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ooh gitlab uses Ruby on Rails
Heya @BenN
Wonders if it's good old Ben or new Ben
Well, thank you guys at least for ensuring me I won't waste money pointlessly. ^^
I guess there could conceivably be something wrong with the electrics between the battery and everything else
That's the pro version of "It's broken probably". Love it. :D
You can't save any more money fixing a broken battery than by replacing the broken battery. Especially given the battery is one of the cheapest things to replace.
Still 40€. I'm a poor musician.
@ŠtěpánBartoš That's 10 minutes busking, right ;)
hey @ŠtěpánBartoš before you buy a new battery you can download HWMonitor by CPUID and check what the designed capacity and current capacity of your battery is
this will tell you the wear level of the battery and let you know if you should replace it or not :)
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Oh. That's nice. Now I need to figure out what a wear level of 13% means ...
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Hmm. HWMonitor says wear level is 13%, BatteryInfoView says 87.6%. Which one should I believe and why?
what are the numbers
current capacity, designed capacity, current amount
in mWh I think...
does your operating system display your battery's % charged?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Yes, 85% available. It's a Sony Vaio that caps the charge (to preserve battery life).
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere BRB with the numbers
May 7 at 23:32, by bwDraco
GTX 1070 is rated for a mere 150 W, which is right at the MXM power limit. We're talking about better than TITAN X performance within a laptop power envelope!
@DavidPostill No matter how you interpret it, your battery has 87.6% of its designed capacity remaining.
I have an AMD R7 360 !!!
beat that guys
CPUID numbers:
so you have 50140 as the reported full charge capacity
and 57240 reported as the designed by the factory full charge capacity
I suppose one means I have lost 13% of my battery and the others means I have 87% left, both due to wear leveling?
using 57240 as a 100% point, you can divide 50140 / 57240 and that gives you

the difference between the factory full charge capacity and current full charge capacity is 57240 - 50140 = 7100. if we take 7100 and divive by the factory full charge of 57240 that gives 0.12403913347309573724668064290706

those are where the two numbers come from. the wear level percentage is how much full charge capacity you have lost, and the % reported by batterinfoview is the amount of full charge capacity you have left from the total of the factory designed
since these programs can read the battery levels, I assume the battery controller and battery in your laptop are functional.

how long does it take to charge your battery from 10% to 80%? surely it's not 5 minutes right?
@DavidPostill That is correct.
the problem might be in whatever hardware chip or software controls the battery LED in your laptop case
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere No idea. I hardly ever use the battery, I have it plugged in almost 24*7
charging a battery cell is rough an over time damages the cells, that is why a battery wears down
@bwDraco Thanks. That's what I thought was going on.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere I suppose my figures are OK then for a 3 year old battery.
..and it wears down the most when you're trying to charge those last couple %s
oh yeah that sounds pretty good
sometimes batteries already come from the factory with a 7% wear level.. (my friends was around there)
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere @bwDraco Thanks for the advice
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Depends on the quality of the individual cells. Mine started about 97% of original capacity. Now it's 63% (and is being planned for replacement).
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Looks like the Sony software is working as designed ...
@DavidPostill That's a battery in excellent condition for its age.
I treated my old laptop's battery similarly (remove when not in use, refrigerate if laptop is plugged in for more than a few days) and it lasted me just as long as yours is.
@bwDraco Probably because I hardly use it ;)
wait what are you trollinjg me m8
My new laptop's battery did not get the same treatment and is failing much faster. It's also seen a bit of abuse in the past.
No trolling from me :/
@bwDraco I've never removed the battery or stuck it in a fridge
sorry Im just confused how bwDraco asked the question then you came in and answered what I asked of bwDraco, it's all good though ^^
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere You are confused. It was @ŠtěpánBartoš who asked the original question. Then I tried the software you recommended and panicked when I saw 13% :p
Mar 27 at 1:38, by bwDraco
welp. My laptop's stock battery might be failing. I have a spare on hand (genuine Clevo part) and had to use it today; the difference in battery life between the two was pretty telling.
how much rep do I have on stack exchange?
Your combined rep appears below your name in chat when you own a sufficiently large block of consecutive messages
I see 61 for you last time you had such a block
Oh, it also appears in your profile at chat.stackexchange.com: chat.stackexchange.com/users/212039/causingunderflowseverywhere
so if I post 200 messages on a stacker overflow chat I can do anything and comment on highly upvoted answers? :)
No, reputation is independent of chat
But if you get 200 rep on any single site, you can comment literally everywhere :)
oh cool
my finger nail looks so ugly wanna know why
Dec 24 '15 at 3:07, by bwDraco
Dammit. Unplugged my laptop while under heavy load and managed to trip the overload protection on it. The battery now claims it's discharged when it's not.
I dont understand
why is it dec 24 again
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Because @bwDraco is reminiscing ...
oh my
I want to do this magical reminiscent
he didnt help though..
I want to listen to this song
I want to get a kabylake processor that's faster than the 6700k
I want to get a cosair power supply
I want to hug DavidPostill
it doesnt work
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Really? Why?
I want to test whether this works
Works for me
Maybe it has a cooldown?
I want to see whether there's a cooldown
I want to see whether there's still a cooldown
There doesn't seem to be
Does anyone know of an editor in busybox? I'm stuck in a recovery kernel, I can mount my main filesystem but I can't run any text editors due to libraries not being found
This page indicates it has a simple version of vi
Remote server with inept IT staff that switched me to talking to eight different people, all of which suggested a solution which would destroy all data on the server.
Do you have other media that you could use to boot the machine?
Like an Ubuntu live USB?
I have the ability to mount this recovery kernel, or reboot the server with its regular kernel, but the regular kernel won't accept ssh.
Combined with the fact that my access to this server's recovery kernel is a terminal relay that updates the screen once every five seconds and randomly disconnects.
Does the recovery one have the ability to download things?
Let me check if it's connected to the internet, it's rebooting at the moment. This is a really odd situation.
No network adapters in the recovery kernel
Q: How can I edit a file if there is no vi, vim, joe, etc?

Eduard FlorinescuIs there a way to edit a file if there are no vi, vim, joe, mcedit? In another words is there a way to edit a file using just the shell commands?

Does anything there help?
Yeah, I figured worst case scenario I could do cat/echo/grep editing but that's going to be a nightmare
use a hex editor
Great news, I was able to modify one of the files to allow the web application running on the normal kernel to act as system file editor so now I can pull my important files off and nuke the server
I appreciate the help though
I don't mean to ask off-topic questions in chat, but I was in quite a bind
It's fine; chat is much more relaxed :)
We talk about all manner of things here
Oh yeah, I figured as much, I like to SuperUser community, I've just never really posted here before
oh guess what
my intel HD graphics 530 failed after 2 months of use of running 2 games at the same time and a vm and a web browser and ide and such
dont trust those igfx in life or death situations!
my netbook that had hd graphics also died after playing the newest version of a game on it haha for like a year
Anyone here a powershell guru?
I can try
which answer do you guys think is correct?


cause I partitioned my SSD and left 100GB of unallocated space xD
the one from yesterday seems a bit more right but what space would the SSD use to keep track of all these references :o
Modern hard drives have a surprising amount of extra internal storage
@BenN I wrote my first Powershell answer (I'm just starting to learn it). Can you take a look and see if it can be improved? It's very short superuser.com/questions/1077374/…
darn I must have 50 reputation on comment on that :(
guys how do I get more reputation xD
I got the excavator badge sweet!
@DavidPostill I'd go with .Contains rather than -like in case the input contains wildcards
Also I'm pretty sure a plain string search is faster than a Like check
Not that it'll be noticeable here though
@BenN It does contain wildcards - I put them there
Right, in case the user input happens to have wildcards
does .Contains work with wildcards?
It just does a plain string search. Is that what you're after, or are you trying to support wildcards in user input?
you're just calling .NET, so look up the API in .NET
If the user input is "notepad" I look for "*notepad*"
if you want wildcards use a regex: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
15 rep to down vote comments right? :)
@allquixotic "*notepad*" is a regular expression ...
although Contains technically is kind of like an implicit *blah* without having to actually key in the asterisks
@DavidPostill No, it is not!
> Contains is an exact (but case-insensitive) match and will ignore wildcards.
It's case-sensitive
well, if the quotation marks are part of it, then it's a regular expression that matches zero or more quotes, followed by notepa, followed by zero or more ds, followed by another quotation mark.
"Ab".Contains("a") is False
if the quotation marks are not part of it, it's an invalid regex
Oh, different contains. >.>
Also, one-liner:
Get-Process | where {$_.Description -ne $null -and $_.Description.Contains($args[0])}
I'm completely confused. $_filedescription -like $_match does what I want if $_match=""+$Args[0]+""` and I pass notepad as the argument. That is a regular expression match, no?
The file description is a part of the Process object ;)
If you just need to look for a substring, which matches the regex .*YOUR_INPUT.* where . matches any character (including newlines), to determine if YOUR_INPUT is in the string, then Contains works, and you don't need to use any special syntax or wildcards, because Contains implicitly does that.
No, it's Ye Olde Ghettoe Microsoft Wildcard stuff
yeah, regular expressions and wildcards are completely different things
@allquixotic I think I understand ...
David you're going to hate me
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere FYI, you can't downvote comments.
Oh, and you can tack on | select Path, Description, ProcessName to my one-liner to get the properties you wanted
If you want output exactly the same as your code, a For-Each block would do it
@BenN Thanks. I'm playing with it now.
@BenN $_.Description.Contains($args[0]) doesn't seem to match notepad.
I have Get-Process | where {$_.Description -ne $null -and $_.Description.Contains($args[0])} | select Path, Description, ProcessName in GetProcessName.ps1 If I run .\GetProcessName notepad I get all processes :/
Huh, it works for me on the console (haven't checked script), except for being case-sensitive
Oh my, it does indeed list all processes when run from script
You could add a $process = read-host at the start of the script to prompt for a process.
I went against you David and tried to salvage this guy's question xD

looking for that #rep!
@MichaelFrank That's backwards. OP is trying to find process given a description. My answer does that - I was asking for advice to improve it. I can't get @BenN one liner to work. Contains($args[0]) seems to match every description :/
It seems like the where is not getting activated at all.
That's super bizarre, considering that it works when I type it in an interactive PowerShell prompt
is powershell useable in every version of windows above 7? I still use batch for scripts.. should I upgfrade xD
@BenN Now you know why (as a complete powershell beginner) I am totally confused :p. I wrote that answer knowing no powershell at all - starting from a couple of web searches
It took about an hour ...
Huh, it seems something's wrong with the $args[0] part. It works fine if I hard-code "Notepad"
@DavidPostill Got it: Get-Process | where Description -NE $null | where Description -Contains $args[0] | select Path, Description, ProcessName
@BenN OK the following works. I would like to know why?
For some reason the block form of Where-Object misbehaves in the script. I do not understand
Get-Process | where {$_.Description -ne $null -and $_.Description.Contains($_match)} | select Path, Description, ProcessName
Why does this work when the other doesn't?
Sorry, my Internet went out
(Thanks Mediacom!)
oh no
You don't ask questions of the OP in an answer. That is what comments are for. – DavidPostill May 24 at 23:18
I think the $args variable is subject to scoping
A: Error trying to loop through $args in script file using range notation for loop index

Keith HillScoping issue. The $args inside the foreach-object (%) scriptblock is local to that scriptblock. The following works: "`$args: $args" "`$args count: $($args.length)" $a = $args # this fails 0..$($args.length - 1) | %{ $a[$_] = ($a[$_] -replace '`n',"`n") } $a

So it gets set to blank in the where block, but other variables remain unless shadowed
That's an interesting design decision of which I was previously unaware
@DavidPostill Sorry, my variables were a bit oddly named. You can still do it your way, just feed read-host with a description.
An extra bonus of using Where-Object's -Contains mode is that it's case-insensitive
Otherwise you need to make everything get the same capitalization, like this:
Get-Process | where {$_.Description -ne $null -and $_.Description.ToLowerInvariant().Contains($_match)} | select Path, Description, ProcessName
@BenN Thanks. That explains everything. Now I understand why I had to do a similar fiddle in my original script.
I am enlightened!
hey guys do I lose reputation when my answer gets downvoted haha
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Yes.
Yes, -2 for each downvote
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Yes.
yes I noticed I lost 2 xD
can I have negative rep
You can have a minimum of 1
Q: How does "Reputation" work?

Justin StandardOn Stack Exchange, users may gain a certain level of reputation. What does reputation do? How can a user gain or lose reputation? See also What is reputation? How do I earn (and lose) it? in the Help Center Are there any voting limits? Maximum amount of votes a user can use in ...

Thankfully, as well. I imagine being able to go negative would be a great incentive for many trolls.
@BenN @allquixotic Thanks for your insights.
you lose reputation for down voting someone's answer huh? serves 'dem right
@DavidPostill Did you want your script to be case-sensitive?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere i suspect the downvote comes from the fact you've answered an off-topic question
@MichaelFrank All sorted thanks.
@BenN I hope you don't mind, but I've added your "improved solution" to my answer (with credits).
That's great :)
"discussion is chat" → "discussion in chat"?
twitch You named your script incorrectly. D:
Unrelatedly, does anyone know how to make Notepad++ actually maximize rather than resize itself to slightly-larger-than-the-screen on startup?
@MichaelFrank ?? I had two scripts with the same name
@DavidPostill Nah, you just didn't follow the PowerShell naming convention of verb-noun.
@MichaelFrank Ah. So it should be Get-ProcessName?
@BenN interesting question....
Something else learned ...
seems like the pinned shortcut in win10 is not like a traditional shortcut
@DavidPostill Yea, technically.
@MichaelFrank Next time eh ... fixed
Either I'm always too late on responding to chat flags or these buttons are broken
anyone see the new top gear?
So basically I occasionally get a button I can press to see a mildly controversial message from somewhere and then not do anything about it
@BenN You have to be very quick. Every 10+? sees the flags
@BenN Something like that.
I only bother doing anything if it is for RA
If I'm bored I will look in the other room for some excitement ...
@DavidPostill is it usually just internet drama?
Usually it's just a potentially-offensive word, or somebody spamming image macros
You're not missing anything :)
@burgi no I simply answered a question that was looked at from the wrong angle
I am a girl
@BenN ah, image macro spamming. we NEVER get that here... >.>
@Burgi Yep. Usual stuff. Trolls/Potty Mouths/etc
you must be VERY bored ;)
@Burgi Well there's never much excitement here :p
yawns forcefully
Occasional internet drama ...
great comment burgi :D
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere not my best.... scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/108054/…
i'm so happy that ABP blocks that :)
reg query HKLM\Software\Linux\Ubuntu\CurrentVersion\Policies BUFFER OVERFLOW
reg query HKLM\Software\Microshit\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer NO MORE ENTRIES
55 upvotes? pshhhhh
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere ???
well goodbye everyone it was nice being a part of your little community.

goodbye @qwertyuiop goodbye @davidpostill goodbye @ŠtěpánBartoš goodbye @burgi goodbye @BenN goobye everyone else!
The comment Burgi linked above
Well that was... odd.
@MichaelFrank Over polite maybe. I wouldn't say it was odd.
I like that actually.
Good night guys. :)
@DavidPostill Oh, I meant the overall experience. Not the goodbye specifically.
woo! another gold badge to keep polished
@MichaelFrank Aah.
Huh... User doesn't have rep to post links so screenshots the typed up question and then uploads it to stack.imgur.
i just saw that in the edit queue
Q: Any URI protocol to URL providers?

Blus creamtext is here Thanks in advance :)

i flagged it
it also came up in my LQP queue but i can't do anything because i flagged it... which is odd
Yea, I saw it in the edit and review queues.
Eh... I wouldn't have approved that edit. It should be retyped into text if it was going to stick around. But I feel like the question should be closed.
VTC cast. One more needed.
the edit was a fair one i thought considering the question is highly likely to be deleted
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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