Guys, if any of you are interested in guest authoring for Siyge, please let me know. I just don't know why but even after we amped up post quality, we're just not attracting a community yet :(
Hi Peeps; if I'm wanting to setup a new server from scratch, which can also act as a client with masked geolocation (IP, timezone setting etc) and... whatever the thingies are that identifies the particular circuit board etc, can anyone recommend me a good resource? I can do a bit of node, some apache, and a bunch of other bits and bobs, but all I've done so far server-wise is localhost stuff, and as far as masking it's mostly browser extensions...
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen if you're talking about web-based stuff, there's no such thing as "thingies that identify the particular circuit board etc" - webpages don't have access to that kind of information
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen If you asked that question on the main site it would get closed as "unclear what you are asking". Please try and explain in a way that we can understand what you are trying to achieve.
a webpage might be able to uniquely identify you if you have an unusual screen resolution or refresh rate or something like that, but a webpage can't just read the serial number off your processor
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen there is no such thing as a basic primer for setting up a (generic) server running a (generic) operating system; you've got to get more specific than that
need to talk about use cases, software you want to run, operating system, supported hardware, etc.
drill down to the actual issue you are facing. what are you trying to do? hide from the government? do something illegal? just try to keep corporate data miners from identifying and tracking you?
people can't help you if they have no idea what you are actually doing
I want to be able to serve a website, but I'm not sure the tech I want to use the second phase of it yet, so it would be hard to say which OS would be best, or whether it will be node based or etc etc
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen okay, serving a website is usually something a server typically does, so that makes a lot of sense... the whole "I want my server to be a client" part was really weird
@DavidPostill: Right on.. I agree, It was a dumb question, BUT, a lot of people have a misconception of some questions that may be asked which makes them good questions.Also the more people that can relate to a question just benefits the reach of the audience for a particular question.
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen okay... there are really only a small handful of technologies that are secure enough against people deliberately trying to hack a machine, so that they wouldn't be able to get into the core of the system and break it
I really don't have time to discuss this right now as I have an important presentation to prepare for work, but if you catch up with @Bob or come back later I might be able to give you some more specific help; sounds interesting enough
you're going to need a large cluster of similarly-configured servers if you intend to open it up to the general public and give each person their own clean instance to work with
@Psycogeek Coffee whisker I bought on Amazon had its switch malfunctioned. Normally when you hold, it's on and turns off when you release. Now it's stuck and constantly spins despite button released. That's the only coffee whisker I had which was better Chinese crap than several former whiskers I had. I am left with no energy source and all coffee will be mediocre without it. I am doomed without it...
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen I think you're going about this the wrong way. Typically, the way these things are implemented, you don't need to give the users access to the full OS. They're inside a custom sandbox you design.
@Rahul2001 Yes and no. I have half-working code I've been messing with for part two that's open source. But the stuff I have working as a showcase isn't...
As far as security, you can lock them down with SELinux and cgroups. Effectively what LXD does but without worrying about virtualising root, since you'd never let them elevate privileges.
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen IMO, that's a no-go. It's negligible benefit to an actual game, while effectively giving strangers full access to a server you're responsible for.
I'd be iffy about a GUI in general - they tend to be rather hard to secure correctly (dbus is ... bleh) and very resource intensive compared to pure command-line. Of course, that'll limit the players you could have. So you need to decide on the difficulty too.
If it's supposed to be an easy game, is there much value in having a full server?
If it's supposed to be a hard game, wouldn't you expect players to be familiar with the command line?
If you're going down the path of "players need to break through barriers and encryption to discover clues hidden within (maybe steganography involved?)" - a kind of forensics game - consider what the barriers should be.
Are they just passworded programs with a weakness you want players to discover and exploit?
If so, your game could be completely user-mode (no root/system access whatsoever).
@DavidPostill The main company Zooeq Media is in the US. The tech blog Siyge and the Asia-Pacific sector of Zooeq is managed from India. Our guest authors are sometimes from Canada, UK and the US. None of this ofcourse matters, because no one actually reads anything more than the top 10 tech blogs.
If you want a scenario, it could be that you've managed to break into someone's computer (<story>no GUI, because that'd give you away!</story>) and need to extract data.
shrug dunno. Just a random mishmash of suggestions.
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen Once you've decided what they need to break, you give them access to those parts - and those parts only. Secure the rest. Then you might add some fluff around for the sake of story... but that's after you have a plan for the core gameplay.
Do they need SSH access? Do you only give them access through a web browser?
Are they expected to use remote code execution exploits in a webapp to gain shell access on the server?
If so, rather than giving them a real shell you could make your (intentional) vulnerability drop them into a heavily restricted shell & user.
I mean, there is, I still havent uploaded it tho and don't have my laptop rn
I go on monday, they give me topic, i write a twenty page essay, and go back to submit it on wednesday and get a new topic and it all repeats again and again
An internship is a job training for white collar and professional careers.
Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways to apprenticeships for trade and vocational jobs, but the lack of standardisation and oversight leaves the term open to broad interpretation. Interns may be college or university students, high school students, or post-graduate adults. These positions may be paid or unpaid and are usually temporary.
Generally, an internship consists of an exchange of services for experience between the student and an organization. Students can also use an internship to determine...
@Rahul2001 You think I like writing dumbed down articles every time my editor demands me to. And starting next week, I have to write one every day. Atleast you get a week.
Warning: file_get_contents(): remote host file access not supported, file://root/rpass/tispass.txt in /home/rahulcom/public_html/tishack/proxy.php on line 1
@Nick Well, if you have an editor, it looks like you work in the publishing industry and writing articles, as boring and dull as it might possibly be, is, at leat, part of the job.
I can't think of a position for @Rahul2001 where writing essays is part of his "job".
@Rahul2001 Well, office environments have always promoted unproductive R&D. If your job is directly or indirectly making PowerPoints for someone, you really need to reconsider what you're doing.
Hmm. A "rude or abusive" flag was declined: reason "declined - rude, not offensive". If it is "rude" then surely it is "rude or abusive". Me confused :/
@Burgi It's all the same, actually. I can... pin a star, edit the room topic, add/remove owners, read deleted messages only if I scroll back to them, and kick (but not ban, I think) other users.
But despite the promotion, there's no pay raise ;p