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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@ChatBotJohnCavil Your clock is wrong again! :p
ugh. I tried installing my friend's printer driver on a VM
Works perfectly ._.
@qwertyuiop I thought they just meant "not designed for frequent access" in marketing-speak rather than "designed for long-term storage" :P
@JourneymanGeek told you printer drivers are black magic that touch and are affected by random obscure parts of the OS and things like lunar alignment and whether your free disk space is divisible by five.
@Bob yeah, I need to ask her if doing a backup and system refresh is ok
On the bright side
Windows System State Analyzer is cool
and checkdisk on startup is annoying >:(
@Edity Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!learn userMessageReply "<msg> @Edity greets you"
@Edity Command usermessagereply learned
@Edity @Edity greets you
although I might get spammed
@Edity help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific
boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaaat, caaaat, caat, cancer, caniuse, caution, chihuahuaunravelinginsidearol
@Edity Command edity learned
@Edity I am Edity, (askubuntu.com/users/527600/edity) I am good at editing, wise-cracking Windows master, and a Windows insider. Ping me if this intrests you
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: listcommands
@Edity help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific
boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaaat, caaaat, caat, cancer, caniuse, caution, chihuahuaunravelinginsidearol
!!learn fishpun "<msg> i can't waste such a oppuTUNAty passing a fish pun"
@Edity Command fishpun learned
@Edity i can't waste such a oppuTUNAty passing a fish pun
@Edity I am Edity, (askubuntu.com/users/527600/edity) I am good at editing, wise-cracking Windows master, and a Windows insider. Ping me if this intrests you
@Edity I will shut up after 1 more invocations.
@Edity I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Edity
while its amusing, don't abuse the bot
that's totally not the syntax
@Edity Command mom learned
@Edity <msg> is in their mom's car
!!forget mom
@Edity Command mom forgotten.
"You never write, you never call...."
@TheBrownOne type !! edity (without the space)
^^^__ wisdom
@Edity we arn't sure what overloading the bot will do to performance. So, bulk adding commands, not cool. Also if you're programming the bot, people can't really talk easily and will be quiet
!!forget fishpun
@Edity Command fishpun forgotten.
just one command from me now
~663 people reached
~8.6m people reached
thats a crap ton
@Edity I am Edity, (askubuntu.com/users/527600/edity) I am good at editing, wise-cracking Windows master, and a Windows insider. Ping me if this intrests you
for somehow the chat bot pings me with no message on my main chatsite @JourneymanGeek
is that a race or a bug?
set <msg> so it direct replys to you
try it
@JourneymanGeek what if we dup the bot into askubuntu chat :O
@Edity [object Event]
(imma not bother even trying)
@Edity [object Event]
!!welcome Edity
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
o so the command was removed?
!!stats 527600|Edity
@Edity User Elusio proved elusive.
@Edity Please behave. You have been warned.
Omg @Bob printers are the worst! they always take me the longest time to fix in my workplace
so @psycogeek geuss what that smell was not from my computer! it was from the power outlet on the wall!
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere oh, well that could be good if you had a River Running Through it. (had that once, little roof leak)
@jokerdino yeah, and he probably has each one open in a tab in Firefox
@allquixotic hey, I only have four pinned tabs :P
IIRC @HackToHell has more!
@Bob btw I'm available whenever
@allquixotic cool, I'll be ready in probably 30 mins. sooo, @JourneymanGeek? :P
@qwertyuiop Thanks for that link, interesting info. I suppose I'll just go for cheapest $/GB without caring about SMR/PMR then :P
Too bad I can't do ZFS or even ReFS on Windows (client).
I hear you can do ReFS on Windows 8.1 with a Registry tweak
@BenN I'm on Win10, and I do not want to use a "registry tweak" to enable a FS I want for data integrity...
Just like I'd like dedupe, which you could enable on Win8 but then people couldn't access their data on Win10.
Who knows what a future update might break.
If there's one thing I try not to mess with, it's FSes :\
(which I kinda did while installing ZFS, bleh)
what is Re file system?
!!wiki ReFS
Resilient File System (ReFS), codenamed "Protogon", is a Microsoft proprietary file system introduced with Windows Server 2012 with the intent of becoming the "next generation" file system after NTFS. ReFS was designed to overcome issues that had become significant over the years since NTFS was conceived, which are related to how data storage requirements had changed. The key design advantages of ReFS include automatic integrity checking and data scrubbing, removal of the need for running chkdsk, protection against data degradation, built-in handling of hard disk drive failure and redundanc...
@Bob so is that when you learned that lesson (ZFS) ?
How much Teflon® (from the pans) can a person eat before food just slides out the other end Ѿ?
I feel like this guy all the time:
@allquixotic you can talk about yourself for 30 minutes straight, about "getting things done" :-) I'm listening, its saterday, go ahead and start, if you can finish by sunday.
You can read a job desription that has huge requirements , go get that job based on the requirements (and a bit of fudging the resume) and find yourself doing Telemarketing Sales for some a$$hole company nobody wanted to work for , and that is why they were Begging for people?
People are amazed at your capabilities, but never really pay you for any of it?
aint nobody got the time for that
@allquixotic a lot of people are linking that guy 0_0
I'd like to boot a linux iso in uefi, but the cd drive will not load it (virtual ide cdrom drive (ide 0:0)... unsuccessful). suggestions?
does the VM have UEFI mode as an option?
@Edity its an open source bot, so sure, you can.
@JourneymanGeek, yes, enabled and tested via firmware menu
let's boot a linux from a super big floppy
@Edity heh I'm 5 minutes in, and I'm totally relating to that
Journeyman Geek do you think I should throw out my router after power cycling it very rapidly
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere is it causing issues?
You're asking the wrong question.
Im just trolling and trying to get your attention since I think you were the one who answered my question haha
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere, alas, could not find a simpler way to make a grub2 usb stick on windows
oh I had a linux on usb before with ddsrescue it was nice until I lost the usb stick at work
trolling me is not a good way to get my attention
it did take 3 tries to get it bootable though..
clearly it worked though. perhaps I will be ignored from now on but I did get what I wanted
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Your clocks are looking fine
dang right, my clock speed is 800mhz
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek .
hihi. Just finished lunch
@allquixotic TS?
1 hour later…
@Bob Currently 7
RA,Tweet Deck,Coursera, Company Slack, Indian Tech Slack,Coursera,Azure portal
I should probably reduce this number
much work
very parallel
O_O there is a * Godmode* folder in windows techtimes.com/articles/73887/…
@Edity I am Edity, (askubuntu.com/users/527600/edity) I am good at editing, wise-cracking Windows master, and a Windows insider. Ping me if this intrests you
@Edity Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I don't think normal users are allowed to summon.
!!summon 201
its a communal command
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
O_0 it got removed
@MichaelFrank type !!edity
@Edity help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific
boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaaat, caaaat, caat, cancer, caniuse, caution, chihuahuaunravelinginsidearol
!!afk Edity is having a cup of tea
@Edity test
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: afk
@Edity wher have you been the last 10 years :-) the God (cough) control pannel access thing has been around since windows vista
@Psycogeek Edity is afk: Edity is having a cup of tea
It is very interesting sounding, but if you tried it , then go Oh, ok, well I don't nessisarily need that, and go on about life.
@Edity Command !windowsxp! learned
@Psycogeek i am in my GOD MODE
@Edity RIP Windows XP 2001-2015
More like "Thank God it's finally dead..."
should i modify: !!edity or !!!windowsxp!
@MichaelFrank try !!edity
its cool
No need, I can read what you set earlier.
@Edity I am Edity, (askubuntu.com/users/527600/edity) I am good at editing, wise-cracking Windows master, and a Windows insider. Ping me if this intrests you
!!forget !windowsxp!
@Edity Command !windowsxp! forgotten.
You should probably be good at editing and fix up the spelling mistakes in your advert. ;)
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!learn windowsxp "<msg> Thank god its finally dead.. R.I.P Windows XP 2001-2015"
@Edity Command windowsxp learned
@Edity Thank god its finally dead.. R.I.P Windows XP 2001-2015
!!learn datsprettyneat "<msg> How neat is that? That's pretty neat"
@Edity Command datsprettyneat learned
@Edity How neat is that? That's pretty neat
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: caat, caaaat, caaaaat
Q: Determine whether points lie within a cow

ben18785I would like to determine whether randomly-generated points lX = RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[{-0.4, 0.4}], {1000}]; lY = RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[{-0.2, 0.2}], {1000}]; lZ = RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[{-0.2, 0.2}], {1000}]; lPoints = Thread[{lX,lY,lZ}]; lie within a cow: ...

HNQ , weird. I suspect a 2-bit cow simulator to arrive on steam any day now
not 8 bit
!!afk Edity is sleeping... good night
2-bits=archaic term for a quarter coin or B&W image too
Probably Better to say a $1.99 cow simulator, to compete with the beloved and useless goat simulator.
2 hours later…
My friend is trying to install Ubuntu using Wubi on Win7. He got this error. I'm clueless.
@Nick You could start by reading the log file mentioned in the error message.
Wubi is a pile of crap anyway.
At least there's fewer users now. Probably because it's not really supported anymore.
Used to see a question about wubi breaking their Windows install at least once a week.
Also, you're trying to install a 4-year-old version.
Good chance the images just aren't hosted at the same place anymore.
@Bob Doesn't that depend on if it's LTS? How do you check that.
@Bob that's what I did.
@Nick LTS means the OS itself (and presumably package repo) are still supported. It does not mean that the initial images are in the same place, nor that they will work with newer machines (or host OSes in Wubi's case, though it claims to 'support' Win7)
@qwertyuiop Yea, the 5 TB PMR ones are slightly cheaper for externals this time around :P
Basically it sustains 150-200MB/sec in ideal conditions and 40-50MB/sec or so in bad conditions. Perfectly fine for backup use, or media hosting or whatever.
@qwertyuiop No data corruption in the last two years?
Yob probably wouldn't want to use it as an OS drive
I guess ZFS would tell you.
@Bob tbh I've never had any silent corruption on anything since my 10 year old Seagate e drives.
Lol my phone autocorrected Seagate to Seagrave
Eh, worth a shot. That's what the warranty's for :P
I bought the 8TB ones cause they were by far the cheapest £ per TB
@qwertyuiop Speaking of, my current 5 TB external only does ~50 MB/s on one USB hub anyway. Not like I'd be missing out on much with the new one :\
19 hours ago, by Bob
8 TB is 225 USD, 5 TB is 130 USD... hey, the 5 TB one is actually cheaper right now o.O
The external 8 TB ("Backup Plus") is actually cheaper than the internal ("Archive") one.
And again the Archive drives are supposedly part of Seagate's enterprise/datacentre range so they're supposed to be better than consumer drives for data integrity anyway
@Bob Hmm, not entirely unheard of.
Backblaze do have a habit of buying external drives when they're cheaper and ripping the drives out to use them in internal arrays
@qwertyuiop Eh, given that they're cheaper than the equivalent desktop one, I really suspect that they're simply slower (/not suitable for desktop use) and are branded archive to make that sound better :P
Significantly cheaper.
Some 15-20%.
@Bob Well I've always been of the opinion "Enterprise" drives were snake oil. But that aside.
It's still (before it became available in external enclosures) supposed to be a datacentre product.
Heh. I'd like HGST or even WD, but they cost quite a bit more.
I have no trouble trusting it anyway.
For storing old backups? Ehhhh, not the end of the world if they do die.
They're no more likely to die than any other SATA drive imo. And in my case I have ZFS with single parity on my backup array so any oddities would be detected/fixable.
And yeah I'm using them for backups too, hence sometimes I randomly wipe one of the drives while benchmarking. And don't really worry.
My backup drives are just a large assortment of external HDDs :\
Whichever is cheapest when I felt like expanding them.
Never really bothered to set up anything complex.
My backups run into the tens of terabytes so I have an array for them.
I mean, I could spend more and get some matched drives and a low power box (NUC?). That'd even give me ZFS or ReFS.
Oh it's not complex. There isn't even a backup script.
But it's so much work that I'd just put it off forever :P
Don't you already have a zfs box?
@qwertyuiop Ouch.
@qwertyuiop My server hosted by OVH way over in Canada, yea.
Ah. So nothing at home.
I'm not about to update GBs of backups per day at 1 Mbit/s.
@Bob Eh, I backup my 72TB ZFS array onto a 40TB ZFS array of 8TB archive drives.
I wouldn't mind having some kind of 'cloud' backup for offsite but my upload speed kills those plans before they really start.
@qwertyuiop Yeaaaa... I'd have to find the space to put something always-on at home. Which I should do sometime so I can back up my laptops properly o.O
At least my backup array is only 5 drives. So its reasonable to physically unplug them for airgapped protection.
@qwertyuiop That's an order of magitude more space than I have :P
@Bob that's one of the major advantages of the 8TB archive drives. You require a lot fewer slots so can use a much smaller box/enclosure
I think I'm up to... ~20 TB total space? Spread over an assortment of 2 TB drives.
That's why I went with 5 really. I have a 19 drive array in my 24 slot chassis. 40TB of backups in the spare slots without having to build/assemble a second box.
@qwertyuiop True. But given the choice between spending the money on, say, a GTX 1080 or a NAS, I'd take the former right now :P
<= Am I the only person with no interest in a GTX 1080 at all?
Personally I'm waiting for a GTX 1180 or Fury 2X2
@qwertyuiop Well, I'm interested in it, the same way I was interested in a 980: because my current 760 is starting to show its age. But I'll be waiting for some OEM-customised cards to come out, at a minimum. And might decide to skip that in favour of upgrading the mobo + CPU.
Basically, HBM.
@Bob As an upgrade from a 760 a 1070 would be much better value for money
@qwertyuiop True. But that's basically how I went from a 560 to a 760: value for money.
I want a flagship card! :P
Might end up with a 1070 anyway :P
May 7 at 8:18, by Bob
3 hours ago, by Bob
Hm. I might be looking at a 1070, depending on how benchmarks go.
1080 Tu!
Ti *
1080 is crazy expensive compared to how much I've spent on GPUs in the past.
It's also crazy expensive compared to a 1070
My last flagship purchase was the HD 5870
Local is... $780 for a 1070, $1180 for a 1080.
...that's more than the S7 Edge.
That wasn't a bad purchase tbh. It remained relevant for 5 years. And was so short on stock it was retailing for $50-100 more than I paid for 6 months afterwards
(well, more after the S7 cashback thingo)
There's people trying to sell 1080's on eBay for $1500+ AUD due to stock shortages too
@qwertyuiop What're you on now?
I have a watercooled and overclocked GTX 970 atm
@qwertyuiop Yea, it's listed as out of stock everywhere. Good thing I'm not in any particular hurry.
@qwertyuiop Oh, nice.
Waiting for the next gen makes much more sense for you than it does for me :P
To be fair the 1080 is twice as fast as my card. But still not fast enough to feed my 120Hz display at 4K DSR
@qwertyuiop there's no electrical interface that can do that yet
@qwertyuiop I'm not. My 980TI does what I want it to do
@JourneymanGeek Err, HDMI and displayport both do it just fine.
DP 1.3 happy does 4K-120+. Which is beside the point since DSR only requires a 1080p output anyhow.
@qwertyuiop DP1.3 isn't really out yet, no?
DP 1.3 came out in 2014.
DP 1.4 is the "isn't really out yet" one
But the 1080 supposedly supports it and can be firmware upgraded to do it.
> 1.4 Edit
DisplayPort version 1.4 was published March 1, 2016.[20] No new transmission modes are defined, so HBR3 (32.4 Gbit/s) as introduced in version 1.3 still remains as the highest available mode. DisplayPort 1.4 adds support for Display Stream Compression 1.2 (DSC), Forward Error Correction, HDR extension defined in CTA-861.3, the Rec. 2020 color space, and extends the maximum number of inline audio channels to 32.[21]
That explains it. Just the same DP 1.3 physical signalling with some extra software jiggery-pokery on top
> DisplayPort 1.4 can support 8K UHD (7680×4320) at 60 Hz with 10-bit color and HDR, or 4K UHD (3840×2160) at 120 Hz with 10-bit color and HDR.
Huh I wonder if that's why the Dell 4K 120Hz 10-Bit monitor was delayed
(So they could update the interfaces so it actually allows you to use every feature of the monitor at the same time)
I might have HNQed
I did
Since DP 1.3 could only give you 4K120 8 bit or 4K60 10 bit or 2K120 10 bit
I don't usually handle flags on my own posts. Someone commented about me forgetting something, and I mentioned "Yeah, looks like my train of thought got derailed" and fixed the post. Got flagged as obsolete ;p
@HackToHell no you didn't
other than you mean that guy's beard eats small children
I should !!no you for him :P
@JourneymanGeek You knocked me off the list :/
@DavidPostill I didn't expect that to HNQ ;p
@JourneymanGeek I didn't expect mine either :p
(and you're still ahead on the leagues anyway, least for week/month/(quarter?))
@JourneymanGeek #4, #2, #1, and #1 year :p
But I want my 50K (so close) ;)
I wouldn't mind more repcaps (for my elusive legendary badge) and of course, my 100K ;p
Same here. I'm just over half way for Legendary.
oh, the last one's in thailand
More from the Windows Start Screen :)
Khao Phing Kan (Thai: เขาพิงกัน) or Ko Khao Phing Kan (เกาะเขาพิงกัน) is an island in Thailand, in Phang Nga Bay northeast of Phuket. About 40 metres (130 ft) from the shores of Khao Phing Kan lies a 20-metre (66 ft) tall islet called Ko Tapu (เกาะตะปู, pronounced [kɔ̀ʔ tapuː]) or Khao Tapu (เขาตะปู [kʰǎw tapuː]). The islands are limestone tower karsts and are a part of Ao Phang Nga National Park. Since 1974, when it was featured in the James Bond movies The Man with the Golden Gun and Tomorrow Never Dies, Khao Phing Kan has been popularly called James Bond Island. == Etymology == Khao Phing Kan...
@JourneymanGeek You been there?
my parents mostly brought us to india for vacations
never been anywhere in the region but malaysia
Heh. I've only gone to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Been wanting to visit the U.S. for a while.
Maaaybe Europe (no particular country in mind... UK? Germany?).
But those are literally a world away.
Went to australia once for a wedding
and some family events since there's a branch there
Which city?
sydney ;p
Now I'm wondering what the chances of having met one of them in a city of several million is :P
you'd never know tho ;p
@qwertyuiop That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!! Bob
@qwertyuiop That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Users please refrain from spamming via the use of cat images in this chatstream.
Yes doggies are allowed I like those. nice pet journeyman!
@qwertyuiop what is in your profile image is that a kitty? with googly eyes?!
wow who starred "trolling me is not a good way of getting my attention" it's a lie because I only got your attention through trolling., now Im being ignored!
someone clearly got your attention by trolling you
> "Occasionally it comes out that software in banking systems is written in Cobol and is 30 years old, but it is still used because it is reliable and still works," he said.
"Would you rather have a system that is proven to work or a machine running Windows 10?" he asked.
Hi? :)
As usual, I've got a question. As unusual though, it's about HW - if I'm too off-topic, just stop me.
Got Asus N56VV notebook, and some time ago my battery indication stopped working.
And by that I mean my ntb has no idea whether it's charged fully or not. Usually it lasts about 5-10min on battery and then dies without noticing it's running out of battery.
It's quite a time ago, I was already prepared to buy a new one, but then you guys came to my mind - guess I won't lose anything by asking you, and perhaps you could save my money with a better advice than just "buy a new battery".
Soooo, that. Any ideas?
I know virtually nothing about hardware, so my first reaction would be to buy a new battery :)
If you wait a while, somebody more knowledgeable about such things will probably come around
Buy a new battery.
@Bob So is Australia (for me). But I've been there (twice), and New Zealand (at least 6 times).
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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