to £500 credit.
I crashed regedit, wtf
Never taken a loan out though
Might be looking at a mortgage in the next year or so
A mortgage before a car. That's kind of unique.
@allquixotic I always tell you to drive your regedit safely.
mortgage lender might go "uhhh.... OK, sure, just give us your left leg as collateral"
Hahahaha good one.
@allquixotic here you can't get a credit card before you earn 30K a year
I don't need one outside "meh, I don't want to carry a kilobuck in cash when I buy computer parts"
Especially since the biggest common notes are 50s.
(There's a 1000 dollar note, and there was a 10K note, but 1000 dollar notes are uncommon and 10K notes are uncommon, out of production and troublesome)
How very Canadian.
@JourneymanGeek no 100s?
And no debit cards?
Yeah, I now have a debit card, and we have a bank card system
(which is cheaper)
hm. And online purchases
since my debit card company dosen't work on amazon and xiomi
anyway, I typically don't buy stuff without 'cash' (or savings) in hand
There exists such a thing as paying online with debit?
Huh. Never knew.
but my bank will reject anything without the code at the back
@Ariane depends on the bank
@Ariane US bank debit cards are usually backed by Visa or one of the other credit card companies; you can tell the vendor to charge it as "credit", and it'll just come out of your bank account with no interest or fees
Well i guess there's PayPal bank transfer. That's a sorry of debit I guess.
you have to sign a piece of paper usually for that. you can also say "Debit", and have to punch in a 4-digit PIN
in my experience "cirrus" and "electron" cards didn't work
now that we do Chip-and-PIN, though, it's no longer based on the magnetic stripe
@allquixotic here 'debit' cards are usually treated like credit cards
@allquixotic huh, special! Here debit cards are basically just from the bank.
there's one of those ASICs on the card and you interface with it and do crypto and stuff (and run Java, I believe :D) then put in your PIN
the pin system is a different system that used to be local banks only
@Ariane my new debit card (chip and pin with magnetic stripe) can be used in three ways
(1) Credit: swipe the magnetic stripe
(2) Debit as swipe and PIN (being quickly phased out everywhere)
(3) Debit as Chip and PIN (most secure, everyone's getting the chip readers now)
!! Caaaat
Ah like a credit card? Pin and chip, old school magnetic stripe and NFC?
with (1) I have to sign the receipt
@allquixotic I've seen places that still do the old carbon paper and phonecall method ;p
India sure is a special place
there are a few old-school organizations in the US that charge a very substantial fee for anything except a paper check or cash
my favorite examples: government institutions like the Department of Motor Vehicles (to pay for license places), and student loan companies
often there's a $20 or $35 fee to use a credit or debit card
but a paper check is free, and you can always hand them a wad of cash
@allquixotic its the other way around here
All our airlines charge card fees when paying online.
government agencies insist you use NETs or "Cashcard" only
Which is stupid since you can't not pay by card.
(Nets being the local direct debit system)
It's completely the contrary here. You can't pay anything by check anymore.
@qwertyuiop sounds like a way to make more money
I've not had a chequebook here
What's a check
and have never needed it
Oooh you mean cheque
I've owned checkbooks, and when I was younger I actually went through a substantial number of them over the course of a year - maybe 5 or 10
I've used like, two in my entire life :-P
I'm never sure how it's spelled
@qwertyuiop its like money you can write your own value on and not get looked at like you're an idiot. Some of the time...
I still have a checkbook somewhere and one check in my wallet, but I haven't written a check in maybe 5 years
@qwertyuiop US vs correct UK spelling?
@Ariane nah I just dissing cause I'm UK spelling
US localized spelling is check / checkbook
dunno about Canada :P
I write checks to prostitutes
The only thing I use cheques for is paying the rent
@qwertyuiop that seems... kinda inappropriate.
!! s/kinda//
@allquixotic @qwertyuiop that seems... inappropriate. (source)
!! s/that//
@qwertyuiop @allquixotic @qwertyuiop seems... inappropriate. (source) (source)
!! s/seems/is king of/
@qwertyuiop @qwertyuiop @allquixotic @qwertyuiop is king of... inappropriate. (source) (source) (source)
@allquixotic seems like there's no such amazing card in Canada.
For Amazon anyway
!! s/((@qwertyuiop)|(@allquixotic)|((source)))//g
@allquixotic seems like there's no such amazing card in Canada. (source)
@JourneymanGeek That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@JourneymanGeek @qwertyuiop @qwertyuiop @allquixotic @qwertyuiop is queen of... inappropriate. (source) (source) (source) (source)
@allquixotic seems like there's no such amazing card in Canada. (source)
I'm confused about all this bot spam
we're just trying to morph one message into what each of us wants it to say, and it's getting ridiculous
Well then I'll try newegg next
!! s/inappropriate/awesome/g
@qwertyuiop @JourneymanGeek @qwertyuiop @qwertyuiop @allquixotic @qwertyuiop is queen of... awesome. (source) (source) (source) (source) (source)
The end.
!!s/awesome/utter inappropriatery/
@JourneymanGeek That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@JourneymanGeek @qwertyuiop @JourneymanGeek @qwertyuiop @qwertyuiop @allquixotic @qwertyuiop is queen of... utter inappropriatery. (source) (source) (source) (source) (source) (source)
@JourneymanGeek That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!! s/\(source\)//g
@allquixotic (source)
@allquixotic @qwertyuiop @JourneymanGeek @qwertyuiop @qwertyuiop @allquixotic @qwertyuiop is queen of... utter inappropriatery. (source) (source) (source) (source) (source) (source) (source)
@allquixotic @JourneymanGeek @qwertyuiop @JourneymanGeek @qwertyuiop @qwertyuiop @allquixotic @qwertyuiop is queen of... utter inappropriatery. (source)
I think we're bot abusing ;p
!! s/((@qwertyuiop)|(@allquixotic)|((source)))//g
@qwertyuiop @JourneymanGeek @JourneymanGeek is queen of... utter inappropriatery. () (source)
@qwertyuiop nice
Newegg Canada doesn't do chat so I emailed them.
(for one thing I strongly believe that having cutlery hurled at you by ladies of excessive moisture is no basis for a executive)
My phone gets pretty hot when its internet connection is under heavy use
@Ariane that's normal; I used to use my phone for tethering (before I got a dedicated hotspot for that) and it would get really hot
LTE chipsets draw a lot of power to get enough RX/TX gain to establish a reliable SNR
Whoa, the new OnePlus 3 is quite something. Would be the perfect phone if it had water resistance and set of touch buttons instead of a Samsung like arrangement.
Everyone's doing a home button now ;p
Motorola and Google don't, right?
moto is now
What is this treachery?
Moto is Kenobi owned now. No more baby nexuses
.... lenovo... damned autocucumber
Looks like there's both. I'm fine with that.
Baby excuses?
nexii ;p
To EL&U!
Aaah. They made baby nexus phones?
Waaait. They dropped full-on water resistance from the Moto G. That's very disappointing.
I don't get how being waterproof isn't a standard feature in every modern phone, with the technology we have access to.
@Ariane water resistance is still a thing on the Moto Z Force, which is also shatterproof
looking forward to that phone
why do we do we do we do we do?
That's pretty cool! Looks like I picked the wrong time to buy a moto x play
What if you buy Titan Z, Moto Z, and Dragon Ball Z all at once? do you get some special reward?
Eh. No?
no rewardZ? :(
No rewardz.
apparently the "see also" for The War Z links to Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
@Ariane the moto G and e are baby nexuses
Don't they still make the G/E?
But lenovo might change things a bit.
How do you think they will?
what is the mobile equivalent of ThinkPad
I don't know.
@oldmud0 BlackBerry would be but it's dead
or would that be Nokia? *shrug*
Kia or nokia?
@Ariane I doubt they will do stock android + like Google owned moto did
Waaait. Google used to own Motorola?
@Ariane Ye
Motorola is to be honest, an old brand. It can't be easily justified why it's still used today, other than "it's popular."
motor-ola - we don't install phones in cars anymore, do we? in fact we discourage people from using phones while driving cars now
All right guys it looks like PYthon best pro language in world .,
That was the origin of the name? Eeeeeh.
All the way from '23 or so
just bought a support subscription to Joyent and submitted this support request... lol
> I am trying to use a piece of proprietary, Windows-only freeware on SmartOS without using Windows in a VM. My goal is to use Wine on *either* SmartOS native, or in an LX zone -- whichever one is easier to get working -- to run this software.

This is a 32-bit Windows application that uses very few system facilities aside from networking and the CPU.

The software is available to the general public; no purchases required. Installation instructions for running it on a modern Linux distribution under wine are located at [1] (the software is "Life Is Feudal: Your Own Dedicated Server"). I hav
@Bob I'd say the Moto Z Force ;D lol :D
@allquixotic But the point of ThinkPad is it was proven and is now kinda dead :P
@Bob Times of war are upon us? Those look awfully familiar
@allquixotic Yup!
also, some look like vacuum cleaners
Someone was thinking about adding it to Stellaris actually
@allquixotic Upright vacuums? Not really a thing here :P
I wonder how many times you'd have to run that until you got something resembling the Battlestar Galactica
or any other titular ships from sci-fi
@allquixotic Speaking of times of war, I'm ready now... @JourneymanGeek should be in about two hours..?
@Bob ok, I'll check on electron
@allquixotic Have you considered running an emulated msxml3 instead? Would that even work?
@Bob tried it; it immediately punts to another library. And yes, it will work in theory, as long as all the transitive dependencies of native msxml3 (provided by Microsoft as an update to Windows XP that winetricks wgets) are supported somehow.
What I mean is that when I try to have it use the native msxml3, it tries to load another builtin library (this time, windowscodecs.dll) and fails the same way.
So I think if I used everything native and somehow got vcrun2015 to install, LiF server would just crash as soon as it tries to load anything -_-
not only that, but using Wine's builtins is often necessary (or at least far less buggy and faster) because it uses native libraries to literally implement the spec of various Windows libraries in terms of what native FOSS libraries can do.
@allquixotic Cool. Will the whole staying-up-till-5am be a problem?
@Bob dunno
well. for me tonight it won't be
dunno about electron
I'm already nocturnal, but unfortunately geek is a regular daytime dog :P
enforced by his parents? :P
Feb 22 '15 at 20:34, by DragonLord
Out of curiosity: Will I ever find a use for a machine with more than 8 cores or 16 threads in a client environment?
@bwDraco as a developer, make -j99 would be nice... but that's so niche
Feb 22 '15 at 20:55, by Bob
Web browsing? Nope. Graphics editing? Probably nope. Watching videos? Nope. Editing videos? Nope. Playing video games? Probably nope.
Has this changed?
If not, what's the point of the i7-6950X (10C/20T @ 3.0-3.5+ GHz)?
I used all 24 hardware threads (on a server) for a model simulation before.
But that's also pretty damn niche.
@bwDraco Game servers, perhaps some games themselves, some forms of dev work...
@bwDraco the advanced simulator games of tomorrow will probably be able to do it - if KSP can't do it now, maybe a "KSP 2" or something (by another publisher or the same, you get the idea) will be able to do it
KSP is already heavily multi-threaded. So is AotS
game servers use dozens of threads with fairly high activity on each
@allquixotic It's fairly common to host multiple game servers on a single server.
Generally, the answer is "multitasking".
(I said 3.5+ because of the new Intel Turbo Boost Max 3.0 Technology.)
Oh, you'd also do things like compression/decompression faster but that's a minor concern for most.
@bwDraco If you only ever do a single thing at once, you'd almost never need it.
aren't there some pretty severe theoretical limits on (at least lossless) compression parallelization?
If you do multiple things at once... you're more likely to need it.
LZMA2 is parallel but only some parts of it
@allquixotic True... but I have seen them eat up 8 hardware threads. So 16 wouldn't be too big a stretch just yet.
@allquixotic Anything you feel like doing while we wait?
now, when it comes to H264 compression, that is embarrassingly parallel (or things like VCE/NVENC/QSV wouldn't work)
I can see a few situations where I might need that many threads, but the value proposition is quite poor. Low volume and very high manufacturing cost lead to an exceedingly high price.
@bwDraco unless you have a multi-role box where you're hosting dedicated game servers on your desktop while playing games, you won't need it on a client
May 31 at 11:31, by bwDraco
Oy vey. My computer has processed 200+ images and it took more than 45 minutes to do it.
that's why client core cap is much lower than server core cap
So if consumer uses cases for this sort of compute are so limited, what's the point of a desktop processor with 20 hardware threads?
not much point unless someone wants the best of both worlds (serial and parallel perf) on a single CPU and without going to enterprise grade kit
@bwDraco NUMBERS
Pretty much the same reason NetBurst was a thing
@allquixotic Also seen quite often in cheaper dedi server offerings (Hetzner, etc.)
ya but they use non-K mainstream i7s, I don't think they use -E
(at least not in most of their offerings)
@allquixotic I just learned Hetzner has a South Africa branch :P
Still waiting for that promised OVH DC in Australia
if they open a US branch with the same price as their German branch, I'll switch today
@Bob still waiting for that promised OVH DC in USA
@allquixotic At least that has a decent chance of appearing :P
I've toyed with the idea of doing enterprise-class builds. 2P Xeon, SAS disks, that kind of build.
I thought they wanted to stay out of the NSL zone?
@allquixotic NSL?
National Security Letter
National Soccer League? o.O
basically a combination of a gag order and requirement of cooperation with the US government
...good point
That also puts your servers at risk...
Hm. Azure has two AU DCs
FDE and pray?
FDE and you risk getting life in jail for providing material support for terrorism.
...uh. that's not how it works
Feb 28 at 22:53, by bwDraco
For some reason, this Apple-FBI standoff could lead to a criminal charge against Apple. By providing encryption that cannot be broken and by refusing to backdoor iOS, Apple could conceivably be charged with providing material support for terrorism under the USA PATRIOT Act.
that kind of "logic" is so twisted that the government could actually argue that.... I mean, it sounds pretty off the wall to us lay people, but I don't think it's all that terribly far-fetched
what's legal is basically whatever they say is legal at the time
Ignoring the highly questionable morality, there's a huge difference between providing FDE services (by default?) vs applying FDE to your own data.
And even then the former has not been established as illegal.
the latter hasn't been established as illegal, either, has it?
we're talking about full disk encryption, right?
@allquixotic Nup. If the latter were illegal then the former wouldn't even need to be argued.
And BitLocker, etc., wouldn't be a thing.
Also, this basically protects against opportunistic scraping. If they really wanted at that data, the $5 wrench is still an option.
Feb 26 '15 at 22:42, by DragonLord
Was thinking about the PC Gamer Large Pixel Collider
Computer hardware talk again. Do I save up to build a mega-PC 5-10 years in the future or start building when the funds become available?
I literally just got back ;p
Feb 26 '15 at 23:38, by DragonLord
There's this part of me that wants to build up to LPC performance with an unlimited budget, potentially exceeding $10,000
@bwDraco IMO, I consider the ludicious 10K dollar PC a waste of money
If I was building something like that, I'd start with a suitable workstation
@allquixotic @Bob Still waiting for lunch. Are we continuing last week's game or starting afresh?
If its the former I can start pre lunch, pop off cause no one's gonna try to kill me and come back
@JourneymanGeek Depends if quix can get a 4th player (electron?) in :P
@JourneymanGeek Oh, that's an option... ...@allquixotic?
What game?
else, I can start pre lunch, and hope no one kills me when I'm eating.
Perhaps I should join in...
@bwDraco sins of a solar empire
Not great at RTS games. I'll buy it anyway and join in but may play very poorly.
Its not quite an RTS game
(feel free to kick me if I pull you down. If my self-control issues extend here and I start griefing, feel free to extend a suspension to Stack Exchange)
and @Bob and @allquixotic will attest to the fact that I died. A Lot.
it's like starcraft except like warhammer 20k
I don't think electron is coming, at least not this week
others compare it to a slower-paced version of bf3, except with some eve online space mechanics
> If my self-control issues extend here and I start griefing, feel free to extend a suspension to Stack Exchange
@bwDraco if you're even thinking of that happening...
rip keyboard
I was actually thinking of being suspended from chat for trolling and ranting
to be fair. the teams are locked. not much he can do to "grief"
@bwDraco It's a very long-running game (10 hours minimum, probably double that on a big system).
We do 3-6 hours every week.
And it's usually around American midnight, so... certain amount of nocturnal-ness required.
Who's hosting? JMG?
so, it's like warhammer 20k with some Civ V mechanics?
Wierdly enough, no
since I can't seem to get the damned hosting thing to work
The timing isn't exactly an issue but not sure if this game is for me.
Anyway. If you really do want to join and quix/geek don't object, might be better for you to play the tutorial first and get a hang on it.
so @allquixotic hosts
We can finish our game first.
oh, I'm just guessing what SSE is before I bother looking it up.
Could think about joining more next week(end).
Sins of a solar empire ;p
no, what the game actually entails
looks like eve online in beta
Also, as geek said... if you think getting frustrated and acting out is a concern... :\
In my first two games I got completely curbstomped by the AI
We'll see. Probably not for me.
@allquixotic True, we've played at a disadvantage before :P
I probably can't conmit myself to online multiplayer of this sort.
In my third, I got attacked by an enemy who @Bob pissed off, and I' barely survived
@bwDraco I'd suggest giving the tutorial and maybe a small single-player match a shot first. Game made so much more sense to me after that.
@bwDraco heh, if we ever do battleborn or something quick, it feels like a better choice
(geek and I went in blind the first time in multiplayer and both got squashed)
Can anybody like make legit craft mods without forgetting to map textures or bake shading into the models....?
pretty tired today actually, might wanna do battleborn and call it an early night after an hour or two
These star destroyer models look like crap. Maybe people just play with graphics turned to lowest.
@allquixotic heh, I'm good for that too ._.
ah... if you'd like
I was kinda hoping to finish that other one off, but that might be hard to squeeze into two hours
why don't you play altitude with all the other filthy casuals like me
the game is dead but I've been playing it recently
it used to require monetary funds to play, now it doesn't
Not exactly comfortable with multiplayer gaming in any case, so I'm not quite ready to join in. I was thinking about it but I need to learn to behave myself first.
I got myself in big trouble today by intentionally giving a street performer far more money than is necessary (folks were giving $1-3 typical, I put in $20).
you can play it on your potato since it only uses some portable java runtime, and only requires really a mouse with 3 buttons
Gross abuse of funds.
Obviously that is what you'd pay for if you went to a legit show with legit performer
Gross abuse of funds would be buying gross things like alkeyhall
I nearly allowed myself to give as much as $60, just throwing money into the drain.

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