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$500 ipad, $300 in connection equiptment, $2000 pc, all to watch dancing cows :-)
2000 dollar PC?
Hahaha, worth it
dancing cows are serious business ;p
@sidran32: its apparently possible
I have a question -- if you stuff the R-Pi in a small container, will there be heating issues?
Or is it so small that it doesn't matter?
@JourneymanGeek I thought so. :P mplayer was my player of choice when I got into Linux for the first time, and I seemed to remember this ability.
@JamesRoseman: apparently not
It probably outputs as much heat as a cellphone or something.
its a cellphone chip
Some dancing animal animations are kinda where the first e-mail viruses popped out of, bad memories Check out my attachment the dancing ducks.
@JourneymanGeek why not?
Oh we got it in before they blacked out the Raspberry Pi site for anti-SOPA day :P
i mean
its so small that it dosen't matter ;p
oh nooo, whats next YousaTube?
the reddit wallace is adorable
Ooh okay haha, that makes sense!
This may come out of left-field, but I grew up in a small town without any techies or computer people, so when I went to college I was exposed to a greater amount of kids and for some reason I'd never found chat rooms, etc. for my hobby, and I just wanted to say that it's great to have a community of people who share the same hobby as I do. So... thanks for being here everybody, SuperUser played a large role in some huge projects I was involved in.
That's great, @JamesRoseman. :)
daFuq? All calls to other number are being routed to my VoIP number
@JamesRoseman glad we could be of help :)
Yup the ladies couldnt pass up a good virus of dancing hamsters. "oh Hooonnnnney its just dancing hamsters, how could little ol hamsters cause such a fuss" "well dear, I would tell you why not to download it, but then i would have to explain the last virus i got from PicsofMyNakidWife.exe"
Random question: anybody here see Social Network? In it, Zuck makes a site called facemash early on and with all of the traffic, the network at Harvard crashes. This only happens when you host the site on your computer right? That's why the school network crashed, because a school network isn't equipped for that kind of upload?
I think they said it hit 22,000 hits in 2 hours, anyone here have any idea how that ranks in terms of network capabilities for a school network?
Depends on the school network. I haven't seen the movie yet though.
I don't know about school network ratings, per se, but I know that the college I went to had an awesome school network deal. Really fast access, you had an internet-facing IP address so you could host out to the internet, and no packet shaping or blocked ports or anything. All you had to do was keep your OS updated and make sure you run AV software.
Otherwise they'd lock you out. :P
That's amazing, am I allowed to know the school or was it purposely left out?
It's Rochester Institute of Technology.
I am sure other schools do that too but from what I can tell, the vast majority do not.
That's amazing.
I don't think my school does that.
Does where you go for undergrad really matter for trying to get into Silicon Valley?
The internet-facing IP even came with its own customizable subdomain :P
I am sure that was up for creative license... I doubt it crashed the entire network unless they were using ancient hubs and things
Hm, it can help getting in the door a bit easier, but if you get some good internships, I'm sure you'll get the experience credentials pretty quickly.
@sidran32 that's crazy!
... anyway... off to work... bye!
See ya @WilliamHilsum
Thanks @WilliamHilsum !
RIT had a good reputation for their CS department, and where I ended up doing my co-ops (AMD) actively recruited from my school because of that (they held regular career fairs)
So that helped me. But once you get in the door, you start amassing experience, and that becomes the first thing prospective employers will look for at that point.
From my understanding anyway. I'm still young in the workforce. :P
Only graduated in 2009
@sidran32: my job hunting experiences should be interesting
@JourneymanGeek Yes. :P Though lacking a degree may be a hurdle.
though i somewhat hope i can somehow use my SU stuff to help me along a little since i'll be oooolddd
Depends on where you go though.
@sidran32: working on fixing that
Cool :)
I keep forgetting you're doing online courses
@JourneymanGeek leaving here literally in 2 minutes, can't talk long... this site keeps pulling me back...
So, really undergrad holds not much compared to experience. But with equal experience, undergrad only holds name recognition?
I could never do that. I can't work anywhere near as intently at home than I can at the office or at the school
this site does help a lot... I was shocked when I got this job, but, I am sure this site helped me
Undergrad is important.
phrase it good/bring it up in interview... I have answered xxx questions, I help xxx e.t.c.
@sidran32: er, no. Actually, i'm in sort of proper classes
Often if you don't have a degree, employers will pass you by.
its a vaguely satillitey campussy thing
anyway... will talk later! seriously, bye now! If I time this right, there is a bus in 3 minutes which will save me a 10 minute walk! bye...
Bye @WilliamHilsum :)
np @WilliamHilsum I can pump you dry later ;p
@JamesRoseman: a degree helps you get your foot in the door
@JamesRoseman When an employer is hiring someone right out of college, they will have an understanding and certain level of expectation for you. They know you lack experience so they'll look more at your school training.
I don't have any relevant work experience, and am really old for a first time job seeker
But if you've been out of school for a while, they'll start looking more and more at what your work experience has been.
I ask because I was considering transferring. I did really well first semester and interned at my school's Advancement Communications office and ended up writing some small programs that people use. Just little Python/Batch based HTML menial work and one survey free response program that's been used a bit and have done some web design work too, so I think I might stand a chance at some competitive schools.
I do have a varied set of skills, and about the only thing i can point at is SU ;p
What schools do you guys hear the most about for computer science?
@sidran32 @JourneymanGeek , thanks! That makes sense.
Well I will recommend RIT. It served me well. It is a private school though and can be expensive. However, its CS department is definitely very high quality.
I can say, out here
its impossible to get an IT job without at least a diploma
A couple other places that I've seen off the top of my head are Carnegie Mellon, Cornell University
and low end stuff needs you to be chinese speaking, implicitly
MIT! ;p
MIT of course. :P
Locally here, Worcester Polytechnic Institute is a good tech school as well.
i don't know about rep, but stanford's online stuff is good. I just need better work ethic with it
is trying to do the itunes u introduction to programming but gets sucked into schoolwork, irc and QA ;p
I think Northeastern University is pretty up there, as well...
Top ranked? I've heard a lot about Stanford, MIT, CalTech, and Brown (though significantly less so with Brown).
I was looking at Cornell but the location isn't really for me.
CalTech, yes. I knew there was a California one that I couldn't pin the name down for :P
Brown I think I've heard of as well.
But I was looking at Harvard, Stanford, and Brown, head anything good? @sidran32 yeah, sometimes it escapes immediate recall haha.
I rather miss the little british university i tried to do computer security at :/
I'm not sure I'd like it at MIT or CalTech because of the disproportionate amount of very like-minded individuals when it comes to personality types -- also the stress levels are supposed to crazy.
I think Harvard is more about the liberal arts. Stanford, I don't know.
RIT is further up in Rochester, NY. It's still upstate, so if Ithaca isn't for you, Rochester may be better but it's a farther drive :P
@JourneymanGeek you studied computer security? I'm considering getting into it, I definitely want to learn more about it at the least.
I wouldn't live there but it was just fine for college. Lots of great places to eat in the area. Excellent local sub shops. :)
@JamesRoseman: dropped out unfortunately
@sidran32 You're making an excellent case for RIT, I'll have to look into it!
RIT does have a networking security major. One person I know through a roommate majored in it. He's in the NSA now. :)
Cool. :)
I went there because of the co-op program. It really got me in the door pretty effortlessly
@sidran32 woah, neat
@JamesRoseman: now i do computer forensics and management ;p
(double major, but the CFITM major is the major major ;p)
@JourneymanGeek Woah that's awesome!!
@JamesRoseman: the management side is your typical BComm Management
its a really odd combo, but circumstances made it my best option ;p
I'm torn, to be honest. I know that the only way to get ahead is to start early so I'm looking at internships and some summer classes this summer. I love computer science, I really do, and I want to open as many doors as possible before I lose the opportunity.
Have either of you heard of Tufts University?
I'm not american, so i only know the big few
May be of interest.
@JamesRoseman: I didn't get any internship chances. DON'T make the same mistake i did ;p
That's an amazing help actually Journey, what ones do you know of?
I learn so much from people who have actually been on the field without them realising ;p
@JamesRoseman: not very many ;p
That's the college I was in.
I hate to push an issue but any way I could hear which ones? I'd love to know ones for whom name recognition really spreads far and wide.
@sidran32 WOW! That link to networking majors looks amazing! I didn't even know that there were college networking competitions.
I think @sidran32 prolly knows better than i do
I have heard of Tufts, actually, James.
Though I think it's more known for its medical colleges. Right?
RT @anoopan: http://www.m3db.com/ best SOPA protect ever seen!
Yeah for graduate school.
@Sathya woah, that's pretty impressive!
That's where I currently go, Tufts. I did well first semester and am looking at options.
@JamesRoseman aye
I doubt I'd get into Stanford but I'll kick myself if I don't give it a shot, mainly because of crazy connections over in the SilVAl
Can't hurt to try :)
I wanted to apply to MIT even though I wasn't going to go (like you, I didn't want to be in that environment).
I never did but oh well :P
Just to see if I could get in
that is cool
what's that? malayalam?
I can't read it :P
of course not
neither can i
Its neither tamil (which is unique) or one of the devanagari scripts. I'm leaning towards malayalam or kannada
@JourneymanGeek yep, it's Malyalam
there's a logo below...
ok, good guess ;p
@JourneymanGeek :P
Google says: "We are not yet able to translate from Malayalam into English.
Oh well :P
unlike south east asia (inexplicably) most of india uses their own scripts ;p
which, naturally. means english is the only commonly readable script ;p
Hah. Weirdos. :P
Dang I really need to sleep.
I was just thinking that hahaha
Adios amigos, talk to you all again soon.
Thanks for the help and words!
Good luck @JamesRoseman. Night. You're welcome. :)
Posted by sidran32 on January 18th, 2012

So, earlier this year I decided that I would build a PC for the first time. Previously, I had only done component upgrades on prebuilt computers. This got me familiar with working inside a computer case, but I never had built one from scratch, so I had to figure out what is involved with choosing components, matching things together to make sure everything is compatible, and what it’s like to do all the subsequent tweaking and troubleshooting when the inevitable problems arise.

When I started thinking about what I wanted to do, I made a few key decisions at the front. Usually you have some gene …

yay @Clippy
I'm still plotting my next build
though, i really should pick a video card for my current system, its a pain and half not to have it running
@JourneymanGeek nVidia must be ready for their 600 series any second now
@Paul: Amongst other things, i need to save up, so i have a rough build plan, and what i end up building might be a generation or two newer than my initial setup ;p
@JourneymanGeek Heh yeah, I see PC builds as a continual work in progress
My parents don't ;p
generally i build a desktop, and it gets run till it falls apart
my current desktop has had a PSU, bios backup battery and video card failure so far, the case is somewhat rusty ....
i am waiting for the Intel 170angstrom architecture with the 8gig speed and the 2gig on chip data cache .
@Psycogeek We won't see that for at least 8 months
(I'm currently running a dell i picked up from the dumpster for virtualisation stuff for homework, and an X220 for general use)
wait. 8gig speed?
@Paul exactally :-)
The main problem I see is that atoms are simply too big. We need smaller ones.
I just know both intel and AMD have to make a leap of say 2X eventually, or i am gonna cry.
2 x what? Speed, cores, cache, 1/size?
ya all that :-)
and 1T SSd drives that last forever and cost $100
I am quite surprised at the lack of free unicorns with new processors
they made Leaps like that over and over again, and i was always ready, for the Super Duper PII500 Ohh my
SOPA is back on. I can't read the story because the site reporting it via their RSS feed has gone dark in response to SOPA
mabey were supposed to read about how well it went tomorrow :-)
I missed sandy bridge so far, then there is Ivy bridge, and I just want Troll under the bridge, a big beastly processor, that will last years and years.
reads up
sandy bridges are pretty nice
and the big thing with them is, they and the current AMDs both have decent integrated graphics
it is still integrated, meaning even a beastly old GPU card used off of e-bay can do better game.
well, my current system is down cause the beastly old GPU card with it is down
just like the CPUs not having made huge leaps, the GPUs that are older but were hot power houses , sell for little money
my core2 systems are somewhere around 5 years old, i'm mostly replacing or removing parts as they fail. I have some older pentium IVs with integrated graphics humming along fine as well
if i wasnt also trying to get to the sandy bridge, the price drops on the old Core2 duo or quad made them 3-4 times lower than buying them new.
they're useful for systems that actually get used to the point where there's a complete failure of everything that could be possibly used
I'm not kidding about complete failure
all the speedy needers dumped what was basically stuff that goes 80% as fast as the stuff they were buying.
oh, i won't be dumping stuff until it goes 0% as fast as it used to.
they socked in $1500-2000 total, to get a 20-25% increase , leaving behind tons of usable hardware for dimes on the doller.
I was using a PIII until 2 years ago as a secondary system
until it got dropped twice
and stopped working
I might harvest the screen or other bits at some point ;p
And if i'm going to build a system, a modern midrange system is the best thing to go for. Both core2 desktops i've been using haven't actually had issues for me, performancewise
one's a dell. Its a pain to work with. the other has had multiple failures
i like dell parts, but i probably couldnt deal with thier propriatary stuff.
I don't like... let me start...
My computer here gets modded, and adjusted, and Old junk from the last one, nothing fitting would drive me crasy.
PSU is too limited - only has sata power connectors, and nothing for video, no molex. Case is rather cramped, and lacks proper hard drive bays...
the CPU heatsink is non standard, and has an undersized fan
in that case, the fan is worn out and sounds like a jet engine on wake up
(yes. no proper drive bays, the 3.5 inch drives are screwed vertically in place...
its a Mac :-)
i can swap out most of the parts
actually i could probably get a new PSU, use an old spare case...
with other donor dells?
but there's no point, i'll likely run it to the ground
naw, standard PSU will work
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek - cool! lol
@WilliamHilsum: about the dell or the pumping you dry? ;p
I have about a year before i get my degree so, no rush on my side
are viruses ever thwarted by ReadOnly settings? for my storage files?
This is the day where people enjoy putting * { background-color: black !important; color: black !important; } into CSS files.
Perhaps something for the borders too, and well, images...
So far, only Wikipedia which is easily to work around, not really effective. :P
i didnt know you could get round it, Disable scripts
@Psycogeek: Yeah, it's mainly disabling the Javascript part or something as simple as $('stupid overlay').hide();.
@TomWijsman: i've been relying on google cache for that
Yeah, Google and WayBack Machine are pretty effective in the general case.
@Boris_yo That's the lamest "black out" I have ever seen. Disable JavaScript an you're in.
well, its primarily meant to make a point
though, i find thedailywtf's version amusing
She’s noticed a disturbing rise in the number of students who cite facts in research papers from the user-generated, not-always-accurate Internet encyclopedia.

“A lot of students cite Wikipedia, which is quite terrible, especially in academia,” Tsay said. “It’s something we don’t consider an academic source.”
@JourneymanGeek Aaaaand also not unreachable. Did anyone really shut down their site?
Anyone knows that students should always get thier "facts" from the proper Corporate encyclopedia.
@DanielBeck: prolly not
I don't cite wikipedia. I cite the people wikipedia cites ;p
@Psycogeek: or acedemic writing and books. You can access loads through school library sites and such
The Oatmeal (926 stolen images found)
Cyanide & Happiness (1000+ stolen images found)
David Thorne (27blash6) (554 stolen images found)
Calvin and Hobbes (1000+ stolen images found)

Google All of them "stolen" :-)
@Sathya He kept the complaint blog post up, but not part 2 :(
But, yeah, other than a single blog post, down.
@Sathya they have got a funny comic on sopa
what is the clippy-rules button supposed to do ? (other than go to a dead link)
its clippy-rules!!!!! not clippy rules
@Psycogeek wait till it strikes :D
@HackToHell ohhhh, I get it, its the random stuffomizer
Executing $('div#mw-sopaOverlay').remove(); $('body').children().show(); upon the DOMSubtreeModified event is wonderful.
If anyone needs, hit download and save it with a .user.js extension: pastebin.com/KmBNmMq6
Q: Is it possible to improve performance by upgrading 32Windows to 64Windows on Intel dual core 64bit notebook?

Dmitry BoykoIs it possible to improve performance by upgrading 32Windows to 64Windows on Intel dual core 64bit notebook? How many power I win? Thank you!

"How many power do i win?" "OVER 9000!"
hehe... @surfasb or @studiohack ... If either of you are there before 6:00... got another thing to buy! (sorry again!)
Alarm! Have you seen this guys?

2 hours ago, by Daniel Beck
@Boris_yo That's the lamest "black out" I have ever seen. Disable JavaScript an you're in.
41 mins ago, by Tom Wijsman
If anyone needs, hit download and save it with a .user.js extension: http://pastebin.com/KmBNmMq6
@Sathya Not that problem. The problem is that they (not Wikipedia) want to regulate internet.
@Borisyo: but.. we're computer enthuiasts. We'd notice ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yeah i also thought, but 7000.
or already have some way not to notice
What do you think about future of internet?
Its doomed.
Seriously man.
We'll be back to some corpogovernment controlled walled garden and we'll all be using googlezon friendface
(or, we find ways around it. Geeks are smarter than politicians ;))
"we'll all"?
USA is only involved.
the USA controls the root DNS system
Then lets create our underground internet!
with blackjack and hookers
ISPs :)
Its a meme. "lets create X with blackjack and hookers... actually lets forget about X!"
X? Weapon X from Wolverine?
X for some random variable ;p
Are you someone or something that is enforcing the PIPA/SOPA act or helping them to enforce the PIPA/SOPA act?

If so, clicking " No, let me enter. " is prohibited.

[ No, let me enter. ]
[ Yes, I will leave. ]
End of days is this year anyway.
How about cloning the earth?
Equally to how many nationalities in our world.
@Boris_yo It will be cool if it really happens viewzone.com/endtimex.html
@TomWijsman so you managed to find out what that virus was .. still avast has not added it to their virus db
@slhck Received notice from customs because invoice is missing, as it's not declared gift, but other. What the fuck.
your customs is silly ._.
I believe its declared as 'other' 't-shirt'
or something of that nature
Anyone know how SOPA is supposed to actually "block" sites if they are not messing with DNS?
@soandos: i don't think the people who are drafting it know either
[ ] Gift
[ ] Documents
[ ] Commercial Sample
[ ] Returned Goods
[ ] Merchandise
[x] Other

Explanation: Shirts & Mugs
@JourneymanGeek, but really, its toothless against foriegn websites without it now?
which is just plain wrong and/or stupid. I didn't do anything to get it, so clearly it's a gift.
don't forget that the US does control the 3 most popular TLDs
@DanielBeck: what do they expect you to do?
@JourneymanGeek Who?
Customs expect me to have an invoice, and pay 20% import tax.
well i assume customs
well, as there's no invoice, then ...
Plus waste about two hours in their bureaucracy madness.
wait.. 20%... ? o0
If there's no invoice it should have been declared a gift, but it wasn't. That's the whole problem.
Yeah, about 20%. It's the value added tax in disguise, more or less.
ya. We need to pay our vat equvilent only if the declared value is over a hundred..
Plus I pay for the total declared value, which is 10 plus 41 dollars shipping. Yay.
I rather doubt they can seize contraband t shirts and mugs for lack of paperwork? o0
... tax on shipping?
Might be wrong there. But the last time I got something from abroad it was total hell.
@JourneymanGeek Yep. It's fun when you pay triple or more for extra-fast shipping, then they store it for two weeks at customs, and then you pay tax for the extra-fast shipping they fucked up.
ugh, i am starting to understand Jeff Atwood's reluctance to send his videocards overseas
Ahh the government
thankfully in THAT aspect mine is a little enlightened
@JourneymanGeek They're just too stupid to check the correct box. It's a goddamn gift. I didn't do anything to get it. Other folks voted for me, that's it. I didn't even nominate myself.
Now I get to waste more in time and tax than the whole prize is worth.
I don't think they quite anticipated how stupid bearaucracy is as well
@JourneymanGeek Well, they're a registered company. One would think they have at least one guy who can appreciate it.
It's not like this is a secret. Ship as gift, otherwise it's painful. And since it is a gift, it's not even customs fraud.
or it got sent from whoever their supplier is for such things, who probably didn't care about the difference between a regular order, and a gift
probably something to bring up to TBTB in future
I seriously hate mail. Every time I open the mailbox it's just useless shit, scams, or time sinks. Or important mail got lost. Today, I got all four.
@DanielBeck @slhck Either of you know a good free mac screen recorder?
@SimonSheehan I paid for one years ago. Nothing on SU?
QuickTime X can do it. What are your requirements exactly?
Oh, I had no idea Quicktime had such a feature. Let me launch it..
File » New Screen Recording. Have a look at that, maybe it's good enough.
Well that was 10x easier than I thought. Thanks guys! Back to work before anyone catches me
i think VLC does too, no idea if it works on OS X tho
@WilliamHilsum is it before 6? yeah, 45 minutes left... if you need anything - ping me, I'll be around
@JourneymanGeek File » Open Capture Device, then Capture » Screen
ya. i donno if it works on OS X, its the one major OS i haven't had much time with
@JourneymanGeek Well, it's in there (I'm on OS X, as usual), so I'd hope it works.
It appears I was wrong. Completely broken.
in windows, it 'works' sans sound
in linux it may work perfectly
Well, it shows a mouse pointer. And either blackness or noise.
So, if you want to get a video of a mouse pointer moving around a black screen, it's the perfect program to do this.
@studiohack 6GMT, yep... store.steampowered.com/sub/8684 - I can't get on to Steam at work... if you email me your address again, i'll pay ASAP, or right now if you are available
@WilliamHilsum I emailed you @gmail... is that all you want - just the complete Painkiller pack? right?
@DanielBeck I used vlc to do this on windows youtube.com/watch?v=2jRkjwG2pqM
what is steam?
anyone ???
Steam is a digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer and communications platform developed by Valve Corporation. It is used to distribute games and related media online, from small independent developers to larger software houses. Steam also has community features, automated game updates, in-game voice and chat functionality. , there are 1492 games available through Steam, and 40 million active user accounts. The concurrent users peak was 5 million on January 2nd, 2012. Although Valve never releases sales figures, Stardock, the previous owner of competing platform Imp...
@studiohack sorry... yeah, the $5 one please
@HackToHell steam is a brilliant platform, with stupid GBP > USD rates, meaning that some games are half the price in America compared to England... (even after fees/transferring money e.t.c.), so, if you have really good friends that you trust... @studiohack / @surfasb e.t.c.! :) - you can ask people where it is cheaper to buy something for you, then pay them back! (Region lock/can't pay in USD from here).
@WilliamHilsum done
brilliant, thank you - and, I have paid you... please let me know when it comes through
@WilliamHilsum you sent it to my hotmail right? I sent you an email (a 2nd one) after I realized you were asking for my PP versus my regular email
I did it to the second one... I just remembered part of it... didn't realise paypal kept a history.... remembered the occupation, couldn't remember the name!!
@WilliamHilsum whew great - haven't seen it quite yet
@studiohack would it be ok to the wrong address though? I would have thought you could still withdraw it/not be out anything as I pay the fees in addition to the amount... that being said, obviously it is better all in one place
@HackToHell I'd be very happy if the 13th baktun starts quietly.
@Studiohack - the games came through (thanks)... has the money reached you yet?
BTW, if anyone wants to use the regular version of wikipedia without disabling javascript or using the mobile version, use the following javascript code:

4 hours ago, by Tom Wijsman
If anyone needs, hit download and save it with a .user.js extension: http://pastebin.com/KmBNmMq6
@TomWijsman Sorry, didn't see that. My way is just a bare bones thing.
Same, I copied the DOM change tracking from my YouTube script.
I used $("*").show(); at first, but that was a bit of an overkill. :D
@WilliamHilsum got it, thanks! (sorry, was away from the keyboard)
hehe, no problem... sorry, was just worried.
not a problem, you gave me an extra cent @WilliamHilsum :)
lol, how cheap would it be to transfer $4.99! lol
@WilliamHilsum hahahaha - catch you later - I'm off for some (late) breakfast
My new Das Keyboard is taking too long! I ordered it on Saturday. Still not here yet. :(
refreshes UPS package tracking site again
I think it'll arrive tomorrow or Friday...
@soandos Actually, you can also rewrite any request to include ?banner=none.

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